Show OTHER MATTERS kani 1 I 1 DAILY dalny dlin dail Y 1 iq NOTICE UM 8 Ir marla maria atria itria jensen jenson of 0 lynn ilynne e webon weber county wishes to hear from ller iler lier her husband erek jensen who left hig his home homo mye uye mth nth of april last livit with the th 0 intention gr ff vf working kinz king in the cottonwood hiees sha be 6 kha uever naver leard hwd rasa daxa him inco inca tha date cl petan J W lef lee aud and DEA dealt it will be seen aban IY orr owr latest that hon wm IT esward eeward expired today to day he was waa a man moan of enlarged views a gentleman gentlemen and states mail marl it isto into I 1 to be hoped that the book of tra tTa travels velB upon which he ha had been recently at t work Is in a sufficiently advanced state to ensure bure sure its being glyen given to tho public complete we are Inform edby brother david jeremy that a lady from the conn try fell ato moto toto a spring opposite father sixteenth ward and bullon the timely assistance of two men passing pass ipg thal that way might haye have been drowned as it was waa hile bhe was thoroughly drenched from frond helf held head to foot with mud and water to pedestrians passing that way this spring la in exceedingly dangerous being directly a the side bide walk steps should at al once be ba taken to haye have ha re aliat portion of the path securely covered SUIT IN cifa we understand a sult suit in chancery has been commenced salt rake lake city on complaint of chemke Ithe nake rake mid wid lii latze itze lize surviving partners partner of englebrecht and bilat sub rub penas were sery bery bd fid this thih morning on mayor D H wells well city marshal marshai J ji D T city recorder robert campbell and officer B Y It 11 ampton tha the body or of the subpoenas states that copies of the complaint are appended and accompany them but we erb ere informed no buch such copies of complaint worp worl weri served nerved giffi the sur sut subpoenas pomas tite the parties rie rio bre are cited to apar a appear before judge arc hrc mos mon kean rean in InDo December cember brother william ada ads adams adama writes from parowan carowan Pa rowan october ltd tho theraza The naja nada a 8 general tima time osgood of good health in this eity eity elty tbt lumber trade la Is brisk two team saw baw mills being in filli full blast blasi and another expected to be in operation irr irv v a few days besides three throe upright saw mills lumber ja Is being constantly shipped to Fl oolie etto ette shingle machines are sup plying the demand tor for that article the operative cooperative co store la Is doing a good falabu fall fali bus bua it l nesa neu grain is nearly all thrashed raghed th A X 1 large amount of butter and cheese is being made this season which commands a good price especially tho the butter twit twe it is a source of congratulation bon to all members ot of the community who take a lively interest in the cause of education that a territorial teachers association has been formed such sueh an organization has hag been greatly needed for a long time and it Is to ba bei hoped ho ed that its objects will be assiduously and aith alth tully carried out ont lathe inthe in the meeting meetings or of this is association the various subjects in connection conn action with educational matters will be thoroughly discussed and the system considered the best beat adopt adopted td subject of course to amendment aa and clr cir shall dia dis tate it would be well weli for those gount les ies which have hare mt oot yet or tow toa teachers chers associations to do so that they might ea operate cooperate co with the territorial or parent arg organization tue taid sumbay association met in the social hall on saturday Sat arday oct 5 and after estjer addresses by F J U Millard of co 0 D evana evans of utan utah co and charles wright of BOX eider eiden po and ana discussion a resolution was wag adopted to discourage corporeal punishment in ieh ich schools and discard it at the earliest practicable date A committee was appointed to arsin draft rules of order the association met again ocl oct 7 when prof P F M bishop chairman of commit vae tse reported rules ct order which were adopted miss AT ea E cook gave an illustration of hen her method of teaching jn n primary schools by regular class elass exer exercise alses Sy eliciting favora blo lio criticism another was held heid by the assoni i uon tion on tuesday oct 8 resolutions were vere adopted requesting the executive committee tee to notify county superintend mis ata at least leash nive five weeks previously of the time ume and place of the next meeting ma eting and request a each ach superintendent ton dent to send a delei tattoo and ahat that hat a notice of the time nd and place of meeting be published in the weekly and semiweekly semi bemi weekly drews and the senai emi weekly herald nour buur weeks previously that the executive commit committee toe tee select three subjects to bo be published three months before the tha next session for essays to be read nead at the session and call upon the various teachers in the uhei territory for class drill in the different branches buforo before the association ts at its ita next session I 1 adjourned until april alf 1 i am anda A v V 8 71 1 lur T ll 11 k trieb TRIED AND az iyo ivo aro are ro fia ila m formed iby a gentleman from sanpete San peto pete that the tri alof richard riehard P 13 myth th for an attack with intent to kill kili on jeremiah jeremiah D page commenced in the probate court at manu manti i week ago last monday and aud terminated a eek reek ago to day judge peacock presided ca I 1 i v during the trial th e jury returned aver a vern diet diel against the prisoner of guilty and ho was sentenced to imprisonment in the penitent liry for one yew year loukx ool ocl 11 am on tuesday last andrew allen alien son of jadi allen alien of box elder county while oiling a threshing machine ilsa haa his hia arm caught and drawn dratva between the gogg mangling it terribly to a above abare the elbow dr ormsby jr of this thin plain waa wag telegraphed for who on arrival at the unfortunate young mans residence found amputation the shoulder and elbow necessary D a 0 graham and mckinney KInney Mo of corinne assisted him the man la Is now duing doing well RAISINS tha samples sam bam piea plea of mala maia malaga a and sultana or seedless raisins ex exhibited hINted by mr joseph E johnson Joh naon baon of st george rt at the late territorial fair wore most meet excellent and compare favorably with any raisins of the kind imported from abroad an examination of these samples satisfied us that they do deserved served premiums prem luma which we believe were awarded to them in the cultivation of these grapes and the manufacture of raisins such as aa these samples the southern portion of our 1 I 1 or er has a productive and remunerative branch of industry opened to them wedo we do not know whether the price at which rai ral sins sell in this market would he be such as to pay our citizens south for their productions reductions but we suppose it would and if if so BO the stoppage of the importation of these those articles Is is only a question of time forso for ao far as aa quality is in concerned if these exhibited by bro johnson be accepted as aa a fair average they are all that can be desired or op D M minier allier Ml nier nimr the tha ap bonded obituary of the tho late daniel M miller of nephi who was killed by indians in sanpete county september has been forwarded to us u by brother samuel with a request to publish an accompanying note from brother informs us that the son of the deceased aged 12 years who vrho was wa 5 with his father when the attack was made and who received two wounds rt at the same time says saya that he be recognized three of the attacking indians as persona who vrho diled dilea at his fathers house on the 2 ith of july when the tho indian agent was there daniel morgan miller son of josiah and amanda miller was wits born nov 20 n 20 1 in n the town of murray genesee county state of new york in 1831 bl hii his 3 parents were baptized into the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and moved with their family to kirtland ohio where they resided until the saints migrated west keeping with the church on the of july 1940 brother daniel wag was bap baptized tired at council bluffs by elder A love and ordained an elder by presidents B young and geo goo A smith the same day he joined company Bof E of the mormon battalion and traveled with it to santa fe at the latter pisco place he was war taken sick and could not proceed with the company where his hii brother miles ulles left him to go on with the bat battaglion battal tallion llon ilon to the coast the latter did not expect over to koe kee his brother again even daniel had little hopes of hia hla own recovery he became so far convalescent however as to be able to travel with capt browns company the members of which after receiving their discharge came to salt lake valley arriving soon after the pioneers plon pion eena eera he resided in the ath and ath th wards until 1852 when he be amov moved ad to nephi juab county where he ha remained until his death ile he was a member of the 22 quorum of seventies till sept 24 i when he be was ordained one of the P presidents lesil of the quorum deceased was much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance he leavena lea iea vesa veffa wife and eight children his funeral took tools place on sunday sept and was the largest ever seen in nephi A subscription list has been started to raise means to erect a sult suit suitable algle tombstone to his memory SODA promises to be a favorite summer resort if we may judge by tho tha expressions which we have concerning them from those who hear spent any time there Our oun friend hon hou wm H hooper w who hubas has hab with his family spent the most 01 or his bis time there since his return from ington at tho the close of the last session arrived from there at the beginning of conference and his healthy and rugged rugge appearance speaks highly for foi the escelyn beof the climate and the beneficial efface effect of the waters the captain has been busily employed while there in erecting a fine droll dwelling t himself and family consider the locality a charm lug one ona for a summer residence and it Is probable they will arrange affairs so as to spend their summers summers there regularly when th tha the utah eUtah northern shall be completed we expect to see the springs become a great summer resort for our citizens from SATURDAY 8 DAILY OCT 13 12 CAMPAIGN tour toun his excellency governor G if woods left this city this morning on an election campaign tour in nevada which will probably be extended to california before his departure he signed EL a certificate to the effect that hon 0 Q cannon at the late general election ws woo duly elected delegate to congress for this territory the certificate is also attested by Y hon geo A blaek bilack secretary of the Torri terri territory torr houe HOME HOMEMADE MADE in a territory like ours where the people are scat seat over a large extent of country and the great majority of them engaged in agricultural pursuits the manufacture of wagons wagon must always be an important industry and this la Is a branch which was well represented at the late territorial fair nere here by the wagons on exhibition from frodi the factory of the naylor bros broa of this oly olty tui thin firm arm li Is comparatively youny young hying been started only some four or er ara nye years but their wagon llant or hayy kary hary I 1 sinay already take tak tha the lead in t this Is market being pronounce ua superior to and bought moro more readily than th tho e of any eastern nirm firm although thy thoy bli bil cell twenty afave dollars higher the following are among the advantages advantage d for there these magona wa gona they are made of second growth eastern castern timber their transom plates aro fourteen inches long while others are only ten ton which prevents a high load from settling on either side aide their hind hounds are plated top and bottom all the timber used in them la Is seasoned three throe years yeara before used while for light running they can not be equalled equal lod iod the naylor naylon nay lor state that since last winter they have made one hundred wagons aad that ten dollars would cover the expense ol of repairs on the whole of thema them a statement tho equal of bf they believe can not be made by any other firm id iri the united states this enumeration of the excellencies of the naylor nayl or waon agon is no mere puaa puma but has a complete COMP lote ioto endorsement in the neet fact that they can not manufacture near enough efthem of them to supply the demands of their patrons patrona on thursday WR Kel keithley thley I 1 rl the same who committed the coward cowardly assault 88 sault some bome time ago on mr 0 W V penrose editor of the ogden junction was himself attacked and severely beaten b by a miner named stephen mcintyre the affair took tools place in the viel vicinity anity of bf a room occupied as aa an office near mckimmins livery stable so far as we can beirn the circumstances which led lod to the affair are about as follows on wednesday Mo Intyre went to the office above named in a state of semi bemi stupefaction induced by hard drinking and Kel keithley thley it appears wa was in the office at the time after the alcoholic fumes fames had evaporated from McInti res reb brain he claimed to have discovered that he was waa minus minns 25 U S currency and that in llen lien thereof i he be found in his hla pocket a note of deposit of iome somo some kind for tor about 50 which however was not worth the paper upon which it was waa written he got it into his head that while ho was in a state of mental obfuscation Kel kei keithley thley had traded him the worthless piece of paper for his 25 on the following dey diy mcintyre moin tyre oiled called at the office of mathews and keithley and informed the latter that he lantei wanted his hla 25 and that he was going to have it the three individuals named left the room and descended the tho stairs and when near noar the entrance door mcintyre and Kel kei keithley thley indulged in some loud load talk es ess specially ally the first named which had tile tiie effect of drawing a small crowd to the 0 apol spot mathews then shut the door which he says ys he did tp prevent tho crowd getting gettin inside when mcintyre assaulted keithley battering his naos in such a manner that he could scarcely bee isee out of his bis ill lit s oyes eyes mcintyre moin tyre tyro left town an and d 1 keithley h had ad mathews arrested as accessory to tt afao as sault in locking the door lle fcc there was an examination of the case this morning before justice Clib cllnton ton the matter watten w was adjourned till wednesday pending tho the a appearance p barance of mcintyre moin tyro tyre and mathews was held heid h erd in 1 bonds to appear at that time CHEERING NEWS doa toa MRS urs Ck MERON it will be remembered that while the train of emigrants which arrived here last was waa velling travelling tra through through illinois a little scotch girl named jane ane cameron fell and was not missed until it had proceeded sever bevers miles and then intelli ence enca was forwarded to her mother by telegraph that the childs right arm had been so badly injured by a portion of the train passing over it that it had had to be amputated the accident happened at morrison whiteside county ills and as the mother of the little sufferer was poor and had several other children with her needing her care and attention it was thought hest heat under the tho circumstances to send back one of the brethren to look after the tho child and to stay with her until she bho was able to come along brother willfam william rollo was the per sons elected |