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Show THE SAUNA SUN, SAUNA, UTAH Speaks to Women Shanghai Concession Made Ready for Defense It eeema as though been bothered with I took functional disturbances. a bottle of Dr.' Pierces Favorite Prescription and in it I found so mucti relief that I . took another bottle and after that I had no further trouble. ,x andAfter I married during my expectant period 1 suffered a thousand deaths with backache and pains In my limbs until I began taking Dr. Piorce's Favorite Prescription. I highly recommend this medicine for any young mother-to-be- . I know the Favorite Prescription will give relief when others have failed." Mrs. Ivan S. Larsen, 784 23rd SL 11 dealers. Tablets or liquid. Ogden, Utah I had always Beam Radio Plan to Reduce Costs System of Telegraphy Recenly Put Into Operation. Short-Wav- e . That the cost of Intercontinental communication will gradually be lowered there can be little doubt, when we consider the almost startling advances la the art of radio transmission. One of the latest developments U the short-wav- e beam system of telegraphy which was recently put Into operation by the Marconi company between England and Canada. In comparison with tbe widely used long-wav- e radio stations which have been used for communication heretofore, the new shortwave beam Installation Is a mere pygmy In size and in power used. An article In Radio Broadcast magazine describes typical beam station as consisting of five 277-fomasts, while the transmitter operates with an input of only 20 kilowatts. The transmitting frequency is 11,500 kc.. (26.09 inter-continent- al Is delivered to the receiving station, and that is the goal all radio engineers strive for. Iu the arrangement of the antenna system at Bodmin, England, the antenna wires are disposed so os to constitute grids parallel to each other, the antenna wires being energized simultaneously from the transmitter eta number of feeding polnta, through a special feeding system, so as to Insure that tlie phase of the oscillations in all the wires are the same. The antenna and reflector wires are vertical, while horizontal wires are used as supports. There are 16 antenna wires and 82 reflector wires to each span, and there are four spans at each station, two for a transmitter operating on 11,500 kilocycles (20.09 meters), and two for transmitter which will operate on a slightly higher wavelength not yet determined. Proved by Calculations. It has been proved by calculations, end confirmed by experiment, so the author of the Radio Broadcast article, Kenneth B. Humphrey, tells us, that the directional effect of such an arrangement la a function of Its dimensions relative to the wave length used. Therefore, the shorter the wave length, the smaller the antenna WANTED MTO NEW Kf BROOKLYN, fend full Owiittrs, contract hrPk-- r OHO. K. JANTZKn. UJ Flat-tiua- h Avnnus, Brooklyn, New York. YOUK. A0ENT8 WANTED to sell BtBLESS WON. ll B VVAsslIINtl TOWDi rt. Kara 115 dally. Free Sample. Write KtlULlCSS MFO, CO., SI St. Mark Placo, New Tork City. DOMES AND FARMS FOR MEMBERS. If you rtexlie A HOMfl write for Free I.Uerature. W OWN the LAND. WORLD WELFARE UNION. Johnatowu. Florida. ITU . Throat tickle, Bcrethroat, huskioets and similar Ah' II rv troubles quickly re lievedwith Great Britain has been hurrying troops to Shanghai and making other preparations for the defense of the international settlement there. In the illustration are seen men of a Punjab regiment marching through the city after landing, and, below, workmen completing the barbed- - wire entanglements around tbe foreign concession. Laden Foreright What Turkeys New National Capital Looks Like "What's the matter, father? Regretting those cigars yon threw away New Years? A little," he confessed. Youll find them on the top shelf of the linen closet," said mother with e Support Win Wirt TwoIpmcIi AnttnnaWil - f r .t& -- &L v'A ; 'i ' If '? ' i -a- Antenna fX- smile. Wire L Drink Water to Help Wash Out er. -w- - n; ; Reflector Win tnd ' t safety Hoot vSTife'!SS?TK' 4 isazrz: z Kidney Poison tit Mast 5 '' iPd'iF ;'a gNt f ?&$ Antenna Win (o to feeder Syltsin via Coupling 80s , JndllMt If Your Back Hurts er Bladder! Z ' i l-f- ' xv 'v ' i wi f ar ?.Vs-- , - - 7h Lt" Here is the latest photograph showing 'the city of Angora, capital of the new Turkey of which Kemal Pasha is the President. According to the latest census Angora has a population of 48,000. BOSS OF AIRWAYS Boy of 14 Insured for Taking Salts Diagram Shows One Span of Sixteen Antenna and Thirty-Tw- o Reflector Wires. There. Are Two Such Spana for Each Transmitter or Four for Each Station. meters). The Radio corporation's system and consequently the less cost station at Rocky Point, by way of con- Besidos the actual decrease in phystrast. has twelve masts and ical dimensions, the properties of a power of from 200 to 400 kilowatts short waves are such that long disIs employed. Twelve masts, 800 feet tances can be easily spanned. By the use of reflectors at both the sending high, with a power Input of 500 kiloe and receiving ends, the wave Is prowatts, are used by the British wireless station at Rugby, Eng- jected out In a narrow beam and is land; ten towers, 680 feet high, with caught at the receiving end by a siman Input of S00 kilowatts, comprise ilar reflector, and concentrated on the the Installation at Buenos Alre3, In receiving antenna. This stops up the the Argentine. All of these stations signal strength and permits the use use very long wave lengths 24.9 kiloof much lower power, all of which has cycles to 17.15 kilocycles (12,000 to a direct bearing on the cost 17,500 meters). Many other large stations could be cited as examples In this class. It can readily be Imngtned Swinging Signals Not that tbe economies affected by the Always Due to Aerial new beam system are of considerable Swinging signals are not always magnitude, not only from the standa to the aerial. Sometimes due mainbut also of of Initial cost, point tenance. The speed of transmission ground connection may be at fault and tbe reliability are also consider- This is one spot that Is overlooked and one that should be given th ably greater in the new system. once over periodically. Due to the Waves. the Concentrating Concentrating the radio waves In a galvanic action dne to dissimilar met440-fo- is a Million post-oflic- beam Instead pf allowing them als, the ground c to nectlon seldom re- wander to every point makes it pos- mains clean and a dirty connection sible to use 20 kilowatts Instead of means less volume from distant stations. Most any old thing will do for the 200 or more required In the ordilocal and nearby reception, but It la In of system. spite nary the fact that less power Is used at all the little points that make distant the transmitting station, more power results possible. long-wav- e ways In the development of localized control, and the design of receivers having two controls Instead of one control. The localized Idea U perhaps most familiarly illustrated In the R.. C. A. The oscillator and tuning dials, In the form of closely parallel drums, are so arranged that they may be turned together by a single motion of one hand. However, either dial can be turned separately, permitting those fine variations of a degree or two which are essential to efficiency on uncompensated circuits. A somewhat similar arrangement produced by another concern is now. fan. available to the constructing rJliree condensers of a modified type are mountstraight frequency-lin- e ed concentrically, with shafts parallel to the panel, rather than perpendicular to It. The three condensers are not mechanically linked, and each Is controlled Individually by Its respective dial. However, ull three may be turned simultaneously by two fingers, placed upon the center perlpliei les. Scales reading from zero to one hundred, depressed in the rim. are supplied as standard equipment, but these are enslly altered and such special designations as wavelength, frequency, or call letters, can be substituted tu suit individual needs, concludes Mr. Bouck. Tandem Systems Tend to Reduce Controls The tendency to reduce controls by Lieut. Jack Platt Worthington of the naval air reserve has been np-- , pointed superintendent of airways, a newly created position In the Buited States Department of Commerce. Ueutenant Worthington Is a native of Washington, D. C. GRIDIRONS HEAD Prank E. Campbell, Jr., son of Prank Campbell, New York mortician, signing the policy which Insures him for $1,000, OtX), while Vash Young, insurance broker, who handled the policy, and Campbell, Sr., look on. This r policy thus makes Campbell, who Is fourteen, the largest Insured youth In the world. million-dolla- Result of Hurricane in New York Aslmiun N. Brown, Washln.ton correspondent for the Providence Journal, who Is the new president of the Gridiron club of Washington. This Is the home of Mrs. Mae Coons, near Seneca Palls, X. Y., iigniny, which was blown the roof of the grandstand of a recreation park In tV recent hurricane. The park Is 200 feet north of the house. tandem tuning, which hag been gaining more favor as it has solved its problems, Is one of the predominant features of the 1927 tuning circuits,w writes Zeh Bouck In a recent Issue of Radio Broadcast Magazine. Tandem tuning refers to the mechanical linking of two or more tuning units. These units generally consist of united condensers, with rotors mounted on a common shaft revolving through Individual 6tator plates built Into a rugged, extended frame work. The varied Isolated but simultaneously capacitances are connected to Individ--ua- l circuits one, two, three or more r. f. stages, and detector. The problems associated with tandem tuning have been the matching of the various inductors and capacitances. For really successful tandem tuning, It Is essential that the Inductance or coll effect of the different circuits, and the capacity or condenser effect, he Ihe same at all frequencies (wavelengths). This means that. In coiiqilete sets employing tandem tuning, the stray capacity and inductance caused by wiring and the Juxtaposition of parts, must be exactly the same In all radio frequency circuits, a balance that requires finesse only recently attained in the art of radio production. The nse of vernier condensers for the discrepancies in stray capacity. But If employed to correct condenser or coi! discrepancies, these verniers rre, In effect, additional controls, for (lie compensation differs for every setting of the main dial. An appreciation of the difficulties InvMved Is Ihe tandem tuning of three Individual circuits fiuds Its expression 'he j a of the manufacturer In two 'r I I Bothers You, Begin Copyright, Radio Broadcast, 1917 I .. When yonr kidneys hurt and your back feels sore dont get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneyd clean like you clean, by flushing keep your bow-elthem with a mild, harmless suits which helps to remove the bodys urinous waste and stimulates them t- their normal activity. The function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 5( grains of acid and waste, sq we enu readily understand the vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of good water you cant drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jod Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and yout kidneys may then act line. This famous suits Is made frQm the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lttlila, and has been used for years tvo help cleun and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the adds in the system so they are no longer a source of Irritation, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-wate- r drink, which everyone should take now and then to help keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this ; also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder. what became of your kidney trouble ard backache. One on Mother Do go to sloop, Dorothy," urged her mother, who wanted to read. "Remember, there's an angel watching over you." Oh, mother, arent you conceited !" Boston Transcript. DEMAND Take Tablets Without Fear If You See the Safety "Bayer, Cross." Warning! Unless you see the nanm "Bayer on package or on tablets yo t are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions an I prescribed by physicians for 26 year-;- . Say Bayer when you buy Aspirin. AJv Imitations may prove dangerous. No Doubt About It Frances Are yon sure he love yon, and you alone? Gladys- - Oh ves; more then than at any othi r rime." Sure Relief Radio Being Simplified - Radio is being greatly simplified for set builders. Also for those who like 10 make circuit changes In sets that are not too carefully hidden beneath cabinets and shields. One of the handiest of the new things that can be bought at accessory stores is the con nector for nuking a T" connection. Another helpful tiling is the battery lead tag. L'larnp one of these little tugs to the wire and there Is no get ting it confused with auylhlng e'su. ASPIRIN BAYER K3fj 6 'gS Blll-an- s Hot water Sure Relief ELLENS FOR INDIGESTION 25$ and 75$ Pk js.Sold Everywhere W. N.' U., Salt Lake City, No. 10 1927. |