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Show th Xorlliern ISailroutl. BilISE in, I. EJitor Statesman: T , May 19th. '74. Frnnklin City, anJ having just arrived ,T.;nr lately left ?;SeCiy;t.e W. cpit-lo- f Biirgs and two other gen-T''.- ,, I thought county, from the Vmv in reference to the prospects lines a would not be uninterest-"Tou- . readers. The winter has Sn exireniely cold; snow commenced to h December lust and con-- J Ml the first of till it was two feet on the level; !hid on the sroand till the last of 'jt makii'g five months hard winter. used up, and for stock was entirely to !iy there was but little happy lioek iost. Hay run us high as twenty his makes the people ton. dolhrs per i" croPs- Tue grain ,ueir late in putting Cache including a portin Valley, a;seJ ion of the settlements of Oneida county, of 250, 000 bushe m the neighborhood es of wheit,oaisand barley, which gives n surplus, and ihey tke people quite last the jave, during year, been shipping 1 f'l I - -- it east and west. At the tiuie of Ilia snow setting in we were busily at work on the Utah Northto abandon ern railroad, which we had until February, and then commenced at rrcat disadvantage, in consequence of Laid, freezing cold weather; however, labor, in driving piles for our bridge Said across Spring Creek, went on. 29 feet in feet is length, high bridge consists of heavy j:i the centre, and frame work on the top of the piles; there is also a heavy fill of earth at each end; ,eel wide jn ,ue bottom. this fid is The till and bridge is about 500 feet on". The people of Oneida, consisting of Weston, Oxford, Clifton and Franklin, did the grading from Frankliu on Spriug Creek distance, about ibrec miles. This of course includes the We also did a bridge and heavy fill. liberal share of work in Box Elder and Cache counties, in Utah Territory. The track was completed to the company's larse warehouse on the 2d of May. This Was an important time, as every one was jubilant at seeing the iron horse, an J to hear its shrill whistle in Idaho. The grading, tieing and laying ef the iron has been done by the farming community of Weber, Box Elder and Cache counties in Utah, with what we have been able to help them from the above Mr. Richardsnamed places in Oneida. furnished the iron of New York, on, The compauy feel and rolling stock. they have achieved and accomplished a great labor thus far. This is one of the greatest acquirements of wealth and eterling enterprise that has ever come to our prosperous Territory. Creighton & Canadie's treight has arrived in large quantities, and is being Their large ware shipped to Montana. house is also being removed from Corinne to Franklin; the platform of it is GO feet in width. This shows business. Many bf the principal men of Corinne are shipping their blacksmith and wagon Several merchants shops to Franklin. have leased land and commenced'putting tp some good, substantial buildings of be-vo- : w. 11 do all ia his power to pass an act for that purpose. Mr. Hailey has the confidence of all the people of our county, and if he will accept or a he will receive almost a unanimous vote from Oneida. I was pleased to witness the improvement made at the captal in the way of buildings, fine orchards, gardens, &c, since my visit eighteen months ago; to see so many familiar faes, and the kindness shown to me by my friends in fact by all that I have met during my stay in this city. I can plainly discover two drawbacks to the prosperity and building up of the capital of Idaho, which is in a fair way to be speedily remedied. Namely, the building of a railroad to some suitable point, connecting with the C. V U. P., and Utah Central railroads, which can be easily done by connecting with the Utah Northern at or near Soda Springs. The other is the erection of a telegraph line which could connect at the same point. 1 am satisfied there is enterprise and capital enough iu this city alone with the aid that Congress ought to render in the way of paying interest on bonds of the company, agreeable to a bill now pending before, that body, to complete the road. You will excuse me for taking up so much space in your valuable paper. L. II. Hatch, One of the Directors U. N. It. II. Idaho Statesman, 2od inst. sht THE ROUTE IS W FIXED 0 YES!! 0 YES!! fiv which pmxenpero from Ogdta uud ether points in the Weet ran reach St. Louin ami all points JCa.it by wnv of St. Loiu more comfortably unit speedilv tliun ever before. Tub Missoiki "acikh? Thkoich Lihe hns com& C. B. pleted arrangement with the K. C. St. J. ItailrtiKil, whereby traims r rim from Omaha lu St. Louis'willmut bleak or impediment, and withtrvim to the annoyance ol a out nljt tins; ita siuulo ehanse'of our. No other tin can furnish Midi inducements, to the truve'.linjr public. Everything connected with tins Through Lino H and the adoption of the Miller Platform aii.i Wet inuhone, Air Urate, toother with its Pullman Meeper-.- tmd Keclining Oiuir Com be, render wife and ploitKant. a trip over the line PiiMr.eiiKerii from ult parts of the West, by taking Trains, are landed in St. l.oui at iu Exjii-seasonable hours, morning and evening, and in ample time to n'ke direct connection with all railroads for ev.iry point in the North. KaM and South. Particular 'information with maps, time had at the various "Through tallies, &c, limy or Ticket" offlces in the West, or niion pomon written application to (1 II. ltaxter, Western City, Yt., or K. A. Find, Aj;eiit, Uenorai Passenger Agent, St. Louis, JU. ROCK SPUING AND COAL! COALVILLE - - Ptlivcreil, - - - Coalville. - - - - - Hock Spring, tirsi-cla- DdivsreJ, $ 9.00. 9.r0 7.00. 7. 50 Keep Warm by Getting Good Clean Coal. YARD Moro than P. FREIGHT DEPOT. AT U. "Order left at Douglass' Meat Market will be promptly tilled. JOHN" HNCOCK. slOi 8m. OneMillioninuse!! 1 1 Kas er LOOKJIEUE. APPLETOIJ'S AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM THE NORTH Cyoloii.lia . XEW VISITING SALT LAKE CITY, EDITION, is the bsnt Entirely IBM CYCLOPAEDIA. COULD NOT DO BETTER Will be ismed Compu te iu 10 vols., ol THAN TO CALL ItEVISEl) SOLD AND EXAMINE ONLY bej;iuniiiK July, 1873. paces each. 6UU SUBSCRIPTION. BY chance for the million t buy ft complete. ot ten Iiirary without feeling the cost. A caving ceHtH a day buys the complete net. IV w is the tiuie to bulisurihe. A A DINWOODEY'S Humbug Medium. For all Information, Addrett, For some months two men named liayner and Stoddard have been holding spiritualistic tseauces in CleveOF The exhibitions at any time land. have not given satisfaction to the spiritualists who have attended them, ! and suspicious of fraud have gradually crept in and filled the mind of believthose who have been WALL PAPER and FEATHERS. in Some them of ers spiritualism. have determined to test the matter, Removed from Main Street lo and one night, after what is termed half-bloc-k west Co-ofleck. a dark seance was conduct d, the ucan 75, 77 aud 79 First South Street. Kayner entered the cabinet to engage in the light seance. The watchers and Kleicanre Combined. had placed themselves in a' position lieninN8 f where they could see the inside of the room where Kayner was supposed Into be seated in a trance state. stead of being passive, he was perceived te bo engaged iu adjusting different masks and faces, to impersonEXCELSIOR MILLS, This clearly ate departed spirits. proved the fraud, and Ray tier's repu- XEAIt OGIH2X CITY, tation as a medium has become for tt Miuiufutturo of Is d departed. ROUT. H. VAN RENSSELAER, Ogden, Agent for NortJiern L'tab. V5ia.":. 1 FURNITURE TEN DOLLARS TEN ! NAVEI EVERY FAMILY. a .. p. ii,r".yr HEW BUILDING OP DOLLARS K life-lon- g TleSi,3rMaMactiiriC6i3i5 i N. East Cornor Fifth & Locust St., Male ami Fenmle Agent clenr $70. Per iIiit esy. Outtit. aud euunty njrlita tr'"J i,' H w twiu.r.r.i,n.i( i.vi;ntiox. A l.AltUK lat;st myle. Sl.K FAMILY c WITH TAULK hii.I TKKAM.K COMtLETK ONLY TKM DOLLARS, r of Tlie iiircerul iuvtiition, and pn.dm tii)ii T tlia only t'uil nized really Ki).kI Ijrwiiii H w auuuiuu lor tliuu oU, Unit operute .y to r 2 dl-t- Cloth for Wool w V l ..... rj Prixe I'reiniuirn Timlmi,.- - Tt m Awmd. uf Merit, Hoiionil.le Meutiuu, Jkc. ' Jj v ir.il .lljli U1IIM1S, Q Tlie liiot u.efril invention to reudi r thedif- - E ficiilticM of ivwiug lits luborioui. TL uew P y4 mid improved pntemed a yH BUTTON - - if i a HOLK WORKKU, Tlie cnliniiuitton of perfect mechiiiral nc- - H ,iiii. iiiiii dkhi miti utility, with spiri-tualizea- "Boy, is that a licensed dog ?" asked a Detroit policeman. "No," said the youngster; "he's a rat terrier dog, aud I'm taking him down to have his teeth filed." t?fta''i Superior Cloth, Itlaiilc jO aS cts, Yarn, Uniting, Etc., Etc. iim leut.v,Htrnit!iauJdurMbilityciubiutd. A long required - C C SeHlnt: ItfMclilnVr Luuoi UnviT. Xfw I'nfenl W'th AliAClIMKMh, it p. liirl' over tieventeeu difti resit kindi oi ewingii, rmuy, eUboiiite, ornn- niciitn.1, IntricMte, Fine, i'lAin and ttriip, H i'Kutie done with perfwt eaeund rapidity u Mwiiij? uiw Mine t9 by thone whoncTer before. Our new iittHdiinentii Imve geniiiue O merit tlmt ruiiiinuiid hmIxk. Tliey are tin- - most valimble mtjunrUever Htriid d -1 fi to ndvHiire tlie inefulneM of Sewing Mil-f- j cliinen, uud are Bijjiistuble to ail other good ! w luui'liiiie. equally an well aa our own. With- out iliem no iiiHcliiue tau l.e perfect, uld eiierute if denired, at tlie of the old stylet u.ed by all other luachiuet. tj OUR NKW MACHIXK C Is larger tlian w.ine of the $.Sd, ma; hi k- - O y. Will do every description of newinp. Hem, W Fell. Tuck, Sikiii, Quilt. Uraid, UoiV, Hind. t" (jiither, Vnf!iH Sliire, l'lvnte, Fold, Scollop. 2 X K.dl, KuibroKler, Ituu up Iti.adths, Ae., ic.. -- j Will new anything needle il! f thnmh. 7i XkW IIIB .TllO.Mii.BT SrilCH KX0 N, HOBtl.; that tlie ii.oth win. tka belbre the warn will rip apart. lUn straight needle, reliable ao unite feed, direct motion, O . do coiiiplication ut unelent or ctun to r1 coggi oil or gel out of order, it nilent, eacy work- lug, light ruunirig, very nipid. fin.,tli and correct, quickly understood and man- - j H m w Bring on Your Wool at Once il iiiiiiii-dmt- trick and stone. Impertinent dandy (a stranger.) YVe have had a visit from Judge Hol-listand Mr. Davis of Malad City; also "May I have the honor to accompany Cool young lady. Judge Higbee of Silver City. The peo- you, miss?" ple of Oneida county would be pleased but keep behind, in your 'Certainly; to have Judge Ilollister continued as one I discharged my last proper place. of the Associate Justices of this Territfor ibotman impertinence." ory; he is a good judge of law, and I believe him impartial in his decisions. A Down Easter believes there is The ftage and mail must of necessity er AND RECEIVE Our Goods iu Kclum at Advantageous Rates. G2-3- q 3 A. RANDALL, SON & CO. m crl otie-tetit- J BRICK! BRICK! SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. T f P The- Singer Mamifac'g Co. - T lie lost ptartfroin Franklin for Montana, which nothing like advertising, 2 I understand has already been arranged his pocket book, recently, advertised for. and his loss in the local newspaper, c We have a fine 2 quality of white sand next his down into went IVoticc morning stone, which is very light and can be floor. easily dressed for use. This, with a cellar and found it on the great amount of lumber, can be shipped twj 0 aired. ORDERS tit the low rate of A cood lady, who on the death ( f PLEASE GIVE IN YOUR The inventom ol th'e excellent machine j freight, leaving a good ran be relied upon a. ujiriglit uhi! reapoiiai- - 71 margin for the laborer, which will find her first husband married his brother, .. . t ..r l.t.i man u.JI a ready market in .i, "v.. "ui iiij ... ,nv vonuiienre anil Ogden and Salt Lake has a portrait of the former hanging ol our (Jirtiun - rO NortUpalnmngo rijern. City. The surplus grain of each valley Intend" opening Uae day, a visin her dining-roocan be shipped, at remunerative figures. OUbfillS KECK1TED, East and West, i i in return, goods itor noticing the painting, asked, "Is iu.AI,,,.,, bringing ' I... and coal for the north ON thnt a member of the family?" "Oh. ou of th. follow iuk country. ieiijl The road is 83 miles in was length, com- that is my poor brother-in-lahinulk MirntNKS lor a:iipl or priTata & mencing at Ogden, junction of the U. P., I'luia Btyleowith the ingenious reply. aajitabla exten- - y. C. P. and Utah AT THE nun iui.r. nuu iiiniin, larumiiea wun Central roads, running j north to Brigham eiiinnoin inwij lor tiiimwutim use, IU eiu.li City and Corinne, from wnu exiranue lable, IU " A Blacksmith lifted up the hind foot EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY. there to Cache . HACIllxui wit4 table undcover, valley, passiug through J " r1 yt shoe on a to order of a mule in Mendon, Logan, Hyde Tark, Stnithfield, put Nli'inM witbeiicloned table lull cabinet . . Fuihmond and Franklin. H atyla, in HE HAS PURCHASED it,when the affectionate animal genThe luachinei at JlU are iirecis&lv tin. wn t' r Mr. House of iLimm itf liiirln.r ..rl.... fl.A ....I.. ,!:.. i Corinne, is about to put tly lifted him through the door out ..,... tlO I,. . .. ..!.;.. I.... tlu.t Itt.i "P two steam saw mills in addition to ...... at .... - lu.iiiir n street. the middle ,.lalu u, urav i. of ...B Up the into the mills Table aud Treadle, while thiwe ol a hiaher ZL already built in Oneida county; ara ornameuuil, witli elaborate aud o how much he thought asked iui8 gives being ... J price Iil.u.l good prospects for extensive ul said: he would . i 1.. mule weigh the business. A road both the are for ALSO, They 5 rahinet ityla. ou the his of the from weight people, and will increase the "Judging Mo extra change made for imrkiiiiror hip- TWeilue for this TerriUrv PRESS MACHINE! foot, I should think about twenty-fiv- e PATENT pine to any yu.il of the country. PieciiU I take the certificate for live year with every machine. opportunity of thanking the tons." VOR Kpeciuieua of Hewing, Ulin.trael cirrulam, t" "tamers ot the last Legislature for ev with nuii.erous recoinmeiidatiunx, whulcwale the Xirnt-ClnNU. X. H R. U. from taxation, opting cauli priceK, extraordinary iuduceineuta to x found the other were rats of lot A uie Btrugrrle has been a hard one to O agenU, ic, mailed lr... Kxcliwiv. control FROM A ol Territory giveu sratin to capable and Pt the road An tha day. in a hogshead that had been e ageut, lucrchauU, utoie keetiera. Ac. . juie FIETY TO SIXTY THOUSAND U ergetic anticipate its continuation through left open in a store at Jxeter. who will travel or open agenciea and exhibit - the widrtul meritN ot our tnachiuea in county to Montana. store cat. having been notified, climb lae increase of population is bound 'jw iLU'ir ocaiHiM auu vouch ortier.. MADE nf DAILY. BE CAN the of ed to the edge hogsheadjbut, to 0UTHT8 and COWTT R1UUT given FBU or r enlarge the vote for the next election, "a i believe by '70 the vote of Oneidi ter surveying the situation, jumped Ah uneqiuiW ijnick and honeat mouey C 2 making won y will be down and ran out at the deor, re- for male and lemale can- - C Luxine '72. in double was what it All Ordeis Promptly Filled. .. in all pai ta of the country. Chria- nil ik. with another cat. The two ' lu available lands have been stir art'pearins tiau Index, 5. V. Jan. 6th. . . p ... ?led, and much of it filed on for s looked at tneir iocs auu itmcu, uon CASH BKMITTAKCFJ Q p: and We onmiiiL' back with a third cat. They 01 claims. oiuit le m!e In iNxtt Office imwey crdera, made payable to. our older in "2. in!vPetilioned Congres3 for a land office Iirafw or Bank with their force 2 satisfied now seemed Jew York. Begiatered Letter or by ex- - g county, which we hoped would into the -j i preaa at our rUk. 11 wiU cost each 8et,,er and made an attack jumping All Ortl.ra audCaanmnnicatiau tuontb addition to the government hogshead. The cats, had, however, TrEEPS FOR 8ALK STUART p TUB BE?T AND CURAP Q aodraeeed to t0 come t0 fa" ,n,ir tnisfialpulated the foi co of their eu FORC'G m4 hliT A KOBEUT J. If ILI.IAW IV KST , B5et and return home. We for deep or .hallow walla. A)o, 339 fttrrct. ST. Y. K were killed, the other hope this FiMuti far Driva Walt rnwya. wiU aaiuble S Oaneral ManuSictiirari of Machlaery. ilter will be taken into consideration emy. and two m season to 8aye, its roo Ditiiur. PumM r.vaj red ao4 ttte'l mkh. We have every reason being takeq aU. Uraw.at t0 kVarly d7- orktlp,TtUUl; w Ptlegrte, Mr. lUUey. 605 IT. Fczrtli Street, tf to lSuildcrs. C. J. MILLER, X53PLIOI3Z. St. Louis, Mo r y . - v ry YAHD Ogden Bench, J, 2- - i i i nniEE or the finest f maciii-M- ( mm Brick Making Machines, I . ....- I I A . Jj Jj Work. en-- r- TUB MONITOR HAS GAINED A b de. atowed Uon a Corking f tcve than to ay tbut who nes It .peakr. ir, !fn iinie, every hnuna-wif- e and recoinmeud. it to her feeigtiborx and and reliaUiiiy iu ail it for economy, tdeauline No higher eniioiiiinm k, fperatioc. 31314 MONITORS now in USE, AUO, THE CELnHATID vaai-er- home-"ead- tor tOAi And Woed, through the Trr(t;rj, nh andDemand Knellence, cannut to pre-empti- PUW3PS!PUMPS! 1. hi' j4 PJ If:Mi life,' Arti-freeain- p- g 1H-- nt im Cttl TCbirh ki Ibr Beauty All mr iti.ytmvd. ntovM r for kt andBtaucI nd nil it iyZ.CH. I.ItMrM. . HnU J Aim Vy all tk (VfrtiTa Itorea ia ta |