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Show r t - The War Today . . -- - - By DeWitt Mackenzie I .. - With the clocks of half, - the - world standing still in the affairs of governments and men, await, ing the outcome of the battle fore German survival between the , and British empires, Herr Hitler has as yet given no indication of when or how he intends to he strike the blow by which hopes to "annihilate" Ent5lan..d. Word from , this Berlin, " morning was t that the "zero 1 1 -. Pafre 21 - - i' , ' .. - ' . 1 ' , I i .4 . ; 1 . '''''"' - -- , - , . . , ' , , . , , 4 , . , ' ' 1 , - ,,,. , , , ,, 2., , , ' ,,,, - ,,...,.. $, - a.....,. -- N4 a 1 ."... - ' ' . i ; '''' ,. I t Is clear .. -- A,', 1 ., , 1 0 v- , ., A , ' '' 1 ,t4 , 1 -- ,, i ' the English people don't in tend , to dis-- ', 'avow the leadership of Pre. Irder Winston Churchill and the accept , Nazi . et.t.er- ns -- - - t . b- -,, - - ' ' ,:- ' - -k... ''' ' - ' , - , ' v . ' ., -, ri I. A T.:: . ( - -- 0 sr)i ' i '4 , ' 1 ,),,,V . ., , A. .. , 011kimbs From Nazi Planes These London school children drop to the floor and hold their hands over their necks and ears hi an air raid drill, manenverordered hytheboard of leducation an practice casebombnaredroppedfiuddenlyinthek fichooLarea, The orders are for the youngstere to get away from wIndow.1 and lie on the floor.---(A- P WIrephoto.) ..... perplexed-over-the-appar- - London Despitellienace Ofinvasion Alteration In i ent failure of the- (Democratic National) convention to understand that he watt offering himself as a candidate for the pres, , idential nomination not because - he expected to get it, but , - - t... 7.;,::!:',.1,'';:!1!:,::. 1 k ....... :::: - n n 0 Up10-200,00- -- -- bat-lotti- con-ger- pro-Na- air-rai- d -- - Hu11- -- . :iHi air-rai- , re Defense . . Scientists Take. 1,500 Photos Of Venus Sunsets , - ' ' ' ' I Japan Seaman 1 f Nam ft .4 11 ,IL Arrested Upon Narcotic Charge 111 - one-thir- peace-seekin- I . 11111 us-Ion- g 4 6r, bullets. - Torrid Waves Export Bank Boost Asked WASHINGTON, July 22.L(AP) President Roosevelt asked Congress today to increase the lend Ing power of the Export-Impor- t bank by- - $500,000,000 so that it might be "of greater assistance to our neighbors south of the Rio Grande? In a special message coincident with the Pan American Confer- ence at Havana, Mr. Roosevelt said that war in Europe was pre- venting the flow of surplus prod- ucts from the Western Herniaphere to their normal markets. "It is to be hoped," he said. "that before another year world but. trade can be pending this adjustment, we in the United States should join with the peoples of the other Re. publics of the Western Hemisphere in meeting their problems. I call attention of Congress to the fact that by helping our neigh, hors we will be helping our- From Heat ' CHCAGO. July 22.(AP)No immediatettelief was in prospect today from- the midsummer heat wave which has engulfed most of the nation for the past three days. Only two sections of the cou- nti7Northern New England and scattered points in the Upper Great Lakesescaped the pppressive heat which caused death to scores of persons by prostrations and drowning& More than three score persons drowned as millions flocked to beaches and lakes seeking relief from the blistering heat wave. Deaths caused from the heat claimed another score ot more. Abnormally high temperatures prevailed yesterday in most of the Middle West and portions of the Middle Atlantic States, while the weather bureau said readings were about -esnormal throughout the Southern--Statand the Ohio Valley. The top marks of the dayillwere recorded in Needles.. Calif., - and Yuma. Ariz., while three other citiesPhodnix selves. King- and 105. respectively. Baltimore sweltered in 100 degree temperature; Cincinnati had Columbus 97; Washington, 96; and Detroit, 94; Cleveland and Chicago, 93. The North Central States, scorched as temperatures soared in the high nineties--- - in most cities and touched 103 at Huron and 102 at Rapid City, both in South Dakota. - -the Today's temperatures, weather bureau forecast, generally would equal or better yesterday's high marks. The bureau's only prediction for relief was that there might be local thunder showers. Chinese interests have established air mail and passenger services linking Chungking. China, with Rangoon-Burma- - ', -- tt 4 .." (knit Member Nam N. - , -,,, , .. SCBSCRIPTION RATES - I The abova rates apply ho. Nevada and Wyoming. AU other states $1 month. ,,,, .., ,- 1"'''ti4tk4 - - e. - 4 - Drying REDUCTIONS , ... , . , , - . . - , -,- . , -- 7. 4, - I , -- - 01 - , Up?-- 450 Ida- AS MUCH AS r . ... 40 - cRANIT FURNITURE ' yurT f CO. ri - oit"LlIrh 111111111111111r d Froin aati 1:i 0 llo L"111 ji k i !le -- - Largest Stocks in the City to Chose - , t la your nose dry and Itchy -- due to - ---- -excessive dryness or dust in the air Does the lining of your nostrils feel Irritated , and ''tight"? You can relieve this condi. - e I Lion in the following easy way: ' "; : -' Just apply Mentholatum in the now. trill:. It will soothe the irritated mucous ,. membrane, keep it moist, and make your breathing easier. You will feet laz more .. comfortable. Mentholatum la equally beneficial for sunburn, windburn, and cracked lips. Ask for it at any drug counts. Jars or tubes, 30ta (AdvJ LIEL201Z1LSAILE inter-Americ- - 1 .. OU SE conomtc--suborslina-- , , o& - ,Mm.. , n 41 - of The Audit Bureau of Circulations.. Ono month Six months (paid in advance) One year (paid in advance) - ,,., ; Is our ose Erb limbed Alternoons Except Entered at- - the postoflica et Salt Lake City as second class matter an--. cording - to Act- of Congress. March & -- 404 4' . cargo-passeng- 8. - . "It ds in the interest of the producers of other American countries, that there shall not be a disorganized or cutthroat market in those commodities which we all export. "No sensible person would ad- vocate an attempt to prevent the normal exchange of commodities between other continents and the Americas, but what can and should be done is to prevent exlessive,auctuation caused by distressed selling resulting from interruption in the flow of 'trade, or the fact that there has not yet beenre-estab- lished a system of free exchange. Unless exporting companies are able to assist their nationals, they will be forced to bargain as best they can." Tucsonhad readings 108 of 110, ' - Half Billion Power Only Few Spots Free Arizona -- President Would Add Sweep Nation man and 1 , I N' ' I, ,,,' hine-gun 3-1oot ' 7. men.-Applyi- , n ':: - -- ., Robert' 31. Thomison, a FIL, attorney, is shown with his model of a aparachute cabin,"' bullet proof and 'capable Of holding twenty for a patent, the inventor says the cabin could be dropped from a plane and parachuted to earth, covering itself with a hail of mac- - Herald-America- .0.., :. - Polish-America- ,.). - Inventor - d .,,,,"' ..,..,,,..:,:::.. Rumania Rule BY MILO THOMPSON - French Issue Loan Decrees e - -- - I .--. rallying point for delegates who believe that the best terests of this country would-b- e ' a LONDON, July music, quips as preserved if presidents serve to the danger of German bomb.hitS, and winner-take-al- l ) sweepnot more than two successive Irv-- Reported Over Note New Promises - , alarms are spicing the monotony of terms. stake draws on air-rai-d "They described him also as Italian City To Test German England under aerial siege.,being surprised over the action While scattered bombers raked most of some of the party's 'After Raid the Island, I set out to survey Pledges prominent leaders in rushing for the war- time life of Britons seats on the Roosevelt bandwagCAIRO, July BUCHAREST, July 22.Ru- IV'qhuoamki nV elrliii:1aenr tdgrsec ar iths ea nacst on after having predicted the of newly-womania's at to the Italian pledges Libyan damage Rome-Berliparty would be doomed in Noso from the fearful of "fifth support columnists" vember if the third term issue port of Tobrik and, the nearby . axis are about to receive their that sometimes shoot each they tossed to the Republicans. airdrome of El Gubbi in weekend first test, it was reported here-toda- y, were Made 'To other. Senators Barkley and Byrnes, in a raids was reported-toda- y as a result of a note from I went into a rural dance hall and Speaker Bankhead were deon the exact spot which was a Moscow emphasizing Russian InBritish communique. Reopen Bourse over scribed as "broken-hearteTh0 communique said: ---- -y target ot German raiders in the terest- in a- - "popular- - governMr. Roosevelt's flat refusal ev"Tobrik and El Gubbi airdrome last war. The door opened into a ment" for King Carol's ITIOVICHY, July 22.(AP)A se- en to consider them" for the vice suffered vestibule and, drawing aside-lie-s narchy considerably nearby of decrees granting loans to dark presidential nomination, and the ' Authoritative-Rumania- ns the heavy blackout curtains, I from raids by RAF - bombers dursaid added story private industry and certain colowitnessed a strange spectacle. ing the weed-end- . the Soviet note was received Satthat as a result of the president's, Three fires were started at El tiles and rectifying the exchange Instead of solemn groups hudRuand that urday yesterday Insistence that Secretary of Agri. died in gloom, saw scores of manian Gubbi am a result of the bombing, Mi: rate for the French and Belgian Foreign Minister culture Wallace be his running one being seen over 60 miles couples executing a lively form the haik met Maniolescu with the weri franc enacted mate "the convention was a today by of Harlem swing on the dance German and Italian ministers at away, retain government as a part of floor, while a band played Ameri- - a resort On the Black Sea. powder keg that might blow in"Tobruk shipping was damto open insurrection on the vice can Jazz hits. Men Its reconstruction program. reaged,), fires were caused on a after grouped King Carol, shortly unless some restrainwas -presidency a direct bit and regisjetty of the note, was said to francs May Loans I steppedougtside, - expectlYng. ceipt ing influence, such as Mrs. tered on a large crane. with Vice Premier Gen. have met for industries be made were emdarkness. Intsead, the - blacked-thre- e Mihail- - lonescu,---War-targets at Bardia, Minister-- - Itoosevelt might wield, months to enable them to out street scene was brilliantly ployed. eastern Libyan port, also were atNicolescu Gen. Constantine and Roosevelt's Mrs dramatic tacked successfully. flare Chief of Staff Florea Tyenescu. pay salaries and buy indispensa-- . eerily lit by a parachute to and her appearto Chicago flight earth. "The enemy carried out bombdrifting here assumed Observers raW bie materials. they ance before the convention' fol. Far I could hear the discussed the new Rumanian deIng, raids on Sidi Barran!, Sol(The French franc is not at drone above, the vice presidential nom. lum. Mersa and Matruh and Fuka. Jafplanes and still came fense system in the East, set up lowing exon the foreign present quoted illations and the blare of the jazz band and since Russian prior to the 'There were no RAF casualties occupation of change market. Previously this the sound of stamping was responsible for the feet. and damage was very slight. BessaraBucovina and a northern from year, however, it ranged prevention of the threatened ex"In the Sudan. RAF bombers Though hone knew what might bia June 28. high of 2.26 cents on Jan. 29 to a come, motorists cheerfuly utilizplosion, the story said, and the said Premier Ion sources These pressed home a determined attack low of 1.73 !day 10), ed the light of the flares to find on the Ashara airdrome and aut subsequent nomination of C and of 500,000,000 government Advances igurtu's their parked cars. The light also was was Bombing buildings. Rusrounding Moscow I that advised francs were of 100,000,000 matter fact, suspect by As a granted disclosed T that the home guard accurate and direct bits were regsia wished to improve her - relathat England wouldn't be an. respectively to Algeria and Tu. and a - group of three nisia -on istered precautions groups felt Rumania and with tions a in a make did to gesassure good supply -were on the alert. happy if Spain and buildings. this could be accomplished by , 'tare which would permit the.. hangers A factory wqrker told me that " "All OW' aircraft returned safe- - these colonies. British fleet to extend the Through an arrangement with his plant nearby has an electric formation of a "popular governly. ment." the Belgian government, 500 Belt blockade to that eountry. .Oil clock system which stops the be(Continued From Page One) airdrome, "Barettu midway Under Russian auspices and and other vital supplies are reangian francs were made equal to alarm sounds, ment Kassala and Massawa, tween occuRussian 722 francs. be French throneh following military to palming orderly marketing of accumulatported and that the workers have sweep--(Th- e so was attacked. ed surpluses of those commodi, Spain to Germany and Italyw Belgian franc, like the stakes in which they draw the pation of Latvia, Estonia and ties which are of primary import "peoples' Lithuania, French franc, Is no longer quoted, since the defeat of France al. minutes in at an hour sixpense to the maintenance of the ' lowed the Nazis to move over governments" were set up in 10 cents) each. Hit. but It ranged in value from 17.10 British- reply to the (about big economic bfe of the American re-- .. to 16.52, cents tluring. 1940.) the Spanish border.- -At a London private ballroom; the three Baltic countries, Their. ler'S 'peace ultimatumsurrenderThe finance ministry In a comWhile a delay in the grand or be annihilated. Few English. publics, whenever such action I found a gay "flannel dance" in parliaments voted yesterday to into the Soviet becomes necessary. munique invited banks, exchange called because it is seek admission onslaught against England is men could reject this "offer" progressso "3. Development of commodity and insurance companies to attend in cricket Union:possible, on the other hand Hit with firmer language than agencies permissible Meanwhile Bucharest newspato return to Paris as soon as poslee may give the signal at any agreements with a view to asor boating flannels. Minister Lord Halifax, Foreign ' moment for the massed air at-- I whom Premier Churchill select. sible, declaring that plans were pers carried reports that the suring equitable terms of trade An interesting sidelight of the for both producers and consumtack which England has been war is the education It is giving Moscow radio, after numero being made to reopen the Bourse. ed to reiterate that Britain in. rinance Minister Yves Boutilattacks on Rumania, suddenly' ers of the commodities concernears. promised. There is no bluff in tends to fight to a finish. RuOf ed. had swung to support lier announced he would leave the constant threats from Bet'. Listening for the distinctive mania Lord Halifax was one of the - "4. Consideration of methods In her territorial dispute for Paris today to lin that the most terrible-warfabeat of German mo-- , first to advertine that Britain heterodyne -with Hungary over Transylvania. for improving the standard of livhis department there. the world has ever seen will tors in the sky, one becomes supwas out to "crush Hitlerism." be unleashed unless the British (In Tarnono, Bulgaria, Preand ing gif the peoples of the Amerito sounds, ersensitive I have talked with the foreign announced Philoff cas. Including public health measmier Bogdan on laid kind are the eurrenden , German about wagers the many minister that Bulgaria hoped ure nutrition studies, and suiton a distant yesterday of That attack is almost certain. vehicle doubt and no have passing Fuehrer, " And should it succeed In dynaable organizations for the relief road or the number of planes in to realize her territorial theclaims, of the depth of the foriner'n beRudistribution of some part of any which include part of a flight somewhere far overhead. miting the English people into lief that thin la the only way (Continued From Page One) Dobruja, surplus commodities: submission. the invasion with The slogan of the English is manian Province of out for England. There "not by war or arms but by WARNS OF COMPLACENCY cheerful." "Be infantry presumably would folkeep ready, Halifax isl one of the striking - military pervice bill. t,. are' - Secretary Hull said it has been low. It is generally understood peaceful Means and through, plent 3' of signs they are doThe navy disclosed personalities of his country. In today clear that our naboth "increasingly that Germany, is prepared with all his actions he is impelled by were that four destroyers being tions must not blind themselves boats and other equipment convictiori. and strong religious so fitted out for use of the Marine. Into fatal complacencyas throughout the entire length of there burns in his deep.set eyes nations have done to their n efforts to the coastal region she occupies, many Corps, evidencing I as such a was fire to imagine the mortal sorrowregarding from northern - Norway clear be seen in the eyes of our Puri. speed creation of a "minute man" down to Brest in France. possibility of attack against them tan forefathers. He is a man expeditionary force ready for any One would scarcely have exfrom without or of externally hemisphere emergency. whom you would expect to follow directed attempts from within The destroyers are World War. peeted any great operation - nd.-- his beliefs to the end.- their national to undermine warships, recently recommission. The four planetary "explorand to subvert their PASADENA, Calif., July 22. ed after years of Idleness. Naval-circlestrength chief said their ers' problem, cherished social and political inunderstood would be I LIFE'S LIKE THAT (AP)Four young scientist was to prevent the - blinding By Fred Neher converted into highthey stituttions, or both." speed transhave returned from a mOuntainfrom sun of the blotting conglare he nationS," "Too armed and many equip. ports, specially oat- - Venus entirely. They did top camp with 1,500'photographs ''have only recently paid tinued, ped to put ashore advance forces Venus. in Planet on the said, this sunsets by part. they a tragic price for confidently at any hemisphere point where of - aluminum probablynot-morereeting- - a hostilities threatened. 'reliance for their aafetyplacing had tower astronomers sunshade a dozen than adjustable by and security solely upon clearly at...,4 At the same time officials said ' dur-observed the ropes. phenomenon dethe Marine Corps has rapidly ' - 4 expressed desire to remain at -71 ar '''. been increased to a strength of ing the last 200 years. They unequivocally proupbn peace, u .., scribed the photographs as the 28.000 officers and lc tr claimed neutrality, upon scrupulapproximately ., of series picsuccessful . tt" ous - avoidance- - of proVocation. men, with the 34,000 goal in first if 0 tures of the sunsets ever made. L,., sight. Conquerors, invaders and derecord-wastartThe . pictorial The fleet Marine iorce, subet ignore or brush asidestroyers ill ObservaLowell at ed last year to first orders for over reasons such as these." ject B. J. Ariz.., , by seas service, Is being expanded tory, Flagstaff, To protect American nations giro EdsonEdson and three other d "the fate that has already by the formation of two - against the at Califorstudents new heavily armed defense battagraduate befallen so many other peace-lovin- g tit --t, tv -22. of Institute nia SAN FRANCISCO, July TechnologyJ. lions. and ' In addition to Richard. Canright III Winget. the destroyer. declared wisdom and prufATIA Japanese seaman arErnest and Wrightcamped dence "require that we have itt transports, converted commercial iested Saturday aboard the for two weeks on Lookout vessels are to be- made a part of our hands adequate means of dewas of Nanman Maru, southeast miles 80 freighter Mountain, the overseas force, informed fense." at as .. for todwr held here, taking daily pictures ' COOPERATION questioning FULL zi: 4.' FOR congressmen understood. The lin16111r. the Smithsonian Solar Observa authorities investigated what er Itiquois and the a review of the economic In :'''' ' IA k': tory. Japanese effects of the European war, he they described as a ship Normacpen were acThe expedition, saki Edson, narcotics .smuggling ring. which quhed last week, by the navy said the American nations should ::,4 $ A V4A,,k,,( the with coincide was to an ' was timed American uncovered by for undisclosed 'purposes. undertake "the fullest measures ' ' ''' It 4.-' red sunset Woman. glow : of economic cooperation. so deThe navy's intention. Informed phenomenona 10. 10.11 ' ', I officials confiscated in Federal the upper atmosphere planet's members and so conducted as to is to signed reported, -, 14' N,' visible only when Venus is a large , quantity of narcotics A serve the best interests of each maintain a high state of readinot ' 41 .,,,,,4AJA,,, but aboard found the directly a almost, ness quite, ship. , ( nation and to bring injury to seagoing version of Ger.. between the earth and the sun. Paul E. Madden, chief of the none." fast moving armored many's AA Edson said they saw Venus California narcotics enforcement land divisions. Ships would he Th6 American nations, by -t. , ,,,t tt . :f as a thin was silves, oetscent, the l division, said the seizure with fully together. he said, "camequipped. artillery. ---working '11111141V each toward bent which horns of the since last fourth March, de..tanks economic of a build and special boats for quick system 4,41,-Aother until the planet-- was when the Woman: :Informant. so they could sail. ss fense that will enable each- - of landings as a delicate ring of light, whose identity he shielded "for soon :444--- themarinesmarched them to safeguard itself from the --Tian aboard. gersmot a gigantic .!,!clust bowl.uthanges flee information about the tion from abroad and of eco-in the dim "arms" of' Venus, smugglers. nomic distress at home." Other consignments of illicit Hull asserted the twilight permitted calculatkma , .... of the height to which the at, ,, . narcotics were found in New system "carries no implica111111(11E5RoAciEK0E0J extends above the York, Seattle and Tacoma. t tion of aggression and no threat mosphere,, ,,. dust. Madden said to any nation" but Is based sole"many niore sticks to mochas The pictures show that the at. II suspects" were under surveilly on a policy of and watar bugs, h carried to young t ir71:tet the' lance and that through coopera- "It resembles in no way regionisonme W and ego In netts. KILLS AIX in mospheric ceiling above ,il Om Posommit . "IllimpAtt 116112 . 6,0- dust. sAiti Edson jumps- up and - tion- - of the State Department in al policies,recently ems application. 23 cents. Guaranteed: pursued can't tell - -- - No down - from- only a few hundred you what I wisp to see him about... it's'a-N :expected ,"the other parts of Wa5h4ngtonhe Gat results. Pay. Riddance, ' -, feet to more than 25,000 feet, inarrest of these Japanese in 1 .tuilltiu7 secret, pretend to invoke our - Got DOOM.. Gat rid al these pests. the Oirent," Aitaiing violent weather. systemas precedent." i ,. . .; , . - - , -- Gay Life Continnes Russ Suggest To Libya Port I ::: some---wha- In ..P.MOOMPP. British Claim Heavy Damaffe :: z; - st .3 Herald-America- - I; ---s., , - BERLIst,', July 22. Failure of one American ambulance driver to obtain funds for his passage home is resulting detention of the entire crew of Yankee volunteers captured by Germans. , The fundless driver is Marcus Joseph Clark. He was teported missing. for several weeks, but Nazi officials found him in a prison camp and brought him to another camp near Dreeden, where all but one of the drivers '4 have been assembled. :-(New York records of the volunteer drivers list Clack's first name as "Marquis," give no as to his home The embassy is cabling the State Department in an attempt to get funds for his release from , ambulance the Corps.. If successful, the entire group Including George 17...J King of Providence, R. L; Donald O. Cost- er, Montreal and New York; Murray Shipley, Cincinnati; Lt. Louis Wehrle, Berne, and.; Albert Ray- ' Lawrence mond, Chicago, and Jump, a native- - of Oakland, Calif.will be released on condition they be sent. to the. United States immediate-1y, Transportation and other expenses would amount to about' $500 per man. John Clement, Wayland, Mass., and Gregory H. Wait, Shelburne, Vt., also have been found. But they presumably are somewhere in France, bound for Lisbon, after their release by German authorities at Brussels. They have their American passports. , It Ambulance Drivers Unable To Leave Germany - 4., so,,, , , ' .;.: ,,,,,,,,.. ., Mackenzie Biitish-Schoolboyi-Alvait-Bitr- , last-minu- p ,, 1... , 7 ' - ' - r:17 ( i 1 - - - 1 Povértr- o.14s Up o I un teers -- - a7 011e Atember s n ,v. . , ' General' James A. CHICAGO,- July his from that President Roosevelt hand will resignation Farley office at the cabinet meeting hyWashington next,Friday.-:ThChicago'Herald-Americastated In a copyright story ,today. , , ' Mayor Edward J. Kelleye'of r ' ..,,, . , . Faras boomed is Chicago, being ' -, "..,, ley's successor, the story added. ''''''''';''''''''..,.:Z:7 . Farley, accompanied by his ' ''.,.,....0eP"0"' 0! .04.-two daughters. left Chicago late ...: ,-4,- -777'..''' N T today for New York.. : ,:, Through his, secretary, who ,; t ', :. stated the postiaster ipmeral was extremely busy cleaning up "'::,::::,,::::' business at Democra- ' S. .7.' :tic National Convention head. :, - to...t.,..0., disto declined ,tplartcrs,Farley cuss the HeraldAmerican story, i ,It. .? ', :''''' as did Mayor Kelly. I , ,I.,.. . Farley will not make public his v z.:,, n the ,01, ,V,N resignation, said. "This news will have to .7, ' .. ily...., 1." be given the public by the presi .',' :1"::; 112- ..: :.!: :.,,,.:.:.::;: Went." t ,4 Intimates of Farley, the story tcontinued, "said he was , 22,-19- 40 ,...., e .. r chief-DeWi- tt ' tain's "final of peace. Then the blast will come. However. while 'there is much talk of Invasion of Britain, actu; ally the only thing we are sure ' 4 air- - is of is that the war of-t- he to continue, undoubtedly with iii Steadily increasing intensity. The Invasion may comeis almost sure, I should say, if it proves feasiblebut it certanlly must have as its forerunner a tremen----dobombardment of the British, from the air. Ies --the Nazi strata" TT Meantime, aft - attacks, such as are of egy sow proceeding, is designed to briog victory irrespective of - ' whether troops can be landed In England. It Is calculated to destroy ainews of war in Britt - aim impose a starvation block., ads on that country by dogtrot-tion on. shipping, and smash the morale of the population. The present caliber of operasome tions might continue for axis time, giving the Berlin-Rom' a chance to see if they can crack Britain's bold on the Mediterramean. These two operations would and it is ,- complement each other, axis may dequite possible the . cide that there must be -at least a partial solution of the- Mediter4 ranean problem as a preliminary , assault on England to the all-oproper. This might take the form of the an attack on Gibraltar, with If ' - this cooperation of Spain.naval base,great fortress and ' , which controls the western trance t0 the Mediterranean, -,could be capturid or. rendered useless to the British, it would ease the pressure on Italy greatdiverly and create a dangerous sion which would tend to weaken i the British home defense& The Britions are making preptheir big tratiOnS to defend rock to a finish. This in itself Is recognition of the danger in the threat. but London thus far hasn't, indicated any undue - , Monday,--Ju-ly - :.....a..1.,,,, , ;! Postmaster General Will Leave Cabinet At Next Meeting Scly Observers , , l' -- - ,, , - - , , - !--- t - 4- - , , redicted-Weanesaa- y 0 . , , , . EarleysRestgnation , , ' , I .,- . , , .. . k - nip - , . "' , - pp - ,The Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah - - - . , w1,1,. . ,-- V tjzistallrl J174 Itti,YJ'i, .)e Iri1I, |