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Show with cold. Six men, who started out in a boat on Sunday to find them, have not been heard from. Boston, G. to grant declined to Howell day Judge the motion made yesterday that the AMERICAN. books bearing upon the specifications Washington, G. & Co., should be In the Senate, Buckingham's free against Jordan, Marsh books in the the from other senarated hanking bill whs taken from the table and referred to the Committee on Fi- po session of officials. nance. Morrill, of Maine, from the FOREIGN. Finance Committee, reported back the Madrid, G. resolution introduced by Sumner inof Spain, bill a to committee that Diplomatic representatives report structing abolishing the office of Commissioner of at Paris, BrusHels and Lisbon, have re Internal Revenue, and to provide for signed. It is reported that Government tho collection of taxes by stamps, with will remove the dpt. Generals of Phil the recommendation that it be indef- lipines, tuba and l'orto Kica. It is initely postponed, lie said when the probable that Gen. Jose De La Concha niilenium arrived it might be possible will bo appointed Captain General of to collect taxes without tax officers. To Cuba. The disarmament of disaffected volun abolish the Internal Revenue Rurcau the teers U going on quietly everywhere would bo to lose at least The principal Malcontents in Volladollid and Malaga tuxes now collected. collected upon were dispersed before the troops nniv were the taxes of part spirits and tobacoo, and it would be ed. The Madrid muncipality has been reorganized with Carvolajal at the head. impossible to collect them without Sumner said here was an opporLondon, 6. Dispatches from tbe vicinity of Carta tunity for political economy, and by adopting this system of collecting taxes gena report that the besiegers, inspired by stamps aa army of olhoo holders by the new order of things, redouble their efforts to reduce the city, and at would be dispensed with. on Committee the from finances, the Borne time the defendants seem to Scott, have taken fresh courage from the belief Morton's with amendments, reported, bill authorizing National banks that that the present Government is unpopuhave decided to reduce their capital lar and short lived. They have recently stock, to withdraw n pro rata proportion made several desperate, but ineffectual of their bonds upon retiring their own sorties, and have hoisted a black flag circulating notes, or depositing lawful over the fort of Ooleras. A Madrid dispatch to the Standard remoney. The morning hour expiring, the bill ports 200 persons killed and wounded to repeal the salary act of March, 1873, before the disturbances at Zarugossa The was taken up Stewart desired to furth- and Valladollid were suppressed. er the bill to compel the refunding of all new Government intends to soon add back-pareceived. Wright rawed the 100,000 men to the reserve. that two amendment were of order point already pending. He thought to encumSecret. Cnpt. ber it with all these amendments would defeat the biil. lie favered a square re- ji BY TELEGRAPH. Congressional one-hal- f otli-cer- ?. Jki s Years Coa! & Lime O trice AND MEXICAN MUSIC STORE, Main Street, peal. Flanagan, of Texas, thought $7,500 was none too much salary. It ought indeed to be $10,000. He had drawn his pay pulling a bundle of greenbacks from his pocket and he meant to fight to keep it. He had tried to earn it. His Mate found no fault with him. It was not ho much the salary bill the people objected to as the Credit Mobilier bill; but he did not think it such an odious measure. He thought Oakes Ames one of the best men he ever knew, and be lieved it was the demagogues of the country who preferred his indictment. Carpenter announced his purpose lo vote for the repeal of the bill simply and solely because the people, whose servant he was, demanded it, and not because he thought the bill was wrong. Coukhn and Edmunds wanted the bill repealed rIt ia well known that in his great sledge journey in search of the relics of Sir Juhu Franklin, Captain Hall made distressing discovereies, wlucl he resolved never to ive to the light as long as Lady Franklin should live On his last departure from Greenland in the Polaris he entrusted all his important documents to a Mr. Smith of lessuisak. Irom them it is now ascertained that Capt. Hall made the sad discovery that Frankliu and his party were reduced to the dire necessity of eatini each other. The fact of this discovery would have added still greater fame to Capt. Hall. He kept the secret from Lady Franklin ; but now that the tender and heroic explorer rests under the same dreary skies with the lost Franklin, this most unhappy secret has come to the outright In the House, Elliot's speech on the civil rights bill, which he read from manuscript with excellent delivery and good voice, attracted close attention in light. the House and galleries, the latter of which contained mny colored people He referred to (be services of Lit race on the battle fields of the country in the late war, and in the war of 1812; mid said the negro now appealed to the con stitutiou aud to the government he fought to sustain, for protection against Outrageous, unjust prejudices founded on caste. Replying to the constitutional arguments of Stephens, he contended that Congress had, under the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, complete power to pass this law, and to protect n!1 citizens of the country in all of their Iu the Mai'kct,uhv;iy rights He concluded in an oguent peroration which was loudly applauded on the floor and in the galleries, and at the cloje of the speech received mauy congratula tions from members. Elliott is from South Carolina, and is the darkest of any Of the coiored members, being nearly i pure black. He was educated iu Eng land. was at The Cabinet session, tended by ail the members, and lasted about two hours The condition of af fairs in Spain was under consideration, and several dispatches from dickies to Secretary Fi."h were road. They con tie matter of interest not nlready published. The otuniou in official and diplomatic oircles is that the Spanish Republio is practically ended. Ilierti was no rcterence to tuo notnin- Rtion of Williams, and there is ro au thority for saying that the President has iudicated any intention of withdrawing t jo nomination. Albany, N. Y , 0. Gov. Dix's message was presenied to He says the contue legislature dition of the State is generally gratifying. The debt is small, educational institutions are well managed, laws are caforced with renewed vigor, and grciit manuals are brought to speedy exemplary puniohnicms. He g ive a history of tbe robbery of the treasurer's ofliee. and exculpates every one from a guilty intent except Phelps but says t hero is no doubt thai defalcations would have Ycoa prevented if the treasurer had been He di&cusses the panic and a.', his post. CHfreney question, and expresses emphatically against any further :xp&niou or inflations of currency and in favor of a resumption of specie payment. Detroit, G. Two men went adrift on a block of ice in Saginaw bay. Dec. 31st, and lo day micceedei iu reaching the shore, but in h nearly exhausted condition, haing htn without food and nearly perished to-da- y, tin to-da- -- him-Ni'- lf Nose. with his time-honore- d IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is recommended with unbounded issup. 6nce iu all cases of CutH.BruiHes.Burns, Sprains, Ilhsumatism, Hard Swellings, Bites, Joints, frozen Feet, Ears, Ac., Ac, among all persons, and for Sprains, l, Founders, Ringbone, Scratches. Wind-Gall- s, Hoof-ale- . Spavins, Springhalt, Saddlo.Col-ta- r and Harntsi Gailsj also diseases olf the Eye and Ear in on hand. ! SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. One door Poll-Evi- Ogrten House. South of s27-l- y M. D. HAMMOND, Horses, Mules or Cattle. Main St., Ogdcn, ftiul Main St., Loan, Cache Co. AGENT FOR THE chuttler j IMIEI JLfJL Till, EXTERNAL "WOUNDS. did tyRemrmber, this Liniment frHl pro- riot spring up iu a clnyoi-o-. THE MOST AESUBD AND CLAIMED MtKTg. BY But wo havo J UNNATUIiALCX'EEa AND Mc.fHEOOM Lis I JiEW-BOK- N tbe experience of over years of trial, wtti ttie moateub thirty stantialresults.&uUby ainuiWtisdo of witacsao. If the Liniment millS 1 ta not a recommended, FULL SUPPLY ALWAYS OX IIAXD. A Also Dealer in Light Spring Wagons, Sweepstakes' TJiire&Iaiisg MaeliineN, Buckeye Slower. and lieapers, Sa:lkty ISakes, Uorn Shellers, Feed liaUers, Fanning Mill Emery Grinders, inSSHe Flous, Shovel Flows, CuItivaSors, AXD ALL KINDS the upon by uin any other liniment claiming tho same properties or rea sults. They are cheat and a fraud. Eo sura and get nothing but WAGOX MACHINERY. MATERIAL, 1R0. HARDWOOD, AXD SIEEL, ETC. 31 Am STAYNER'S TO GO Liaised .Mexican OF FARM A Complete Assortment of Money will be Hcfimdcd. Io not be Imposed ! JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OP THE BEST MATERIAL throughout aud is warranted. ALSO Cure Keuralgia, Hheumat!sm, Gout, Lama Back, Salt KUeum, Joisonous Bites, External Bone and Muscle Affections, Sore Nipples, ic, and may bejugtlytermed the panacea for all ducing agon a 1 IV M 43" Sold ey Aii Druggists akd Coustxx at 25c, EOc. FOR YOUR and $1 per Cottle. or Bottle, Sttlz, KeriCE Siz Ac. CO. 13 MUSICAL INSTEUMENTS 3!ifa 3 OTHER AND mm mm LOW EESERVOIR V kWWii wax iii .',' AND Save Twenty Cents on the Dollar. tu' k m a. NEAR SAVAGE'S vv Suited to all Climates, d y I& oaPbetter d 'How old are vou?" asked a St. BOXJD I31T Louis iustico of a bridal candidate. '.Kigliteen." replied the fjirl, who EXCELSIOR FjIANUF'G COMPANY, ookod five years younsrer than that. In "(vhat.year were you bom ?" con ftam- tinued tlie lustiee. lhc neied. blushed, and pueed it was AXD olucial in loo; lhc thereupon refused to perform the ceremony, and bheweut out counting mrd-iiearte- d d23" ' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MAIN STRFET, . A cross-eyeman cast a gloom AND FAMOUS FOB EEISO over a Detroit street car last V'cdnes-daBEST TO USE! by asking one of seven men and CHEAPEST TO BUY!! he strangers on the opposite seat had any chewing tobacco handy. EASIEST TO SELL ! 1 1 First the seveu strangers looked at Taiaoua for doles more sad eaen oiner; tnen tne seven nanus cooking, ?nt puckotward; and observing this eneh tho seveu of motion, supposed inickcr end Clienper '$yvV Than anj Stove of tb cost. his uekhbor the one spokeu to, and e seven . hands returned empty. frtrr . The cross-eyeman cast a ricochet SatisfacticaEvcrytfhero, glauec of indignation along the line, uid with the remark, "A sweet- scented lot of generous roosters, TO TUB ook a chew of his own tobacco. on ncr nnirers now niucn eighteen rora IPT'1 left, so as to be prepared or the next trial. ! Strings and other Fittings. LYON MFG. Au American in London, has come forward with a fresh notion, which may entirely revolutionize the world of billiards. This gifted person flings cue and unaway the dertakes to conquer his opponents by simply substituting his nose in its p!aco. In a report of a match played with Datton the other day, we read : "His Minhm operandi is very simple, lhifton plays a break with the cue in the usual way, and as soon as he leaves olf, Jefferson bonds over the table taps the ball with his nose, and rolls it into a pocket op caroms frdin it on ihe other ball." There are undoubtedly some advantages in thus dispensing with the cue. The player, we presume, is not obliged to chalk his nose. Ogden. "Was first known In America. OF MUSICAL 1NSTMUMMTS Its merits arc well known through- ALL KINDS out thv hubitablo world. It lias the oldest and best rrcortt of any From a Jowsliarp to h Chnrch Oran, ai Clienp,or Liniment in the world. From the million upon millions of bottles sold no complaint has ever reachClicapcr than anywhere else iu Utah. ed us, and as u healing uud PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT Violin Stoues Playing llillinrd . . THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME y Hall's THOMAS, IKE. Ogdcn, IKab. atiTC-lswSi- MRS. E. N. BALCOM, Trance Medirun nnd Clalrroycnt, MRS. F. A. LOGAN, Magnetic Healer and Lecturer, TAKEN ROOMS FOR A SHORT TIME, homo of Su'uel G)ns;;ow, ripjumifp the 1 ftlioriincle. Wbers tlioy will rRCvivd rslls from thoso seekiug 1IKALTJ1, or desiiiug to test the facts cf HAVE the SPIRIT C03DIUJ5ION. to 12 a.m., and from 2 to it y.m, Ojfia Iloun, from 9 OF MEDIA. ADMITTANCE FEE 23 ri. Cull on us. Trpe. Og.Wu, Not. Iltta, Consultation 1S7S. KLIAS UOWI5, Jmi. An IIOXESt"maCIII3E and not Miltjccl lo FITS.P0if.TS 0FSUFRS0RITYf Simplicity and VerfivAion of Mechanism. - Tension. p. sot apart for PnMic SfRiwo DEVELOPMENT BEST IX TI1K WORLT); l'KRFKCTKD of the Sewinir JIukIUii.-- . ly' the Inventor 1.00. Wednesday Hlvoiinj AN 3 L Ease of Operation and Management, Self Adjastijif Talc-uAiljuxtable, Head. hour? for Rending the II tory or Charactr of Indi- will l milB 1.00. $1.00. and describing viduals, friends in Spirit Life, SEWING MACHINE. DiirablUtyivlll last a Lifetime. Range of Worhivlthout a Parallel. Perfection of Stitch and TEIIMS: For Medical Examination, Magnetic Treatment, Private sittings during office HOWE d4S lw Cull nJ Examine nnr Style mid Pri T. W. JONJ", Tsilor, Tliinl (Wr from Z.C. M. I., Ori1'ii. SAWJEL ?Ji!LLE3, iU?L, Also, nt tho Sales Koojis, a ftw doors west of Z. C. JL I., Salt Lake ,28City. - j |