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Show LAKE CITY THU DESERET NEWS SALT r LtiUC tyW ' Murderer Sought 18 Years 1A New - for Unde War-Dog - - Hid In Policemans Uniform' Sam Master Criminal Of Nineties Held - -- j h For Petty Theft (INS) After a wU known Trench' hank, tour. IINDON. Nov. Edward Delaney, courier of .eighteen year a murderer, eugbt.dered agency, near Hy the French' ministry of justice , n English hetourist immediately acted ha been found. Since committing1 Boulogne, that the aafest the murder he ha been a trusted upon, the theoryunder the eye of1 ;fc.ding pUice'ia member of the police eerrice! mes-the polled. 1 When Maurice. Davont, Th men had Men eem branch of y eenger with the London r and after the Mrgvelfng f iSelaney was tound in a hotel where the two men were sharing: a room, a description of all about him was circulated France Vs9ut had civen up his position in. London, and had hoped to find a position nearer home. He saw an ad In the paper after the cnni stating that a- caretaker wss wanted fo an important pollcs station In northern France. His references were excellent, and he waa appointed. One of his first Jobs, incidentally, was to post no tices describing h mself as wanted. But for his recent death-be- d confession, the mystery which has remained unsolved for II years would have gone to thgr&ve with confessed that the night hint. he was sharing the hotel room with Delaney, the latter talked in his sleep and revealed a lisson be tween hlmaeir and Davout's wife. A Violent quarrel ensued and was killed. Devout-mad- e his escape before the hotel man ager came oh the scene. 1.00 Rayon L. When the ten tear period after which a man cannot t charged S. Garments with a crime according to French law had passed. DavouP wished td but hi wif persuaded confe, him not to for the ak of the 1000 Sheet children. Now on hi deathbed Toilet Tissue ha has told the truth about one of the moet curious mysteries in the annals of the French police. School of the University of Penu- sylvan la, points out that eras eyed taunted by InferioritT Complex Children. conUnuoliy 4 plavvnata, becomes so conscious of rduaily PTrrLADELFHTAr F.(INS) jtheir handicap that contaets other ehlla raa. Straightening the eye of eross-shu- n and toward alone to play eyed children, besides increasing prefer serious invision, is likely to sav th child adolyoence. develop defect th as a Inferiority com- feriority complex plex In later years, according to grow. In th youth's consciousness. the official jour nal of the National Society for -the Prevention of DETROIT FACES CRISIS Blindnesa. DETROIT (INS) This city's Dr. Luther C. Peter, professor of ophthalmology of the Graduate welfare problem is rapidly aasum- VTOSS , 1932 25 FRIDAY NOVEMBER e Old Age Finds International Crook In Sorry State One-Tim- - !T ' Ing proportions of a crisis, accord, diing to Mrs. Irene E. Murphy,to 59 rector of case work. Forty families daily are being evicted from their inwnta- SOVIET IMPORTS WASHINGTON. (INS) England and the United States were the three leading countries, in the order named, in in Soviet Russian Import trad SoIf n, according to th official viet statistics received by the de partment of commerce. Ger-an- y, X BT RAYMOND COWLET NEW YORK, Nov. 25. (AP) Trail'e end eeemed near today for Eddio Guena, international crim-Inwho trod a crooked path that led from spectacular misdeeds, down to petty pilfering. Old and broken In body, the man who once amassd the world by escaping from Devil's Island. sentenced yesterday, cablegrams said, to a year In a London jail for snatching a handbag containing IIS. Guerin la 71. his health ia gone. Caught now as a common thief, he was once the talk of two continents. A wily crook of the nineties, before racketrom waa born, he learned his "business" in Chicago, becoming an expert cracksman. Loved Chicago May Infatuation for a woman called Chicago May" Churchill, a pal whose name wea written as Urge! on detectives memories as his own, led Guerin to his first large batch of grief.. He followed her to New York and then to Europe, when French police arrested him in 1991. A French court eent him to Devil's Island, th penal colony In French The scene aboard the U. 8. S. Indianapolis as Old Glory wag run up and. Guiana for taking 130,009 from th as part of Unde Sams A mertcan Express company in th new 10,000 ton cruiser formally commissioned !1 fleet. The ceremonies were held at the YL . jlAle.lt a Navy Yard, just, Pans. where the $10,600,000 fighting craft Four years he served in that across the river from Camden, N. xHng place of horrors befor acbuilt. Inset is Captain John M. Smealiie, commander of the complishing -- X ba rare feat that apolis as be appeared at ths commissioning. mads his nam a legend. He escaped to the mainland In canoe, and fled to London. Colled by Death State Obituaries There he met, not only Chicago May, but Charles Smith, an Amer- EPHRAIM ROBUOH JOSEPH ALLRED lean. The two men , fought .over OODF.N Ephraim Robleoe. SI, Sled Jnavpfc Parity Allred. tX, early aUir of I tab and Black Hawk war vtteraa. Thwede St the familr homa till S ell the woman and Guerin was wound-- 1 died at lila heme. 23 east Fifth South eiinue. He wee born Ftk IS, 1144, ed, for which Smith waa sent to . atraai. Thursday At prison. Pa., s son of HeAlex and g.nu, f infirmi- at Qumeer. emu to incWrot to age. Mery H iiomte Robison. WIMBLEDON, England. Escaped Return. (INS) tiesMr. Allred waa bora May XT, 111. ta Utsh wits a hendeert company In life When ths history of woman's Pika county, Illiaoia and cam to IHah He lived nt Fermln.ton and DsmI e France demanded Guerin then, to Osden In 1I1X- but he claimed British in spring city. wbr Slide before comln emancipation is written, the same t hm, aettiieg citizenship Ho LUubetk drover merr.rd th first For th Uery loom!? J. D. Peattie should sjtiler. at 231 Fimpaon Nov. si, lies She died Feb successfully and laughed with im aavea year ba had large, for she made the greatest Fifth goUt, ret Ho waa married It. 1936 ta Ogden flarrtring ona andipunity At FrgQCO lAW. In the ytarg Mrs. Fred MoTe, statement of that vmancipattontgeptembar I. Hie wifo diad asv- - daughtera that followed he waa in the lime yaara ago. here when ahe calmly announced, often. Once they even m.s- Mr Mrs. Tooa sra A three sons. Surviving Ida, Billmga Nancy her! Parlay that she wm going to. reave AUrtu HL puaaanu w luiaai L Allred, Dorothy M. lAgearauon. Epkratta and pected him of taking the Mona Lina Home and husogna in Novetnoer to( Handy out S3 of the Louvre, but that Horae e Allred, 0aU Lake; Fred Robieon, all of Ogden, act as Lady Mayoress of Mantel aad 24 g reel grandchildren. proved beneJean. ter. Now be to In MS gain, R tearKEU J. dOHNkOM ful old man. who begged the Judge Because her father, Alderman TOOELE Funeral eerrle will ba held in vain to let him off because be William Walker, is Sunday it i pm. In the North ward had a chance and because of Manchester snd because Mrs B.i er. .. chapel for Nela J. Jehnaon, 76 yeara of nner Walkers poor health prevents her (h Hrs. Emm.,f Smith d a handcart pioneer of thin eection, bis wife and four children were illj R,thr4 R Baker, age, r. re.td-nof m. as. home who died at hin t h.r Wednesday mayoress, Mrs. Festtt Thurwi,, .( acting John Manwaring vnu from aUmenu cancer. Btahop John C. Bryan will ienhall ofE. Mapletoa, has been able to secure th no. ,6S Wwtmltr H armor, Mueical aeieetione incidental to old ag. officiate at tbo eerrice. Interment rill and L, 4fl were rendered by Golden Taylor of Hu Staffartoo, England take plate in the Tooele cemetery. Lake Mr Johnaow waa born In BMxtrop. Payeon, Albert Southwick. aad camo to Utah i gait Although Mrs. Pqattle Is taking Octnbor tv. i4i. a Preemaw and Btrd Richard and a eon An of Job f Sweden tbo her little hoy, and her-twdone Oakley 12, 116, months daughter r drew J. and Elna Pearson Johnson. He Richard Loveridge. started for America at the age of X. The grave in the Evergreen eeae abmyWlth btl husband InUr-- a, a, follows: xu Emm i hie with crossing the plains tery waa dedicated by W. i. Heltoy. London. However, ahe expreseedl Hr, esr.h a Haps and J. H Baker, with one ofperenta, the handrert companion, and MILTON H MTU of sU L.k.; Mr Kth.i Kisiah Terr r. walkiga moat of the way. the hope that ahe would He wu married to Agnea Murray of to PANGUITCH Vt gervlcee were held for o'i4i.r,hVouo polbl';' ,hLm .of,en Hie death Tooele Nov. 32, 1613. Milton H . the elx months eld baby bey a busy and cared on the 49th anniversary of hie of graodchUdTs and it Mre. Mr end Thomas Data, nt t be able lo Visit Tier in Manchester dm a loo tUTiva. marriage. Ho waa- an actlvo 1 D. p m Wednesday at the home of Ira at lha Jo-ra-t chareh Tha body may bo ' worker: I am going to mis my husW. Hatch child The died Toeedejr1 la the and Ho hi wife w mortuary aorvie4.hy band terribly. she confessed, but morning from f! M following none end daeghtera He was born in Panguitch Juno t. I think tt ia a fair case for a RAYMOND WOOD Erb Mary Barton. Mre Mabel legreen. - all of Tooele: lilt. temporary abandonment of He fa survived by his parents and the Jamco Raymond Wood Infant 6m of M. and Merrill Jo t RESIGNS SUPREME QUALITY ai DINWOODEYS i THIRTY-SEVE- FIRST SOUTH WEST N If Youre Planning: on Purchasing A New Bedroom Suite - - Dont . - w yJ, Fail to see these Remarkable Values : De-lan- 5c . and Rayon Ouilt Blocks Percale 25c T.25 L.D. S. Garments New or old style, heavy double back eix-w- as British Woman To Trade Home For Mayors Job rum . 3.00 Men' ' Oxfords $1.98 4.00 Mens .Oxfords . . $2.98 $2.99 $1.89 Breeches Mens 100 All Wool WJ Shirts r$f,88' 20 Ladles $1.49 Slippers .... 3.00 Ladies Suede Ties . . $1.98 ned - imS 4 Mre. Clara Stanley N" Johnaoa Jamao W and Mary Wright Wood, diad Pomcrw. Balt Lake City: Clarence E following brothers aad eietera Wayne, tha family roaldanca at Thursday Faster, Keith. Ray Calvin. .Lora Johneon of Butte. Montana; Mre. Elele Amy -aat Forty-fift- h Pouth id Lei. aad J?Iatrfnh PENN CELEBRATION waa ta City cemetery. of lnflueosa. Ha waa bora Intermeat treat, Samuel John One brother. Iona. Idrho aurviaad. haaidaa j $ -- 1181, aad la PHILADELPHIA. (1X8) The parenta, Funeral on of Tooele and one eieter. Mre. Han by a aiatar, Adelia also of 350th Fait Lake Bowen William. of nah City, anniversary win b." aurrlve.- IenH landing in this country will be celebrated throughout the date JOHN WILLIAM HTTP on October 21, 24 and 28 with elabMary WTcoxIn. XL of Vernal, died to RAINS John W11lam Huff. iT. eity orate ceremonies. a local hospital Monday afternoon from marshal of Poldirr iummit, died a 4umor of Jh chpatSurTiring are Hiw from of hlgnon.-- Rtter throe broihere end" two eietera. 'Bufial Huff, atat Rains, PLAN LARGEST MAP after a five weeks Well take place in th Wrnal cemetery Minolta and eenricee at the Moffat ward chapel Cal. OCEANSIDE. ( INS) IMS. Mr Hoff eras boro October f announced. been not has time yet The 1 What described aa the . ''world' at Coalville, a n of John Edward H fferah Roblnton Ann Huff and be located here largest map' will UDINE HE1HOOD moved to X,ake Shore with hie parent on the coast highway. It will be A ffvr hie two weeki old Infant danghte The boy i when a imii) marriage 289 feet in length, and 12 feet in Mr. and Mrs Leland Hey wood. dtM'to Yllate Slmpaon In 1S6 he moved to width. here today, a victim of the Infloenxa ThfStle, nd in 19J6 to tidier Summit h--fh a nX h;.rl.f(. "iiUe J TJUsltoto Mf. H.tift-fry- ed veral T'tah eounfy deputy ier(ff for li patU t wu weeks. fthe eunlved by her parent two yeara He had verved a marahal of one Soidler Summit IX year eierere 'rtnrm and Helen and 4daoehtera Hnrvvlng are elx eon oh'T Frank 1. Riley and Haro d Huf. Raina, Edward Interment will be tn City cemetery Huff P. Th.afle: Alb4rt Huff and Mea J B k ettbrqck, Halt Lake, and lira 6EE.4LD MACK BRADY two Goraid- Mark Brady; 4 ana of Mr. Fred g8truber.- - Ho'dltr Summit Hrothe-Joseph 8. and Archie Huff, and Mre. Clarence W. Brady. M wwt Salt Tk Fsrat North etreet. died in a local ho-xFuneral eervlcee will be conducted t4n(Klav mght of pneamonia two weeks H Oee. Ho wad taken ftetarday at p m'1 the Lake PHore aer Burial will be In Spanish Fork to the hoepHal fiv days ago chapel He woe bora to Sait Lake on AaguM City cemetery. i? m TRAN KLIN ANDERWV AND Numvmr beedee hie parent, are SIRLOIN, fter, Maxine. Grace and LoJtae CITY Tunral serTcea for ROUND STEAKS- ,- baby Bra Jr- - ail at Ba L Lake, and one broth- Franalin Attdereon, 43, kx ai farmer, C arence k, Brady Jr. aloe of who died in a Halt Lake hospital on steer beef, ba.t Laae. Tueeday of a buil- -t wound, lb Mondav mornmg at h ITnbrenkabla home here H - inch RICHARD ALDRIDGE ETAN'i be conducted here Friday it 1 pm. Mama Poll. gleeplng Richard A! drltig Erana. ML died at wil wCl take place la Oak In dressed. white City Fresh Dressed PRIME No. hie hvme In Murray Wednesday at 11 l Burial Fully cemetery, a cerebral hemorrhage. clothing only pm of Surviving are hi widow. Mr Elisa I TURKEYS, Ho wa born le gait Lake. Aoguet t. Hartley Anderann, five eono, Loy Le Unbreakable IMf, and had llted la Murray for eev-er- Roy, lb. Otmer. Marlow and Anderf year. sleeping Mama Doll. Surviv eg ere hie widow. Mre. Evelyn son. four daugater Kda. Ada, Ann and in dreaeed. Fully Elva Anderson. Joeon IV and brothers. ene of California, Smith CHOICE bio or 'pink white, L and Lester Anderson, all of clot-hinjdaughter Lawrence and Robert D. Ev- seph th-e- e an and Mr slaters, M v. John Dut-oBeh Jor.ea of Halt Lake: Oak City, CAPONS, lb. . lOak City, Mra Roe Wfeg and Cichard Lvin of Magna; Willard. ClifUnhraakablo Chrlataaaea-LyaodyJoseph-k- L ami Mr. Luno Evana ford Mr. Evelyn l. STEWING leepinK Mum DolL Morocco, M'a Vilate ErlkaoB and Mra Mr oc Cal forma, and Fully dressed, in MdrM Johnson Acorrr peterhon HENS, lb. . . 4 blue or pink of Canada, one e'tter. white, Irixv- Perce SPRING Vf aervlcee for clotbin En I mbt of Denver. Colo M' ROASTING 7J. were conducted and one bmther, Adetpk Evas of 6Ui August Peemon from the Mapleton ward chapel Wed- Theoo toHf are well mad and Laxa CHICKENS, for wwd need ay afewMFn wth Rhard Bird .Fuatral airaagemetite atnnbeard-of-prkeato bo received from reiativee In of the ward bishopric tn charge. FANCY The speakers were Bishop R L. Men feo Tkste Dolls ea Dtoplap la Funeral service will be held Ovr Window GEESE, ib. enday I .!o,4 K.dw.H moAu.r. ilrh Ji. f u INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN, t , StwLFwVf' Jnraxo awl ThurwUr at I 1 n LEMON OR esmsterr. . . .ot Somh Luh. Mxy 4. l7. 1)1. R. Uoffatt. Mr and Mrs ROBERT YELL SCOTT PIES, Ho Is survived by hi parents, hi IMHfTIMI Robert La Yell Rcott, month-o!- 4 mn Ruth Fullmer Moffstt, and wife, V' 3 for threw daushtere. Loratwo, Maurtwo and of Myron and Thelma Bvott 4A9 Fiwt ST WRIT FIRST XOlTH Wed and- - avebue. dieil-Jli- a . Moffltt. bvothero JocL Four hoepltal la POTATO of pneumonia. His rhree wriers also eutYire The - Mr may needay at It 19 pm, be viewed r th Deseret mortuary; poreote surviv. SALAD, i.i ,w. Saturday Specials QC beef, lb LEG OR LOIN PORK, fancy gxin fed, lb.. ROAST SHLDR. ROAST PORK, bock ends, 8c 12c lb. SHLDR. ROAST milk fed, i SHLDR. best eats, VEAL ROAST PORK, O O .. lb. llC Country Style Pure PORK SAUSAGE Z. C. M. I. 29c quality, 2 lbs. , FANCY SUGAR CURED SLICED 4 BACO. JLi7C A. GROCERY to F IOC TAMALES, our own 5 for SPECIALS Pkg Fig Bars, . Cheese, Ib. Sliced Pine- apple, No.2'2 Honel Soup, Aaparagua, No. 2J can AQ OC Ib 5c 10c bu.. 79c 12c 35c DeJiciops ' Apples, " Celery Hearts, 3 for Banana Layer . Cake, each Orange Tiffin Roils, dozen . $1.98 fiJJ U DlNWOODEYS Sor Saturday MAPLE SUITE Vanity Table, Chest, Bed, Bench. . Regular, price $66.- - c. with 0 0 Bench. SATURDAY MAPLE SUITE Bed, Bench. Regn- bur price $86.00. SATURDAY . . Vanity, Chest, I elvOO $ SUITE FRENCH WALNUT Vanity, Chest, Bed. Bench- - Reg. Price c. $117. SATURDAY CHESTNUT SUITE Mirror, Bed, Nile Stand and Chair. Reg. price $164.50. SATURDAY.. . SATURDAY c. AU-Oa- Regular . SATURDAY . Terms -18 .... S9J75 . - $169. SATURDAY AU-Oa- Vanity, Table, interior con- I WALNUT SUITE Vanity, Chest, Bed, Bench.Reg. price c. WALNUT SUITE Vanity, Chest, k interiW construcBed, Bench. tion. Regular price $129.50. SATURDAY . WALNUT SUITE k Chest, Bed, Bench. $J5 MAPLE SUITE French Proven-ci- al design. Vanity, Chest, Bed, Bench. Regular price $145.75. .. e. All-Oa- c. Chest, Chest s2s c. WALNUT SUITE Vanity, Chest, k interior construcBed, Bench, tion.' Regular price H39.75. SATURDAY.. . e. $138-00- Regular price $138,007 SATURDAY c. struction. WALNUT SUITE Varity, Table Swinging Mirror, Chest, Bed, c. WALNUT Beds, Twin Bench. $0 SUITE Vanity, Two Regular price $239.50. SATURDAY Many Odd Unities, Chests, Beds, - Benches Saturday j Months to Those Who Desire ESTABLISHED 1857 Bl-NWOODEY-- S 'GOOD FURNITURE 4 prod- uct. Jello, Pabst-e- tt .. SSesredi aH MINCE pt. rri $2.98 OA. ...dUC Green Olives, No, 2 can V 15c qt. jar . . . . Dessert Figs, 35c . 19c 15c 4 JJ . canli O C MAMA DOLLS 02 b.AlC A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS ' I. Super Market BEEF POT ROAST, prime steer baby- -- $(a650 s. t Z.C.M. m st-w- hl iT M di-- " Mens -- Nl . & m n Lord-May- Mens 16 In. Hi Cat Boots - V ra. r. .. $1.00 Ji O - 79c 2.00 Mens Oxfords 1 J, SATURDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY POP The Logical Comeback -- By J. MUlor Watt |