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Show DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY. F EH HI' AIT 4. MM. TO SCAU'SHI TWKETS a- He ma mtck:: cum; lit THEM 1 CRM - Graai Jart vnwtlj Cor ikr r 1L Mi'.It I. .'-t- krt urfcd aa tha uirta UUl mm iiiiiUs-- c j.'fmtaad r. It haa thirty-ta.oaa a i:;d .- a . - Kifft la Ttc Caarft Tick! Hrld j the Wraac Hwmii. It Dtrtft l a Taa! il law I m oa of U-- Omart. '4. J . which M hjqpB-- The Eta J V.a J KESTEES. rs biin tut tha Trrrilurik Sukml II lag fc bwM ooaa caioa tekierday: PUiHiff i.- -r ;i l,.ka broker ? a) Sa t Like C.ty m AL .Uui to Son Mesa, 1'aliforros. for MMlB wit. Ltr dbedefewaaM uurupmay's road. TW tola m ibesa to Prasmontory mad tf. ixitduclur rtfuard to hoaor tie ok then up tad required, ua) full (are fur Lioiat-i-f aife to their destination, or be put ' the train. Plaint i!T uanl the fir and Kill i brought Uu recover daunurrs far this breach of dutv as claimed by the plaintiff. Plaintiff MMMi udm" Mat below and the defendant appear, aaaertioi; that it was the duty of the conductor to refute to honor the tickets and take Umui up and compel the plaintiff to pay full far or leave the train. The takeu er contract tickets and UBonrt4 other contained this waioitioc: Third If not so used; if bore than one dale is canceled or if preeenu J bv any other person than the rijiuil ' holder, thia ticket is void, and t. v ductor will take up and colle. t f fare, This claaa of tickets is usually signed bv the purchaser, but thee mi re nou Tlieee lickeU acre sold at Blut (CipiiU Kan., by an agtat of the DMo Pacific railr.iad trff party, and uaad to Salt Lxe City and thero od to the ticket broker. Before purchasing the twketa plaintiff ual ,ruJ beraiip Suo haa of to uove to coiCOjodi u.irlie and la future the :t auart-- miBg in the A O. L f the lode will ba head of W hail, U'oshuaxtoa avaaaa. Were Married. Mr. George U Hudson and Mum Maud M. Sburthff, both of Ogdea. war mar riad y Saturday after noon by Juatioe Tt.i vaa Ju'lga Gideoo'a tirat aulriaacfliai eoraauMiy, but h want throuarh it ao smiothty that an observer mould saver have known the diffarwaea. Coagratulatiooa to all concerned. Tht For Sal. The three year leoae of the Congreas hotel and saloon. Champ tor cash. Ludg iog apartment and naiuon will be sold K. Vow ell. separate if desired. I i . weul l the onice of ma L'nion company at Halt Lake City with Aches and paioa mhde iinoatiog Kidney troubles thai leail !'.r Kidney d:M-.- will atop them. indi-oaU- ) to Ted dra Arii m are Pwjpia thw ILwe !'i FralM-- f. of liJlut-itii- ---- jit ! is ia tar hah. U .iz art tsd in air:-n- s . i lak'.s it Philiisopliically. Prnawraasx Feb. 3.- ffjnhard Murphy - , a;id In? st'MldUghter have disjipju-itredan;'. Mra llichard Murphy, the niothal of the girl, thinks they have eloped. name, is Ague Statattj for that is hr . a UrZ-- mntaml SPECTACLES, - Dying.' S Mgtm iamtsf y-- mas S3T L f ar"cudr Tha -- at I da Tn shear aem. aai I bared may to aril haaa fur the per e given ia Xrw Vurk city (ur nftjr cctiUTe bignia, ii m subietUm in which the audience will take fearkad in wat Ts at f bar arnaa are to pro tar L-a- am. uii-aah- tea Toa nr dying.' tax. ccraa. iifor,firaaami hive o.tiaed Uoiei uZ. uTitMuuTuT The uriaw featufl rirvm and Ukhaaam. frx a tij r 1 or "AMrhi.'aaym if yvi can r Otasi 'Jm W Mr raws Menvfc. arxt and fa . wax. i yon.' i i. t: aui ;.ad loaf when Mr is his card to King Tslakins al tne throe veara fruam the date of the pr inultb outxwasiuB. Tha txu uiel gatiou Palace hutaL his uxajrst r tamed to Lord . and amid with a on Mi r-Lhaia ; - 4mm thai thai har board and nearly aa many wiU be in tha aaagt ittoett ubWaa of Mrxacaa W-ein tne of nations. Kirteen young ladies ia J. It of I'ahfomia aadCala- ..f t:.e K.otiraude custuiue mill five a drill oa which ihet radu, and the territories of Sear kv have been practicing fur seek. Western, arrived in the ntj yotferday Aaamasa. and , i l.ee S:iVL :,r:i,, Tha cuUnap will aagmgs ia stork athWiaw in sparial car "A," oa a gen- will of in 17Tt; apiar mill eral inspection tour of tha road. a ranrimsii m rahiag do which end the fiea laaporta-tao- n give of a limited namber of head of Maw of that aaa Ldv After a brief walk about tha yards in ( r Ire. On i to sing 'II Banu. for samg- mill be al prp.- -? company with Kupenataodeat Knapp of Sail Lke Cy reeaatir. lowed l in tha aaaeafartarr of bmrrols the l'nion Depot company, the eotua she was t a ice recalled Mr (irant Haaap and t-opera' guoda gi mm ally, of beer, party clambered into a double cutter and ton wdl also sing on Saturday evening. ajafit and p Bat the amoat took a swift spin about tha city behind This gentleman haa already won an the k heme is tha a daabtng pair of Solano A Fell's blacks. enviabls name in Ogden (or h'm excellent important ' feature of r ii.:.. u. '.:- - federal On their return they proceeded at ones ainging at tha Orphean special. Miss Carrie Dodd, formerly of Chicago district ai d the agreement of tha coa to tha Rio Grande freight house at Washington avenue and Twenty second is to recite, and a beautiful tableau waaiunairo to sell the paper maeuiart-ore- d there at a maximutn price of fS.30 traat where they were intercepted by a m Ul add to the programe. Tha object is eotaris of bloodthirsty reporters. Geo. for the benefit of the public library and for cuamon triple printing paper. p M Tin. Commsui :v! retire this alone should draw a full bouse. for auper.'ir printing paper am table for I..it-- r r, aaatative very cordially, but had Reserved seats are now m sale at the bookt . and $10 few glased paper. Anlittle of general interest to impart. box office of tbs Gra:. ! A in. a other feature is tha project for patting "We are just taking a run over be 25, 50 and 75 cents. up a sajataUe. fruit an. look tha line, ha said, "for a sjntahaduneut. Mexican at our projerty, and find everything in UHADO MIDLA.SU UAILWAV iratciata shape. Tha road was oarer Miui-ir- r llarftl aiul Kililma. in better condition. I can safely say Mr. "o Ba rrett bore htrn-l- f in his oAcial Omaha Ali and Points F.ast. Western now haa not that I thank the residence at Hawaii as if it had been Ids only one of the tinest Led in the entire ihrough oars via the Colorado Mid-la- : ediU'ri d rum in Virginia City. 1 saw count.' but the equipment of a railway; to LeadiilU 4 Mr. stock is unsurpassed :u elegance by any rado Springs and Denier, the other day. He had livgett close rail.vud in the west. That the travel- connections with all trunk making lines for the eomme down from hia ranch at Vacarille ing public appreciates our endeavors to south and cast. to vuit hia former royal cham. mis irter to their comfort iaeviuvdby I. f agree with the ex jourud-ia- t Trains leave Og.ien via Rio ( ramie ur t'suii!;. .n,Te.rfuig p . ;s:!ger ttjlfie. Wtwtern S:.'k) a. m. and t. m He used to be fat. au.l liijilouiate. Pic a w guagi has cost us an euormous C'Ask Unwn ticket agent for but no he looL. like a pugihat in trainsum of money, it is true, but the invest- tickets via (V1-- de(t rauo Mi hiii.d, the short ing. ment is puy inx us han.bo.uely." line, the fast line, the scenic route. "Ev .tv laxly," he said, "aroma to be iri "Wiiat is tliere tiie antique ahoo.. ruraor o( an alliance with the Santa Fe" my leanne. just as yon are. Patronize the new OamaM.1 I. ,l Jndg' Modck was quits scared thai tfkc'l tho reorter. "Just as much as there ever was,'' he bindery, where y..u can itet first claaa morning. 'Daggett,' tiys he, 'it isn't repiieil. "Tne Western never hail tla work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. natural for you to be without jowls and faint.'.t a tent ion of entering into a traft c mgratntant with a:iv line to the detriment of its other connections. Tho Riotirande today is just as good a road and commands the same patronage as the Mid land. They are on an equal basis before the public, and it would not be to our advantage to discriminate in favor of either. We treat them both alike." How about the San Pete extensi n?" "W are in receipt of very encouraging offers from towns along the right of way," was the response, "and tho work will be undoubtedly pushed in tho spring. The San Pete torntorv contains some of the tinest agricultural lands in the west and needs but an outlet to make it one of the most prosperous sections of Utah." i.'neral Palmer was highly pleated as well as surprised, at Ogden's rapid growth. "Ihis is my first visit toOguen ho said, "in over a year and 1 can truly say that 1 am more than astonished at tho marvelous progress the city has made in the past twelve months. Our rido about the city this afternoon discovered magnificent business Mocks completed or in tho course of erection which in a short time have takoc tho place of dingy, OBI story shanties and beautiful, cosy homes on tho si to of old adobes. Why. you are a second Donvrr and if this is kept up for the next few years, pace 1 fe;ir you will eclipse us." The party left last evening for Salt Lake a::d after a brief vUit in that city General Palmer will return to his homo in tha Colorado metropolis. T--r ksax maadaxitted Drop vSav.i Virginia Cor. an-- 1 tha draw thj 9m Chioca-i- a 1 I : ufhisacoanicxad: J ifani. . A Bfaslirw rwaaalae. r exist in al-- d in all bet perfect (carleaaeas of man. arid here, fruss the great dinVtdty of aecess to their domain, theenu-rpriainsportanmna tneu ages hence. Until tb juat pawed no huater'a pna-h or explorer's nrV had ever am ak the echoes of their hills. This hnnter'a paradiae is tha peninsula lying want of ruget sound, and embrace all tha territory went frotu the sound to the Pacific ocean, and the Strata of San J nan de Fcca south to the northern tin. of Chehaiish tire counties of Clallam i and is locally kuown aa the NQfjmmJg range country." A glance at a map will bast informs the reader uf tha extent of . this temhiry, where. i::r u-- : the noblest game on the coimniit has ln.-Ta. ma in undiaturbed peaci aum-...-.-- 'Wain TK Mra V iil-- : QaanmmmaV - Ih.wito jou like your new maid, Mis Jingle 'Oh. alie' l be all right if abe Were mil ao overretiiied." iu mhai way?" "She never breaks anythius.' bui lbs at ma eoatlr DrWen chiua-"-- K wa. L Junati i MONARCH SHIRTS. deer-hound- s California and the Fair. Sacramento. CaL Feb. 3. The bill providing for tho appropriation of 1800,000 for California's exhibit at tho world's fair, passed tho third reading in tho assembly with an amendment restricting California's commissioners to 82,000 amah. A Man Cut to Pieces. Martin. Tex.. Fob. 3. Last night a hand car was run down by a freight train and one man cut to pieces, while five others were badly injured. Utah Disaster. Salt Lake, Feb. 3. Near Sandy, fif teen miles south of here. Albert Bate-mau and Ole Hawkinson, were overcome with gas and both fell to the bottom of an eighty foot shaft. A man attempting to recover the bodies was also overcome. The bodies were finally recovered with grappling irons. A A Stockman Held Up. Chicago, Feb. 3. James Davis, a wealthy stockman from Cheyenne. Wyo., who came here with a load of cattle, was held up by four men at the stock yards this morning and relieved of 9630. This celebrated bxani is known to the lest trade throuffhou.1 the United States as the most perfect titting, and carefully made Sliirt in the market. We carry a complete line of the Mon arch, ranging in price from Sl.OO to Sk2.50, and guarantee a perfect fit foi 90 out of every lOO. The 1.50 and SI. 75 grades are equal in quality to any S82.00 and S2.50 shirts put up on special orders from the various factories. We are prepared to take SPECIAL ORDERS for shirts to be made at the Mammoth Shirt Factory of Cluett, Coon & Co., Troy, 1ST. Y. Our Big Discount Sale will continue for only a few days longer. It will pay to buy while prices are subject to 20 per cent, discount. Foreign Wreck. roD. z. one passenger was killed and twenty were injured Uv the derailment of a train between Donai and Paris this morning. ri ris, No Result Yet. S. D., Feb. 3. Two more bal Pjerrr, lots for senator todav were without result. ATTERBUEY, DOBSON & COMPANY, Rl Monte Commandry K. T. Special conclave Wednesday evening, Feb. 4th. Work, order of the temple. Per order E. C. T. P. Bryan, Recorder. SILVERWARE, 306 JEWELRY, d (Complete Line Solid Grold and ;J. Gr. RAINE 8c COMPANY, $483 Washington Avenue. Twenty-fift- h WATCHES, Silver-mounte- I Gen. - youug and Uauiiful, and her stepfather is Bin much younger than Agnes's mother, and not at al! bad looking. Mr?. Bverett lost her husband two years i.g-and thereby gained possession of a smali f irtune. It helped to make her an tractive widow. Murphv himself wan 2.), and poor. His love making was carried on vigorously, and the widow soon capitulated. They .occupied a neat hoase in Allegheny. Two weeks ago Mrs. Murphy's daughter, who had been visiting iu Denver, and who had never seen her stepfather, returned home. List Friday b.)th of them disappeared. Mrs. Murphy takes her loss philosophically. "They just dropped out of sight," she said. " I don't care. Murphy oiurned me for my money and wouldn't work. I have kept him since we got married, and I guess he got about ItiOO before lie went away. I hate to see were buncoed as I was, but she will when he The purchaser bought thwe Agnes to do as I d;d learn by have tickets knew tlat he had no right to ride, pa" ftMllt'V'ay upon t h m and sell them for the lfest of th way, and tho National Greyhound Club. plaintiff kUVw yf the terms of thotiek-elhe had DO right to buy them but New York, Fob. 3. The national grey anxious to ride to his destination for lees thau the rogular fare ho considered hound club opened its firtt specialty the matter and brought on the opiuioa show today at tho America:: horFO exof a man wholly unauthorized to bind change, No. 642 Broadway. The comthe defendant company, and his luspio-ion- s petition lies within the three following should have been Rroueed bv tlio olaSSM of hounds: Greyhounds, conduct of the pretended agent becauaa and Russian wolfhounds, or if the tickets were entitled to lie hon- barzioe. Tho conditions aro the same as ored on their merits a letter to the con- under tho American kennel club rules. ductor was unnceiwy; and if not tho Considerable interest has been taken in officious letter of the pretended agent this cUss of dogs of late years, and it is would lie prevailing; and this ought to expected that this show will create a have suggested to him tho tickets would wider interest in these dogs, which for be dishonored, unless by tho influence deer and worlf hunting purposes have of this letter tho 0 n luetors would bo no equals. induced to nrgleet their duty. This class of contract tickets in valid A Christian Philosophy Paper, and common carriers fire not authorized New York, Feb, 3. Mrs. Mary S. to enforce them. . Post vs. R. W. Co., 14 Nob.; Elmore vs. Robinson, of Mamaroneclt, will this Sands 53 N. Y.; Railway Co. vs. Chapread a paper on "The Will," beman 140 Mass.; Cody" vs. Ky. Co. 4 Saw. evening But it is contended that tho ticket fore the American institute of christian at Hamilton hall, Columbia agent at Blue Rapids, Kansas, sold with- philosophy, out requiring the purchaser to sign the college. Today it was announced that contract. We think this makes no dif- an endowment fund had been secured ference. He took them at a less price and Cornelius Vanderbilt had contributhan the regular fare; the terms of the ted about one half theiimount. contract set out in full and by accepting The laides of the Presbyterian church the tickets without signing he accepted the terms of the contract ar.d was bound and congregation meet in their new and Adams, by them. R R. vs. Read 37 111.; R. R. room corner Twenty-fourt- h Co. vs. McGowan 26 Am. & Eng. R. R.; Thursday at half past two to complete Masier vs. St. Louis etc.. K. R. Co. 127 arrangements for the "Missionary Tea" U. S. given by them Wednesday Feb. 11. Bv Ordkb op Secretary. The court instructed the jury in opposition to these views, and in that regard his instructions are erroneous. We also Grand Mass Meotlnir think there is no evidence in the record to support the verdict. Of the Citizens' party at the new Grand But it is claimed that the conductor Feb. took up the ticket, and therefore the opera house, Saturday afternoon, 2 Good m. at the 7th, p. beginning a plaintiff should recover. But he had right to do that under the contract and speakers and excellent music. A general invitation to everybody to the plaintiff was not damaged as he had the tickets at the trial and introduced attend and hear reasons for the action them in evidence. As this evidence dis- of the new party and its progress. Ladies especially invited. poses of this case, we deem it u o necesBy order of the sary to pass upon the other alleged errors. Executive Committee. The case is reversed and a van ire de novo awarded. Probate Matters. Zane C. J., Andersen J. and Miner J., OVoss yestorday mude an order Judge concur. appointing Thomas Fitzgerald mem tor Liberal Rally. of the estate of Ellen D. Pierce, deceased. He also There will be a rally of the Literal His bond was fixed at $12,000. party at the Grand opera house Friday, made an order admitting her will to proFeb. 6th at 7:30 p.m. Eloquent speakers. bate, appointing apprnisors, and directGood music. Turn out, Liberals. ing that notice be given to creditors of Exbccttve Committee Liberal Paktt. the estate. SPECTACLES, Maa Agri-cnltur.- From St. tiaal Switzerland. Our own importation, tie- l.irg- - : nVvl; an of K""dr'tideries ever exhi'iited rir-in I'uh from 3 corns per yanl up to '. S. J. Brut Bio k the i.00 ticket broker, and had thefoii-i- . cvjareraation and trausaction: w Mr. lcgalle. w.io was an MB of the Raid company, and plyau hiii'i VIA plaintiff wished U purchase these Vuift tickets. H locked at Um ticke'A iliA saw where they were sold, u.MI riarht; you can sell them and aai and wo laithrouKhill riht; we will limit those .(Vta end bm Mr. Drum-c- . in.l sign their and will gives letter to Mr. Drumui ml to the conductors on the Central Pacini railroad autbofialng them to honor these tickets. Mr. nave the letter and Mr. Druramond eitfued thd tickets and bought them. The letter was Burned by Parker per Iu- i!N, and Parker swears oeiliveiy that tie had no authority to sell tickets over the road of defendant c mpany. Tho letter spoken of was not introduced as evidence and we cannot tell its contents. The question is was it tho duty of the defendant road to honor these tickets although presented by persons other than the original purchasers. lhey were through tickets and wore sold for a less price than the local faro and MM purchasers agratd not to sell them and tho tickets stated on thir fuco that they (a-C.t- 1W cluw u . . i;; ISrtier Imtsrrm Ga. Pakaer. prvJat : CuL IXia. J Liasuaeer; JL H Welby. C C. Goadoia.atLucao- - .... Srrrr Th baqrrv. ce at M W. ihLoa.ai rhaaaasaf . a a cinrjre uf mas aofciwil oathodorhM CK th aromBU of CVEBuautjer appr II F C ft.!! EIMME tol WITH THE o THK Spectacles Properly Fitted. DIAMONDS. Umbrellas Ogden, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge. - Street. |