Show HOW TO TELL ROOSTER EGGS FROM HENS EGGS thure is u jot lot about hens and their that people dont suspect re marked a castle valley peddler a few diye days since tor por instance hera here la Is au egg that would ba a rooster if it were luit bute ebed hed aud hero Is one that would de e a hen lien how do I 1 know I 1 learned it by long with eggs and their aho senall end of it liena mill vill bo le smooth as marble or wrinkled like it i nutmeg pc popl 11 buy eggs that are r tinkled nak leil bc rrtH klen they sat ate ft it eure sure sigu of nt that Is tri but not when on to eggs A egg with a wrinkled small eul end simply malca us that it holds a A tien lien id la always 1 wi v at I 1 iid t it nip the egl v it h a smooth end t ihn lim inter barmer gets 1 in goul WOO in tho following quit I 1 hi in ru would bo be tower fower brohn broh n do it 11 buil in 1 gad sad imaged farmers a 1 in stith if it the farrR ers themselves would art to inora to tako take the tile burden from the women just because it la Is tile L in some cou atries for the tile to milk the cow clean thal Att stubla ble chop tile wood and slop tho hoga hogs Is no u why farhit shoun do so such ia is tho the among true azicri call and the foreigner in this country who loor wife to do such buell outdoor door 1 is untie fur for american cit elt Iza I 1 lie american bartner who puts auch th shingi ing ingi i upon iia alta it not a true man twan sain whitmore hie fists brought in jill tion edli b 1 s in the district omart at halt luke city seeking to arf th atin 4 united states smelting c and the bingham copper nd matwig company froin from l heir their plant at Mi o 0 array lie elva 4 the th capo rution giov ver mi option of buying hie his fulwil tia julues at 15 in tim t tit U a wilt will ciure to dismiss tho the 1 |