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Show Pap- The Kuivka Runnier Knur - donation from the organization. This matter has to be addressed by the advisory board, and will be in the near future. Pres. Towers thanked Betty Cones for planning and preparing the delicious spaghetti dinner for todays meeting, which was enBertha Salazar back to our meet- joyed by the 28 people present. ings. Special guests were Zcnda Thanks also to Leah and Edna Dean of Orem, (Gerald Deans Jasper, who assisted Betty and to clean-u- p mother), and Lula Larsen of Spa- all those who did the afterwards. nish Fork, who is Carl Deans Mayor Don Trcloar reported mother. article on one of last weeks an on Director Joan Dale had numerous pamphlets on cruises, Daily Herald newspapers stating tours and other things senior Medicare premiums have been taken out of peoples social secucitizens might wish to look into. One subject that is very impor- rity checks who were at the povertant for senior citizens is called ty level. This should be looked "Uninsurable Risk Pool". A letter into by those in this category. The weekly shopping trip on concerning this is posted on our bus was planned, and those the bulletin board, containing details on the subject. Please read it to wishing to go, were asked to contact Ed Webber or Edna Jasper. learn if you arc eligible for this. No meeting is planned for the The annual Salmon Supper first part of July, but remember will be held in Payson Park Authe park picnic on July 17 at 4 2, and wc are all invited to June 2S. 1))1 Seniors hold regular meeting, discuss many items of interest by Grace Chatwin A regular meeting of the Eureka Senior Citizens Young-at-Hca- rt Club was held Wednesday afternoon in the Memorial Building with Pres. Leah Towers conducting. Invocation was by Martin Fennell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance in unison. "God Bless America" was sung by the group under the direction of Bessie Toone. Reported on the Sick List were: Elna Bird, Alta Jones and Lcs Randle. Also reported was further surgery required on Dora Hansens foot; she will go in for surgery. Leah expressed the hope that soon everyone would be feeling better. Minutes of the previous meetone-da- y Nephi honors Juab military coordinator; dance number, the Salt Creek Cloggcrs; musical number by Russ Marsh; dismiss for informal social featuring the Country Stcelcrs. were The Utah National Guards Sponsors of the program 1 Company D Detachment of the the Nephi Lions Club, Nephi City 1457th Combat Engineer Battal- Corporation, Juab County, Old ion was honored at a homecoming Home Bread, Mt. Ncbo Food-towPcxton Wholesale Co., First presentation on Saturday held at and Nephi City Park. Security Bank, Valley Bank Co. The agenda for the program Trust, Painter Motor hint; was as follows: Introduction of soldiers by LYMAN'S BEAUTY Chad Bowles, Nephi Chief of SALON Police; Posting of Colors by state honor guard; Pledge of Allegiance EUREKA, UTAH led by Sgt. LuWaync Walker; LYMAN LONEY national anthem by Sgt. William Owmr and Optrator Coombs; remarks by Lieutenant Governor Val Oveson; remarks by Blow Styling and cutting n, Adjutant General John L Matthews; remarks by Milton Harmon, Nephi Mayor Pro Tern; remarks, Lieutenant Colonel David E. Goff, battalion commander; remarks, Firs Lieutenant Ronald R. Haskell, Perms Coloring Bleaches Frosts executive officer; gust Loren C remarks, Sgt. Major p.m. participate. "Clcs" Park; musical number, Tara ing were read by secretary Grace Copies of the Utah Senior Cowan, Miss Nephi; remarks, Chatwin and approved by the Prime Time papers were availThe papaya is highly nutritious Spec. Ronald Thane Thalman, membership. able, and everyone was urged to food, an excellent source of protroop representative; remarks, We were happy to welcome take one. We were also reminded tein, mincraLs, and fruit acids. Beth Whimpcy, family support of the magazines wc receive due to the generosity of Dr. Kent Linton of Payson, which are for everyone to enjoy. The annual Park Picnic will be held July 17 at Tintrcka Park at 4 p.m. A committee will be in charge of the arrangements. The Jones Family from Lof-gra- n were planning to prepare a barbecue for this years picnic, but to illness in the family, will not be able to do it. Mabel Butler, program chairwoman, will be contactJOSEPH I. MAIKLAND, P.A.C. ed to arrange a program for the Expert Styling j APPOINTMENTS PHONE 433-636- ONIT 7 Closed Sunday and Monday j EUREKA MEDICAL CENTER picnic. ..Office Hours.. Plans for the dinner our center sponsoring for the Tintic Silver Festival were discussed, and the decision made to begin serving at 12 Noon this year. Dinner for adults will be S5, children 12 and is Mondays Wednesday Fridays 3-- 10-1- 5 2 3-- 5 under S3.50. City Marshall Jerry Fullmer was present and gave us further information on the youth center, which was opened recently in the Elks Building and invited us once more to come and partake of things going on there, stating that senior citizens arc welcome to use the facility any time. He also expressed thanks for the donations that have been made to get the center going, and requested a Blood Pressures checked without charge Senior Citizens: FREE Eye Exams for Driver's Licenses ea. Copies Avallable-- 5 FOR APPOINTMENTS 433-690- 5 Sewn Peatis Resort Water Park Hotel East Center Street, Provo (801) I I 0 w,. 1 The Farther You Drive, The More You Save! I 377-470- Savethie much on an Seven Peeke Reaort Water Park 9) paaa (agea 52.50 off $3.00 off 10-5- $2.50 OFF all-d- adult admission ay with be good for kids all-d- Simply present this coupon and proof of address (driver's iicense, activity card, ate.) and savel Offer good ary day during 1991 season. Limited to I.D. cardholders and immediate family. Not valid with any other discount offer. An Now watching a lot of TV can actually gasoline fill-u- p (good May-JuCoupons available at all Holiday ne) Oil locations j It's called distance learning. program developed by Utah State University and funded in part by a $300,000 grant from the U S WEST Foundation. And it enables small rural schools to interact with classes in other larger schools via SAVE $5.00 or 1 bag See your local grocery store for details 9- - z. 4-- 9) Coupons available at all Little Chilis Pi: presentations and curriculums that work well with the television medium. It also helps teachers areas understand how to better motivate their students in learning math, science and in rural language arts. All of which makes it easier for students to learn more. And for more students to learn. PWEsr Making the most of your time.' KIDS 2 FOR 1 (Ages video monitors and computers. Our grant is focused on helping the teachers who instruct over the video system to develop Li (after 5:00 p.m.) with any A NVll'SWESTIm. |