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Show THURSDAY. JULY i THE LEHI FREE PRESS Jay .Smuin, of Magna spent the week-en- d Published by The Lehi Free Press visiting here with his family. Every Thursday Lehi. Utah Phone Kenneth Hardy of Spanish Fork, George P. Price, Manager Bruce is spending the ueek with Of.ce. 32 W. Main St. residence. 2nd NostromWest and State St, Lehi. Utah residence 117-Phones Office Mrs. Jusephine Young of Murray, in Lehi visiting with spent Entered at the postoffice at Lehi, Utah, friends Saturday and relatives. as second class matterMr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor of ADVERTISING KATES Salt ake, spent Sunday evening Display 30c per In. Readers 10c per line visiting with Mrs. M A. Taylor. SUBSCRIPTION Junius Banks and son. Earl, who One year $1.00 are working in Salt Lake, spent the Mr. and Mrs. A. J Phillips of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Art Ijewis are buying Lake, were Lehi visitors, Saturdaythe Abe Elder home- n- d - - - 8-- - im Tri. Plara "V,.:l -- j . !r and Mr Van Mork of Mercur, .,: j,na aaughfet were visiting Mr. and Mrs. L-- A. Rus-so- Barbara, spent the weekend in Lake City, visiting relatives. Monday. Miss Jania Welsh of Salt Lake, Mrs Raymond Saddler of Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fox and with Mr. and Mrs. the week-enspent the past week with her parents. spent family of Murray, were the Saturday A. E- Adams. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson. and Sunday guests of Mr- and Mrs. Jerse Fox. Art Lewis, Mrs. Mr. and MrsOrin Bone, who is employed at St. Abe Mr. and Mrs. in Lehi Junius Banks and George, spent the week-enTuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. visitors Monday. Provo were Elder Ernest Peterson had as their guests visiting with relatives. and Mr and Mrs. Frank Cordner Mr. and Mrs. Alma Beck, Mr. and Mu and Provo 6 Rubbers of Dozen at children Jar Buy your Peck and Mrs- Bert Beck for 2 1c at Broadbenls. They are the J. Walker Caldwell of Salt Lake. Provo visitors Monday. best made. adv. were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker of Mrs. Lizzie Barnhart of Nebraska-iMr. and Mr. Ale Elder and family were here Saturday and SunEureka, here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. are moving to Wellington, Carbon Dickie Hayes who has been day. J. L. Barnhart for the summerCount v this week. the Parkers returned with visiting week-en- d in Lehi. them. uith home Woodruff Magelbee of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Elder and Pleasant Grove, had as their goe-t- s ''ted w'lth the v harles v raoo la.nm family and Mrs. Junius Banks were Mr. Tuesday. A. Mrs. and E. Adam.,. LEHI BATTERS Monday, business visitors in I'rovo, 8-- 23, d Lott returned home frtS Duchesne to spent from Sunday Tuesday visiting with his family. I. L. Mr. Ernest Gray of Pm visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest son .Monday. , it Penf - 1 UUH STATE Pitt S! ASSOCIATION Monday guests of Mr. and M Joseph Robison were Carl WVb.-r .. St Paul anr! Vt'l uena- Buy vour Jar Rubber.- - at ! I '".en Mrs. Alice Ainsworth and family of! Mrs. Sylvia Wilson of Torrance, Lo- are the Angeles, California, are visiting f"i- 2"c at Bruadbeius. They in California, spent the week-enau.'nlade Mrs. Ainsworth's mother, Mrs. John '"' Lehi. Street. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Stauffer of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Abe Elder and; l ake, called at the Clyde Morton h me Mr. afternoon Mrs. and Sunday family, and Mrs. Junius Banks were' on their way to California. Anderson drove to Salt Lake City Sunday in Provo. Monday. to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Y. A. NV'.-oas Mr. and Mrs. Har-l- d Anderson and family. Mrs. Sylvia Neilson of Torrance. daughter of Plea ant Grove, vie California, spent Saturday visiting Mrs. Mary Parks of Sandy, is in Lehi visiting Thur.-dawith Miss Maude llackett. Lehi for a visit .i;h her sisttr and Mi and Mrs. Ezra Gray of Ophir. brother-in-law. Mr. and MrsJames Mr. and Mrs. Aha Fitzgerald and I'. Cbi wore in Lehi Thursday visiting Wednesday fri-- nd- - and relatives. daughter, Martha, in Salt Lake on busimss. Mrs. Jay Smuin and sons, Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Seth I.ittleford. Mr. ar.d Jack, of Monroe, spent the weekJ'l'. and Mrs. Ralph Goodwin of end in Lehi. md Mrs. Grant I.ittleford and Mr. They are running a tnd Mrs. Forrest I.ittleford and childSalt Lake, spent Sunday at the S- I. i oiler rink there. skating Goodwin home. ren made a trip to Mercur, Sunday . where ,,(! they visited with friends-- . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaw of Chicago, HI , Bon Amicus (Tub was just The one week last day spent Provo, wire guests of Lehi friends, organized recently and the first meetwith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sunday. ing was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Arthella Powell. Edith Mr. and Mrs. William Kendall of Mr. and Mrs. .uv fhiit..,, f Fox won the club prize at a gam? of Arthella Powell the San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Seattle, Washington, were visiting bride and Heisclt and family of American Fork, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chilton over the 'ravelin l'rize- A nice luncheon wa Mrs. Clara Washburn anil family of week-en- d served to the following members of Annie Webb, Arthella Salt Lake, and Kendall Grant of the club. p,)We11' Smith' Dorothy Ho,m- I)eon Provo, spent Thursday visiting with Miss Vera Broun, Richard and Grace Mr. and Mrs. C W. Holmes and other John Albert Spiker of Salt Lake are stead. Dorothy Southwick, Kendall Mrs. left Mr. and friends. Gurney, Zina Virginia visiting at the James Brown resid- Morgan, Wilkens-EvelyRose to later for Edith Fox, going Idaho, Willis, Monday ence this week. Gordon and Geneieve Yellowstone Nat. Park after which Mr. and Mrs. Fon Warburton came they will return to their home in San HEBER 4 TO 0 d Maud? llackett spent Sunday in Sal; Lake with Mrs. Margaret Mills. A-I- Mr. Clyde Petty of Salt Lake, was a busine.ss visitor in Lehi Monday. James Carter spent Sunday ing in Salt Lake. bii.-in- ss even- Thursday- rs - Miss Lois Adams of I.ayton, is spending the week with Miss Dortha Evans and other relatives. Jar Rubbers at at Broadbents. They Buy your for 23c best 0 Doien an made- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. the adv. vi.-iti- and Smith is -- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutchings and family of Salt Lake City, were Lehi family and Mr. and Mrs George B. Smith and family of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Smith. Mrs. Ileen Beck and Glen Webb of Los Angeles, Calif., returned homo Saturday evening after visiting with Mr. reatives and friends in Lehi. Webb has been visiting for three months, and Mrs. Beck has spent two weeks in Lehi. Francisco, California. in from Mercur, Monday to spend a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs- J. - Royal Theatre LEHPS AMUSEMENT CENTER WEEKLY PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman C Goates spent Thursday in Salt Lake visiting with Mr and Mrs. II. W. Johnson. For First Class JULY 24TH AND 25TH America's grandest comedian is back in town in his grandest C. FIELDS in picture-W- . POPPY' 4 4 - Lehi downed the Heber City baseball club 4 to o in a rir.-- t round game, of the Timpanogos league second half FridayHardy, who pitched and hit cleanup for the Lehi club, let the fir.- -t half hampi on- - down with but six safeties. He also was the only man on either team to get more than one hit. One of the two blows he got was a double. Lehi obtained only five hits off G. - M unlock- id 11 4 I Lowest Priced 16 Months Old HORACE HADFIELD Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carson of Fairfield, visited in Lehi and Goshen. By Third Ward Church, Lehi, Utah Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. James Comer and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Laird. 3 100 Proof Whiskey PINTS Code No. 55 FIFTHS Code Nc. 54 FL'TLRE WELFARE . T's for our future welfare and good To keep our noble and wise president- To our loyal, honest Democratic Party Electing Roosevelt was the greatest landslide -- 11 r m For this we must work, and should Make this the second great event. am i i1 mri'iui. w 1 i. 1 i i- - -I r known. lie has done his best for us, whoop him up heartily; He has toiled for us all; he has moral back bone. sb SI is God made the weather; Roosevelt did not; But through hard times and drought Our noble President has not forgot To do his best to provide food for every mouth. PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Satisfaction Guaranteed FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, But for the soul food we are needing Wre must all look to God on high; He bids us come; He is waiting and pleading, And christians say His coming draweth nigh- - Mrs. Estella Addis, Lehi. Try it! CLENMORE DISTILLERIES CO.. Inc. Owensboro Louisville Largest Distillery in Kentucky c 3 Mrs. Julia Brown entertained at a Also the latest CHARLIE CHASE Comedy and POPEYE in "Bridge Ahoy." quilting Monday at her home for the following ladies: Mrs. Charles Crabb, 3:30 Mrs. Robert Fox. and Mrs- Frank HflTIWFF.imY2flTH. SPFMAI im 5 VI kwinii aim Gaisford. Evenings Only 10c and 20c. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith and son and daughter were visiting here SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, JULY 26. 27 and 28 Sunday from Morgan- Carlyle, the . son, will spend the summer visiting wtih Carol, Keith and Ernest Smith. wb - Mr- and Mrs. Keith Hunter were in Salt Lake, Sunday visiting Mrs. Hunter's mother, Mrs. Rolfe, who is at the hospital receiving medical - care. Mr. and Mr. Vern Curtis and family are moving to Riverton to make their home. Mr. Curtis has been employed at the Riverton Motor for the past few months- I Anotber dramatic " real-lif- e Si:" tory of the immortal heroine who crashed forbid- den frontiers to in- spire the first gallant legion of the Red Cross! Ilk r--i II Brace KAY 1 as FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE in White Anpl IAN HUNTER Donald Wood sJ Francis 'AaNrV And 1000 A Firal National Picture Nipel othtra Also PATIIE NEWS and a GOOD CARTOON COMEDY. MATINEE SUNDAY 4 P. M, Evenings Only 10c and ONLY 10c & 15c 20c. tm "0 Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Fox and Bob and Kay of Ogden, Keith Fox and Jessie La Cross of Sacra mento, California, Grant Christoffer-so- n and Mrs. J. E. Smith were dinner guests at the O. P. Hunter home Sunday. They took this picture a day or to ago just a case No. 1,000,000 come down the packaging line. The big fellow shaking our hand i Hank Barr that'i got charge of the bottling. You can tell William Wilken by hit hat't being on. I'm in the middle laughing and Tom's ttanding there in back of me. We're pretty much pleated at your buying a million catet. Harry E. Wilken Here goes the millionth case Mr. and Mrs. John Miller observed their 50th wedding anniverary Wed Their daughter. Marie, of nesday. Wales, Utah, and son. Carl, of Cedar Fort, spent the day with them. The Sunshine Committee of the Second Ward called and gave some beautiful flowers. Other friends called at the Miller home Wednesday. and W. II. Jenkinson entertained at their home. Saturday ROBERT YOUNG and BETTY FURNESS in evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sorenson, who are leaving for Tark City this week to make their home. The evening was spent in An adventure in romance oh a deluxe train from New York to Palm Springs games followed by a dainty lunch with stop-ovebetween laughs! Lemuel Whimpey who has been of "FLASH GORDON" and No. 1 Also the last the Mrs- With you buying a million cases of The Wilken Family Whiskey, I can't see as there's much sense in me telling you how good tasting it is and everything. All I want to say is thank you and would you please remember the credit for it has got to go to Grandad and Dad-see- ing they're responsible for working out the ways ot making our whiskey S &u extra mna ana tasty v(Iy? - THREE WISE GUYS" I P 0 a copy of our WllVr n Family Cookinc Album if you'll i nc miipici, K.K.D. No 1. ..!: Frec. rs chapter New Serial Ficture Chapter of 'DARKEST AFRICA" With CLYE BEATTY and the COLE BROS. CIRCUS. DON'T MISS IT! ONLY 10c and 15c. suffering from mastoid trouble for the past two months underwent an other mastoid operation in the St Mark's hospital. July 14th. Since the last operation Mr- Whimpey has been on the improve. His friends are hop ing that he will soon be in Lehi again - rii L The millionth case and us Wilkens Mrs. Vienna Kimball and daughter, Norma, of Los Angeles. California, Mrs. Elsie Brockbank, Mrs. Elsie Adams and Maude Hackett were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks, Monday. Mr- - WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 29 and 30 1 - Monday. LOCAL ITEMS 4 r (e)I(ti) mm Schcnley, P. Mil! B&8RDBD W C( py tight 1936. Jos S Finch ft Co Of , Inc. 'THP '"i n lit'' " -- .n MilrFi mmm. run BLENDED AN0 BOTTLED SCHENLEY, Kit la In Dili r.1otl w mm BY JOS. S. FINCH OF SCHENLEV PRODUCTS It mkUm t an iti. ''fh? CO, INC, C0,INC. H s |