Show Asset Instead of An Eyesore Reco Record breaking breaking crowds continue to visit the Hogle Gardens zoo and particularly on Sundays This last Sunday more more than persons visited the zoo It is not surprising th that t there has been such an increase In Iii attendance Since the campaign of five years ago in which deplorable conditions condition at the We zoo were exposed great improvements improve Improve- ments have been m made de At the time conditions were reveal re re- re veal d it wa was 1 t pointed d out th that t there re were ere few animals at the zoo the houses were were nothing more than woebegone shacks the he grounds were generally Y unkempt and infested with weeds and rubbish and signs on fon the cages were misleading or completely ly false I Today the situation i is much different Many new animals have hav been added making the zoos zoo's value from an educational education l as aa well as a recreational nal st standpoint much greater There m must t be fully twice as d different ferent many varieties of animals as lS there were five years ago an and i zoo authorities plan to add quite a few more different animals ls l.s. Physical l equipment has been much improved Many o of 0 the bid shacks shacks' have been removed some new quarters Have ave been bee built bui t and a good coat of paint has worked wonders I The grounds are in much uch better condition m walks usually being surfaced hard-surfaced and d weeds and rubbish clea cleaned d out While the sign program is is still inadequate many of the cages still not r lia having haring ng signs on them there seem to be no misleading false or r fals signs 1 I The Hogle Gar Gardens ons zoo is today definitely an asset for Salt Lake City It is an attractive place which is especially worthwhile from the thc standpoint of its educational v value lue for chil children n. n There isn't any zoo of any consequence anywhere else in the intermountain area The Hogle Gardens zoo offers chiren children chit chi dren ren of this cities their only opportunity to see many strange species of animals T The e zoo oo is today not an an eyesore but butan an attraction in iii which Salt Lake City can take pride pride- Good as the zoo now is it is going to b be made still better made available by Mr and Mrs James A. A Hogle original al founders of the zoo for whom it is named areto eto be used along with regular city funds to make a number of improvements A AI new area is being prepared for a a. buffalo elk and deer park New cages for different animals of the cat family and new natural caves for different kinds of bears are to be constructed Further r improvements are being made in in the tle grounds Another n ther few years of the kind of progress witnessed to dates QuId see the Hogle Gardens zoo developed into one of th the finest zoos operated in any city the size of Salt Lake We have come a long way from the run down dilapidated zoo which h was was so severely and justifiably bly criticized five years ago Parks Commissioner Tedesco and d Joseph L. L Sloan superintendent o of who parks p p Who charge of the zoo are to be congratulated on their good work t If we want to save adults in the atomic the suicidal j tendencies which boredom eventually induces if we want to build a world community we must regard continuing education of our people p ople throughout life as our principal pal responsibility Dr Robert Rob Rob- ert ext M. M Hutchins chancellor University of Chicago We Vc have an n opportunity of showing to the world how it is possible for great nations to relax their hold bold on their possessions and at the same time maintain the associations established British Minister of Health Aneurin Bevin It lt but not impossible in many instances to io to control the Ani- Ani American Amican economy but it is equally clear that you cannot c control inflation Q o 0 PA PA- Director Paul M t |