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Show Tif-Kei' in J.til Aki-UI-That meek, jiemecuU-d lien. Tiis-kcr Tiis-kcr iu iu 11'un -iu the county jail we mean. It il n-rt neetil lis if tho ollicei'M and tho cominunity aro determined lien shall nub-tint at the public ox-pen.ie; ox-pen.ie; anil lien 11.1 peiainU'lilly do-cliius do-cliius tho prokred help, that is, un-le.-u ho is pennitlixl to stipulate tho manner of his living, mid tho way in which ho will g"t it from the public. This time lien in jugged on ja charge which will iiikninh even bis enemies ene-mies ho is accubiiI of hurnesleiiliug; who would have thought it? Now, wo a-ik, iii all Mi'iiuitriiH'.-si, is thero a mini in tiiis territory who can con-st'ientiounly con-st'ientiounly Hay that he thinks Den Taiker would nleal a homo ? If there is such a man hero we would hko to boo tho color of his hir. Tho particulars par-ticulars of tho airdr are the-e: On tho uiht of the llli, or morning ot tho full iitntaut, a valuabli) ut diem wan titolcn h -ui tho farm of Mr. Henry Arnold, at llerrimau. Mr. A. searclud diligently fur liirt horoo, anil iinatlv, a day or two since, found him iu I'm Iin & Thompson's stable, All 1 city. I In claimed tho auiinal, hut the man iu charge of tho stable neither of the proprietors were p re-sen I rcfutd to hurrer.ib-r the horse to the owner. .Mr. Ariei.J Went to a justice of the peace lo var out tlu necessary neces-sary paper.i for .oht lining poi-e-,,ion o! "h r. .-talVnii, h it while abient tho h'jr-e wa-t urn out ol the can jti and h-i no, yet been found by Mr. A, :lthou.'li hit h.tn (eoure.l tho range in I'm vall-'V. I'arjti Sc Thompwil .-! ihn ll't it t ,i-y ohl i;nt.l tho horse Iro n lli-n Tnker, h.;ncu the arrent of lb'.- l.ill'T. exam in at ion h:is L 1 h t f r t!in aftern 0:1. Tiie . t.on ol tlio ui .11 who drove the hor-o lio:il the C oi HI niter it had I ".'n cUtiiird by Mr. Arnold, should a'- 1 k- iu.i'iir.-tl int 1 judicially. |