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Show 2Q ti DESERET NEWS, Tuesday, January 2, 1969 Police radio calls in Utah got all mixed up with police in other states Monday as atmospheric conditions, "bounced radio signals (ran other parts of the nation. on New Such layers can cause radio signals to bend and go skipping out of j -- U.S. Weather Bureau' officials skid they could not locate the abnormal layer causing the strange radio behavior because enough DAMAGES RUN Continued from Page 4 AM. B-- Harrison said HOME FIRE a. Mr. j!ssss?sss4ii js tTtaftfp2 "e,cs grtest;1': - Plane Wreck to ie Moved 's - tcct u Mr. """iJJT'S.r"!! fur-nlsh- d man-hou- Sun-one- - Police Nab 2 Suspects In Sunset Burglarly - blood-alcoh- J- blood-alcoh- Man Dies After Fire opening of more and more In- state highway mileage are ab- sorbing much of the time of his additional manpower. For instance, in foe i n 8,000 cases wherein vehicles became disabled on the Interstate system. , Commissioner Jackson salA he Is hopeful of good results from the driver retraining-prograbut - it -- will time to assess it. Drivers about to lose their licenses for traffic violations are offered a reduction of 50 (demerits) if points the Utah Safety Councils Defensive Driving Course Hundred took advantage of this last yea take-mo- CHEiW1 ttJZ3rJ-KUE- : J,: immmm SKITCH HENDERSON 47 Sm th "NEW" 1968 Christmas Club now and have a Christmas 1968. paid-fo- r , Gershwin Short Story Berlin Say It Wit Music No Business Lilt Show Features ; at no extra cost When You Buy. Business a Comedy Bernstein VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN lUXK 2033 Jam ernes, loo Sou. M4 CTNTRal omce. UTS ten. Mam. RAHIM view wncx. IM taal S IltfSaMs SOUTH nMRlt.0FF1Ct.ScMh Tamatoatt 70. OOTH omet. B40 Sou. HMMwM Orta RLOWOOO OmCt. 41S 1 Ratooto Rua PH. HU ? v . 11 7- - . i THI PIANO I Bewitched, Serenade in Blue, By Myself, Some.Enchanted Evening, I love to Cry at I Even If you never dewed before, you can go dano- big In a few hours whan you put .youraaif In foe mi WITH IR ' UTAH SYMPHONY . VC0 South Main WAGSTAFF'S Hows of Toyota 457So.Ma!ti32$-0J4- 9 mairnnitt taaaWa NaaaMtnW Aa 2lrthvirJJ)((t;rrc!j Street I I MJMK0UPQW0P And Other Broadway Favoritea Stick Shift!!! COXTLXILVLYI, 7. 1 lost weight-danc- ing waa - Just foe Exardae I needid West Side Story on 10th Avenue . SKITCH AT ' AUTOMATIC you can count on jour friendly - Slaughter 4. Dancing became fun I, I overcame aiy inferiority complex x , 8. 1 gained polee Overture to Previn VAGSTAFF'S - -- Blue 7 VOLKSWAGEN 'With- , t TOYOTA : atr Join Continental Banks - SOUND THI AMERICAN - Safety&Comfort -- 'y FRI., Jan. 5 Get AN U. OF A CAPPIlLA CHOIR near at is , w. iit A (12a-IA- 2) Choree Btchete at ZCMt, ' Oewntewa er Ceffemveeal , I hands of an Arthur Murray Studio teachar. Youlf gain pole, develop 21814 South 'Main nwMirtificito ; your personality as you make mw frlsnda. 363-451- 6: Here are 4 raaaona which would Influence me to take dancing ieaaone. I underatand title will entitle mt to a certificate tor a complete (SO oourae tor juat 12, HEM AM KY ANtWEMl v Salt Lake area (from 33rd South to 5th North) last year, his men over 500 acciinvestigated dents and rendered assistance muLtmimm er A. " noaard laat, m . . coming from the Critter apartment He notified the landlord, Ross F. Dalton, 53, 1445 S. State St., who rushed into foe tmoke-fille- d apartment, pulled Mr. Critter out of his bed and got him outside.- t to' (. rl ' Hr. and Mr. Mr. and Vallav Vlaw, Mlchaal s, 'Mftor ' Canaard AUctoat' P. I. two-engi- u-- WtoT?.. Rtoatanf ndMrt.OuanWrW. Wanr1.W I Programs Roll In 68 Alcohol Study In Spotlight t u n' llt' 44 taultv. But. DaLawn I. TlKtor, Mf-MR aland 0. Mawar, 1744 Onald Marla Way, MAWala, Mr. and Mr. Allan W. KauMr, 1 Mr. and Mr Ttoma L. HanMn, 7M TtorMM Clr, tondr, Stf-itMr MMfiaaf Davf and ia4. - -Hr. Hr. and Mr Ratorl H. Wblta. 1J Laon Ara. Mr. and AM Oraaory V. Wnt, 114 (. not South, Mtorala. Mr. and Mr. Ranald J. Alby. 1MA4HI EaM. f. Rlllmar Hr. and Mr. Latttard 0 Tartot, ! Hr. and Mr OalRav O. Hatch. 140 W. 4904 South. a Caaf. Mr. and Mr Richard C. StraMit, Mr. and Mr Arlan P. Ml (ward. 44 W. Vina tU TdtolW Mr. and AAr Richard turrala, 1IO Danvar M Hr. and Mr Frank O. Moert, Karwliia. Hr. and AAr Ouanltr H. SchlauMnar. 1441 Oownlnatan Auw Mr. and Mr Suitar Nay, JM 4. M2S Wtaf, AAaana. Or. and AAr Wallact E tack. V X0 Eait, SauntltuL Hr and Mr Kannath W. foliar, 1414 Jolly Clr. IRLSt Mr. ond Mr; Dor la L. Rlott, Summit. KlN. Mr. and AAr Richard A. Hamandai, 1011 Bmary Mr. and AAr Jack H. Otaro Hr. and Mr Laon D. LundouNt, 10 E. IRK South, Bountiful AAr. ond AAr Cory W Staodmon. 240 I. Broadway, Tonal Hr. and Mr. Ratorl D. Hunt, 441 Chlcaga St. Mr. and AAr Ktmwth P. Vlntan, 1241 South Stoto. Dropor. AAr. and Mr Lynn A. Cartar. 4441 S. 104 Watt, Waal Jordan. E. 4200 South, Murray. ,Hr. and Mr William Rrnnon. AAr. and Hru Cary E. Child, fail. Eaat. Davl AAr. and AAr ISOdtn M. Ralph Hr. and AAr Ltwll R. Huntiman, 3d W. 140 North, SaunttM. 2044 Ava. Atkin A. Mr. and Mr Frad Wllka, Mr. and Mr Joatph L. Finn loan, 10320 Carnation Dr, Sandy, Mr. nd Mr Don A. llpsay. 1015 South Stato. Sandy. Mr. and AAr Dannli A. Barlecktr, 210 Llndon Way. AAurray. Hr. and Mr. La Roy Kohlar, AAidaray AAr. and Mr John 0. Haoan, 744 Larotta Dr. Mr. and AAr Chart! Otaan. 401 1. 4720 Walt. Mr. and Mr Arnold L. Frailar. 3BB5 W. tMOO Souttv klutfdol Mr. and AAr Gary Lao Kllna. 033 W 4100 South. Mr. and AAr Nall Lund. Lad area. Wyo. Hr. and. AAr William T. Ftriuaon, 142 Comall. Mr. and AAr Chariaa AAolena, 141 E 4th South, Mldvalp, -AAr, pnd AAr Riatord AJIeood. JFS E. 11 South.. r. north AAptn. AAidv Mr, Tommy AflochrtHt, AAr. and Mr Harry E. Brown. 234 Ant lop Ava Tooat SIT AAr. and Mn. Edward F. VanLaauwan, 12th Watt. Hr. And Mr Hr. and Mr He referred to a statement Erickson, Detroit; 28 u ii .aid churved res made to foe Deseret News by School SupL Talmage Taylor Her that during the past two years, obuetricUn. Mr. Brough "came Into his ofw fice twice to resign. which is keeping abreast of the She said one of her nJre absolute essentials. thrills wu an airplane ride. This is simply wjshful ke teWle Mr. Backman said he thinks Mrs. Erickson made a polnt.Gra tng on Mr. Taylor Friends may call at 260 EMr. Rergin has been an of always voting. She voted in Rep. BrbughT" Temple, Salt Lake City, lent manager." Grantsville City He also challenged another ' . Streator also felt that from 6 to 8 p.m. andj'-Jil-r. Wednesday i ballot absentee election by . statement In foe article. attribM center an f'everytMngr will work Tflne t thetake of As ''orfgfiTaf number the uted to Mr. Taylor, to the effect or hour ervces' pioneers dwindled, Mra. Erickthat the school district's records son became more and more a "have been made available to celebrity. She made her first anyone. address at the age of 100. public Is If it that a so, "then why , Three years ago, a wire aerv- state representative, a dtlsen The wreckage of a mall plane Tbe CAB man wasnt ur of McrI. and an attorney were all denied which crashed Saturday night how thorough an "autopsy" of ment service talk by Mrs. access to them?" Mr. Brough near Milford will be moved to foe plane would be required. .Erickson across foe world. The asked. Salt Lake Airport for dose "Well go far we need to, story wu printed throughout the The real problem la Millard "foe cause, alto oren to fetermtad out find why it cruhed," hecountry County School District is, and Civil Unds- Board Aeronautics (CAB) for commented a been of number hu years, official said She wu Invited to ride floats Tuesday. simply the tact that foe desires 01 D! and wishes of the taxpayers OwtoSheMotlXmCTuM, Continued from Page B-- l schools from offering driver . foe horse has been stolen, Strouse' have been completely ignored ft, Urta PaclQc lUOretd training In areas where a said the commissioner. crash. He and his wife Until r ec e n t years, Mrs method will permit quick Idenby an arbitrary administration moving equipment to foe aite, commercial school Is in oper-atl- o "When we catch em the damsix to about moved alone and lived Erickson Cedar oar City kept tification of problem drivers. achooh," .Rep. Brough Tuesday to bring foe remains of a( . unless the public faculty age already has been done in had continued. Cessna to Salt months ago after Mr.' Strouse house in Grantsville. She For Instance, lists of drivers was the already In operation. He most cases. was hired by the Union Pacific spent some tmle in the home of whose licenses have been reLake. "Crash federal programs and believes this provision could Railroad to fly mail between her daughter, Amy, In Salt Lake voked, along with vehicle liHe doubted, however, that V 11 I trJ. high administrative, salaries be modified without hurting Bryc Canron Cedar City and City before entering a rest home cense numbers, can be England's method of indiscrihave preoccupied those in aufoe private operators. minately stopping drivers and to officers, he year ago. She remained alert thoritative positions. The young ministration in Salt Lake City, Provo. 10 end The alinost principle problem forcing them to take a breath explained. people a( MUlard County have visited foe site Monday, but Mr. The Utoh OvD Air Patrol said the commistest could be used in America. remaining, her attributed ) Mrs. ErickMn The believes commissioner suffered and 27 because expended truly they Sheets said it was So windy and planes is for driver sioner, inproviding an to hard have been the real victims of cold , they could is this work, in the search .longevity a more acceptable - "I dont think our laws, accomplish 1.200 training for Indians on reser this vicious cycle." s. especially In view of recent plane; Thelterest in ones neighbors and method than that advanced by vatlona. little. fr th missingdiscovered x s Court community, fresh air, and an eastern police chief. This decisions, Supreme wreckage was Ur. Brough wu fired by the He when that encountered some .officer has a would allow it, he said. suggested school board some months ago determined opposition to anperson's license is revoked no"We sure could catch a lot after be declined to accept a that foe plane apparently be sent to several of Jiis other provision of foe law.tice --more of themr though, he from transfer Millard High to where It first about Just stayed that a persons Social Security added. neighbors, inviting them to Delta. X hit, rather than bouncing and Inform authorities if they see number be used for his- driver In Utah, "reasonable is as He regained his the ground sliding along him driving. license number. cause" is necessary 'before a often characteristic in forced thfough legal action. Mr. Jackson said the new persons have, driver can be ordered to take Certain landings. driver licensing program has The situation la foe Millard test. This usu- -. balked, charging that this a a few "bugs, but the only "This shows that it wain t Sc!)ool system is under study by opens up a new avenue for ally means an accident or was the real the Utah Department of Public going at any great speed when problem setting invasion of privacy, he said. traffic violation. Instruction. it hit, Mid Mr. Sheets. Heavily-arme- d barreled shotgun on, the north up of driver training facilities Court litigation has forced the SUNSET "There is no question that which are reasonably convenstate to retreat in some cases drunken police surrounded foe Circle door, one man came out with driving is a great for in ient adults everywhere was 4 snd another SL hands 2253 Main hit at N. a.m.. from the use of the Social Seup Inn, said foe commisproblem," the state. Tuesday after residents of an found crouched in the attic. curity numbers. sioner. The law that requires every Investibooked for rebasement were They Commissioner Jackson be-apartment in. the Commissioner Jackson said for an original li- burgla- applicant -", gation of second-degre- e ported a "noise upstairs. drunken dxlv-- that despite foe additional must have completed As police trained a double- - ry and are being held in Davis cense, ing law, lowering foe driver training. patrolmen authorized by the County Jail on 32,500 cash bond level from .15 to .08 his staff is still He such facilities are said Legislature or 35,000 property bond, set by pe cent, is working weU. too small for the type of prein now avaUable 90 per cent Justice of the Peace Lerol Day. However, its still a case of ventive enforcement needed. of the state, etther through Officers said the safe, conProblems incident to the locking the barn door after the public schools or through was taining an estimated 31,000 schools. commercial driver damaged, but unopened. A cash Mr. Jackson questions the Ibox of a shuffle board divice had wisdom of the provision which ialso been battered, but not x gives commercial schools a 'opened. virtual monopoly in certain Officers of three cities A Salt Lake City man.' who areas. The law prohibits public n arrests. to They saved by his landlord fromiP8 Briant Gale and Sgt fire In his apartment Thurs--jwReed day night, died Tuesday morning ArchlSearle, Sunset; an Tom Guthery, First Utah' Appearance in the Veterans Administration annL Clearfield. Hospital 50.00 Booked into jali were two men William &ater, 60, 114 CleveIdentified as Lee 'Goddard, 24, land Ave., (1445 South) died at 7 and- - Richards Lee Ogden, a.m. . . McManus, 23, California. A hospital spokesman said an From Coast to coast, Arthur Murray Dane Marion. Schroeder, manager examination was to be conduct- of foe inn, said he could not Studios are conducting a dance study to discover ed Tuesday to determine the the battered safe to deterInfluences men and women like yourself to what exact cause of death. Mr. Cra- - open CONDUCTOR, PIANIST, mine foe exact amount it conter had been reported in satis- AND dance instruction. seek Ij, hve t0 RACONTEUR, expert uinj factory condition Monday. OUTSTANDING done b Our own students advanced 12 benefits. Which ewrt Firemen theorized at foe timd TV PERSONAUTY 4 would have the greatest influence in persuading that the fire might have been1 touched off by a cigarette smolyou to enroll? dering in a wastebasket. 1. 1 became aiore popular According to fire department Tabernacle 8:30 tenant in P.M., another the reports, 2. 1 waa able lo relax more building was walking his dog OOOII 4) JAN. 4 TOURS., (ALSO Sf gained self confidence outside when he saw smoke .. w. southTT I. s RusseU,1 12 Mr. Rotor' a. ing dock on the south concourse. He uid he been told that Andrea Larsen Darea Keodall Western Is Alrdnes almost Mr. and Mr iA lard a. Wild. 141 I. .ready with its plans for this' fa . m - Mr. ond Mm Kotth O. Narrow. TO North, Ctaarfta" . r Mr. ond-MH. (non Wootiav B. 4400 South. Mr. Md Mr. Raton Wlltlan. d Etot. Mr. nd Mr. Jtny m'' improve- . . South, BOYIi Mr ond Mr. Roy A. Wall South, t H. Rmm. W.J044 SouthT M. MorauM Mr. ond Mm Jo ments must be made this summer on both the east and west glides of the alroort One is conloadstruction of a second-le- v Lake," u S. - - M 444 W. PSO Mr. ond As Pioneer Dies fire of undetermined origin Tuesday morning caused an estimated 38.000 damage to the home of Charles P. Dawson, East. County Fire Chief Frank P. Jones said the fire, discovered about 4 a.m., gutted the kitchen, living room, closets and other portions of the home, I Mr. Dawson told Chief Jones he was awakened snd smelled smoke. He ran from his home to a neighbors and called firemen. He was alone In the home at foe time and be said he had to hold his breath to jet out of foe house because the smoke wu so dense. Chief Jones Said damage to two back bedrooms wu minor, probably because the bedroom doors were closed. Investigation wu to begin Tuesday to determine foe well Ik the point at which It started. cause of the fire A . South. South, B. 1111 enlargement of the Hogle Zoo would be diseased soon with the Utah Zoological Society. Mr. C C, SI.. bota-- o l End Of An Era $8,000 urn 'ane Mr H.roid J. Allan. lfi Mr Mr. ond Mrs. Olon Von SuiAbA. Also, he laid that plans are being developed for landscaping project to get under way this summer. Temporary things have been allowed to remain too long. Its time we paid rttentlorj to esthetics at the Airport he added. Mr. Harrisons Assignment to Her survivors are a daughter, foe Parks and Property DepartCa tinned from Page B-- l was praised Tuesday by Mrs. Amy E. Hicks, Salt tor and secretary of the Crants- Cus P. Backrmn, chairman of a grandchlldrenrMra.-HildQ Mil A ? I ABfi O.At( IaM the Salt Lake Chamber ofCom-merc- e Airport Committee, and - Erickson of Salt Lake City; Jay Frank Streator, chairman of the first auto In 1908. Lake Airport' Advisory unty, I wore out nearly a doren ' Fo: Said cars before I stopped driving at,Mr. Backman: We feel 3310-313- 0 FILLMORE State Rep. Richard M. Brough, Tuesday emphatically denied that he twice offered to resign his position as school teacher in the Millard County School , RWwrdi Him Mr. ond Met. Doufloo R. Ouoocut, dllty. IN Resigning ; they didnt have detailed data. Utah Highway Patrol reported foe strange radio t Lr ticut. their normal area; Teacher Denies Day. They picked up broadcasts inm police In South Carollnh and Virginia. Salt Lake County sheriff dispatchers said , they also got California and Connec- - phenomenon. - Years 'Poif Aide K Naw. of ch.ro. .f tho frWn W "1 1 Monday fhrW1 F.rkUy f , OJh, batoa birthday ISTHS AS BIRORTED MOM SALT LAKE ARE AH04RITLL4, n ttu&Z .1 I -- Lrn To Seek foe crash of an Air Force plane. When foe sheriffs office tried to contact the unit 15 miles away they Were unable to do so. But a contact "bud and clear wu made both ways with police In West Virginia. The West Virginia officers relayed the sheriffs message to the rescue unit a detour of several thousand i miles. The disturbance Monday presented no particular problems to Utah lawmen, but It made police calls rather confusing for a time.- - BIRTHDAY Am! THI DiSeSiT NEWJ SENDS ieTHOAYTINOSTJi 413 E S50 South, Bountiful Mri. Darrtll (w? at Mr M? and Mr. Hobtrl Ktndall Ufavtttt , Tuoodoy. (Plcturoo 0 tobla of Deterot i.i? on ' !CoiJiii?ysiipg However, the local radar observations were noU affected, which meant the "bouncing apparently was caused outside the Salt Lake area, possibly the Midwestern part of the nation. Police calls can only be picked up when they happen to be on the same frequency as the Utah dispatchers. The bouncing effect has happened before to Utah lawmen. About 13 years ago a rescue unit from the Weber County sheriffs office was investigating HPPY Harrison u V h calls started .about 8' a.m. and lasted for more than five hours Layers of temperature and moisture. in the upper atmosphere are responsible for the annual 1 j re |