Show r I. r. r and Mrs Conroy Wood anthe anthe an- an the Ule engagement of their liter Gertrude to Mr Farrell n n. n son of Mrs Erma Gud- Gud of The announce- announce was made at a Tea given byWood by byWood byWood Wood Monday afternoon The wing ving room and the tea room carthe carthe carthe car- car the Holiday atmosphere with trees tinsel Icicles and col col- lights The tea table was cover- cover Ith a lace cloth and was center center- ith a boquet of red carnations red tapers In green holders at end Small booklets carried the Pouring during the noon roon was Mrs Morgan Rollo and Grayce Biederman Assisting in ng was Mrs Daniel Clark and Elbert White Miss Marian Sher- Sher assisted in receiving Musical bers tors were given by the string trio posed of the Misses Phyllis Thor- Thor Elma and Inez c Corry Cony rry vocal num num- numby numby by Mrs Howard Wood and plan piano i by Mrs Daniel Clark More I five thirty friends called during during I afternoon M I I |