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Show PROVO, SUNDAY HERALD, SUNDAYKOVEMBER (927. Mill BeStaged 1CTV 9 rJAT TUSSLE IMI-COLUN- S AIiD IIERIilAIH Iowns made a goad return of line. Stafford punted to midf ieil Colvin went around right end for Reeves kickoff, going to yard line. Buy intercepted pown'j 50 yards and a touchodwn. Reeves line. missed the kick. Score, B. T. U. 60, j piss and went to the ' Colvin lost thiee yards, and Rowe Westers Bute J. ' went off tackle iar 23 yards and fReeves kicked off the Weetera lint and 'the game another, ccore. Reeves missed goal. Stale's ; Score B, Y. U. 48, Western SUte, 7. ended. ., Reeves kicked off the Western line. Finlayson . reSlat s PERHAPS Candidate Comes covered Stafford's fumble on the dropped all of hie telegram blanks line. C Skousen hit the as h ran and so, can't report any By MARK AND1 TbnlUc! What a calm after the twes- Tine lot 11 K. V. was victories over CaTTea' huh liBiehTT have been relieved somewhat fromthe depredations of. the 4rass-- ' thrown back 12 yards, but a pass, hopper-chasm- s Colvin to ' Reeves scored tfoother pheasant f'PRISON," says Earl Carroll, ' While the pheasants feel thatGeneral Sherman waa right, the touchodwn. A pass for point fail- "robs one of self respect" .And, hunters are delighted with results and are almost unanimous in the ed. Score, B. T. V. 6. Western dijes-- a youag girl come out of a opinion that pheasant shooting7 is unsurpassed as a gunner's sport State T." public bath m liquor all. bet up We are hoping that we mill, be able to hunt pheasant again Reeves kicked off to the . :, soon, and that sometime conditions will justify an increase in the line. A pass. Downs to Stafford, bag limit and in the lengthf of the open season. Thts, however, will .gained, ground, but Stafford drop-po- d .LONDON restaurants have dceid-e- d never be unless many ay our sportsmen have the wisdom the ball and Crane recovered to limit a dish of prunes to 9, or to observe the .rules of Sound sportsmanship and refrain from pracon Western Statejs 8 for a penny.- - A limit on prunes bf tices that Jeopardise the future of .the sport It is a generally-know- n ;Westero State held and Colvin o k. but 3 of the California sort will fact that many female pheasants were Indiscriminately shot Fancy unted out of bounds on the go as far as 9. a real sportsman interested in game conservation killing a female alibi with could himself the that and he silly pheasant thenexcusing not distinguish between male and female birds!. There is more reason to beliey that a doe deer could be mistaken- for a buck and every "real hunter Jinows that this mistake is excusable possibly once in a thousand7 times. Some may consider themselves smart or lucky that they escaped punishment for a violation, but no real sportsman d wants to be classed with the "goof" who is too to !Is tinguish Or with the undesirable who thinks- - it smart to deliberately violate the law. There is a vast difference between the smart tnsn " ' ... '. and. the" smart irteck. i lie doubt It would be an easy matter to appoint a great number of deputies to watch every move that we make when in the field with a gun. But gunners, I refuse to address the entire group as sportsmen, let us show that we are capable of a reasonable measure and . that we are really ,e little above the savage of 5, In tba we know ine meaning ana value or liDerty.. f n UDSON FISTIC Hera laa-- ". Charley Portland. ' Ore, middleweight ' who . wiU ECOUHTER ARE HEADIiNERS meet Mike N. Collins of Chicago in a wlnneistaka- - Is Henry Jones Plans Great' Series of Sport,;i Cards If Provoamj Support Effort; Big Double Bill to. Open Events re- - Big . rattle-heade- ..... " aix-rou- -- ..-vi . four-roun- nd Double Headr liner. ' MBYPLAY HANSEN KAYOES i : - er Arm-Try,,- , -- n wxp.a ht . - Sf-RA-N-D - No SlN PORTLAND 4 WINNER TAKE ALL ' mark. Stafford gain-State's, ed 5 yards on a lateral lias as thr quarter-tended-Score B. Y. U. 24, THREE BIG IJOXING MATCHES NEW YORK, Nov, 5 Phil Scott, as- Western Stat.7 . British heavyweigbJ. .FOURTH QUARTER . sumed his position'as a "boriaipntal A lateral - - Salt Lake 150 lbs. pass, Downs. to Lansrud when Uw. ProV6155 heavyweight' last evening, arid put the ball In Knute Hansen, the 'melancholy geined 10 yards ' B. Y. U. stopped passes Two other matches'4, agd froiipds. .' midfield. Brithr.ndsome the Dane," finished nd Stafford ounted to the on In the first round of a scheduled linn Rowe cot around right end i 30 bout at Madison Square for 22 yards C. Skousen hit tackle " I on Western for 14 vards, the ball Garden. t MANAGEMENT HENRY JONES mark. C. Skousen State Scott was floored seven times in went center for 14 yards through Balcony 75c Ring Side $1.59 , Lower Floor $1.00 rapid-fir- e order, wrhen the referee and Colvin went around left end for stopped the bout Scott displayedof 30 yards and a touchdown. Colvln's Wcmen and Boys 25c romnrkable sameness in the face kick failed. Score, B. Y. the barrage of right and left hooks placement 7. State U. Western 30, sent out by the Dane, out tne cru-oReeves kicked off to Western had nothing else, being no match State's lin. A latorn' "- -. horse. "trial , for the to Stafford Downs gained slightly, , A ehoi t left hook to the Jaw sent but Stafford dropped the ball and ' Scott down for a count of three, Corlcss on Western recovered '.. PRESENTS and thereafter the bout resembled a Rowe made State's tumbling Wt until the finish. 2 yards on an end run, C. Skousen . line. made first down on the Reeves for Alexander; Buys for Rowe went off left tackle for a Colvin for Lloyd; Official Photographer for the Mt. Everest Expedition Basinger; Rowe touchdown. Reeves' kick was blockt, for B. Skousen; Bunnell for ed. Score, B. Y. U. 36, Western H. SimmonB; for Anderson - State 7. Fittlayaon for Worthington; Eggertover the goal kicked off .Reeves ioi Merrni sen for G. Corbett; Love- line. Passes, failed and Stafford Torme; Menlove for Rowe; . punted. Bawe taking the ball, for less for D. Corbett; Crane for C. a run and a touchdown Col' Skousen; Dougall for Eggertsen. vln's kick was low. Score, B. Y. U. SEAS0N TICKETS $2.50. SINGLE ADM. 75c Score by periods: 2, Western State 7. ... 0 12 12 .36-- 60. B. Y. U. . ...... 7 0 0 7 0 Western State B. Y. U. i socring touchdowns, 2, Colvin 42, Rowe" 1. .Western. State Reeves 1, Lloyd touchdown, Crawford. scoring Downs Point after touchdown (placement kick). Officials Romneyreferee; Prince, -. ! ; umpire; Hamilton, head. linesman. Direction L. MARCUS EnTfef prises , , Regular Prices c ' . , Cal Herman (Continued from Page One) At two moel touchdowns. '.his point, Western SUte began its deceptive aerial attack, and three clever passes, the last one via the route, counted a touchdown, and Downs kicked goal i a feat which B. Y. U. players failed to achieve in ten chances during the afternoon. Shortly after the fourth period Downs-Crawfor- d Western TTtate wilted and the "Y" ran wild, scor Ing six touchdowns almost at win before the game ended. The lineup and summary: B. Y. V. WESTERN STATE re ... . Alexander Corsuch com-bletlv- Opened, . rt ... H. Simmons McLaln Corlcss . rg Naff . . c . i. Thorne Whalley (C) . . G. Corbett lg Tlnsley ..... Blackburn . . . . It D. Corbett (C) Crawford ... .. ,le .. Worthlngton Stafford .... . qb .... C Skousen .' rhb Lloyd Ayers lhb Lansrud Baslnger fb . TB. Skousen Downs ........ ........ ......... Substitutions' State Western Dedph for Whalley: Frasier for Ayers. B. Y. U. Rowe for Lloyd; Buys for Basinger; Reeves for Alexander; ..Anderson for H. Simmons r Merrill forG. Corbet tr Bun' nell for Corless; Colvin for C. Skousen; . G.Corbett for - Merrill; H. Simmons for Anderson; C. Skousen for Colvin; Lloyd., for Rowe; Alexander for Reeves; Corless for Bunnell; Basinger Ifuys vs. Battling Hudson 20-ya- ARMORY TUESDAY, No'Si p. m. n 22-y-- U B. Y. ARTS COURSE CAPTAIN JOHN B. NOEL rd .. Cor-lesf- Wednesday, November 9, 8:00 p. nv COLLEGE UAL i - ' A TODAY- - and MONDAY .; . . Them All The;FinestOt Zarie Paramount eifern! Grey's SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY DOLORES DEL RIO VICTOR Mc LAG LEN Wasn't Married, Yet She Had a Husband I She widow but Sba was fcer husband wasn't dead. Sba was eneraged, and then htf husband apTh hilarious peared I "sr Vila! ri 7M ffrH - V SUghUy Used Ml ' c The JVild Rose of Old Seville from Page "Six) (Continued Advance Jn Price STARTING SUNDAY for FOUR DAY3 f CUICAOCF BRITISH CHAMP COUGARS Charley Mason Mike Collins us - '' ... - d . -- d Man-Eate- ,J ' . -- HIGH SCHOOL tl Real uccess , t. " match Tuesday light In the Provo armory. Ho comes bare with tU finiah great reputation the Pacific coast. With' & finish wrestling; match and a boxing bout holding the center, of attraction a a double headhner, Henry Janes will promote the Jirst M m series of sens-- ! tksial qport carda In the Prova Armory nest Tuesday nUrht. . , who r' Mike Collin tha fant are more than eager to Winners In every Utah nigh ee defeated. takes4 on Charley school division except one ware deMason pf Portland, Oregon, in a termined Xhe results of Friday's by "wlnner-take-afinish mat tussle, on a same. The one exception was in . " ; .. basis. . Region 4 where Coach Paul Pack- . Richfield team upset the dope Big Boring Headline Jlerman.-- ' b oowin Monroe, 2 to 0. thereby For the fight fans, . meet will Lake f8alt throwing the race into a triple tic, with Richfield,. Monroe and WaBattling Hudson, Provo'a ace who has walloped every oppon- satch tied for the top position. ent tn this vicinity, in a In Class A. high of Salt -- . omlTtnHl " d U boxing civ nave cuiiijmicu uicir ached- -' curtaro-ratser, three-rouwth--3 meet will and without ules defeat, will comDlcte the most elaborate for .Ihc championship of that seccsrd to be staged In thjs section for a date at tion ' tojt deeided upon 7 - many a moon. later. West high downed L. V. S.J want-th- is Provo-apf- rt fans ilf 12 to 0, for its fifth' straight-victorV lid of entertainment, I will give ft while Boxejder swamped Ogden, 4 who iftjlaniied to 0. toUhenj," said Jones, ... wrest- throughout the west for his Class B, six of the' seven' winIh of Hag achievements. "Patronage to ners have been decided. Logan, wrestling matches has seemed with three wins and "one loss, heads slacken down of late, but L believe Region No. 1, and Tooeeje's win mentioned triple, tie prevails In .No. J ana that it can bo built up gav of over .Grantsville gave the former 4. Moab Is the iso. oin winner, Delta holds the ytle No. 6, each that Provo, will be a center ' the championship of western the of the latter hayjogJCQred-- f our Vic ; wrestlin and boxing attractions. with fourwlns section of No.-2; tories without a loss. Great Bouts Promised one with and defeat. Wasatch high, f"Wlth my acquaintance witft the five straight victories, wins the .results throughout the Friday's I can eastern country's best wrestlers, section of that region. Pro- state are as follows: put vo Prevo 61, SpringviDe 0, . bring many men here who wiUwant 3 laurels and the afore- Jjakes fans u ereat bouts. If the Payson 52, Spanish Fork 6. to ah them them, and will patronize , Lehl 6,. American Fork 6. without Mason wrestlers any .than will extent whieh Justify staging a .o. West 12, and I. feel fine and fit ior Granite 20,L.U. the matches, some great bouts will trouble, Jordan 8. . Pro- out to show am matr.h I th Tooele 27, QrauUvlIle 7. , , bf put en here. vo fans that I am the best man' Charley Mason, who wrestles Murray ,6, Cyprus fi. . and at this in section the of "my one is . weight, Mik Collins Tuesday, East 6, Logan ... Jones says best mlddleweights in the country, If Mason is as good as Snow (College 88, Westminster C. will a him with he go will match is, my give afed I feel, .sure that he Bear River 32, South Cache 0. Man-eatMike' a tough evening.- long way fowaru proving iu it Preston 24, North Cache 7. uinsee me lose iu tans i Mason is .working out at tne expect to Boxelder 41, Ogden. ft, a are condition. in lor son, they Dig surprise is n the pink of Davis 82, Weber 6. . . He doe not expect the slightest Tuesday." Wasatch 12, Cathedrals. . Dean Tucker will be third man In difficulty m making Collins' weight Coalville 18, Park City 8. Jones announces, to Promoter the ring tke and declares that he expects Richfield 2. Monroe 0. Colthe of and the from appearance the measure of the ferocious North Sanpete 14, Sallna 0. Collins-Parwill k have he match, lins, who made himself eo unpopuDelta 50, Fillmore 0. Herout cut him. Cal work for his lar y his rough tactics in last man refereed on that 19, Beaver 12. Hinckley and occasion, week's match with Dean Park of of on his to call almost had supply Oram. Mason wrestled in Provo in 1920, right and leftTaooks to keep .Collinsorthodox wrestling. when he and .Henry Jones met in inthe path of Great interest prevails in the one'.df the greatest matches ever REOION XURJE2S n Herman-Hudso.iistic duel which staged ihere. At that time .Mason Her-mabill. of the was a welterweight, and a good one. Is a Final Standing: is well known here as a heady, a tfter graduating to the jniddle-We4g., one the of clhss, Ae had one brilliant experienced battler; and 5 0 1.000 Provo ...... match Jn this territory, meeting Ira best men of this section in the ring. .... . . . .... .4 1" M0 Derh at Midvale in 1922. Since that Hudson possesses a fine local rec- Payson .. .. .3 2 .600 will Sprlngville . time ie has wrestled all over the ord, and the bout with Herman .400 2 3 Spanish Fork United States, .and boasts a fine test his mettle against an exper Eureka i. . .,1 1 JSS record, including victories over the ienced performer. American Fork ....'.0 --2 M0 Election returns wilh be antest men of the nation In the mid- nounced 5" .000 Dean Tucker Referee by class. dleweight at the- - sport "card, so that patrons t CoHlns ISiConfldont- Friday's Results to illns la Hndaunted JyMaaon'a may be assured of political-new- s Provo 51, Sprlngvtlle ,0. . record, .and by the popular desire to. spice the boxing and wrestling Payson 62, Spanish Fork 8. see him beaten. "I will beat Ma- - matches. Arrangements for these Lehl 6, American Fork 6. son.Just like I beet Park," declared 1 election returns have been made CnUns. "I ,hav,won- from oettor with .the Evening Herald. aix-rou- theM Pheasant Barne Hopes To Defeat Collins Uason, i; i PACE SEVES , . MAYMWOY ; I ' 1 !.. CONRAD NAGEL fJM mSSm ' '! tne' spaces takes place' lfiir-7- " Vi- - 'je '5 iSf I tale of love and A - fV it 1 AUDREY FERRIS " I "' A 8tory a!l big 63 y I R0BERTAGNEW f ' I ANDERS RAND0LF . I wind Western if ever there was s - " S'fSV'Trv i4T $f M $ f 'S y' fflrS . m ' 'fXt jkrc fffciJ 'ft.i r, JT" (Mlf f&$2: comedy ' f"" 1 T 1 ' " ! ft and Her Career ofLove. r Z I . . ft: 'A SONG SLIDES Come and Sing ' v ; NEWS WEEKLY Football Sense j ft bettybp5)nsoh Q FRED UNE CHANDLER Wr? 17) WJ - K0Hf fl V " fv)f W 7 Jj A WARNER BROS.PRODUCTJON v Captivating Comedy of Marriage a la Carte ! BEAUTY PARLOR SERIES "BOYS WILL BE GIRLS" with Al Cooke and Kit Guard NEVVS WEEKLY-r- r V' : ' , j j , ' .. - ' ''"-:- v - - . |