Show THE GARLAND WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Edward C Wayne TIMES In the Navy GARLAND UTAH That End of a Record Bowl Again ‘001(108 Russian Army Plan for Slowing Blitz Follows China’s ‘Retreating’ Technique Churchill Hails Soviet as ‘Real Ally’ Extension of Draftee Service Sought (EDITOR'S r thoo la that When pinion nr ( thin nwo analynt and not urlly (Released by Weitern Newepaper NOTE— ( tta lurnnn tfcnr wippr) Vi ' f ' ' Vm v ial- - Deeper into Russia than their companions— bat vading Nasi soldiers are marched off to a Red prison "Somewhere on the eastern front" That trooper fourth from left in the front line looks out boys companions who seem to be unarmed— these Incamp after capture i I V SYRIA: Now British ‘ 1 VMf' f son of Joseph P Kennedy-Jthe former ambassador to Great Harvard and Britain graduate has joined Uncle Sam’s navy enlisting for the duration in the air force He made his entry along with many other college men and was quickly inducted He is shown in a training plane ready for Lesson Number One Jf XL r ' S & £ If - r 1 v ' w JTiii £ Joe DiMaggio’s batting streak of hitting safely in 58 consecutive games was ended as he banged out the blow shown above Next game he failed to get a hit and his record stands for the baseball world to shoot at Staff Sergeant- Robert W Shackleton of New York who was drafted fall and has already earned his sergeant’s stripes picks the first capsule No 198 in the eeoend peacetime national lottery at Washington D C Llent CoL B Morris who also officiated at 1917 lottery Is at right last The victory of the British and panxer among his Free French in Syria being somewhat dwarfed by the news from ‘Crusade’ Reds? Russia and the war developments in this country seemed to receive BEAR: MARSHALL: only minor mention in the American On Defense His Plan TP T the getwere British though press The Russian Bear no matter what Gen George C Marshall chief of ting more solid satisfaction out of the communiques might say was staff of the U S army urged two it than had appeared' on the eve of obviously putting up a hard fight major points before congress’ sen the armistice before the advancing German mech Some of the terms began to come ate military affairs committee and overseas and it was significant that anized forces and the British who apparently the President was willhad taken the quick defeat of Rus- ing to go along with one but not they called for the turning over to the British of all arms except those sia as a foregone conclusion were with the other Point No 1 was that the selectees belonging to individuals including beginning to cheer Churchill who had been through should be kept in uniform longer ships and planes three previous milder stages of hail than a calendar year from the time Paris was quick to report that all a and had of their induction He wanted this planes ships ing Russia as escaped capcompanion in arms and very bluntly told the restriction removed by congress ture though this dispatch coming finally house of commons “of course Rus from from the selective service law territory sia is an ally of Britain’’ Point No 2 was that he wanted was somewhat discounted Churchill summed up the advanthe restrictions removed ordering One of the signs that the Reds’ dethe of that selectees could serve only in tages fense of their homeland was vigorSyrian victory briefly as removing to a greater distance ous and not without military merit the Western hemisphere The Presicame from an official admission on dent apparently was willing to ex- the threat to Suez also the fact that ert some White House pressure on some of the disaster of Crete had the part of Germany’s high com mand that the Nazi armies had congress to get the second provision been overcome in that the air base 1A on the island of Cyprus now could hurled back a considerable counterpassed The Germans heavHowever attack early polls of senatorial be protected with With banners and band enthusiasm Is whipped up In Spain for cruRussia however West ily engaged Harry Bridges (arrow) Communique “solvers” naturally reactions to both points were unfasade against the Rede— this was part of the Nasi campaign for a Spanish saw in this admission proof that the vorable though a majority of those seemed in no hurry to try another coast maritime union leader is to fight against Russia on the eastern front A drive which ended Russian armies were actually fight- questioned reported themselves “un air conquest from Crete to Cyprus shown as lje warned of “a big legion to London Spaniards says London have had That the Germans’ air position in strike” since he is not satisfied with In “fiasco” according ing and battling to some purpose in decided” and “preferring to hear the war enough sufthe eastern Mediterranean was longshoremen’s wages their gradual withdrawal to the debate” The question had broadly resolved ficiently strong was indicated in the Stalin line and perhaps further to itself into how large an army the sinking of a British small naval the interior U Defense Washington observers cautioned U S should have and how long it vessel of 1200 tons by air fire the survivors reporting that they were takes to train a soldier against too much faith in an eventuGeneral Marshall also made the attacked by 80 dive bombers at one al Russian victory however unless Their convoy escaped with had been time the defenders would be able to withpoint that the selectees draw their armies with much of poured into aU army units with the supplies destined for Tobruk’s be their equipment intact into that result that if they were sent home leaguered garrison sufunits after Most a these would hinterland broadly described as year important of the Syrian arfer dismemberment mistice terms was the choice to be "the Urals” offered to French residents civilian As in the Battle of France it was JAPAN: and military as to whether they conceded that the French would would be deported to French terrihave had a chance of immobilizing On the Verge or whether they would join the the war only if they were willing The sudden resignation of the Jap- tory under Free French to give up Paris and other cher 5 anese cabinet together with many British mandate government ished cities and move backward dispatches quoting the indefinite with the assault harassing the ad sources” seemed to in R “diplomatic and their Nazis vancing softening dicate that Nippon might be on the blows “riding with the punches” verge of some important step in Business as Usual as the boxing phrase has it world affairs The Royal Air force stepping up This was the technique which en its bombing scale steadily reported What this might be remained hidabled to make a war den statements as one day of “business as usual” though British of position out of the Japanese blitz seemed to hint that Japan might be the dropping of 1500 tons of bombs of 1937 in China' It was the same contemplating a move into on cities in Germany and occupied countries technique which observers in this for were A secondary guess was that Japan The British were claiming that recommending country Russia might be planning a “token” as- these attacks were at least as severe There was nothing in dispatches sault on Russia’s east copst— as any Britain had had to withstand of the German to show that the Reds were not doSiberia perhaps to attempt to close during the ing just that save that no city of the port of Vladivostok — name fa onslaught from the air and that they vital importance like Leningrad mous in the war would get stronger as time wore on turn Kiev the Moscow One contrast between the Nazis’ had yet fallen at or of the century The quitting cabinet is the one blitz of London and other British though Germans claimed they had which put Soviet Russia into the objectives and the British attack on passed the latter V!£ axis and also strange- Germany and occupied countries It was impossible in view of con' into a neutrality accord was in the photographic evidence to determine with ly enough flicting claims with Russia Outside of one or two pictures even probable accuracy and allowsent out from Germany showing fire The government was almost exing for a wide margin of error to Berlin the of strategic Atlantic a Placing U S troops In Iceland In occupation figure the price being paid by either actly year in office so it could not fighters atop buildings in were taken “in order to forestall any pincers movement underbe charged with the stalemate in country might as well be entirely war side in the For 21 years Lewis E Lawes was outposts taken by Germany against the Western hemisphere” according to a as far as picture eviin was unscathed China not fact it organized boss of Sing Sing and now he is statement If German claims were to be beRoosevelt Above how this workss to do anything about the Chinese dence would go President Indicates by map lieved Russia had left only a fragleaving to be a writer and lecturer Iceland occupation nullifies any Nasi threat from the north and the Whereas American newwar He is shown taking a last look at (1) mentary part of her motorized There was little that could be said spapers had carried literally thouoccupation of Trinidad and British Guiana (2 and 3) take care of the If his old air force domain her as where and warden he equipment efDakar In Africa about the situation some sands of photographs of jaw of tbe plncer hinged on became internationally famous as southern Russia were to be believed Germany surely Some sources contend taking over of Azores and Cape Verde Islands fects in England from the digging that the cabinet resignaIn background are buildwas reduced to using “canvas” tanks holding out of the dead and wounded to the penologist tion meant that Japan’s whole for(shown In large type) would further greatly strengthen hemisphere defense of and inere boys to operate them the ings prison to Weswas done that eign policy would be reoriented in damage But even the German communiview of the tminster Abbey and the tower from war ques admitted Russia still had hunWhether this would mean that the which Big Ben chimes out the hours — ‘Good Style dreds of tanks in action and hun- next would be more The reason was that the British government dreds of planes and the Reds’ was took the pictures of their own damor whether activities were reported getting ready to withdraw Japan bombing them censors all from age and the permitted from neutral points to be hitting tarcommitments could hard- to be sent out So the United States European gets far within Rumania and far ly be told got a view of what modem war within Finland Certain it was that in Tokyo was was like The actual facts of the war how- - a little group of Nazis who were The Germans permitted two or ever remained continually clouded said to have dominated the last cab- three such pictures to get to this in mystery despite the fact that cor inet and to have been urging the country but for more than a year respondents finally were admitted to strongest possible intimidation of nothing of the kind was shown" and which also installed a America in the Pacific in order to as the air attacker can’t get low Moscow radio to give out war occupy the United States so strong- enough to photograph his own — it didn’t look as though any news to the United States and other ly with the West coast that aid to would get out countries Britain might be minimized Among the targets were Bremen HOPKINS: ROOSEVELT: Cologne and other big centers of rail and steamship traffic To London Nazi Names And the British assumed that 1500 RoosePresident in The German press its previous tons of their bombs would wreak Harry Hopkins velt’s “trouble shooter” and confi- references to this country had been about the same havoc on Bremen On the contrary dant was being sent to London relatively mild as the same weight of German the papers were now vieing with bombs had on London again each other to use strong language While there was little definite inChurchill summed it up when he Roosevelt formation readily available as to the about President said that he believed if the British reason for Hopkins’ second trip to The President said one paper “is to Brazil and Rowere permitted to Vote on Bobby Gallagher (left) U S This is Brig Gen Carl Spaatz berto Andrade England it was recalled that only circling like a vulture over the people who recently vis(right) Brazil’s whether bombings of cities would the other day in the house of comAzores and the Cape Verde islands” newly appointed chief of army air ited the V 8 are shown being greeted by crtfwds upon their arrival In both sides be or continue stopped by mons there had been some bitter Another said: force now operating as an independRio De Janeiro This is the junior part of the statement over the handling of “Roosevelt has raised gangster- they would vote NO! And his audi- ent division within the department policy ence cheered to the echo of war American plane purchases ism to be a symbol in politics” of place Spanish Strike Warning Against t I 'iwr '!£ msTA n I)? r - Strategic Outposts for Exit Lawes - AF: l4- S - f New Air Chief I Neighbors’ Junior i r ? hs i tf' ) |