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Show Saturday, May, 5, fmt 1U2H, LCCAN JOJTRNAIL Itrict, ' Numerous other exchanges will be named for ce- lebrated local characters. News Snapshots of Mussolini 'Are Censored By Himself Rome, May 5. (JP) Mussolini ,is his own, censor o news pho- ' " tographs of himself. Whenever he , appears in one of the dictators veteran Tells How Bismarhs Ruse an arrano-etlefore- ' generals always accompany han thal DOae reliable Brought Joke On Himself to the front as Berlin, May 5. (A5) How Ks-hiphotographers will do marcks clever ruse for ridding roander," m s . , . Wiathe taking. Once they picture J " ' himself is recounted in thfe re- - Chang "shoot," they are in honor cently published collection of former bandit though he be, has .insisted on the careful Bismarck anecdotes, compiled " ucation- of his eight sons, and the' in less degree of his five One day Lord Russell, The heir appar British ambassador . to Benin, daughters. asked the German Iron Chan-lent- ," brought up in Mukden, cellor at his mansion whether, had the best foreign education he did not find it very irksomeithat provincial center af forded lent "pick erof pictures the time. third son iaj to have to receive so many jm-jthis fashion, he always official ' visitors' daily.' Bis- - now' a military cadet in Japan appears at his best, Mr. Doomarck replied .that on the whole and the fourth a student in the leys remark that crowned he found Something of interest medical college of the South heads began to. lostT their imin every caller unless, he over- - Manchuria Railway (Japanese) portance with the invention of stayed his time. But for such at Dairen. Two other sons are the camera does not apply to stickers," Bismarck rem&rkeddin. Mukden and the two. young-h- e him. He run? no Tisk of being had an infallible household jest, still small boys, are with pictured in the- act of laugh remedy.' He explained that, his their 'father in the presulAtial ing in the middle of a military wife, who from long experience palace, in Peking, cemetery, and having politiBandit had acquired an intuitive sense'Bobbed-Hal- r cal capital made of it, a mis for the, proper, duration of ajAt LastHitsIaris that befell -- Premier adventure visitors stay, could always. bej Paris, May 5. (A) The bolt Poincare of France - some six bandit earne r to counted upon if needful to open ago. the door and on some pretext! France tw.o years late. Femin-- jears Yachtsmen Still German ina holp-u- p and burglary acor other call him away. Monarchist Colors Ply Barely had the chancellor complishments are at least one Potsdam', May 5. (JP) Black, finished speaking when Prin- invention which the French will red and gold, the colors of Recess Bismarck called through not claim. publican Germany, are hardly Georgette Coffmet, aged 16, ever seen on the lakes and the half open doorway: start in the "Otto, isn't it about time for i had made a flying . surrounding . greater Ber- She you to come and take your me- - career of crime. the opinion 0f the "flej- r dicine? I just wanted to remind caught in the act. of robbing a einsbaoner, or Republican An embarrassing silence small hotel, haying gained 'Ta you. to it that the trance followed these words. The next by crossing a roof and old monarchist colors now After moment, however, both men breaking a window. by yacht? displayed roared with laughter as the hu- long interviews with police she mostly launches and sailboats are re mor of this strange confirma- admitted several other crimes, placed by the Republican colof an eld- ors, will be one of the chief tion of the Infallible remedy including the hold-u- p struck them. erly gentleman who had con- tasks. of the Reichsbanner1 fided m her. British Survey May Solve the spring and summer during In her bag were found clip- months. Red Hair Mystery from American and As a further means of makLondon, May 5() The mys- pings tery of red haiy, and why it is French newspapers, concerning ing propaganda for the Repubbobbed-ha- ir bandit from lican idea on German inland prevalent in eertain families, a may be illuminated as one of Brooklyn. waters, the Reichsbanner has the results of a survey now be- Sheffields Socialist Council launched - two- - eight-oa- r just ing conducted by British edu- Orders American Typewriters and one four-oa- r skiffs and has cation and health authorities. Sheffield, England, May 5(JP) given them the names 'DeutscommitAmerican typewriters have che An anthropometric Reichsbanner" tee is collecting data from all been chosen in preference to and Republik," the lattBebel August parts of Britain on the physi- British .or any others by the ter after the famous late Soschool Sheffield city council, which cialist Leader. of cal characteristics children. The effects of en- has just adopted a proposal The dedication took place in on physique will to give a five years .contract the presence of Prussian vironment offithe revealed.. thus be further majority wouldn't budge. It cials, trade union leaders,' and The committees findings writer manufacturers to supply the widow of President Ebert may explain why there are so all machines for the council Queen lietepheres many strongholds of the red- during that period.- Gold. Chair Restored headed in Scotland, and why a The controlling majority of Cairo, Egypt, May 5. (JP) vein of people runs the council is socialist and the Queen carrying of American machines chair hasHetepheres through some counties in been restored after . while in to was Wales and less land due other their being two years careful work and delocalities the reds are as rare costly than others. The non- livered to the Cairo museum. socialist minority put up a . The chair was made as albinos. by her French Mint May Sell fight against the proposal, but son, King' Cheops, some 6,000 marked the division j between iekra Big Stamp Collection It, is cased in patPari?, May 5.' pP) France also turned down an amend- terned ago.. Inlaid with soand gold may sell part of her, stamp ment to give British makers an- lid. gold hieroglyphics.' It This is the com- other opportunity of tendering. . collection. is ?aid to (throw beauty, great isFind Unexploded Mine plete set of postage stamps considerably light1 on. the artist sued ,by France. since stamps Under French, Faih oad tic sense of Egyptian crank first were used here jn 1848, a Lille,- France, May 5. (P) men of the pyramid age. cofiefifaoh .that.covfeiS' 8(X years The tens of thousands of pas discovered rhe wood The government mint keeps sehgers who have travelled by of When,chair was .the entirely the rare collection with the bid rad between .Lille and Paris h or shrunk to , . icayed copper plates that made them P8 volume, bu't the in a safe that holds the dies foi without know ingteVe beenha,vf'of its original of tenons and mortises joints stamping metal money and the eraily riding over a powder in perfect preservation official set of platinum weights mine. wood exactly like the old New and measures. There are three Workmen repairing the grade Was used in reconstruction and keys to the safe-- each held by crossing at Libercourt unearth- the gold cases and gold hieroa different official and all ne- ed a' formidable collection of glyphic? were mounted on it. cessary for the opening of the German shells varying in cali- Mexican? Distrust Paper ber- from 3 to 1(1 inches conbig treasure chest Gold Reserve There are sev al sheets of nected with electric detonators, furrency Despite May 5. (JP) City, many issues of f: old stamps skilfully buned under the- track. Mexico continues to be a hard and often a numb..- of proofs in Tjiis mine had apparently been money" country, dispute the various colors th-- were never laid by the Germans during the efforts of banks and govern' adopted. 'Also, tL,re are many retreat in 1918, but the wires ment to induce pie people to foreign stamps, obtained leading to the detonators must use paper current). through exchanges with other have been cut, preventing the Most persons hurry to a bank explosion. or as soon as money changers officials .propose put- Give Historic Names To receive a bill of any de- -i they London's Thane Exchanges ting a complete set in the nomination and convert it into Library and selling ths London, May '5. (JP) Roman- gold or silver coins. remairder, expecting to get big tic njnnes from the scroll of Paper money to Mexico now prices. history are to be brought into is issued by the government's Peking Dictator Makes daily use by inclusion to the list Banco de Mexico, is Young Son of Londons new telephone ex- much more than Coveredalwaysa by Ah - the selections Peking, May 5. (JP) Mar- changes. reserve and literally as shall Chang Tso-lithe dicta- have been made with view of gold good as gold. . tor, has sent another son to keeping fresh in memory many Nevertheless, the disreputa the wars. of the places and ehareters into which any and all paper Hsueh-chenold ef second London which the Chang with money fell during the years of of his male offspring, 25 years abounds. revolutionary disorder preced-in- g old, is not starting at the botTemple Bar" ip one of the ,th? Obregou and Calles retom to work his way up, but new exchanges. At one time still lingers, however ungimes has been commissioned a , Temple Bar was far better in actual fact. and given command known than Piccadilly Circus justified this During period Mexico of a division in the Shantung or Trafalgar Square. It is in was- flooded with different reman This and Army. young originally varieties of paper money issued ihe strand, ceived most of his education market the mn brtween fay or 8( th,g of that chiefta and military training in Japan, the' city, the original part of called The peogovernment. where he studied in the army old London, and; the country, ple had to use this Most cadet college. or ' shire. In, ancient times the of it turned out tomoney. be worthGeneral Chang HsiJeh-lianto were left heads of traitors, less. Since then few Mexicans the young general," eldest son njoulder on it. ' fed that money is money unand heir apparent to whatever Gladstone is ako a new ex- less it jingles. They will listn dignities and power Chang change, named for the great er?, very politely to explanamay accumulate before his statesman. Livingstone is anthat the pretty bank-noadventurous career closes, is other, and Macaulay has been tions is ef nominal commander' of the selected for a Wandsworth road Then the same value as gold. will, with equal po,the Third and Fourth Manchur- exchange, in commemorating liteness,theyrefuse to accept the ian armies southwest of Pek the historian's boyhood con- (Contlnued on Pag Ttn) ing, although it is noted thatnection with the adjoining dis- - PAGE NINE CACHE COUNTY. UTAH CITY, Jbr Economical Trdtitp orta lion V tv A .... ,0.1 - V. L- l 'ut m s f V V ed-b- y Schmidt-Hennigke- r. j i Announcing j rt J b the -- t. 4 1 - CO NVE RTIB LE S P O RT CA BRIOLET -- bed-haire- d ri-v- ep waa. , - , i. field an GAIN, Chevrolet introduces into the and of distinction elegance new style, entirely conception O' -- a new Convertible Sport Cabriolet with body by Fisher a vivid, dashing, two four passenger model that offers the practical comfort and convenience of the Sport Coupe, plus the smartness and distinction of the Sport Roadster... for the top is folly collapsible and may be lowered completely at will! red-hair- ed Eng-fchoi- ce . , 7 - , ( . . . ' Finished in Romany Red Duco, with black body beading in gold . . . and embellished with artistic touches of ' striped gleaming polished nickel this distinguished new model is one of the most attractive cars to be seen on the highways. r,...495 & ?585 But equally impressive is the wide, practical utility of this i latest Chevrolet achievement a snug closed car for inclement ' an open car for the warm days of Bummer . . . and weather ample room for two or four passengers, as the necessity may be! 1- one-sixt- . , fit' ., V -- low-pri- ce ' 595 Ceepi fOM Sedan Tfc ( UJi CtfS3Sf.?6 95 I And, of course, there is all the proved mechanical soundness all the spirited, thrilling performance and all the staunchness of construction that have made Chevrolet the worlds ,most automobile. d luxurious low-price- t . Utility Track UaJao ..715 tjOtf (Cfuusia Only) Litht Delivery iMfi (CkuaiaOnly) All prtcM Cab. FUa Mlcktga Check CkTrf DtUVMTf PrliM They include tt bnndiinf end laanrif - sbnrg - nvnllabit s ,41.13 ituiifc4 Na-t:ori- Major-Gener- With the tp eocDpletely lowered and wtndowa tweed, the Convertible port Cabnokt ffefanil tbe convenience of tbe open Sport cer plue pro tactiea from toe wind on oU eidea Pddint Imewmwebly to tb$ ooatft f drtvi&fle tbe Tbe illustration above abowa the Convertible Sport Cabriolet aa beautiful anu Sport Coupe ideal for locteearst weather of any aort, Tbua it ta imme lhauly adaptable to ail ipurpoeca and vary oeedituie of wtotber. Tbe Convertible Sport Cabriolet Way easily be turned into a distinctive open Sport car, as illustrated above With tbe top end window completely lowered, it ta one of the smartest Sport cars to be acca on tbe streets and tuV ways al n, g, major-- CacSae general - Ant Cossapasay 30 South Main, Logan, Utah -- V2 g, -- Tfeo-li- te Q U A.L.I T Y A T L O W C O S T |