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Show AFFLICTED Get the benefit is none too good, of recent discov- Consumption of Tea. The worlds consumption of t outside of the countries in whiifii i is grown may bo taken to be about 600,000,000 pounds per annum, valued at $85,000,000. About 90 per cent, o the tea exported from Asia is con umed by English-speakinpeople. cine the best Tablets. Dr. Orrin Dowells Nerve The very latest treatment for Nervous Insomnia, Manhood, Lost Debility, ImMemory, Melancholia. Falling g ' True Friendship, The essence of friendship is entire-ness- , & total magnanimity and trust. It must not surmise or provide for infirmity. It treats its object as a god, that it may defy both. Emerson., Physical and Mental paired Energy. Weakness. A positive cure guaranteed through their by the manufacturers to agents, who are underIf Instructions not satisfied refund your money ' 8 box; six with results. Price, 1.00 per stores or boxes for J5.00. At all drug Addresssealed. by mail, securely Doull Drug Co., 838 Main, corner MarsJfilt l.alro fMtV. i.t homes easy payments. Farm Cheap lots any part of city. loans, on Nice in eries NOTICE. Anyone receiving this paper with C. J. BOWMAN & CO., his paragraph marked with a red Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blk., cross will understand that they are Salt Lake City, Utah. entitled to a subscription to the paper for three months from date, and they can retain this as a receipt. REMEMBER. I If your local merchant does not carry in stock Temple Brand Gar- L?ke and Ogden Salt Railway. Time Table in Effect May 30, 1900. Salt Lake Leave 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. Tii.; 2:0, 4:00, C:I)U, 7:00, 8:00 p. m. First six trains run through to Kay3-villo- . IN BOTTLES. COCA-COL- ROAD." THE LAGOON ments, Hams' Head Swe iters, Sego Idly Underwear, send your orders direct to the sole manufacturers, Salt Luke Knitting Works. Wo have established a plant for bot- Extra Lagoon to Kaysvllle, 10:00 p. tling (his most popular drink and we want an agent In every town In Utah in. (Sunday, 8:30 p. m.) Leave 7:00. 10:00, 12:00 a. to bandlo It. Good profits. Write us 111.;Lagoon 3:00,5:011, 7:00, 9:00, 30:30 p. m. at once for prices, elc. (Sunday, 9:30.) Coca-ColSait Bottling Co. Sundays and holidays special through 3. P, O. Box Salt Lake City. trains to Lagoon at 3:00 and 5:00 p. m. SIMON BAMBERGER, Iresidont and General Manager. t Ike a I'AUMIB ItVRISlAV 8PECIAL NOTICE, If thia paragraph ia marked with a red cross it indicates that your subscription to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black cross it has, only two weeks to run, but unless otherwise notified we shall continue After 30' had been received in the to forward the paper. telegraph-rooof one of the Chicago Very respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. newspapers a few nights ago, the office manager, who. In his day, had been a celebrated tourist, filled his CHEAP RATES EAST VIA COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. corncob pipe and regaled his fellow knights of the key with the following 8 On May June, 3 1906, rate tale: two dollars for round one of fare plus was a few months after the big It strike of 83, when telegraphers all trip to Chicago, Minneapolis, Memover the country quit work at the sig- phis and west thereof. Limit October nal Grant is dead, that i started out 31st, stopovers allowed, west Missouri as a tourist. I was in Detroit at the river. For further Information write General Agent, Salt L. H. time and had a good sit as assistant Lake. Harding, We will arrange all details of train dispatcher, but went out with the others. One fellow who talked louder your trip. at the meetings than anyone else was BIG SHOW AT SALT LAKE. the first to go back, and he was given my place in the office. The officials of For three weeks the New Grand the road sent for me several times, but theatre has .been crowded to the I ignored them, much to my sorrow, as doors by the Ethel Tucker Stock comit afterward turned out. Of courge, we pany who came to Salt Lake for three lost the strike, and when it came to months engagement presenting two casting about for another job little new plays each week with special Willie found that he had been black- vaudeville features between each act. The New Grand will be open every listed at least where I, applied for work 1 was told there was nothing night with a Wednesday and Saturday sourvenir matinee for the entire doing. ob-3I had a friend who was chief train 30, 50c, presenting the best plays obbest the 65c, plays presenting dispatcher for the T. & P. at Texar- tainable. kana, Ark., and I wrote to him, asking For out of town patrons seats will if he could stake me to anything. In a be reserved and held by addressing 1 few days got a letter from him g the request to the New Grand theame to come on, and he would give tre, Salt Lake City, Utah. me the night trick at Terrell, Texas. It paid only $43 per. but that was a whole lot better than loafing. I rode K x the bumpers to St. Louis, where I land J. HUDDART FLORAL CO. J ed on a Sunday morning. That after- J noon I made two attempts to get out s 6 E. 2nd So. X of town on the Iron Mountain road, Jj but each time I was driven oft freight S (Opposite Grand Theatre.) trains by the brakemen. As the walk- s' Cut flowers and floral work for ing was pretty good, I hit the ties to ar Vj Jefferson Barracks, where I side- Call occasions. ft W make a specialty of shipping tracked until a train came along after dusk. Afuneral designs. Write , telephone "It was a through freight! bound for & Texas points, and I hopped aboard of a S or telegraph. flat car on which were two broughams. P. O. Box 443. Phones IOC. The carriages were covered with cani 31 vas and cleated, and I said to myself, old if Jim, boy, you could only get into one of those wagons a Pullman CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of sleeper wouldnt be in it. I crawled Iron fences. Bank, Office and Counup under the canvas covering and tried the doors of one, but nothing do- ter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All ing. I hen I tackled the other one, kinds of fancy wire and iron work. We do Electro Plating in Nickel and and Just as true as Im sitting here I Copper in all the Latest Finishes. found one of the doors unlocked. There was luck for you! I crawled Write for Prices. Salt Lake City State St into the carriage through a narrow space wasnt as fleshy then as I am now and, say, there were cushions r.x.ttit8fitr.rr.r.8ftFF.trtr.nKr.r.8t8t " s inside thatd drive a man MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., crazy. I didntt do a thing but fix up a nice "bed ffi Manufacturers of for myself and 1 tore oft about nine hours of the most PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. peaceful slumber that It had ever been my good fortune -, to enjoy. Factory: 720 South Second West The next morning the train Telephone 979-- z jr to the end of a division, where I got gotut and bought something to eat I also quenched my thirst at the, depot Frank Y. Taylor., Moses W. Taylor. pump, and as I had something like TAYLOR BROS. $3 In my jeans, I bought some tobacco REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. and a clay pipe. Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt After the train pulled out I got back into the hack Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best Inagain unnoticed by the crew, and I enjoyed my smoke like those Turks vestment In the world. Utah Comwhose pictures you see on the cigar-ett- e mercial and Mining Stocks the safest in the world. boxes. Members Salt Lake Stock and Min"When we got to Walnut Ridge, ing Exchange. about 225 miles from St. Loui3, I had another opportunity to replenish the American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. commissary department That lasted me until I got to Beebe, Ark., where European Plan, 50c up. I filled up on goose plums and HOTEL HALLS. peaches. S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. When the train reached TexarCorner Third South and State kana, after a fun of 500 miles from St. Louis, 1 got out and hurried up Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. to the chief dispatchers office of the Texas & Pacifffc road. I knew the ORDER OF US. train would lay over at Texarkana at least half an hour, giving me time to see the dispatcher and catch my priGoods delivered at your home at vate car before she pulled out for Salt Lake prices. Dallas. The dispatcher was pretty busy Try our Mail Order Department and when I broke in on him, but he took be satisfied. time to tell me that the job at TerGroceries, Dry Goods, Hardware rell yas still open and to get there Everything. 1 was delayed several minat once. BARNES GROCERY CO., utes In seeing him, and when I hiked back to the yards where I had left 143 North First West Street, my special I saw it pulling out. The flat car with the carriages on it was SALT LAKE CITY. In about the middle of the train next to a car of coal. I stood behind an oil tank, keeping out of sight of the SMOKE LA0ALOMA CIGARS'! brakies, and when I saw the coal Theyire High Grade and Union car come along with no flat behind It j( Made. M. MARCUS, Manufacturer. my heart sank. While I was up at the dispatcher's office they had cut 5 155 East Third South Street. out the .Hat car, Texarkana being its SALT LAKE CITY. destination. There was nothing for me to do but go back to the dispatchers office Do You Yant Work? and brace him for transportation to Terrell. On my second visit to his WORK FOR EVERYBODY. office I found him not so busy, and la Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. an offhand way I said: We Furnish All Kinds of Help. By the way, Jack, I forgot to ask DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. you for transportation when I was here a little while ago.' 62 East First South, Salt Lake City. . Ind. Phone 923. Yes, said he, and I was so busy Bell Phone 1S72-Xat the time 1 forgot all about it myself. UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. He then wrote me an order on the H. N. Winter, Manager. me the superintendent, which gc pass. I continued my journey within Advertising and Campaign, an hour on a passenger train, but I Photo ButtonsSociety, to order. would rather have been on the flat We copy from any size or kind of car. picture return same uninjured. PhoSince then I had ridden on some tos on Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pins, of the most luxurious sleepers that Lockets, etc. Why trust traveling were ever pulled over a road, but I strangers with your choice photos never enjoyed a trip so much as I did when permanent residents guarantee that ride from St Louis to Texarkana satisfaction? Cabinet Photos, Stamp Photos, PhoIn a brougham. Chicago RecocA to Buttons. 49 Main street. Salt Lake. Herald. P. O. Box 1301. Telephone 967-k- . Enlarging, copying, reducing, etc., Soured. any kind or size of picture In photo, "She met with an early disappoincrayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc. Finest tment I hear. grades consistent with price. Every An early disappointment?" grade of work absolutely permanent-w- ill Yes. not fade. Frames and framing. Whatd she do, took In a mirror? All sizes and grades made up to order. 26-2- 4 city When in want of help, call u; $! or write Strocks Employmen' jJ) Agency, 45 Wert Second SoWIJ VI Phones 464, , TIME CARQ. Baatbound. Westbound. Stations. M. Ar. P. m. A. M. I.v, pin. A. 4:80 10.08 1:00 8:00 Salt Lake City 1:47 5:44 1:11 Murray Lv 1:11 0:89 5:8 1:80 1:20 Bingham Junotloa 1:28 1:80 8:80 1:61 8:84 8:80 8:88 0:21 Riverton Lehl 0:67 American Provo 1 31 8:01 8:84 4:11 4:10 Fork 8:80 Sprlngvlil - 0:87 8:04 8:87 8:28 8:17 SALT LAKE & LOS ANGELES RAIL- Leave 10:30 2.0(1 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 4" i.! WAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May 31, 1906. Sait L. Ar. Sait Lake. a.m 1:00 p.m. a.tu 3:30pmt 4:30 p.m. p.m. BINGHAM BRANCH. 6:30 p.m. A. M. P. M. p.m. A. M. P. M. 10:80 8:49 00 Halt Lake City 6:30 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 10:27 8:17 28 Bingham Junetioa 7:30 p.m. 8:88 p.m. 8:54 44 Raver 10:40 8:46 a 8:30 p.m. 2 07 p.m. 0:60 :6T Min Iad 1:40 8:80 :10 Bingham 9:30 p.m. t:M p.m. X. A BENTON, 10:30 p.m. p.m. Oan, Art. PMA Pept 11:30 p.m. p.m. -- ITAAMslAirAKMlIAlglt'AlglglglgklAKMtfjeltlCltlglgM'A'dirAMiaMAMAiatellAAslA'Af Si "Western Goods for Western People! gS The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) Jj5 I BELIEVES IN BEING Busy All tho Time In Utah; The object of the organization UTAH-MAD- GOODS E is to promote the ue of in all lines, in preference to those manufactured jS ALL outside the State. sjj 00 Sr li Its Interest Is Wide. State-- P n The betterment of industrial cond.tions in every city, town, village, namiet ana district is Us aim. For lull particulars write to 8 8 - f STHE MANUFACTURERS AND MER-j- ! CHANTS ASSOCIATION. t P- - O- - X BOX 15S4, SALT LAKE CITY. - - gj S S TftFRRRItrRRKttRRKKRRRRRPP.RRnRKr.KKRRKRKRRRKItltltltlUUWtltRai 'fWKWKt."4MllAMMHHMMHMMMMll., HISTORIC WORCESTER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See the On the Labels. THE ' Mam actured Reeves Co., Salt L lndorsed by the Assn of Utah. Grocer. John by Lake, and M. Ask & M. your The New Road The Best Line to Southern California Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diner and Free Reclining Chair Cars. All trains via Salt Lake City and Nevadas Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to J. . H. BURTNER, D. P. A.. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. Salt Lake City, Utah. TRAINS 4 nn DAILY E A S SALT JLAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD CO. TIME TABLE. Effective December 10, 1905. Eustbound. (Westbound. No. 2 No. 1 Leaves. 1:45 p.m. Stations.! Arrives. 11:15 a. in 11:00 a. m 10 : 30 a. m VIA Mercur Summit Manning . 1:55 p.m. 2 : 35 p. m. 10:05a.m.... Fairfield ....3:13p.m. Arrives. Leaves. 1-- This Includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vesti-buleElectric Lighted Steam Heated Trains operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; incomparable Observation Library and Dining Cars of the very latest manufacture. ONLY MUSIC, PIANOS. Organs And A11 Musical Instruments, Beesley Music Co., HOURS, SALT LAKE TO 42 46 CHICAGO. City Ticket Office, 201 Main St. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. cure fb A positive and permanent disease. the and opium drunkenness D There Is no publicity, no sickness. as at thei dies treated as private 334 own homes. The Keeley Institute, Utah. Lake City, Salt W. So. Temple, Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. tell--In- r rf Vv South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. YEARS' EXPERIENCE Anvotie sending a sketch and description may whether an quickly ascertain our opinion free CommunicaInvention is probably paternnhle. tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest aitencv for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann & Co receive tpfoal notice, without charge, in the PILES Scientific American. 114-11- SALT -- handsomely illustrated weekly. T argest circulation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $11 a year; four months, L 8oid by all newsdealers. M li N N & CO.Broadway, New York Branch Office. 825 F 8t Washington, I. C. A 238V2 I REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE. DR. JOHNSON, South Main street. Salt LakeS City. a xiT.'wwjxjXiWiXn Try This Route East ON YOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK TO HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA - Chicago, M il waukee & St. Paul Railway 1 MB TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER ANOTHER GOOD CHICAGO. TO ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANFAMOUS SAS CITY AND THE SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCESS ( I i FARE. TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS. OR OF C. S. Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 144 4 4 444 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 - ( - - - - - - - - - - - 3rKKIUtXKIUWKKXatKll !S SHERWOODS MARKET to our own premises on State Our trade is growing very We like the change. Street Our Lard is nicely, and we can give you better service, has moved from Main Street guaranteed absolutely pure. vie 749 & 751 Both Phones Robert Sherwood. State Street, Salt Lake City. Why Pay More? W Can Save You Money. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main Tha Most Reliable Dentists In tht City. Teeth extracted without pain by our scientific methods. Free with other work. OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Set of teeth (best red rubber), to. Gold crowns, ., 83 50 to 85.00. Bridge work, best, 83.50 to $5.00. s Gold fillings, 81 and up. Other fillings, 60o to 75c. TWELVE YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. Open till 6 p. m., Sunday 10 to 3. Phones, Ind., 2908; Ball, 1T88-234 n FREE Ma EXAMINATION DR ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. St Good Service - Good Company! Good Meals. That Is the happy trinity that makes happy travelers on Rock Isl- and through trains. Through Standard Sleeper daily Salt Lake and Ogden tol Arrives Ini Chicago without change. Chicago in the morning. We also run, through tourist .cars to Chicago ndjj St Louis. Steamship tickets on M,eS S to all points In the Old Country. to want go.S, Let us know where you W will do the rest Nothing finer than the Rock Island Dinar." N . Both phones 245. E. DRAKE, Dfst Pass. AgenW G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt, or 100 West Second 8outh 8t, Salt Lake City, Utah. N. L. DREW, General Agent, 800 17th Street Denver, Colo. |