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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX KAYSVILLE, UTAH BOUNTIFUL Incubators and Brooders Located to th midat of fertile field. Excel in production of milk, tomato and sugar boots. Ha tb factory of th Layton Sugar company, eannary, roller milk, eraamory and oonerote aacttoa of Good opportunism far thaoo tato road. Making suburban noroaga for fruit growing. truck gardening, chicken raising and dairying. 'On lino of Salt Lak S Ogdon and Oregon Short Lina. Haa oloetric lights and waterworks. Write Layton Commer cial dab for information. Nina mil north of Salt Ukt City, oltr nd rwKten town, otectrto w Davta count; ; ha light and powor. tetopkoMS, cotnotrt oldo gordona walk. Surrotindod by rick and fruit land. two oloctrto mil rood with aak-orb- you are looking for an incubator, call and see us. We new and second-han- d Cypher and Queen. Also hae them' and brooder and a beet cultivator stoves, brooders k, If laryt not been given to said partyTReferred to the clerk to investigate. Bennett, Peterson requested that certain land in Bountiful had been erroneously assessed and 'requested that taxes on sameje remitted." Referred to the clerk and county attor- Mrs. Rhoda W. Taylors name was placed on the dependent mothers' list and 1 10 appropriated for her. Henry G. Williams was appointed road supervisor of West Point and urkd South Hooper. tow faro, two tranoaontinoatel railroads, Dates were set for the county combnck yard, two banka, food boatiMM kooaoa. 'eofnawrcial club, graded and high sokoola. missioners to meet as a board of equalchurch and kxigoa. A good ptaoo to Urn ney ization, as follows: May 22, 23, 25 was Stark road Clifford and 26. appointed Florence Tuttle has the measles. of East South Weber. supervisor Adjournment taken until March 19. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. King were Salt Ernest Youngbcrg and family have Lake visitors Sunday. moved to Oak Leaf Poultry Farm KAYSVILLE LAYTON UTAH Syracuse. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence is at the Sandall.on Thursday, March 1st, a son. L. D. S. hospital taking treatment. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Warren, .John Lawson, the mail carrier, is of Clearfield, on Sunday, March 4th, very ill again. a daughter. Ralph Jacobson, wh6 was sick with A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. heart failure, is improving. Owen their home in Mrs. John Leddingham The Strength of Business W'illey, .at The home of Ancel Hatch is quarantined for scarlet fever. depends largely on the banks. A bank that is not strong, well directed and thoroughly able to give the best sendee to its depositors is a hindrance rather Mr. and Mrb. E. G. King were guests of was Mr. and Master Spencer Adams and Miss born to daughter Mrs. Oliver Rickart Saturday. Bertha Boylinrat Experience, at the Salt Lake theater Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moss returned Mrs. -- Wallace Cowley entertained f f orn a te w m onths' visit in California. Monday afternoon at a quilting and Mrs. A. L. Burham is seriously ill luncheon. Those present were Mrs. R. with the effects of having taken for Adams, Mrs. Clive Wiggill and Mrs. maldehyde by mistake. Melvin Adams. A Bring Your Deposits Here and be convinced that we can and will be of much help if courtesy and judicious accommodation is of value. Your business will be better for it. Sessions are C. Barber & Son, the implement in Blackfoot, dealers, are spending contemplating enlarging Idaho. their place of business. Ja$t how the Ernest Day has accepted the posi improvement will be made has not yet tion as city marshal. He succeeds II. been determined. J. W. Burningham. CONTRACTOR $ BV1LDEIL BRMDER AND GROWER. Of BARRED PLYttOVTH ROCKS AND DVROC JERSEY RED SWlNEju tv,-,- K.vill x x t x . , Vlvhw BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY X- 6 -- J KAYSVILLE, - x UTAH x- - x - Known Everywhere As The -E- EEVERY BEST- S- torallrflo Made of Choicest Utah .Wheat Milled in the most modern mill " Packed in the neatest manner EVERY DEALER HAS IT. t Fishier of Ogden party. were visitors at the home of t "Joseph II. Ellison, wife and daughMrs. Fishlers father, Joseph T. ter, of Etna, Canada, who have been Mabey. visiting relatives and friends in Lay-to- n since Christmas, departed to their Mr. and Mrs. William Doxey are home Monday evening. They went via rejoicing' over the arrival of a daughSan Portland and Seattle. Francisco, born Mother and child ter Sunday. well. doing Mrs. W. E. Wiggill entertained Mr. George B. Thurgood and Miss Tuesday afternoon at luncheon, Mrs, Bertha Moss were married in the Salt John Gibson Jr. and Mrs. Lee SaunLake temple Wednesday. A reception ders, of KaysvUle, an Wednesday Mrs. was held at the home of the brides Wiggill served dinner at her home for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Moss the Mrs. J. D. Craig and Miss Alta Craig same evening. Mr. and Mra. Thur- of Layton, and Mrs. Edna Smalts of good will make their home in Syra Uintah. cuse. Layton is to have another lumber i yard in the near future. The Morri Lumber company? of Salt CLEARFIELD haa leased a tract of land from City Situate la an of th boat fruit. John Green, adjoining the Ernest Lay-to- n tabl and fanning aoctiona of Davia Bounty. Srvad by two hna of steam, and Balt property on the state road for the Lakt A Ogdon leetria railway. Haa largo fruit aoooctattoa canning aatabliahaaont, location Af the yard. warohouaoa and good achool and ekurfch buildinga. ' Often many lnducnnta for TheLayton sugar factory will probpcultion and Invastmaat. g ably close its campaign J. N. Hatch and family will move by Saturday night. The severe winter soon to their new home at Malad, ' has greatly hindered the operation of the factory which shpuld have finished Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mabey visited its campaign several weeks ago. relatives in Bountiful on Monday of this week. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Adams k Sons Co., will Mrs. Clarence Duffin of Salt Lake be held at the office of the company in City, is visiting. with her parents, Mr. Layton next Monday, At that time and Mrs. I. H. Barlow. directora will be elected for the enMrs. D.' M. Nelson is at the L. D. S. suing year and the report of the sechospitaLTor treatment. At last re- retary and treasurer will be received. port she was somewhat improved. The party given by Mrs. J. B. Ilar-ro- d last Thursday evening, in honor Cathryn, the little daughter of Mr. of her husbands birthday anniversary, and Mrs. Joseph P. Payne, has been on the sick list for the past week. proved one of the social events of the season. The main feature of the A great many Clearfield people attevening was a character ball in which ended the round-u- p given by., the past and present day characters were North Davis high school Friday and represented. Refreshments were served Saturday of last week and pronounced and the occasion was a most enjoyit instructive and entertaining. able one. t , week-en- d 1 x x dollars. Thrift has done that much in ono century but there is much greater worK for thrift helping yourself. One Dollar Starts an Account ! BARNES BANKING COMPANY KAYSVILLE, UTAH OUR NEW PREMIUM OFFER y ROCKER son-Merri- -- Free To Our Customers sugar-makin- Call and see them and get a punch card Stevyart:Burton Co. 3 Rubbers Rubbers The wet season - X X k close at hand; we must keep our feet dry, the only way is to wear rubbers We have them for all in blizzard and low - front h As a final presentation Saturday COUNTY COMMISSIONERS evening, March 3d, Clearfield Dra' MEETING matic "company presented "Deacon The Board of County Commissioners Dubbs before a good house. The promet Monday, March 6th, Commissionceeds were given to the hall. . ers Hess and Parker and County Clerk Agustin L. Hanks of this place is to Seth C. Jones in attendance. leave this week for Burley, Idaho, A committee consisting . of T. J. where he will make his home, Jf is Thtffgood andthreeOthers from loading his stock and implements on Clearfield and asked that the cars in company with Aaron Call of commissioners vicinity with them in conjoin Syracuse who will go to Burley also.' flood the waters in that loj trolling as was water the cality damaging the Thursday evening of last week Mr. and public and Mrs. M. W. Thompson entertained highways persona! propthe members of the. Mothers club and erty. Referred to Commissioner Partheir husbands. The evening was ker with power to act. Frank M, Gray, representing the spent in games and a delicious Giant Powder Co. asked for a refund served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clark, Mr. and on certain taxes that had been asMrs. M. J. Steed, Mr. and Mra. Roy sessed on improvements which he Cowin and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. claimed did not exist- - Referred to the clerk for investigation. Payne. The resignation of George R. BenOur M. I. A. programs are consid- nett was accepted as health officer of ered among the beat both in selection West Point and Clinton and Joseph and rendition. Sunday evening, March Parker was appointed his successor. 11th, the following will be given; The resignation of David S. Warren Vocal duet; Harry Cottrell and Loy as ' constable' of Clearfield was ' acWood; reading, Mrs, Nancy Wood; cepted. chorus, junior giiIs; retold , story, Joseph Payne explained the items David Layton; vocal solo, Lillian of his bill and it waa allowed. Guthrie; talk, Miss Hattie Nephi Palmer explained to the Payne, Why I am a Mormon. board that a certain lot in Sulphur Springs addition lyui been sold for If you dont read it in The Reflex taxes and the owner had redeemed it didnt happen. the same but by mistake the deed had lunch-eon-w- x Boots for the men and boys. I ICaysville Co-o- p. The House of Quality. . todo. Help yourself by becoming independent Help the country by Mr. and Mrs. P. L. MYRON W: PH1LUPS x L -- tx 3 country fssorved by 27,062 banKs whose combined resources are nearly 28 billion Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. Cowley entertained the 600 club at cards at their Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garrett are home last Monday evening! Layton visiting relatives here prior to moving Refreshments were served and all onto their1 ranch at Burley, Idaho. had owl right time. an present Mr 8. Robert Corless is at the L. D. S. Wall paper and home decorations hospital taking treatment for Btomach are now on display at the store of the trouble. Davis County Furniture company; The Ward reunion will be held this stock is large and up to date and the Thursday in the Second ward meeting- prices are right. Adv. house. t Glenn Day entertained with a theaDr. and Mrs. E. W. Smedley and ter party at the Wilkes in. Salt Lake family arrived here from the coast City on Saturday evening of .last last week. They came to attend Mr. week. Mr. Day and two of Laytons Smedleys father's funeral. most popular belles made up the HYDE- ,- NR States. Today this two weeks State Bank v There were then 246 banKs in thd United Mr. and Mrs. Alvin BOUNTIFUL, UTAH Sn-FRA- The first savings banft in the United States wasjpened in 1816r r thTnfaheTpT 'Union 100 Years of Saving Syra- cuse, last week. as kternounlam Concrotc Co. Ogdcv- - 1rtH ten-minu- te PUasa Seal Ham i Ma Cii:!ocuJ Assize?.. ....... .. f f |