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Show -- the WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH The Family Silver For sick headache, bad breath, How shopkeeping Washi- Sour Stomach and constipation. Get a Takes on an added value year by year, because of use and association. Of course it must be GOOD SILVER. The right kind is heavy enough to wear for a couple of centuries, and ia not much more In price than the common stuff. We can help you in your selection. Our modest prices makw box now. No odda how bad your liver, atomacb r bowels; bow much your head ches, how miserable anduncomfort-.abl- e you are from constipation, lndlges--tion- , biliousness and sluggish bowelf you always get the' desired results with Cascarets. Don't let yeur stomach, liver and 4owels make you miserable. Take ; put an end to the Cascarets 'beadache, biliousness, dirtiness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress i cleanse your tnstde organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which Is producing the misery. box means health, happiA ness and a clear head tor months. No more days of gloom and distress It you will take a Cases ret now and then. All Stores sell Cascarets. Don't 10-ce- buying easy. BOYD PARK ngton evened up on campaign expenses : : edy, Tragedy andSplendor have been mingled in this tto MAKERS OF JEWELRY NATURE HOLDS BALANCE EVEN, Creatures That Prey, and Those That Are Preyed Upon, Have Natural Increase Limited. -- However smurt and awake to the frequent dangers that may at anYj time assail them, the creatures that are preyed upon are often caught; their preying ones get them from time toi time, and if this were not so they; would Increase beyond all bounds. Iff! is true also that those that prey often go hungry, and- they, too, have enemies!; or diseases, which later amount to the same thing in the struggle for exist- -' ence and the limiting of numbers. So nicely la nature balanced as a general thing between the killers and killed that if but an unusual Influence, enters In, as an additional number of,' carnivorous creatures In any neighbor of an addihood, er the growing-u- p tional amount of cover, there will be at falling off, on the one hand, or a considerable Increase, on the other, of those animals that are preyed upon. Thus Is seen the Influence, both, ways, of mans part in natures com- to-nig-ht RESIDENT JVYI1.SON called attention very widely in 1913 to the ancient and honorable custom of holding an inaugural ball to welcome the new president to his job by refusing to sanction the affair. And owing to "pressure of official business there will be no Inaugural ball this year of 1917. In other words, American officialdom Is In no mood for gayety. The Inaugural ball, says the Kansas a historical article, Is not a state In Staf City forget, the children their little Is- function, financed by the Nation, as most of the oldes need a cleansing,, too. Adv. Nation believes. Undertaken at first as a welcome to the new president by Washington society 'Business Troubles. It has become of late years the business venture Oy, oy, such a peesinessl by which Washington merchants recover the Vats up, Cohensteln? money they spend to hung the capital with bunting Ve soldt a man a set of teeth mlt and hire bands and fireworks to make the occaa gold plate for four tollars down and sion lively. While the ball costs a large sum of two a veek, und he hasnt made de money, the profit from the sale of tickets, priced second payment." . nowadays at $5, Is estimated at $20,000, and this Vy dont you take de teeth away profit is distributed among the men who sul from him?" scribed the funds to muke the celebration asue-cesVe cant; hes got lockjaw." But the inaugural ball does cost'' the Nation something, because It discommodes whatever department of state lends its budding tor the fes-held In the pentivities. Recent, balls have-beetrouble and exdeal vast a of sion building, and I have been in the drug business for of their has the into Kilorganization pense gone thirty-fivyean and I have sold Dr. mers Swamp-Rosatisfactorily sa long sa gayety. , 1 can remember. I hare never heard sn There has been balls In the past, like that stateunfavorable comment, but have heard of these notables experienced in getting to Washingseveral different cases of kidney liver and ly first ball that welcomed President Monroe, ton, but the balls held In later.yeara made a less of the bladder ailments when Swamp-Rothe brilliance notablefor the assemblages, prorecord. Probably the ball held to celeenviable duced beneficial results. Judging from wit fashion ftnd and great truly displayed, beauty personal experience I can say that 1 be- social occasions, worthy of the dignity of the occabrate the second Inauguration of President Lincoln " lieve it to be a very good medicine and was one of the most notable for the universal dission they celebrate. And there have been .balls I recommend it. ' tress It caused. in still old which of timers talk, Washington Very truly youn, C. STEINER, Druggist' Mary Clemmer Ames, In her book Ten Years notable, for the widespread Inconvenience they ' 208 South 12th St. In second the Washington, says of this exciting carnival: have caused. For instance, there is Lincoln, Neb. Sept. 21, 1916. The air throughout the entire building was Lincoln inauguration ball, when Horace Greeley JProve What Swamp-RoWill Do For Yot lost his hat and perforated with a fine dust, ground until you felt standing on the steps of the Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., that you were taking In with every breath a Washof on the city treasury building put a curse Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample rise botsnowdrifts to myriad homeopathic doses of desiccated grindset to fire the lurid enough tle. It will convince anyone. Yon will ington stone. The 'agonies of that ball can never be writalso receive a booklet of valuable ten. There are mortals dead In their graves betelling about the kidneys and bladcorned President Grant, held in a vast pavilion der. When writing, be sura and mention of muslin, unheated, whose walls swayed to and' cause of It. There are mortals who still curse, this paper.' Regular and. one and swear, and sigh at the thought of It. There and ears froze an finger in blast that fro dainty icy dellar sue bottles for sale at all., drug are diamonds, and pearls and precious garments stores. Adv. tips yes, and noses and put a damper on the that are naught to their owners because of It. The merrymaking not to be forgotten. Beenes In those cloak and hat rooms can never Bird Joker. unMarch 4, 1809, was the sort of chill, damp, be forgotten by any who witnessed them. The A most surprising Australian bird comfortable day Washington expects for the prescolored Is the kookooburra, or laughing jackmessengers, called from their posts In idential Inauguration, but fb this year the Inconthe treasury to do duty In these rooms, received ass. All at once In the quiet bush veniences of bad weather In the new little capital hats and wraps with perfect facility, and tucked come loud peals of uproarious, mockwere far worse than they could possibly be today. them In loopholes as it happened. to not Inclined ing laughter. One Is The sprawling, ragged, unfinished city had no seems In But to give them back each to Its owner, that the It all merriment join pavements. Roads were so deep In mud that many was impossible. Not half of them could read as foolish and weird as If an Idiot a coach was mired as It carried Its load of disnumbers and those who could soon grew beboy were disturbing a congregation in tinguished persons to witness the Inaugural. There and impertichurch. When the source of the laughwildered, overpowered, were few hotels and boarding houses, and these nent g under the hosts advanced them for ter Is located It turns out to Je a on that upon suffocation the great day. were crowded to cloaks and hats. bird with clumsy, square body But the society of the capital and notables from and open mouth, sitting unconcernedly far and near were determined to overcome all Picture It I Six or more thousand people on a stump. clamoring for their clothes In the end they were handicaps of weather,' for this drear evening was tumbled out promiscuous on the floor, Then all An ball. to mark the first presidential Inaugural came the siege I Few seized their own, but many organization of young men, the Washington snatched other people's garments anything, someseven formed before, years Dancing assembly, PAIN? NOT BIT! thing, to protect them from the pitiless morning, had the affair In charge and had secured the aswhose wind came down like the bite of death. sembly room of Longs hotel on Capitol hill. LIFT YOUR CORNS Delicate womegr, too sensitive to take the property The four hundred" In America originated with of crouched in corners and wept on win others, this first presidential ball. Washington society OR CALLUSis OFF dow and there the daylight found them. ledges, represented the best of the Nation, The Influence had fled out of the scourging blast, Carriages, also, of the Southern families of aristocratic tradition men and women who emerged from the mar-liI- e and -No humbuQl Apply T ew drops of wealth. was strong There were few jwple wIth haRs. veryfitfletoweaf.To'und'that they then Just lift them away , but many of culture; and society was gay without must Toot It to. their habitations.. One gentle men of the The ostentation. assembly dancing with fingers. man walked to Capitol hill, nearly two miles. In who drew up the list of those who would be asked dancing pumps and bareheaded; another perto buy, tickets to the inaugural ball found that formed the same exploit wrapped In a lady's son-taThis new drug Is an ether compound four hundred would Include all persons of breeddiscovered by a Cincinnati chemist It ing and worth. Poor Horace Greeley, after expending hi Is called freezone, and can When George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wrath on the stairs and cursing Washington, anew now be obtained in tiny were Inaugurated they were glad to go early to as a place that should be Immediately blottiid out bottles, as here shown at bed after the day of ceremonies, bpt on this night of the universe, strode to his hotel batless. - The osJefferson, personally opposed to very little cost from any next day and the next week were consumed by bnllroonf promptly atf drug store. Just ask for tentatlon, appeared In the searching for their lost clothes, and Genenme people ne Its time1 of seven or oclock, the, freezone. Apply a drop opening, eral Chipman says he still recelves letteri detwo directly upon a tender smiling and happy, glad to see hls friend succeed articles lost at that inanguratlon ball." manding havat corn or callus and instant- him In thd direction of the Nation, happy conwould One he as that the lesson' of the Linown suppose off burden his Bhoulders, ly the soreness disappears. ing the ball have coln would resulted In great reforms a the to fided friend evening during will find the Shortly yon when the Inauguration ball, which welcomed PresThe orchestra ' played Jeffersons March" as corn or callus so loose that ident Grant, four years later, was held. One reentered. you can lift It off, root the was hotable, a complete checking system for form Democrat. "Am I too early? asked the great and all, with the fingers. was devised,, but on this occasion not a wraps more is It for to me tell how must behave, You Not a twinge of pain, guest parted with his wraps! They did not dare, soreness or Irritation ; not than forty yearsslnce I have been to a ball." for as It was, noses and ears were frozen. Madison's Soon after the musicians played even the slightest smartThe Grant Inaugural ball cost $80,000 and great to door the about flocked March," and the guests ing, either when applying were expected of It A pavilion 350 feet short a new figure things the slight, freezone or afterwards. president, greet long, with a ballroom 300 by 100 feet was built This drug doesnt eat np of a man, whose gray hair was brushed smoothly in Judiciary square. This pavilion was made of the corn or callus, but back from his high forehead and tied with a black remarkable for were boards, roofed with tar paper and sealed hazel light small eyes shrivels them so they loos- ribbon. His and white muslin. The mighty AmeriIn with Madison. pink life, for humorous private a twinkle, en and come right out It official to can the His banter. quote eagle, report, spread his is no humbug! It works enjoyed a good joke and sprightly over and from his a over the came low nose wings upper platform president's long long, pendulous Uke a charm. For a few 100 feet long, caught streamers even. dvhlte 'and pinions were spread teeth Uls noticeably cents you can get rid of ev- lip. up on .either side by coats of arms. The presiThe new president wore plain black, with ruffles ery hard corn, soft corn or dent's ".reception platform was 80 feet long and 30 com between the toes, as well as paln-f- at the throat and wrists, with black smalls and wide. Twelve pilasters supported alternate feet on buckles silver calluses on bottom of your feet. It silk stockings. There were big red and blue stands, which held pots gold figured, never disappoints and never burns, his shoes.' flowers. Platform and steps were of blooming formerly the fasLl tea er Inflames. ..Jt ,your. druggist But It was to Dolly Madison, " ..thousands.. jf.r eanaiy, birds, richly .carpeted.jiud all hasnt any freezone yet, tell him to cinating Widow" Tbdd' of PhiradelptliaTThat the were toward celling to add their chorus placed White of the get a little bottle for you from his eyes turned. The new mistress wherever she to this magnificent enterTicket music. to the House was a center of attraction wholesale house adv. cost $20. tainment h e Vt ..ftsvrc f went. Without great beauty. Her won ThSamelhauguraY day"wtha'"f)Tlzzafd'flnd friends which a manner instantly. had Protected. cold wave so severe thatirnrphers In the Inaumade her her vivacity, her humor, tact, good ready with Donald was troubled Indiges-gural procession dropped by the way,, overcome by a social -- leader and" the tion, which made necessary a careful easilybeloved of the coldl The north wind swooped down on the ladles. first many and supervision of his .diet. One night at made muslla velvet buff wore very palace and rattled Its flimsy grandeur unMrs. Madison pale dinner he asked for a second helping was swaybacked In one place and balroof the no Her til and Train a trimmings. with long plain, of dessert. looned eut In another, while the tar paper and from. Paris of turban a surmounted was head by Dont No, Donald, said his aunt loose boards rose in the gusts and rattled down buff velvet and white satin you remember the last time you ate so pale danced and wide. at hundred" four far first Americas When znuch pudding, how It made you dream room bethe of the assembly air ban Grant recovered sufficiently from the President Madison the about lions and bears and tigers and close and the guests finding they could of the came exposure very Inauguration to epend a short time all sorts of wild animals?" the glass for at 11 O'clock in the evening. the st ball, I not lower the window sashei broke arriving Well, I dont care," he whispered In convex recorded h!s ls the of guests, many of them and He suite brilliant That only ventilation. made me dream that I had a great j aside from he universal Inconveniences foreign diplomats, and their brilliantly dad ladles, tence, big gun there, tool" j nerv-ousnes- s, EL- - - 10-ce- th' - a. This Kidney Medicine Is a Winner n e ot ot 7 ot infer-natio- n, -' fifty-ee- nt silly-lookin- 1 A -- -- -- g. . nt , ul -- uC-lagc- . ( It SAiT LAKE CITY MAIN 5TUET remained huddled In voluminous wrappings, looking down upon the guests dancing in overcoatsl and wraps, dancing like' mad In order to keep from freezing to death. The) canary birds did not sing. They tucked their heads under their wings and shivered pitifully. The elaborate refreshments froze Into blocks of Ice. The ball ended before midnight The first Inaugural ball In the pension building was that held to honor President Clevelands first Inauguration. The building was then unfinished and the courtyard was roofed by temporary construction, elaborately decorated and lighted by the then new electric lamps. The ballroom floor was SIC by 118 feet and It was crowded. The ticket sale for this ball brought In $40,000. ,It Is pleasanter to contemplate more recent Inaugural balls.1 A notably brilliant ball was that which welcomed President McKinley. It was held In the pension building, and for that night the building was transformed by bunting of white and gold. Not a particle of woodwork or original dec- oration of the building waa left uncovered. Elab- orate electric lighting (elaborate for 1807) and a huge fountain were notable features of this ballroom. Judging by contemporary accounts this hilt was a complete success, socially and finau-- j - dally. Mrs. William Howard Taft, In her charming book; Recollections of Full Years," tells the story of the last Inaugural ball. Mrs. Tafts account of how the Taft family moved Into the White House Is thoroughly captivating because of Its many bits of domestic color, bits that find an echo in experience everywhere. It was at the close of a very busy day that Mrs. Taft put herself Into the hands of her nervous hairdresser and- sat looking at her new ball gown, spread but "on the bed. The hall gown had ar rived at the very last minute and the new first lady" had wondered for several anxious days what In the world she would wear to the hall If fje dressmaker fuiled Tier. It was made of heavy whits satin which I had sent to Tokyo to have embroidered," writes Mrs. Taft, and the people who did the work surely knew their art A pattern of goldenrod was outlined by a sliver thread and cleverly fitted Into the long lines of the gown, and no other trimmings had been used except some' lace with which bodice was finished. It fitted me adthe low-cand I hoped that,' In spite of all the mismirably haps In my preparations, I looked my best as I descended from the White Jlouse automobile at the entrance o t, the pension office. The pension office was not built for balls, Inaugural or otherwise, and on the evening of March 4, 1909, after a day of melting sleet and snow, the entrance was not especially inviting. Neither was the dressing room which had been assigned to me. I suppose that for years it had rung with the ceaseless click of scores of typewriters and e that its walls had beheld no more elaborate than a business blousr and skirt slnce-th- e occasion of the last Inaugural hall which' had marked the beginning of the second Roosevelt administration, four years before. But as I needed to do very little prinking It really didnt matter and I quickly rejoined the president , and proceeded on hls arm to the presidential box, this being a small round gallery above the main entrance of the great ballroom, which Is Itself, In everyday life, the principal workroom of the pension office. '"A"' brllllanC nnalmoHt kaleidoscopic, Beene spread before us. The hall is of tremendous proportions, pillared with red marble and with walls tinted In the same color. Ever inch of floor common - ut cos-tum- space seemed-to-boccupheLThie brightcelors and the gleam of womens gowns met and clashed or harmonized with the. brighter colors of diplomatic uniforms. Officers of the army and navy In The gunners and plicated contest trappers weigh heavily In overbalance lng the otherwise normal balance against both flesh and vegetable eat-- Cr ud Where, In the nnosual goodness of his heart man has endeavored! over considerable , area to protect nearly all wild life,' the result i shown by a rapid Increase among the protected animals. ir 9 Fir Loss In United States. one could Imagine all the buildings destroyed by fire in the United States In a year arranged along one highway, each building occupying a lot 5 feet wide, the highway would extend from New York to Chicago, and the buildings would, line It on each side. Such Is the calculation of the department of interior. Furthermore, a person traveling this scene of desolation would pass In every thou-sand which an injured person has been taken. At of a mile he would encounter the remains of a human being who had been burned to death. For years. It la estimated, the If feeMr-ruinrifro- m every-three-quart- value of actual property annually In this country reaches $250,000,000, and another sum of about like proportions la spent for the maintenance of fire departments, waterworks, insurance premiums, etc to prevent still greater losses, Clever land Plain Dealer, , consumed fire by DldnH Get Bhavea. So accustomed had Michael Sullln New York newspavan, a to the ways of af become man, per certain barber shop uptown that he) - well-know- Invariably started unbuttoning hlal collar as the front door clicked behind! him. Hls next step was to give the back button a jerk, bang the cofian and tie on the yack, carefully draped about hla hat, and then, and only thetuj would he turn hls gaze toward tha chair, where hla favorite Tony wan wont to operate. . In true form hot went through hla routine yesterday and then behold, a stranger In Tony place. The stranger grinned st Snlll4 van, You look for Tony? He Is In the crazy asylum. He go mad lasff night while shaving hla best friend, .It run In the family." With this, hef bowed Mr. Snlllvan into the chair, Then he added: I am Tony's brotln er." Mr. Sullivan resumed hls tie and) collar ia the street. f " . Largs Order. Did Dubw<e carry out hls plant to read aloud to the family In the eves A nlng?" No." What was the matter 7 Thera was too much diversity of taste In the family circle. Mrs. DuIh walte Insisted on suffrage literatures, Gladys Dubwalte wanted him to reaq from her favorite photoplay magazine Della Dubwalte demanded a sex novel and Dubwalte himself had a hankering for the sporting page of hls news-- j paper." ; Talking Bean Soup. "J had my hair cut today " said thef man with the red necktie, at the board-- f lng-hons- e tea table. better" replied the board-- t I mistress, Which reminds me of a conundrum s Why is the hair the barber cut off like j the foundation of this soup? . "Really, I don't know." Because It was taken from that You look lag-hous- e fun'jegalTametaftdmtngtedwlththefnnjdredsof -- ' e bean, you know," 'Sardonic Outnlon.-- - L- -' men In the plain black of formal evening dress. Charley, dear," said young Mrs. It was wonderful, glittering throng, more mag- Torklns, "what Is a diplomat?" Why nificent than any I had ever seen. It was not pos- do you want to know?" I want sible to distinguish Individuals except In the space understand what's going en when I directly below the box, but there, as I looked down, read about IL "Well, thats Just whatj I saw a great semicircle of faces thousands. It a diplomat, as a rale. Is fa tualnei seemed to me smilingly upturned toward us. The to prevent you from doing." din of human voices was terrific; even the loudest band procurable had difficulty In making ltelf Advice Passed Cn, heard. But the scene was so gay In color, and the When a girl is going to grt carrl? !t faces that gazed up at us were so friendly and her mother usually gives her all C happy that I felt elated and not at all over good advice which was given t3 ! Whelmed. C nhon she was married and has never used. a t . -- |