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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE, MURRAY CITY. UTAH. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7, 1930 Sandy City News Hungry g Threshers There's nobody quite as hungry as a thresher. He wants food and lots of it. Hence, housewives ' cooking for threshers must buy in large last Thursday home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. A color at Midvale. scheme of green and white was a hirthday cake containing used, green candles, centered the tahle. Out of towu guests were Mrs. Delia Honnett and Miss Laura Bonnett from Provo; Mrs. IoIu Cliihnlm from Salt Lake; Mrs. Laura Gardner of West Jordan,; Mrs. Hetier A. Smith, Mrs. Martina Sorenson and Mrs. William FiUgerald of Draper; Mrs. II. Hendrickson of Sandy; and Mrs. C E. Miithewg ind Mrs. P. ('. Itasmussen of Mid- - quantities. They must also buy at saving prices. That's where our store comes in. One Solution The problem of big quantities of high quality foods at saving prices has only one solution our 0. P. Skaggs System store. We have everything you could want to possibly serve your threshers meats, canned goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, bread, etc. If you are or soon will be cooking for threshers, try our vale. Mr. Iouis Peterson and family are leaving Saturday for a trip to Yellowstone Park. They will also visit relatives in Canada Itefore re- t I STORES "A Surety of Purity" I.OIKJK meningitis. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Paguley and ed E. E. I Howe, lucumlcnt ; George family of Grace. Idaho, returned o. Bishop, Chris Grecnluigen, Johuj home last week after visiting reNolley and G. G. Smith, lemocrats, latives at Sandy and Salt Lake. ami Gaskell Romney (incumbent by apMiiutmeiit ) L. A. SUGGESTED CANDIDATES FOR loiiglas, and R.' COMING ELECTION publicans. For assessor J. H. Preece, Ineitni Recorder For Iwnt. Republican, and E. It. Carl Mousley, Demo qulst and Joseph ' , crats. For attorney John D. Rice, ' Iemocrat, It. Porter. Joseph Harkness, Re- Mrs . Aurora lucumlient, and Miss Zella Gallacher, Republicans; Mrs. Julia A.F. Lund iijut Mrs. It K.h Odder Duncan, lH'inocrats. r. I!o-del- l. SKAGGS MI KRAY 1 t.W. lllllllt-. lg 11 1 ami A. A. DunFor Rherlff Clifford ratten, lucan,- Edward Hatch and Horace C. cumlient, Republican; W.I I. Adams, Peck, Republicans. O.Wi Carlisle, John H.Cook. Itt-- R. For auditor James II. Sulivan Harries. E.B. Harrison. Owen incumbent. Republican, and Ashby S.W.Tixike, J." Wallace West Thatcher and Oscar W. Rawllngs, and Grant Young, Democrats, with Democrats. W, Scott Weller urged but declining For clerk Alonzo Mackay, to make the race. Mrs. George Whit man has returnRepublican, and Stephen For surveyor J. H. Bllckensder-fer- . ed after three months visit in CaliMoyle, Austin P. Miller. C.T, CouniiicumlH-ut- , fornia. Republlcnn. and Joseph II. McKay, For treasurer D.K. Moffat, Mrs. N. O. Itohcrg underwent an tryman at the L. D. S. Hospital lemocrafs. Republican; Stephen H. For Commissioner, two to lie elect. Lynch', D'tnocrat. Monday of last week. Miss Laura Jensen returned home Sunday, after visiting a week at Itntler, the guest of her Cbllsln Miss Eleanor Urown. Miss Irene Hill has returned from Wyoming where she visited py bunch of workers. The economies you will effect will make you happy, too. See our stocks today. FOOD III Mr. and Mrs. Nephf Larson and children are spending the week at Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell have as their guests this week, Ir. and Mrs. H. Pettich of New York City. The playground activities of the Sandy school will close FrldHy, August 8th. There were 475 students registered with an average daily attendance of 10!). It has lieen a very successful summer, and are being made to Increase plans the activities for next year. School iM'gin August 2th with classes Tuesday Septenilier 2nd. Miss Verla Ostler is visiting at Herriiimn, the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. II. store for your groceries. The foods you will buy at our store will result in a hap- CLP. The Sandy, Utah, Lions are expending $4iK) this summer in purchasing playground equipment for a local park and in employing a playground suiervlsor to direct play and music work. Resides giving their annual award to the highest graduating high school pupil, the Ijeht, Utah, Lions appointed a committee to clean up and plant with grass the entire area of the local cemetery. The club will also pro vide iMTjielual upkeep ror this cem etery. The Midvale, Utah, Lions friends. organized and entered a baseball team in the American I'glon Jun Mr. C. R .Nickle. or Springfield, ior Raseball league of their city Mo., is viisting his sister at Fre mont, Utah- - Mr. Nickle has visited and also provided each team mcm- here for the summer. plete baseball outfit. Official opening of convention Miss Donna Smith of Neola is Is sluted for Wed- viisting relatives at Sandy and headquarters at the national morning uesdaj Mr. and Mrs. James D. Rawson Guard Armory. The iicnlng event and family were guests of Mf. and will be held Wednesday evening Mrs. William Elmer and family at at 8 o'clock when the department executive committee meets In the Ogden Sunday.. ,. Lyle Woodhouse, son of Mr, and Hotel Roltcrts. Mrs. J. M. Woodhouse . returned The committee will meet again, home Friday evening after s)end- - Thursday morning when registra iug the week at Bingham with the tion will also be In progress at the Hotel Roberts. rangers. Miss Emmlline Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. p.. Grant, was Have you thought of Christmas taken to Suit Lake hospital Sun Curtis lately? See the line at The day morning suferlng from spinal Murray Eagle. I Mrs. D. M. Nickle. Glen Slagowski, of Lyman, Wyo., who has sient the summer visiting Mr. and with his grandparents, of S. H. Mrs. J. Heriiman, Bodell, The Primary of the Sandy 1st the week at Sandy, witli Ward will give mi entertainment Is at the Ward I1iaiel Mumlay even-in- ;. his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Ostler. August 11th. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nelson and Mrs. Mis. J.' A. 1 honijKion and J. V. Thomson assisted Mrs. L. E. family left Thursday for a trip to for Bryee Canyon. in entertaining Kasnmssen, Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Nickle and their mot tier. Mis. Mary Thompson, Mr. Hurdett Whiting apent the week her honoring hirthday anniversary, afternoon at the at Neola viisting relatives and THE MERCHANT OF VENICE with relatives. NO. 33 Mrs. C. It. Peterson has returnKays-vllled home from after s lending three weeks visiting with her pan-nts- , Mr. fciul Mr. J. H. Monday in Fraternal Hall rimrlt'H DiihlU-rt- : .... NMt' (iriiinl John A. .Iflikins .... Vice GrnuJ ItilMHl. Secretary Frank X. Swensen Miss Atha Itouller visllisl at Salt Treasurer I.flke II. T. ISeiisoii during the week, the guest of her sister. Mrs. Wllford Tolman and family. O.MKMA KKBF.KAH U)lHiV. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Pollard NO. 15 hail as guests Sunday, at their home on Main street, Mr. and Mrs. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Nt.l.le Uraml David Pills and Mrs. L. Madsen or YMm Wullcr Vice Grand Klverton. Hal tie U.lt Mr. C. J. Mlckle or Springfield, liertha Itrmly Secretary Treasurer Missouri. s'iit part or last week Jane i:isli.i Fin. Sec. at the home or Ids brother, Mr. and Nettle Iirinkwatcr Meet " " INTEREST ON' m ni mm MURRAY, UTAH I I , -- deep eel, TrcsJ surefooted ilutml i ber U doublc-tWk- rr the uper-ioug- the ; rub- Standard M r ( You'll Notice Double Kaglea on Their Cara! Geo. A. JrtikhlN Com. K. F.. Howe Good- year enjoys by building more than U of all tires sold in America. w 1930 Pricea A. Townsend General Chairman DECORATIONS Kcnnrtli Patkitivm Mayor Townseinl, Chairman Nov Kit lurdviti Commissioner Merger Commissioner Kckman Jaik llrisman FINANCE Clyde Marvicn I).' A. McMillan )1 Clyde Tripp, Chairman T. R. Vincent Scliuvlcr Call W. Ii. I.inneli MURRAY AUTOMOTIVE Guaranteed Tire Repairing SERYICE Phone Murray 334 lUtterie Recharjed Cm, Oil (Icorge Sharp I'liil llcntz ADVERTISING Howard Hausknctht IMssar.l Hoffman Harry Kohhins. . Father Maguirc A. O. Cooper, Chairman Wallace Hchcr Smith 1 SILVERWARE and Other Gift Goods Dei-ease- will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the Law Office of C. M. Nielsen, Mclntyre Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the LMlh day of September lit.'IK. Niels I. hid, Administrator of Estate of Evaline Irene Bivkstcad, Deceased. C. M. Nielsen, Attorney for Estate. First publication July 17, HMO. Last publication August, H, We offer Prices that Should Appeal to you CLASS TUMBLERS 3 for 10c WHITE DINNER PLATES each 10c WHITE TEA CUPS L each 10c WHITE SAUCERS each 5c SET Decorated DINNERWARE $4.65 and many other items just as conservatively priced n. 1IK10. FARM BUREAU READY FOR ANNUAL OUTING The Salt Ijike County Farm Bureau is exhibiting a great deal of pep and enthusiasm in preparation for their annual outing to be held on the 13th of this month at Kiverton. The program committee have everything well in hand and all necessary preparations are going forward with unusual force and vigor. For Instance the f ii liners of the Rlverton section have been practicing twice weekly for .'to days for the Tug event. Everything else on the program is being carried on in the same vital maimer, and is sure to lie a successful nfaflr. We Aim to Give You Satisfactory Service ! Smith Hardware 4814 SOUTH STATE The Ford leads in sales because it leads in VALUE GRANITE FURNITURE DAY AT SALTAIR Wednesday was Granite Day at Saltalr. The Murray store was closed during the after noon and Mr. (Vmper and the emplo ee with their families ami friends numbering fifteen joined the Sug ar House force' and sciit the afternoon and evening at the bathing resort. A great lime Is re(Kirt- ed. THE NEW fORD SPORT COUPE J v will ctvr Ptui freight una iimmptn m4 Hurt ttrt txtr.) Wasatch Motor Co. PHONE MUR. Pittance cprrator ' a Mike Smith, an old time resi dent of Murray snbsciilMil to the Eagle this week. Mr. Smith says he must keep up with what is what in Murray and why. Therefore he needs l he Eagle to see Just what Is going on. Long MURRAY, UTAH 4788 SOUTH 68 STATE. KEEP SMILING X "t By Being Happy With Our PASTRY PIES FRESH BREAD - - J t At Every Meal be (lad to tell you the rate to any particular point. ; . UP-TO-DA- : BAKERY! TE STUDENTS COMMITTEES FOR MURRAY DAY TO BE HELD LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, AT MURRAY CITY PARK C. H. 49 9 So. State GLASSWARE Beck- - 48M HOITH STATE Itiune Murray 356 I i Buncr-enduranc- c. erratrr experience and saving DISHES STUDIO AT 4762 BROWN STREET, MURRAY Suprtit CVrd body has Then arc the finest tire Coodyetf can produce rfRardliM nf cost. Imitated but never equaled beeauw of the to inspect our stocks of Creditors SPECIAL FALL RATES GIVEN Jazz or Classic Lessons llial Slip for Tires that Grip! next sum-nic- T Irene CARPET w Their stead Evallne TEL. MUR. 102 Mrs. Clarice Smith Bergman ai Double Kfiftls on now; they'll till te li'ue new. Estate of Today's "Magic Crott" is the telephone. It will carry your voice nywher and at little cot. The .Vatic YourTircs Put Consult County Clerk or Respective Signers for further information. NOTICE TO ( KKini ORS Murray State Bank A MAGIC "fcL Double 9 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS TEACHER OF PIANO I WE INVITE YOU ship Notices aw his ships sail forth with misgiving. They might return laden with riches and they might not But in modern days risk is minimized. The man who intelligently undertakes his own projects is the quin who "gets ahead". This Bank is willing eager to help the business man of Murray. ADVANCED OR BEGINNER UlSifW Probate and Guardian- Care Creaed- - Buy In Murray CONCESSIONS Sam Mcllcnrv Ray Kingston, Chairman l.co Townsrml l'en Klasko Cilcnn K. Howe V. Mortensen, Hov Scouts l".l SnKik Dentil Watts, Hov Scouts A. II. Fonda Arthur Nelson PRIZES I.tnil Madscn Fred Anderson, Chairman l.rncst Smith Andy I.undqnist F.d Larson (icorgc Lyon Mrs. A. O. Cooper Harlcy Ross PROGRAMME S. 1. Ikinghurit, Chairman John Herling Mrs. Kl.ha Larson Jos. McOmie Hol.hs Cloris Watts Axel Limherg Kav Kicnzle l'-- d A BOBBIE BROOM AND I One Y ear MURRAY EAGLE 35 i s TO THE Murray i 25 SUBSCRIPTION Phone $r1 i i i |