Show JUVENILE OFFICERS HAVE delightful TRIP juvenile officer J frank bowring returned howe home tuesday from a trill through rich county in company with juvenile judge 11 II A federson the juvenile officials left ogden lost last friday morning over the U P and rode to evanston where they rook look the stage and were transported to randolph arriving there that same evening on oil sunday two mee meetings tings were held with the people of randolph at both of which the officials occupied most of the time in a discussion of the duties of parents to safeguard their children and also coln pointed ed out some of the pitfalls which the youth seem to fall into with more or less ease at the conclusion of the afternoon session the officials were driven by auto from Randol randolph to woodruff were an evening meeting was held and the same subjects were discussed on monday a run was made to lake town in the auto and the day was spent in meeting and conversing with the people the officials making it 11 a point to advise tile the fathers and mothers of some of the evils which exist and cautioned them to ever be on the lookout to see that their chil areu arcu are safeguarded as far au as it Is within their power so to do I 1 the he trip home was beg begun unon OD tuesday morning by team an obliging h nult hult n peddler proffering to share hi hii vehicle with the officers which invitation was gladly accepted the party came by way of the danish dugway and through blacksmith fork canyon stopping for lunch at the hardware ranch where they were regaled on fresh mountain milk bread and butter and other delicacies by mrs clarence A jensen the party arrived in hyrum early in the evening and mr air doering caught the evening train for home he states stages that when they arrived at randolph saturday evening there were two inches of snow on the ground which soon melted however but a heavy frost followed potatoes are not yet up in that secal section on and other vegetables are equally backward on account of the rather cold spring which that section has experienced vegetation that Is now BOW making growth looks beautiful and the year promises to be a big one yet mr bowring reports that the trip was a most satisfactory one all around the officials got a thorough insight to conditions and an acqulia tence with the people while the people were delighted to meet the officials and receive their ad advises advices vices |