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Show i B Bn FMrr 1QI IRMA! ' TNTERMOTTATV SCHOOL RETWTS Mary Jane Quintana Cares for New Son; Students Visit Salt Lake Zoo, Park By - inex- , and Pasted Wallpensive paper. Just cut your Imperial paper to proper length, dip into special water container, then sponge smooth on the wall. Youll get the hang of it last and youll love its beauty and its practicality. See Imperial Trimmed and Pasted Wallpaper now. S, Inc. Walk A Block and Save! erty pat k. and the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Johnson and family attended the state fair in Sail Lake City last Saturday. Mrs. Bill Christiansen has joined the staff of the employees Nursery school. Mr anil Mrs. Otho Bolden attended the Ice Follies in Logan, Wednesday evening. They were accompanied by Irene Dale, a 5th year student in Miss Harringtons department. Miss Victor's Department One of the former employees at Intermountain, Mr. Vincent DcNunzio, and his wife, Jean, are the proud parents of a baby hoy. They have one other son, Peter. They are living in the east at the present time. Mrs. Anne Gardipes husband. Doug, has entered Oklahoma A and M College to study aeronautical engineering. Mrs. Raper and family have been traveling all over this state and adjoining states. On his recent trip, he visited Jack-soand Yellowstone park Mis. Jones mother. Mis. Murwith the phy is here staying Jones. She is from Oklahoma. Mis. Bonnell took her students to the Capitol building in Salt Lake City this week. They visited the house of representatives, senate chambers, museum and a big department store in Salt Lake, City. Phil Cover is leaving Intermountain to attend a conven- - IdLO WEATHEri COSTS I M.I.A. Seeks Highway 1. 2 and ,h,. 45,h division All 'Inin division) He is at present fmance com- 4lalrm'in mittee. He will go by train to Oklahoma City, and from there board a chartered plane to New tinn 3- in New York, Oct. l)f I long one that not only the bases bill also the A batter in a baseball game he field The hall struck a fire box. tween sons of Navy personnel sounding an alarm. liil Mot Ball (,t).T IMAM. Officers and Teachers Rehearse again it is Road Show--timand the MIA officers and teachers have been busy, practicing songs, working out dance routines and making scenery and costumes. The central theme chosen by the stake arid ward officers was Nursery and Goose Mother Rhymes and Stoiies. Park Valley chose "Peter Pan with Rhea Kunzler as Peter Pan; Donna Montgomery was Wendy, Dennis Hlrschi was Captain Hook; Pat Montgomery was Tinkle Bell. Lost children wete; Betty Hirschi, Marjorie Sharon Rose Larsen Palmer, and Jeanne Carter with Darius Carter, Robert Thomas, Grover Palmer, and Junior Larsen as Indian Braves and Darrell Kunzler as the chief and Clarene Carter and Deon Hirschi as In dian maidens. Rud and Paul Palmer were Pirates and Chester Kunzler as a crocodile. Members of the Associated Civics Clubs of Northern Utah who attended the Logan meet ing, Wednesday night, heard, Iwo state legislators debate the ham (Tty, and new first time arc Mrs Olive grandparents Monson of Brigha mCity and Mr and Mrs Alvin James of Park Valley. apportionment amendment beSunday evpning services were 2 at the November under Ihe direction ol the MIA York. general election. with Chester Kunzler. counselor Taking the allirmative sfl de of1 in YMMIA. Talks Miss Grissom's Department conducting the question and advocating on different topics, the subject, Charles Kabideau and Lloyd of was amendment the approval Krai with Jack Womeldorf and Sen. "Keeping Close to the Church, Clifton G. M. Kerr, Trenton were given by Darrell Kunzler. Wilbur Curley took advantage while opposing the mea Rhea Kunzler and Paul Palmer. of the opening of deer season. ton, sure was Wendell Grover. Musical numbers wea a violin alter Salt Lake Rep. The group lett Friday A lively county. solo by Mrs. LeGtand Morris woik, traveled to Dixie Nationand answer period at and a mixed trio sang Abide al Forest near Antimony, Hah question lerward gave the two speakets With Me." Opening song was The men returned late Sunday a chance at rebuttal. Murle G. On," and closing song, "Carry afternoon, tired hut happy for vice first presi ller, Logan, MIA We Hail Thee." Invoca they had their quota of deer. civic introdent of the group, tion and benediction were ofLena Schott and Anne Sulli- duced the speaker. fered by Ferd and Clot Hirschi. van saw some of the state fait Ia'wts Jones, president Remarks were also given by and the ice follies In Salt Lake of Judge the organization presided at YWMIA president Beth James, ifily on Saturday. the dinner meeting, introducing and YMMIA Miss Louise Dyer and Alfred Krnest G Karl. superintendent chair Logan, and Bishop with their group of man of the road committee Rudger Palmer Leuppe, who Mrs. Kenneth visitCarter is Kenneth G. Carter. attended asked that the states students third year number ing this week in Garland with the state fair at Salt Lake City one project lor next year be Ihe tier daughter and family, Mr. Sunday school stake visitors on Thursday of last week. on Sunday were Mrs. Theo rebuilding of the Weber canyon' and Mrs. Kent Carter. Group three, under the super Rex Pugsley brought home his Richards and Mrs. Vernal Johns Mis. highway. vision of their teachers, He also asked for blacktop- wifp and new baby daughter also Mr. and Mrs. Beal of Salt Childs and Ben House, had the to connect the eight miles! from the Cooley Memorial hos- Lake City. piog first evening party of the year now Emma Louise Carter, Junelle completed through Patk pital last Friday. Anxiously last Thursday evening. Valley on Utah 70 with U. S. waiting for a good look at the Palmer and Joyce Hirschi were On Monday, Kugie Dean had a distance of 14 miles. over the week-end- . as guests, her cousins, Mr. and Also included on the commit- new sister were Virgil, Bruce, home Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rose and Linda and David and VirgrandWest Mrs. Jerome Dean of tee propositi was a request for parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pug- children have moved to Salt ginia. Lake City where Gary will atreseeding and landscape plant- sley and Josie Hirschi. ing in Box Elder canyon, imMrs. Rulon and tend the University of Utah. Boys' Department Darrington on the Logan to small children have visited Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Pryce of provement stretch of the high- eral days this week with par-wa- have moved to Logan for the most are Omaha, Nebraska, and from Richmond north. jents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernal winter where Sherwin is enrollwelcome visitors at the Roland J. Bott, state high- - gorrtery. ed at USAC. Mrs. Pryce Hatris household. attended commissioner, way Mr. and Mrs. Alvin James is the sister of Mrs. Harris, Latest additions to the boys the meeting, promised consid- Lcre visitors in Salt Lake City last week end where they at- staff as attendants are Henry eration by the highway group oftended the state fair and the from to the recommendations P. and Wilma G. Lewis ft1'1 ice follies. Winnebago, Nebraska. Announcement was made last are The dormitories hoys forming softball teams to enter Cabin of "Home On The Sunday of a missionary farewell party at Grouse Creek on in the boys softball tournaFriday evening for Dennis Kim-be- r ment. This will run for several Range" Author Saved who is going on an LDS weeks and will be followed by ANTHOL, Kan. UP) The lit- mission to Hawaii. the touch football tournament. tle cabin home of Dr. Brewster LDS Primary was reorganized Maintenance Department Mr. and Mrs. David R. Etter Higley where he wrote Home recently. Mrs. Dorothy Rose who are now living in their new on the Range has become a was moving away was released and new officers sustained as home at 305 North First West. Kansas shrine. Before it was dedicated as the follows: Deon Hirschi, presi They would be glad to have any first Kunzlef. of their friends drop in. birthplace of Kansas official dent; Phyllis and counselor and Melva Kunzler, Mr. Eli Skenandore, carpen- state song, the limestone ter foreman, is back at Inter- log cabin had served as a hen second, counselor, with Dorothea Palmer as secretary-treasurer- . mountain after being detailed house. The cabin is located nine Primary officers and teachers at Snowflake, Arizona, on some miles northwest of Athol in attended monthly preparation new construction work. It was restored meeting in Garland on SaturTom Frandsen is now replac- Smith county. ing Melvin Kay who left two by the Smith Center, Kan., Lions day. Sixteen of the 19 teachers for and officers were in attendance. weeks ago. He is working at the club. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo James are Steam Plant. He is from Ogden. Higley built the cabin in 1872 Morrow on the bank of Beaver Creek and the proud parents of a baby Mr. and Mrs. Don just returned from a trip to San in it wrote the song that ap- daughter born recently at BrigFrancisco. They reported having parently has won everlasting ham City. Mrs. James is the former Joleen Monson of Brig- a real good time. popularity. dois The employees nursery ing a big business these days. Reduced from our betThey have reported to have as E. HARRISON ter quality fur felts. are as and high thirty children, keeping real busy. OPTOMETRIST ing voted - home SZSCE? MMg SfllNlMPERW Make your rooms beau-tif- ul with Benjamin ECORAtOs Moore Paints . . wonderful colors sparkling finishes. Easy to apply with roller . SATIN Low IMPERVO Lustt Ensmsl Ourable sod Washable fw furniture and trim ALKVD or brush . . . Drop in today. We'll be happy to answer your decorating questions. SANI-FLA- 100 Alkyd Paint waifs and ceilings tot 30-S- MERRELLS. - WALK SAVE AND BLOCK A Inc. Mont-Lorenz- STARTING SATURDAY t in Every Department! .MENS QUALITY MENS TIES 2 DR. City Foxes PROVIDENCE, jl V 05 fflTili? SLACKS $1.00 $900 $500 INSULATING , Once MENS HATS protect ycur livestock.'., increase production and profits a - iileated T I! Nursery Rhyme Stories for Road Show Improvements - wonder-working- Civic Group Helen Sorensen Misa Harrington's Department Mrs Mary Jane Quintana reftotn her teaching nisition last week to stay home and care for her new The son, Michael. Quintanas are adopting the little boy and are very proud parents. Mr and Mis Bud Powers went to Salt Lake City Sunday to see the "Parade of Homes" show. Miss Tobahe arid Mrs. Powers took t Heir group of beginning students to Salt Lake City, Friday. They visited the zoo, Lib- new, ... brandTrimmed EFfORT FROM PARK VALT.EY ! ANNOUNCES NEW I. (UP) The nations smallest state is having trouble keeping foxes down on the farm. The fish and game division reported that during the last year more foxes were trapped in mostly urban Providence county in the state's four other more rural counties. R. All wool slacks in broken B. AT 5 THE PROFESSIONAL CENTER r ,$1.00 107 EAST FOREST 8 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. 1:30 P. M to 5:30 P, M, (or by appointment) PHONE 274 DAILY EXCEPT THURSDAY MENS SUITS All wool, best quality. Reduced to clear! BLEACHED FLOUR SQUARES $3700 MENS WINTER CAPS STARTING TONIGHT OCTOBER 1st, slacks. from our finest quality regular Hurry! Limited quantities! iVORK GLOVES OFFICE reduced si.es Gabardine with ear flaps. COTTON $144 iui Jacquard for 5 BLANKETS-,- Sj, 00 ,, y jfr type WALLBOARDS keeping the cold out, you automatically keep livestock and poultry healthier and more productive. These big, thick panels can be applied directly to studding of feeding sheds, poultry houses, milking parlors, etc. In expensive, long-terprotection. By THE BRIGHAM CITY DRUG STORES will start closing at r7 QS5G8 INSULATION loliom Wool U windproof, resistant ond parma-non- t. Never settles, never de tertarates. Spociol flange permit! easy tacking to wall studs or ceiling joists. Ideal for op plication under plywood, sheet rock and other interior material!. moUturo Lb. ALL WOOL Womens DRESS SHOES BLANKETS 4 ALUMINUM ROOFING Sculptured Dimension Lumber During the FALL and WINTER season , the Brigham City Drug Stores will close each night at 9:00 P. M. In offering this public notice, we want to assure you that we are always at your call in case of Planking emergency. Building High heels. Q J AA Reduced to clear. VTjwU real value for this heavy weight all wool blanket. Reduced to clear! Hardware NEW SHIPMENT! SHIPMENT! NEW Junior Boys FLANNEL LINED 2-- A special purchase in pastel shades. Sizes Nylon. 3. Hamilton Pharmacy Drug $6.00 $1.98 Warm jeans for cold weather. Sizes Macks CASUAL BENCH DRESSES JEANS $6.00 BLACK METAL TODDLER $1.98 Walgreen Agency Special buv! Size . 12-2- 0. Paints Tools Wallboards Asbestos Siding GOQQQQ QOo NYLON DUSTERS A Aluminum is a perfect, oil around material. Widely used for roofing, sidewalls Ond liners. Never rusts. Never needs painting. Choice of corrugated or Vcrimp types. Asphalt Roll Roofing Asphalt Shingles Insulating Felt Stock Fencing Barbed Wire Plywood Sheetrock Vi So functional. 22 long and 14 wide. 17 high with thick plastic covered cushion. Choose from 4 colors. WOMENS DRESSES Rayons reduced. For Misses and Half Sizes. GIRLS DRESSES $3.00 7,1 $5.00 WOMENS DRESSES Novelty Rayons. $4.00 Fancy Taffetas. Jr. Misses & Half Sizes. S1Q00 |