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Show Nov. 2, Thursday, Local and Social News Local - Social News Mr. and and Riby in Provo. Mrs. T. E. The 1939 A PLEDGE Mr. and Mrs. M. M. O'Gara the football game last Saturday at Logan. ) I II J 1. RIGHT LIGHTNESS II I RIGHT STRENGTH I The right flavor 2. THE 3. TllE Mrs. Ferl Blackburn of Order-vill- e has returned home after visit ng with her mother, Mrs. T. H. G. Parkes for two weeks. OF NEPHI CITY Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Haynes and children Jeanne, Garry and Micia returned to their home in Comp ton, California after a 10 day vis it in Nephi and Ogden. I 4. TllE BIGHTBEPUTATION E. L. Brown of Salt Lake City and Walter Bellislon of Burley, Idaho are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Beiliston. They are Elk hunting while here. mm .tymmi Eyron Memmott, a student of the U. S. A. C. at Logan, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Mrs. A. T. Bigler of Eureka, and Mrs. Gus. Wallburg of Nampa, Idaho returned to their homes on Monday after a week's visit at the home of Miss Bertha McPherson and sisters. e The Third Year girls of the South ward entertained at a Hallowe'en party last Wednesday at the home of Miss Jennie Howard. Those who enjoyed the affair were Denee Park, Lorna Christen-seBee-Hiv- ill J VJWW,-Fi- r n, Miriam Jenkins, Dorthea Sved-iJosephine Jackman, Bernice Beiliston, and the teachers, Miss Howard and Miss Donna Pexton. n, The Child Study group met at the home of Mrs. Goldie Howarth last Thursday night. The book, "Good Bye Mr Chips" was review14. PLNT No. 224 ed by Mrs. Lizze Black. Present 222 No. 223 No. PINT QUART werq Hattie Beiliston, Tola Jenkins, Jennie Beulah Beck, Irons, Blendcil Whiskey. 90 proof. 72H grais Delia Tolley, Taey Bracken, Vera neutral spirits Copr. 1939, SclienleJ Howell, Stella Anderson, Mildred Distillers Corporation, ISew York CitJ Paxman, and the hostess, Goldie Howarth. 100 NEW SUPER-COACHE- S , Vi i i.j FIRST ChA, -- midiiwJ,ljci SUPER-COACHE- S proper measure for the discharge of the, duties of this office. Mr. O'Gara, a successful business man Improvement and Progress Mr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson and son Junior of Bingham, Miss Ruby Painter of Salt Lake City vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter Sunday. KED LABEL of Nephi demands qual- ities of mind and character which the many friends of Michael M. u uara ueiieve he possesses in of Los Carter. l of Mayor FOR Mr. and Mrs. Leland Whittaker of Salt Lake City spent last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Flossie You jet all 4 advantages iu SCIIEXLEFS iAtjht Page Rye S3E two sons spent Saturday Mrs. Winn also announced that Mr. and Mrs Dell R. Carter anthe Republican Headquarters for election day, next Tuesday will be nounce the birth of a son on 26. established in the old Commercial Club Rooms in the Lunt building, Mrs. James Chase is visiting in above Ord and. Mangelson Drug store. Rupert, Idaho at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Greenhalgh. If Nephi, Utah Times-New- s, The Democratic Party presents to the voters of Nephi a group of progressive, forward-lookin- g candidates, every one of whom is a believer in the growth and advancement of Nephi, "the friendly city at the cross-road- s of Utah". These candidates pledge their untiring efforts to give to the people of Nephi an administration of city government and city business which will bring the maximum of comfort, prosperity and happiness to the people. These candidates have a background of experience in the handling of business and public affairs which guarantees a faithful and intelligent administration of the city's business. I -I1 IL H I. tf- - ' 'A. TRIPS EVER - -- - - Realizing the heaviness of the burden which taxpayers have been carrying in recent years, these candidates of the Democratic party are pledged to eliminate waste and extravagance in city government. They have a firm conviction that with prudent handling of city business and rigid economy, the burden of the home owner and taxpayer can be reduced. Without criticism of present or past administrations but pledging their best efforts in the handling of the city government if entrusted with such responsibility, and firmly believing that neighborly and loyal cooperation of its citizens will bring prosperity and happiness to the people of Nephi, the Democratc candidates submit themselves for the vote of the people at the coming election. "1 Y 4 Michael M. O'Gara For Mayor The Democraitc party this year T chose as its candidate for Mayor $ a man who by character, temper- ment and experience has outstand-- J ing qualifications for this high of- fice. The duties and resposibilities investigation as to the They promise a thorough-goin- g of increasing Nephi's supply of water and electric possibility power. They believe that water rates can be substantially reduced so that home owners can have a larger supply of water for lawns, trees and shrubbery without additional cost. They propose to utilize WPA labor and any Federal funds available upon projects which will be of maximum permanent benefit to the community. They promise to make a careful study and investigation of worthwhile WPA projects and in particular the possibility of construction of large water storage projects and improvement of the electric power system. They believe that Nephi citizens are entitled to better street lighting, and with the proper lighting and improvement of Nephi's Main street, and the city will be made more attractive to tourists and other visitors. WORLD'S LARGEST FLEET ....... i X These candidates believe that Nephi will grow and improve in proportion to the energy and wisdom exerted by its leaders and the degree of cooperation among its citizens. If entrusted with the government of the city, they invite all citizens to join them in a program of improvement and beautification of the looking forward to Utah's centennial year, 1947. city 154 CUA. -- fautilioiWcL BUSES rr I Angeles, married a former resident of Nephi, Miss Florence and thereafter became Haynes. convinced of the desirability of establishing his home at Nephi a decision which he has not had occasion to regret. Since coming to Nephi he has been one of its most loyal and optimistic citizens. He believes in its future. He looks upon Nephi as an ideally situated town, made tip of people who for neighborliness, and hospitality, friendly community spirit are ..not surpassed by any community anywhere. Mr. O'Gara is a veteran of Spanish American War and also served with the American forces during the Boxer war in China. For a number of years he was engaged in the cattle buying business in California, Utah, Idaho and Nevada, and prior to moving to Nephi he was engaged in business in California. He has been a substantial taxpayer of Juab County for 15 years and is a firm advocate of efficiency and economy in government. He believes tourist travel in the West, and particularly in Utah, will increase and that with proper publicity Nephi will becoma a favorite stopping place for tourists. v DAY! v i t i X (Li 4 - j John H. Latimer W. C. Andrews For Councilman, MaK.Ve JMui For Councilman, year Term W. C. Andrews, candidate for r councilman, is a native son of Nephi whose long record of business experience and service for the upbuilding of Nephi is a guarantee of his fitness to serve in this position. He has held many positions of public and private trust and has discharged such duties with fidelity and judgment. His sympa-itie- s are with the common people His genial disposition and his willingness to help others, regardless of sacrafice of his own interests, are matters of common knowledge to the people of this community, and have endeared him to the hearts of friends throughout the state, ff Mr. Andrews is elected to the officg of city councilman, the citizens and taxpayers of Nephi can depend upon having a Judicand faithful ious, conscientious public servant, who will at all times be alert and vigilant in working for the public good. four-yea- Term Citizens of Nephi need no introduction to John H. Latimer nor any guarantee of his integrity. He is a native son who formerly served eight years as city treasurer, resigned to enter the service of the United States in the World War and since his discharge has been engaged in farming and stock raising. He was a quarter-maste- r sergeant during his army service and to those acquainted with the handling of army supplies such a training is evidence of Mr. Latimer's keenness and ability as a business executive. Being a substantial taxpayer himself, and having first hand knowledge of the burdens which property owners in agricultural communities are carrying, Mr. Latimer can be depended upon to work for elimination of waste and to make the dollar do maximum service for the community. , tax-paye- between NEW YORK and CALIFORNIA VIA CHICASO, OMAHA, AND SALT IAKI if ' CITY New. transcontinental schedule now J gives you four through trips every day ! service on short trips, tool Ce i inrn rnnr?T rvirc nuid i A f 1 I V'-- ' mtm.r Alton S. Gadd A. L Petty For Councilman, Mr. Petty DIN A DANCE lit th miRROR V.tt' Room Saturday Cverjr Seen. Cwsmc, JcintS. Itii Mitie, Cr et ntirt(intt IUIUM IMI iMIKIt .3k WflrM the people of Nephi at the genial and capable agent of the Union Pacific been Railroad Company, having stationed at Nephi for a number of years. His 22 years of service as railroad agent guarantees his ability as an efficient business executive and assures taxpayers of Nephi that if he Is a member of the city council the financial matters of the city will be handled in a business-likmanner. Mr. Petty is a native of Millard County. He has shown a keen Interest In community affairs and has always been willing to devote his time to matters of public welfare. He has serand ved as director, president of the local Kiwanis Club, chairman of the troop committee of Boy Scouts, chairman of the tour committee, and 1938 good-wiwas parade chairman of the 1939 Ute Stampede. His personal platform in this election is "I stand for a business-tikhandling of the city's business and an intelligent outlook for the welfare and future growth of Nephi." To most of the people of Nephi and to all those interested in the development of the poultry Industry here, Alton S. Gadd is well known. He was one of the cheerful, tireless optimists who, regard-les- s of depression and obstacles, succeeded In establishing the poultry industry as a going business and In securing the erection of the local He served for six poultry plant. years as secretary of Nephi Inc., and for two years as president. He is a graduate of the local high school and had two years of work at the U. S. A. C. in the school of agricultural engineering and economics. He has been active In local civic and church affair and Is well known as e a progressive and citizen, alert and Interested In the progress of the community. Poul-tryme- wide-awak- ll e I Term Tor Councilman, Term Is well known to e fnnm m& m fi kmmmmaatiMwiamtmM Paid Political Advertisement, paid For by Nephi City Democratic Com miltee, Priscilla Wilson, Secretary .m n till Elgin R. i i .. , .. .. J A. Ski Jit J - Garrett m aati For City Treasurer Garrett, a son of one of Nephi's pioneer families Is the candidate of the Democratic party Elgin R. for the Important Mr. Garrett is an efRecorder. ficient bookkeeper and business He Is actively interested office of City In encouraging well-traine- a)Al Eva S. Marine For City Recorder local Industries and in maintaining Nephi's reputation as a progressive city of thrifty homeowners and community builders. H4 has served as a director and president of the local Kiwanis club and as such was a vigorous worker for promotion of civic welfare and the development of tourist travel and the advertisement of local scenic attractions. If elected to the office of city recorder, Mr. Garrett will give to the city the services of a business man of outstanding ability and kat . Mrs. Marine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa S. Sperry, and granddaughter of William Sperry, on of Nephi's first settlers. She is a graduate of the Nephi high school and by temperament training, and high personal Integrity is well fit- ted for the important office for which she has been nominated by her friends of the Democratic party. For the past year she has been assistant janitor at the county court house, and has thereby been supporting her little daughter, and has made a reputation with county officials as being an active, wideawake, and "efficient young woman who is determined to carry on on her own resources. |