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Show ' ' ' ' Vr . FLORAL HINTS. crl are St George, Utah, April ,12th Deaf. As spring borne early- - jrr great profusion in j their them to, walk in .safer paths. :erhap3 exer-you summer. ... If ho seed is allowed to mature, 'parents and guardians have failed to je.ap be sure of finding some flowers 'for ciW a proper discipline over them. Never of a bouquets throughout'the. seasontry to" appear affable in the presence of The plants man; were you to hear the name easily trained in- any disre-ouf- s of. in a' sired form, but a cheap andfavorite moderjprofane a of kind earthly parent spoken is to surround them with hemlock spectful manner, you would feel aggrieved, brush four feet--, high and set in the ground should it not wound you more to hear, the so closely as "to form, a Bs(jrt of circular hedge, "i name of your kind Heavenly lather, lrrev- - 1675. - I Exrox-EXT-: likely now to put in a it is lime me nower growers appearance, were' commencing work. 'Now it is belter to have a small flower garden with a few really" nice flower's, than much garden and 15 Bo- -few- -flowers.- 183 OMAN'S EXPONENT. i ! iWt clf asyott Shun infidelity rimmed- - take a small area of groundj have :it well at first, is rather ornamental of itself;, but would the poison of asps. soon fall off, leaving a fine netLastly, cultivate the society of the. good prepared and plant with care." "Water twice theleaves a day or as often as the surface of the ground work of branches to support the vines, and true, of both sexes. Remember this, as becomes a little dry,-- Say take one square which are soon covered with a mass of rosy that prayer is as necessary to the soul, in to food is the body, that you may grow rod make it properly level, get bloom. Ib. " li and knowledge. grace to this six wheelbarrow the boys to bring-oA stbaweebry grower states that to 15. Pr.ATT. L. Mr.s. I! load or one wagon load "of well two barrels of. rain vjher he put one quarter hotted, fine manuro( and about the same- - quantity of a pound of amnFJoia, and one quarter of of washed. sand. "Spread evenly, then have a pound of common nitre, and with this so LITTLE FOLKS. the ground spaded well "and fine, thoroughly lution"he' sprinkled 7'"h'lskfavhe'rry''''be(is ' The result incorporating sand, manure and soil together, every night when blossoming. AiscirooLBOY has put on paper the fact no was double off amount the the of leaving, lumps. Nowday ground large strawber--rie- a that he would r rather be a; little girl and to that' just adjoining not so treated. and make shalloy drills for the seeds, and obey his mother than be a dog and obey ' cover not more than a quarter pt an inch Try it." the moon.". with" dirt;-thesprinkle along, about the Noteuxg will sooner tempt a bachelor to same depth of coarse sand gently press for the Exponent. abandon his resolution to marry than to down, then With a watering pot keep the A LECTURE, sleep in the adjoining room to a couple with ground moist to, the top till the seeds are a colicky baby. up; you may need to given Tittle water two HEAD befoke the youxq ladies ee- The reason a boy runs from his ather, if or three times a day. Pinks, s.weetwil-.liani- ' ' I E.X C1IMKX T A S S ( C A f lb X , 15 EA V KB ,MAR. he can, when that relative is after him .with ' and To. antirrlninnus, canterberry . l;)ih a strap, is that he 'would rather" be ceased most other perrennial-plantdo best to take than chastened. them up every, spring, "and. plant them in MY DEAll YOUXG FHIEXDS: well .fertilized and prepared ground, divida deep experiAVhere are you going?" asked a little Permit one who has ing them when too large; Pansies ami viol- ence in the ways of fife, to offer a few re- boy, of another who had slipped and fallen et.- require a half shaded .position with marks on this interesting occasion. You down on the icy pavement. "Going to get to celebrate up," was the blunt reply. . assembled'-herground, liberally moist. have do ..seeddwill flower sized .smallest a of faithful band .into Thy your organization A bad littleboy rubbed cayenne pepper best sfywed on the top of a pot of good earth, laborers in the cause of truth and reform. ail! over the back of his jacket. The and kept in the house until plants are well What greater step could you have taken' in dust school ma'am thrashed him briskly,but disthen transplanted. Seeds of 'of advertisement. and progression, missed school the immediately to run to the and many other flowers will come in the more perfect habits - of life, and instore for nearest drug up much sooner- if soaked, in warm water terior powers of "iutellecf and understandr twe;ity-fouhours, and better still when a Pa, lias the world a tail?" asked an than to form yourselves into a body poli 'few drops of spirits of camphor are added ing, his father. "iNo, Child. How could or nao your tic, fur the mutual regulation fro be its. both social and domestic. Assimilation it have one when it is remind ?,r Seeds of cypress-shoul"VvTell," soaked- in hot water before planting. the dothe heir, "why papers say, in faith and practice creates union. This So persisted 1 a lovely house tail to wag plant. More eietv is denominated "The Retrenchment :So wags the' world,' if it has no I ' ' :. anon. Flora. Association." The true definition of the about?". . of effort, to re "Did any of you ever see an elephant's A double flower is unnatural and will term signifies, take every, chance to get back into its single strain any tendency to extravagance, to re- skin?" inquired a teacher of an- infant isor natural state. It is useless, to , try and frain from what impracticable in words class. ,'it . harmonizing"I have," exclaimed one. save seeds of double petunias, balsams, etc., and deeds: Where?" asked tlie teacher. - for-- hey will be si ngie. t h e n e x t y ea r. and agreeing to establish. the most vLe, pru - each with"and intercourse the elephant," -- said the boy, laughvH)a . refining ' dent, Exchange. -. other. ing,. StAitTrxG Dahlias. Among the many If as.a Society yQAi- ex 1st only in name, VA vest ifcite and impressive gentleman .things to be done as the season advances, is where will be the influence of your excellen ' to a street. in said the the starting of dahlias. We. start ours in youth and beauty; which your friends have "So cy I" wherb Robinson's boxes by the kilchen fire, keeping very "Boy, may inquire ' ' fondly anticipated? I could wish that your drug store is?' . as as soon is from frost the moist; danger so far supeot .deportment might-bhabits ''Certainly, sir," replied the boy, very reover, put them in open ground in a warm rior to tlio-- who do not iiuiine to unite with situation; separate the tubers; do not 'have you, that you could be individually recog spectfully.'. more than'one in a hill, llavea good strong nized. "Well, sir," said the gentleman, after Lot.your dress, be a medium it awhile, "where is it?" stake to each plant and begin tying.it when twee a two waiting extremes.: always in good taste, "I have not' the least idea, yer honor," quite young with woolen yarn or strips of and of material acces-siblto all, never try- -. I said' the boy. ... cloth. If "j our dahlia Jibs more than'- .one to outvie each other m fashionable aping il" he all strongest onef. pinch shoot, select, but in affability and acts of kindness the rest; pinch all the side shoots ,uptowo parel, 1ms a A C'Ektaix New York k eac4Vone. endeavor to be an example to let il 'feet from the- ground; then allow one or others. more lucrative income, than some of the two branches to grow; mulch with" fine I know it would grieve the faithful sister leading business men, and it is said tha't'the grass; have ah old tub, save all the soap who presides over you, as well as others wno cake and pie stand at the Postofllce is'wortii suds' and put it on daily and your frtTtrfrs they more than any clerk ship iu that institution. yearn over your beat-- interests,-werwill.repay you far all your ..trouble. Runu to seepride creeping in among you. I will There is abo said to be a news-stanin the ad-- , ' Perexxial' teas. Whatever, else p tho.-'how is whos I. Income wliom sanie'neighborhpod prefer you dare to believe that do in the garden this spring, do not forget dress have inherited a little sound common able to many editor, city to plant a few- - seeds of Perennial Peas. sense from Jhelr'jn'others. ' That honesty, while the fellow, who sells, cakes and' coffee -- 4charity and love of- on antlix'r corner juts" realld "uf3eierit "foTheydo not flower the first season, hut with integrity, hutuilit in yguror- purchase a farm beside fifty or sixty thouare inborn. irinc-iplemanuring, the good". order, ordinary c'ate in hcci&g-a-,. luu J.'. .1 auu,1 tunsn sand dollars worth of real estate in .Gotham. .plants increase in beauty-eacyear. They ganizanor.s. .vever are perfectly h?ird v. though a flight cover in judging. If some of your associates .hap Another man is growing rich ly purchasing for $1,25 different" 'influence1 from pigs feet at the slaughter-hous- e ing ef coarse stable manure, put on in the npn la fall uudera hundi-e.1 and then turning them into". fa L gives them a good start in the spring. have ventureil ineautioudy j per for. which he hr;s a large and growing One variety in garden is very pretty, on inadmissible ground, te. nut too readyWin ; .. ' ; custom. cd flow- - condemn, thenf,-'trand its' clusters-pby loving words to brigotro--colo' . -- " ""- "" '- . s, . 1 i - ' . h-i- .' . to-da- rhig-nonett- up,-an- o y in-arc- eye-water- " .- - ur--chin- of .. the-water- . 9 " es " " . - - inter-communio- i - - n, 1 ' ' . ". e e -- ' . e - 1 boot-blac- - - - . ' . e . d - s Bd . h . iihurli, A l f : - 1. " |