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Show V. THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, LOCAL NEWS HEALTH SUNDAY - IS PROCLAIMED DONT BUY YOUR Dec Mabey Designate far Special Observance Joverner 11 Whitmore went to Salt Lake Tuesday (or a few days visit. Mrs. G. M. Lost A light rim from my car. Finder notify Elliot Miller. In State Xmas Candi Until you see and get our prices . on our line. ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. 31 North Main Street NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah, December 1st, 1921 NOTIOE is hereby that given Fountain TTifoVi wVirt tn 97 Afnhai 1916 made Homestead entry No. Sec 30; 017342, for WMSEV Section 31 Township 13 South Range 3 East Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-yeProof, to establish claim to the land ot Charles R. Coombs Hi-na- n SESE, NE-iNW- 4, NE, ar A above described, before the Clerk of of Distict Court, at Manti, Utah on the 14th day of January 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Jasper H. Robertson, Martin Lund, Martin Andeirson W M. Coombs all of Fountain Green, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY Register First publication Dec. 9nd, 1921. Last publication January 6th, 1922 Dr and Mrs J. A. Booth, received word yesterday of the arrival of a new grand daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L Booth, San Diego Calif. All concerned doing well. Bargain For Ford Car Owners We See E. L. 168 Let us print your Christmas Cards We have a nice selection you. jovernor you to choose from. The Times- Cliarlos R. News. ' W a b e y of the state ot Miss Clara Wilson, came to Nephi Utah, has Wednesday. Miss Wilson will take deslgna ted charge of the Commercial department Sunday, De- of the loqal High school. cember 1 1, a TubercuMiss Mary Woolley of the local Ckrirtmm Saal Ft if 21. H J a. losis school was called to Ogden High ' day la Utah Sunday evening on account ot the iiid calles upon all churches of the death of her sister. lute to give public health special consideration in their services on this Mrs. Jas. "W. Paxman. went to The proclamation was Issued Lynndyl Wednesday morning where u connection with the annual Christshe will be the guest of Mr. and um Heal sale of the Utah Public Geo Sudbury for a couple of days.. Health association to raise funds to Mrs. Frank Belliston, retutned to urry on Its fight against tuberculosis Hid to promote good health among the her home in Lynndyl Monday after people of the state during the coming visiting with her parents Mr. and year. The proclamation of the gover- Mrs. Jos. Broadhead for a short time nor follows: It. F. Tomllnson formerly of the Prevention of disease and preservation of the health of its people Is a NeptU Drug stopped off In Nephi on his way to Mills, where prime essential to the progress, pros- Tuesday he will hunt ducks for a couple of perity and happiness of the State. That insidious white plague, technic- days. ally known as tuberculosis, Is reaping Mrs. Geo. C. Whitmore, Mrs a needless toll of death" in lives an. Edith Sparks and Miss Marion Sparks In Utah and near, returned to Salt Lake Sunday after the State of uually, ly two hundred, besides causing an visiting in Nephi the past week. They economic loss of millions of dollar will leave for Venice, Calif, the latter und endless suffering. part of this week. This yearly destruction of life may be lessened and ultimately preveuled Mrs. John Wilson and son Laren through education along lines of pre- Wilson returned home Tuesday from vention. " Salt Lake where they have been the The Utah Public Health Association, past three weeks. While there, Larn cooperation with the National Tuen underwent a critical operation, berculosis Association and other fed. from which he is now slowly recover ral and state health and educational ing. agencies, is conducting a vigorous Wm. Bailey left Monday for Wash ampalgn of education for the preven. in of tuberculosis and promotion ef ington, D. C. where he will confer with the National Tax officials. Mr. ;eneral public health In the state. This Association Is dependent enflre-- y Bailey is the chairman of the Nation upon the annual sale of Christmas al Tax Assocciation and in this cap eals and neulth bonds for funds to aclty he will represent the associat ion at the various conferences to be arry on its work. Believing ffiat this held at the nation's capitol. the of attention merits the ndertaking ople of Utah. White Leghorn Baby Chicks from NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES heaviest laying stock. Booking ord :. MABEY, Covernor of the state of ers now for Spring 1922 delivery. 'tab, do hereby deslguate Sunday, Safd arrivals, live rigorous chicks eceuiber eleventh, 1921, as TUBER-HI.OSI- S Prices on request. SUNDAY In the State of guaranteed. Relable since 1898. Alust Hatch In bin, and I call upon the churches to cubator Co., 478 Seventh St, Petal "iserve this day In their pulpiu; and um a, Calif. the people of this great state lon that eocasalon to give serious The S. S. Club met at the home of liought to the terrible destruction of Mrs. K. J. Bird Wedensday after 'ife wrought yearly by tuberculosis, noon. The time was spent in sewing i nd to stress the fact that remedies and social chat and a dainty lunch are to be found In education. I fur- eon was served to the following mem ther express the hope that these bers. Mm. Earl Reid, Mrs Enos rlioughts will prompt the people to Jones, Mrs. Gerald Cazler, Mrs. Jas. give their unstinted support to the Bean, Mrs. Ralph Brough, Mrs. A. P. Utah Public Health Association in its Chrlstensen, Mrs. Lyle Bigler, Mrs, worthy efforts to stamp out tubercu- Jas Ellison and the hostess Mrs. K losis and to nromote the public health. J.BIrd. the following material and labor, and make your car as good a new for for for will furnish KMTO DflOVISS BY $44.00 CENTRAL MOTOR CO, You MIGHT. AS WELL TRY a reduction of 20 per cent from TO GET ALONG last year ON ASTKVTO SQUARE 4 Piston Pins 3 Main Bearings 2 Rings 2 Timing Gears 8 Valves 3 Cam Shaft Bearings 8 push rods New Oil All new Gaskets 4 Pistons nt Rebore Cylinders and Rim For New Valves 0.00 extra is made for a new Crank Shaft which is seldom needed. Judd Garage AUTO Mr. car owner, dont you know that you need the advice and services of a It is ciack repairman? better to prevent an accident than to wait until one happens. This the prevention shop where inspections are reasonably priced Transmission Lining charge of $1 OF AN V EXPERT MKHANW 1 iw : La"J-'- i J The Financial Strength of this bank makes it an eminently safe one with which to have a connection. Its capital and surplus are more than sufficient to meet any mands and abovve the legal limit. you have no banking connection de- If or are dissatisfied with your present one, we Invite you to open an account with us. Nephi National Bank Judicial District of t'ae State of Utah in and for Juab County, State ot NOTICK All persons taking wood from the Utah. h In the matter of the Estate of ranch of Hyrum Carter, known as A. Hutchison, deceased. the Little Valley, or using the road Creditors will present claims with through this property without per voucher to the undersigned at the mission will be prosecuted. residence of the undersigned at SpanHYRUM CARTER By Geo. C. Whitmore Co. ish Fork, Utah County, State of Utah on or before February 10th, 1922. James Hutchison, Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS First publication Dec. 2nd, 1921 In the District Court of the Fifth Last publication Dec. 23rd 1921 Eliz-bet- 4 CHRISTMAS OPENING Our Xmas Goods will be on display Monday, December 2th. Just the things 1 you have been waiting for, at prices h eard of since 1914. un- - DO WITHOUT THE SERVICES I A rabbits. in a procla. Guyld, 1st South, 8th East. Phone matlon issued Tuesday, and Nuts U. S. I will buy your ' Electric Heaters Electric Perculators Fancy Dishes Vases Candle Sticks Casseroles Brass Jardineers Hanging Flower Pots Silverware Fruit Baskets Library Lamps Xmas Trees Lighting Outfits Flash Lights Skates Pocket Knives Carving Sets It will pay you to wait for our opening as you will find gifts suitable for the whole family, and a selection never before tainable in Nephi. ob- KENDALL BROS HARDWARE AND PLUMBING |