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Show B t , i .. i 7 n ...... . " I AMERICAN FORK LOCALS AND PERSONALS I I i I Tim Mlssnn Lois nml Merle Smith wero Suit Lake visitors Monday. Or. Sliey muilo ii lii8ltitH4 trip to HprltiRVlllc Salurilny. .loHupIi Diuikloy Iins moved Into Ills new homo In tho First Ward, Mm. John KIiik Is visltlriB her tlntiRliter, Mrs. John Kraaer In Onr-.MIsh Onr-.MIsh Violet Lnurson In visiting In Suit Lake, guest of MIbh Kilna Ailnm-won. Ailnm-won. Call nml huo wlmt tho Now Homo Sowing Miiclilnu Is, nt Martin's, American Ameri-can Kork. 0-1 1 .Mrs. W. C. lloloy spent the fore pnrt of tho week In Hull l.nko with Mrs. David Smith. Mrs, Will ICdinontls entertained hei sister, Mrs. Florence) Amid In of Sail l.nko iib her guest Sunday, Ml, mid Mrs. Russell Tlionituon left Tni'Hilay for Salt Lake and IUiikMmi for a few days' outing. Mrs. Charles Hopkins was called to Lcilrl Sunday on arcouiit of tho Illness of her mother. Von want koocI pictures so do we wo show tho kind that ploaRcsyou and your friends Orient Tluvitre." !i-ll Mm, Ho(I (lardner left Sunday for Salt Lake for n shoit visit ut the home of her sister, Mrs. C. 0. Patterson. Miss C'ozutto Startup returned to her homo In I'rovo Monday, after IiuIiir tho KiU'St of Mrn. Smile, Ilenr for a fow days. Mr. nod Mrs, M. O, Itnmlolph of Salt Lake, wore In American Fork Tuesday, Bursts of Mrs. Randolph's parents, Mr. nud Mrs. .lames Pulley, Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Morgan of Idaho Ida-ho Falls Bpent the, forepart or the week at tho home or Mr. and Mrs. John Hook. Mrs. Morgan Is a niece of Mr B8j Mr. nud Mrs. I.. W. Oalsford inn' Hp Mrn. I.lliliy Adklnn were among the Bm many to visit Halt l.nko Friday, Hatur- BJjl day mid Sunday. 1W Virgil M. Clroo, who has been con- Kn5 fined to his homo tho past week with BJjj In grippe, has completely recovered, IK nud Is nhlo to he nt his work in Chl- IBJ man's again. HI'Z? ' Tho forepart of tho week, ns weV BK as last wefk, was very quiet on no- BJj count of so many of our citizens 'it WK toudlng the fair anil conference nt Sn' IbS l.nko. From now on huslness Is ex HI peeled to pick up. BR I'rovo Steam Laundry will call for S your work Tuesdays nml deliver Frl- Bfe day 8. 2-4 1 BK Mrs, James RiiHsell and children o' BB Salt Lake, returned homo Sunday nf- BB tor a pleasant visit ut tho home of BJ Mrs. Russell's parents, Mr. nud Mrs IB Wm, Duncan, They wero nccompanl BH ed hy Mrs. Duncan, H - " BK The onrth(Uriko shocks Snturda; H night thnt worn felt so plainly In Sal' HI l.nko and the northern pnrt of tlu BW stnto, wore not noticeable here at 1 least wo have brjn'unalilo to learn tM of nuyouo feeling them In this ncck-of- B the woods, BJj The lock stltrh vibrating Bhuttlt Bm nud flat tension are tho things thai Bj go to mako a machine do good work Bj tho New Homo Sowing Machine hat B nil theso (iinlitlcs and more. Call mid B seo the. niachluc In running order id B Martin's, American Fork. 9-lt BJ Among the American Fork people BJ who went to Snlt l.ako to attend the BJ State Fair nud Conference, this week BJ woro: Mrs, James Crooks, Sr Mr H mid Mrs, Irving L. Pratt nud children, Bj Wnyue mid Frank Pnrker, lllalne H Stoslo, m Holey, ?f-s Kllzahetl1 H Durrnnt Fllteher lle'k, lleruurd H Christ 'risen and children, Iteha Park- H er, Dorothy Ohlpmun, Dewey Oalsford, H Clnlr Hnslom, Foster Nlcholes, Pros H S. L. Chlpmee Mr mul Mrs. J. S H ' Her It, Mr. and Mrs. Will Klsmore. T. S. Friday went to Salt Lako Tuesday Tues-day on huslness. Wallace Chlpmnn was nn enrly week visitor In Salt l.nk Alex Chrlstenson went to Salf Lake Monday on business Miss Mae Hanks spent tho past week In Snlt Lake with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hansen wero Snlt l.nko visitors this week. I.awrenco Ilrlggs mnilo n business trip to Salt Lako Tuesday. You can't make a mistake, nny night. Wo show n program of high class productions pro-ductions every night Client. !i-1i Fred Sutherland of I'rovo, was nn American Fork visitor Sunday. Mrs, Tom Itohlnson and children, spent tho past week In Salt Luke. Mr. nud Mrs. Oeorgo Webb wero Salt Lake visitors the forepart of tho week. Ann Rhodes returned homo Saturday Satur-day after an absence of four mouths at Coltou. RiihacJI Whitman or Spanish Fork rt'as visiting friends In American Fork Sunday. Allen Larson returned Sunday after pending tho summer In Shelley, Ida. ho. Wemlall, Harvard nud Waldo Os moiid spent Satuulay and Sunday in Snlt Lake. ' Messrs Orval Singleton ami Milieu Taylor of Provo, were American Fork visitors Sunday. John Ilosell of Salt l.nko made a business trip to American Fork Monday. Mon-day. Mr. and Mrs. II, A. l.aursen enjoyed a visit Sundny from their son, Fddle, who Is working at Illngliam. You enn got the New Home, Sewing Machine at a reasonable price at Martin's, Mar-tin's, American Fork. 9-lt Old acquaintances shouldn't be for-(olten. for-(olten. When you go to the Orient "ako them with you. !Mt Dewey nud Allle Renmls "of Salt Lako, visited friends In this city Saturday. Sat-urday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carlson of Mortnugh, Idaho, wrfo guests of Mr. i ml Mrs. Adolph Nlelson Tuesday. Miss Rvadno Lee returned home lundny nfter spending tho pnst month it Snlt Lake, guest of Mrs. Joseph ''nvaiiaugh. Miss Cady Chadwlck or Salt Lake, ment the forepart of tho week hero vlth her mother, Mrs. Win. Chadwlck. F.mcBt Winn nml family nml Miss lyrtlo Cunningham motored to Ring-'lam Ring-'lam Sundny, nud spent tho day In-pcctlng In-pcctlng the camp. A feature worthy tho namo "The Moth and tho Flamo" at tho Orient Thcntre. n-D Dnvld Davis, who has been working ii Illngliam tho past four mouths Islted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (. Dnvls here, Sundny. Mrs. Cecil Raynor, who hns been Isltlng her mother, Mrs. ,11. JorgeiiBou 'or ten dnys, returned to he,r Salt Lake homo tho first of thu week. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Johnson left for Provo Sunday, whore they will make heir home for a few months nt least Mr. Johnson has accepted a position vlth Ryberg Rrothers. Tho following American Fork clll-'.ens clll-'.ens went to Salt Lako Tuesday nr vltnesses In the Ran Pedro vs. Cairn's mlt: J. I- Dunktcy, Dr. II. K. ltobln ion, Peter Logsdon, A. K. Thornton Peter Adamsoii nml T. A, Lee. This 'i the suit wherein Mrs. Calm Is suing 'he R. R. for dnmnges for tho dent! if her husband, which happened r lumber of yenrs ago. Oeorgo Tyler enme down from the canyon Saturdny. Mr. and Mrs. Fon Green wero State F.ilr visitors Tuesday. Mr. nud Mrs. John M. Smith were Snlt Lake visitors Saturday. s Parley Hanson was a Salt Lake visitor the foropnrt of tho week, Dell Singleton left Tuesday for Idaho Ida-ho where ho will purchaso shoep. need Gardner was n Salt Lako visitor visit-or Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Hoy Thompson motored from Murray and spent Sunday hero visiting friends. J. L. Flrmnge, accompanied by-nus-sell Whitman of Spanish Fork, made a business trip to Salt Lake Tuesday. We carry nothing but what wo can recommend to our customers Martin the Jeweler, American Fork. 9-lt Tho Misses VIda anil Orn Lynch, i:thel Kelly arid Myron Chlpman nuto-ed nuto-ed to Provo Sundny. Mrs. Ilyron Crosby of Salt Lako, Is hero visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs Joseph R. Forbes. Thomas Shnfter or Uinghnm, spent Tuesday In American Fork vlsltlni? relatives. Messrs John Miller and James Tnl-tersoll, Tnl-tersoll, were Suit Lake visitors Sntur-day Sntur-day anJ Sunday. Reed Pearson 6r Payson, spent Tuesday Tues-day In this city, visiting with Miss Annie Hamnctt. Lyman Chipman or Salt Lake, spent Friday and Saturday here, guest of l.e Grando Noycs. Will King of Cnstledale spent Friday Fri-day here with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. R. K. King. Samuel Dean, Sr., went to Rlvortoa Sunday to visit with his son. Owen and wife, for a few days, m Mrs. W. 11. Kolbard of Sprlngvllld spent Tuesday here visiting her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hanks. Mrs. Mary Foster of Salt Lako Cltfc spent the foropnrt or tho week with her slater, Mrs. T. A. Lee. No nrtcr regrets go with our plr' tures. Every picture plcnses Orient Theatre. 9-lt 1 Roy Greenwood camo down from" Snlt Lake Sunday to visit with his rnmlly. Hans I.aurHcji returned Saturday niter spending the summer at Yellow, stono Park. Leslie Dennett returned home after nn absence, of three mouths, spent at Vlow, Idaho. Mrs. Lillian Rrowu spent the past week In Snlt Lake, guest of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Kirk. John K. Kelly of Shelley, hhilio, spent Monday and Tuesday In American Ameri-can Fork visiting friends. Mrs. Ilyron Crookston ami children l.eounro nml Khlr.n, were Salt I akr visitors Sunday. Mrs. Samuel Newton spent Sundnv In Pleasant Grove, guest of her dnugh ter, Mrs. Kfllo Freeman. Mrs. R. C. Falrchlld and rhlldrc of Ogdon, spent the week with .Mr nnd Mrs. I). II. I ley wood. Anron Chlpmnn returned homo Monday Mon-day nfter spending Hi summer u' tdc sheep herd nt Strawberry J. K. Jensen mid family of I'rovo, spent Tucsdiiy lu American Fork ginsts of Mrs. Sarah Crookston Messrs Jim Chlpinnn, Will Householder House-holder nud DarreJl Anderson wore Illngliam visitors Snturdny ami Sundny. Sun-dny. Mr nnd Mrs. Isnac llole ,ind daughter, daugh-ter, I.a Hue, autoed from Salt i.akc Sundny. and spent the dn with Miami Mi-ami Mrs I). II Jones Dr. A. Chrlstousi'ii made a business trip, to Salt Lake Tuesday. Ho was accompanied ac-companied by his little sow, Scott. .Mr. and Mrs. Ilernard N. Chrlstcn-len Chrlstcn-len entertained in honor of Thomas Ilroadbent last Thursday night. The, hostess served delicious refreshments. iThoso present were: Messrs and Me-d'ainca Me-d'ainca T. A. Ilroadbent, F.. A. Morgan, Mn'rk 12. llczjiiint, C B. Young and C. W. Whltaker. Other among the guests Were: the Misses Liza Hlnilley, Aium Mathlson, lCunlee Jncolmcu, I' H. Craven, Dr and Mrs A ChrlBtensen, Ulaneh Crandall and Sarah l'nrkcr |