Show -- 17 f 1 P ) i — ( 1 1 I Strom! e (11be qb (litt Section s4lt Lakkr Ott tah — I IttittoTV lug c 1 (Is1'10111i rgalie 1 toolAy Mottling — ‘12rt h Pt l'etp:ra II III 1 It) 11 l'Axe Otte 1101 1 ) 0 I 4 If L Youths Find Body SO Long-Missin- 144 he tit a 42 rtJft Sottitlissi oft( r Noon Ity 3:4Lotor 101mit Ut the tolls with ahil ttiq it 33i1 South in Salt I1tike Counts 't he biiity bat 1run Iflentiftel tentati e!y ti! non ttlazel Mary Anni that of !sirs i i ' I -4 v:r ' A ' t --- 4 I ' 614-'- r''''' I ' 4 t i t tit ' t4 'Ir ' - i I 11 I ''''' via lik I 04 -1- 4 1 1 i I 1 mt ' ': r - t - 1'1Ar- I 4 ' r l 04 L ' w 1414 1 1t425' tal g11 ' - — - - t 1044' “ -- t - Jr-1- t '-- s "'''''' - or '''''''''' )ear chi son ti u 01 trii)1 wi Informed that bight about 9 30 p m 1014 ber dau'‘:htt r she ss as going to nisi! some Chiristings cards sinil puruhase some Yuletide gifts doss titoss IL 1 hen she failel to return home shortly ) 1 ri 1r i ssollihn police !sure after 9 ti ill !Sir Clectl I ailed Iolor I4j retott his vire at thi—dcg VrtN(rt 1hr doippt tit (11)Cr of Ntra Clegg a until Satutidav aftetnoon lahen the 11 ''4 fJO I ly 1 310-v- ' ': lI — Tells Olen Story Nothing Serious : t The boa rin to the rellitence tf Yralit A 51r Strickley 3I1 'Teton lit 131ill SuU Stritkley viunt eith them to the meric atht rmorred the plite from tiriide the body Ile notified the aheriff a office The body vas t4kaintiled by Juktice of the J Itartnan uho announc(A thAt Peace death uas due to natut al rauus t 1 t 1 t to Buy Bank Still Clouded Ut:111 44LL44aloalLgoodt L - iE ' :: l 14 ilticrtel to The Tribune OGAN — An a greement for fly O N Malmquist Tribune Pbtitical Ed:tor for Except fur the taint-44- the sale of Cache Valley Bank Co Io Iransanerica Corp ing the Democratic nomination for South It The propoied Salt Lake City branch of the San cited at oouttroest cornet of State and rtrit million dollar w story structure as appears The as eac tw d sa turt Oast floors below the ground levet iranckco Federal Iteterve Bank hitt Li to be 10-- Ms 'du ally III be a five story building not a three- - I bank will governor I:tah's political pot L t The tnove was termed an Im- continues to boil in a acuum se portant further step in the es-far as announced candidates are tablishment of Transamerica's concerned banking program In Utah folPro‘pective aspirants for the lowing the recent acquisition of Republican gubernatorial nomt Walker Bank and Trust Co Of1 '' 'nation and Democratic con41 ficials said the plan Involves nominations 'are Is It about that color What 'iA''''' P 1:o no change in the management I'gressional from "hot" to Li f °colJ' i —green! 11 personne l or policies of either or vice versa In some instances (i W Bernick & 'ba—n Robert k L e! Brazier a Evan' By e 41''1''''''‘ Salt k s Green Is the national color NEW LANGUAGE: My Aire it 'Ride Both at the same time 1 "' tr- I decisions hare no doubt been Tribune Business Editor City have handled design work' she talks This you ill have to admit is of Ireland it was worn as a a very gifted girl Frederick B Champ pres t 1 ''''' ''-- N' 7 0k7Z"k -k 0 : reached but are being held In Actual construction of the A gift 1 '‘' Mr Rosenblatt said the con- !dent of the firm since ID21 l'' : ) "" vith her eyebrows :f k of honor by Scottish abeyance for strategic reasons mark 1c ' ' s -I '' I Thaus right Qn the other hand my vire Ilighlanders It Is a sacred new 2'1 million dollar lite- tract for demolition of a num said se hate taken this step 13 '- t tii 4 itt 'I GOP Outlook 4141"""'--' 4 floor Salt Lake branch of Fed- her eyebrow s!! as a means to serve the best has a special pair or eyebrows now of e structures the 'her Moslem in color In xisting 'religion i Republican circles the feel' With a quick she puts on Mrs ir'ernon Clegg eral Reserve Bank of San Fran Left - A just for company on Icat ion of the proposed ' interests of Our customers the is It is the color of repentance cisco still ing growing stronger that twist of the evei this and our stoeit-itgo shopping In December begIn In some ancient bank st ill be let shortly Follow- - community These are real friendly and traditions Gov J Bracken Lee haa de i brow is ith a fist Saturannounced was it holders ( and it is supposed to signify spring cided to seek another term as ing the razing of present build 'Z-flick a studied wiggle op and down like the 7 day John M Wallace president Ip Lads a Erin's of will Ings bank constuction governor and that his announceIToasts envy happy puppy 4 tilt rny wife can of Walker Bank and Trust Co Joseph Rosenblatt Salt Lake commence a lot of unment to that effect is now But Saturday ' more than say she has a sophisticated Salt Lake said -- We are proud ith little City chairman of the board o f only a matter of timing lt a 1 P 11 Waldo eyebrow look that she reserves Irish Individuals p 'he roperty approximately i directors of the branch bank happy to become assocated Much the same feeling exists Emerson e v e r for magazine s alesmen and bill or no Scottish background said feet by 177 feet was for and !13-for that the in with Transamerica plans preliminary family Moslems who are and not I did in 18 vol collectors the status of State l 31 Dee regarding 1035 acquired construction of the building imalY our old friends in the Cache Sen Rendell N Mabey a n d 1 umes of !from Zion 's Securities Corp prose For shopping rny wife wears wore green with no repent- have been approved Co at Logan State Sen Elias L Day as GOP MY wile Can arm of the Church'IN alley Banking look ance and no envy floors will a p p e a I investment an which Three I write a best sell- - a special type of eyebrow institution always has celeto wanted Latter-dagubernatorial candidates They just of Christ of She puts on what I call her Jesus been a leader in its area and Some Republican groups are er is ith a lifted bargaining eyebrow' They look brate along with the Irish above the ground Two large Saints subbasements constitute the whose personnel and policies the pressure on Ernest ' Ds Valentine eyebrow she right through the grocery clerks St Patrick's Day keeping LDS In return the Church will remain unchanged other floors Architects Ashton L Wilkinson ran make an en- - and the salesgirla president of will acquire title to the present "In the ultimate merger of went up and Brigham Young University to Temperatures tire speech with an eyebrow tilt Before we were married my Salt Lake branch on southwest our operations in Utah we will become a candidate for the goyShe can speak volumes by wife had a pair of corner of South Temple and welcome the officers and per conxertible tops went down ernor nomination but they have slanting an eyebrow downward eyebrows with plenty of come as a real spring-likState Streets sonnet of the Cache Valley Saturday been to get an unable thus far Come to think Patrkk's Day covered the affirmative For example say I arrive hither pouer how I Banking Co into our organiza Ready by 1957 Ammer of in that's her met it entire Intermountain area home late for dinner and I If Gov Lee should decide Mr Rosenblatt said "it is an- ton and we expect to invite the first place In keeping with the "wearin' e a mem tell her a small but white to Mr become Champ not to seek another term as govthe new building will ticipated Os th' ey1brows green" many persons re- ernor the field of fleeted fib be ready for occupancy the lat ber of our board" Mr Wallace prospective wig and wag and wiggle and spring bulbs were sprout GOP candidates ported said undoubtedly that the state expects the rest- - ter part of 1957 At that time My wife doesn't say a thing with the right girl behind 'cm shoots By Robert C Blair ing al green The offer provides for would be expanded She doesn't have to dents of the communfty bene- - the LDS Church w ill take over they are plain dynamite At the Salt Lake Municipal I Tribune Staff Writer of $155 a share for the price a man to bank" takes branch It Demo Picture the to strong the into the Ai rP ort Her eyebrow's do fight fitted present the afternoon high talking put something ANTIMONY Garfield County Mr Rosenblatt describes the banks 6000 shares of $25 par! 1 When she hears this tale of em w Stronger than me any e Democratic program too aources report —A years-oldream made of Throughout the afternoonInew branch as "contemporary value stock equivalent to $930 above normal sfso r t3t h ed gdraeteell that there is a good possibility mine her two eyebrows jump way! 000 in the aggregate ' Mr ' Champ up on her forehead wiggle a CAN TIIE SAD CYNIC SAYS: bright new brick was dedicated residents and former students modern design with t h r e e o a I d bringing the maximum reading of Oscar W McConkie Jr Salt Stockholders will have un- - to two above 62 degrees Forecasters said Lake City and Basil C lansen little then freeze! ground plus Valentine should talk about here Saturday night and for the teachers and others visited dur- - stories til April 16 to accept the offer could expect even Logan making themselves avail This means in eyebrow lan- eyebrows Iles got a pair that residents an 0 stories below ground including w hic h w house the at S5300 ing open b o t ill e tendered first time in three generations them warmer vault in the base- school Cakes and other refresh- - I two-levable for the congressional nomguage: "Keep talkin' bub Sunday temperatures look like bargain basemtnt and it is understood that more Antimony youngsters are atI ain't listenin' but keep talk-In'!- " mittens! And Sunday's skies will be inations See Page B 6 Column 4 ment and out50 per cent of the tending a modern school 'There will be approximately than Mr McConkle a young atgenerally fair except for some stock already --has standing four-moAnnew I trim of The 81000 feet high cloud light fluffy square However in this same state building elected to sell torney is a member of the State much like those of Saturday I See rage WI Column 1 'Grilling' timony school replaces the of suspension if space which will include an en- suddenly my wood structure that closed security court area for Temperatures Saturday aft-shabby wife's right eyebrow rikes far over the Intermountain the handling of shipments and gained nationwide attention in above the left eyebrow it means bi re gion ranged in the 608 with 1948 when The Salt Lake Tribin eyebrow language that my receipt of cash and securities Day Since a few—in the extreme south— une brought its 51 pupils to the lie isn't going over at all and by armored car" four-dain the low 705 Similar highs a Utah capital for that she's getting ready to throw A To Double Space East Utah will be on the weather menu for outline of the "wonderland" visit preliminary something An area approximately 80 feet The Salt Lake Traffic Ad National Reclamation Assn's Sunday of those many Saturday to the west of the building Death Council will meet next Iraffic Low Oh this eyel will wide visory mercury readings now have important water policy commit- pupils—some of whom will be set aside for outside be in the 303 or high 20s Is fascinating Friday to consider a suggestion tee report was completed Satur- children of their own—were on Cause of the long period of by Mayor Adiel F Stewart parking space for automobiles ttah day at Hotel Utah for submis- hand for the dedication rites atSay for insti "These enlarged banking To March 18 1956 fair weather is a stagnant high which would eliminate out-o- f ofto sion association memberstate Bob 37 Alkire the and tended county by By party and I lifT has settled state cars from receiving over quarters made necessary as the To March 18 1953 31 pressure system that ship when it meets Nov 14 15 ficials Tribune Staff Writer of a group of IN over Utah A front that earlier parking citations result of expanded business ac- All of 1953 18 state E Bateman in Lake Allan and 202 Salt Dr City ing women anc The suggestion l not new and was thought to be a threat to A tivity in the area served by the boy with a "The committee will bring in superintendent of public inIdaho gay old time will Lake has office area was been discussed many tlmes Salt bank's Intermountain inthe face who firmly a report Interpreted in terms struction gave the main dediAll I have to 42 turned away by a high pressure In the past according to Dr To March 18 1956 of double the the his sisted space name was nearly "Mikey" of the West which will fit needs cation address Ile pointed to the eyebrows on 17 18 1953 system and crossed the conti- El Roy Nelson council acting of every geographic area of the the school as An example of and introduced his puppy as !present building" Mr Roken- To March to kill room the 183 " in Canada 1955 All of nent chairman said "Fill blatt a three spent pleasant country" said Hugh A Sham- benefits from the state equalizaWhen I'm wit hours or more at the Carson police Dr chairBateman Nev tion fund program City berger ' my wife's eyeb man said that through the program station Saturday until his mothgether and pc r v Other water policy committee "we can give help to some areas er could be located toward her nose 4 -Afmembers present included Mar- which are not as wealthy as Highway troopers picked the -t 4 ' 1? 1 ing upward an( k shall Dana Portland Ore Bert others and enable them to have lad up near 1st South and 5th 1 say: :' L Smith California Harold G their children educated prop- East and brought "Mikey" and ' ''''''' i' k 4 "Get away fr 14 I i I'V': '''' his dog to the station :1''' 1174 47 Christy Colorado N V Sharp erly" t1 :7v:4 i ' '''' Leave t 1" bub t i ' P ' eir : 't :' 4 ) 1 1 Idaho D P Fabrick Montana ' k Ile said school facilities have v i Any Old Name or I'll be over It i n 1 John Rogers Washington John Improved tremendously But he He :" the ear" v agreeably frustrated quessway by 1 : t: Bliss New Mexico - William warned that whether it proves I 4 1 tioners at the station by admit' 1 ' t on will Bower Texas beneficial Volumes Broadhurst the '' Carl See what I mean? depend d i V --: his name was "Mikey" 4 °!"11 "44F V '''' All In the eye Wyoming and E J Fielsted teaching skills that we put Into ting 4 of words -' "Michael ZMichJohn" "John -- -i 1 14 4fis 9 these facilities lie pointed out ael 4 " 49 Ogden Utah brow language LI ( i A "Billy Mikey" and a boat -- Like for example if my wife's of others ' '4'"" i te io He patiently sat by the police 1c '')1 eyebrows suddenly curve into :::: ' ) : switchboard scribbling pictures 1 It two little half moons :i f ' Nt I di while a for chairs about 021 pushed she's r :' 4' ' means I surprised ii '4' r'4'4"':' "( ---: the office and played with his ' The eyebrows say: 1 t ' I '''''''' I Ull"t' — Al ' little black dog 4' "You remembered our wedi 4 i -He admitted he might live in - :--ding anniveisary after all" 4 I the but if the hand eyeOn the other Capitol Building plum11 you are one of those who feel there is a "mental ised if someone would come e brows on my wife get sharp and '14— ot 0' to completing your federal income tax return a hazard" N4 7 with him he "would show you ' ' 144 start to wiggle like two nervous 1:' N ' corps of experts will be on hand again Monday to help y6u 1 where I live" exclamation points it means ' at 440 Federal Building When asked where he lived 1'1i1"'''''N: 1 z danger so Skilled personnel of Internal Revenue Service district " he answered—"a house" which :f 4 This This is the tip-of- f tt ' '''''':: i office will be on duty from 8:15 am through 5 pm to ' t ' 0"4Nhad shrewd alrOady guessers is storm Is the signal that all la 40441A 1 answer your questions and help you over the hump of inestablished or withnot well within '''t ! decision delaying completion of the report form k' :t t: 1: i (t 1 "' Bribe Falls out— ) Charles I Fox IRS district director recalling that t After being bribed in vain The last time my wile's eye--' k April 16 is the deadline for filing returns on 1955 earnings a 44 kiA him to with to tell get pennies 1 brows wiggled like two nervous ' again emphasized the Monday assistance phase of the V'' 4 what his last name was he exclamation points was when t it taxpayer assistance program ii f: tired of the whole proceedings '' 1 she discovered I lost all her t i' f Ile said the filing of 1955 returns is still lagging behind and tried to since' but ' "escape" in uranthe shrubbery money t ) '1:i —lt !'i14 tax returns filed last year on a comparable date by about his J falling to half-mapants kept ' ! ium market 4 !1 11000 returns Aittr ii ' he was hampered in this !' t Ali ''" el' Of course there are times ::"4:av 111 The Monday assistance program contemplates max' Meanwhile Mrs William G ' when one of my wife's eyebrows ' 4: '' iI imum assistance in the shortest waiting time for taxpayers Boyle 50 D St (350 East) is mad but the other isn't This A 4 ot :::IEL tklmsiigJ:i-it?th:‘( who have been unable to dispose of their problems by missed her son and informed is quite confusing and it all Ext 457 telephoning IRS information service DI police depends on which side you are Mr Fox again reminded taxpayers to include their reMichael Ray Boyle donned his looking at I have seen my wife turn addresses on all returns and also attach all copies of coat called to his dog hitched look wonderfully charming on "Tell 'em to come get us" "Oh boy am I tired" be said as be sat live right In this block" said young the right side and look meaner W2 forms showing taxes withheld from wages and salaries up his pants and left the police On police station steps awaiting his mom 1255 he told telephone operator at incomes It which are and Michael nay Boyle drew picture station with his mothesi than the dickens on the left part of llearin' o' Green ' (tt Picture On '56 Race Cache M10141W4P411nowl — ---- Dan Valentine's t rerun SI Bankers r --- - l'i is 0 f arid tictf01 thy 1)ikil 11 fame triiitt ful Salt I hke County Sheilf I i Itti ttitnteht Al(otilaig to th putict t !Mold forin an 1 1Aut u the tigttrl Mu 'la( l'atkor 9 ton (1 Ntr and 51i S Vat ker 294 3215 South il elth three 1 he k'v tIone Into the rs hientieth 14 Iticharit 13 and Duni All L111411 toll Cf Mr tinti Mn a It It Lang 2995 11 3175 South e ''11:- CD I y me I 111017' airolow40 I rened til)-frt- 1 t410 ' he 1 I ' - '''''''''''''''1 — i l' 1 000 r) - 4 rt-- t ' :' i i — ' ' I f tr ' ' ) i I -- I - : t 11 t Li r m I ' 'I I j t! ' ' J U ' i'' : 1 f: ' prof 71 ' 1' I I 4 J '11 - '' p 1 - I akt idetitificatioo Its Tingle by g ruuhbuy aktitreise4 to Mr Clegg and found in Las a purse beside the body Mt ( 1( gg lett her home Dec 21 1975 shout 4 p tib after telling a 15 ear 014 trr to torpare supper for Mr Clegg and lin Ikerrfflfilib 6i 1 LA1 ' - ‘Ni LI 41 iti 1 1 ' 1 t " A "— 42 2151!th ig I ' ' i 1 irt 1 1 --- i I I I 1 i I 4 I t a 1 1 i 0 I 1 1 '7 r- - ri 1 '- — ---- V ' i t - ! Mother o t- 1 1 g )eal olit tiiiittitir Aliii tic ire tho114 sint e hhe lett tier 1Itmut orl 1111k1111:111 stiiiiiing tour last Occ 21 ssaa 1 Sri t t SI)rilig Start Shal)ilig U1) Olt $25 illillion Blitidillwor 1 — i -- - -- - 4 i '—'- - ' 0 later l i 2-7- i '" tail L i t y i ' e fah-Thes- i high-voltag- 1 SprinuDrc Warm Cover On SL Area I high-voltag- r 1 4"" fii ( t 'r - Modern Antimony Building Ends 'Shabby School' Era i d ' i 1 i 3-ho- ur Report Maps Water Policy 1 I 1)olice Cr aut Tourist Parkin(' Awaits Review y TotaandDog ' ‘Alikey' Case ' mud-smeare- d - a- i ' "0 ' 'N: I ' -- 4 t t) r ki --- itA ---- 5 r ei ! - - - “-- f - 7: i:- :tr's) -0 — Revenue Service Extending Ilelping Hand on Monday -- ' ' - 4 4 P ' t ':: ' 1-- I ii I if - i i-- - 1 f : - '' ) ') 1 t - 1i li 0 - e v ' ' I1 (7- 'ri ' — 1: i - A: ' f A ' r - - r' r t II r "4-41- V ' II 1 I ::': -'- - - IIt 0- - '-- 2-- f 1 -- 4 9 ---4 and Operator Helping Officers Tires a Fella 'I " I k 'It --- " - fp 4 IIov - --- --- 4WRt: 4 - Ak eRf" 44 ope51 p e t - : ) |