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Show 1v ' I " GEORGE Q. CANNON,, 1 self-destruction- M runTJSIIKKj EIHTOU ANt , telegraph. ; GEOTHAX. . AKIClVAIxSiAND DEI'AItTUUES would reject with scorn any impu tation of that kind. He was a- - verv amiable, sociable and sensible man; and would not be likely to commit a senseless crime like that of even If there was any occasion for it which there was not, ..The prevalent Impression In rejrard to it is that he was enticed away on some plausible pretext and assassinated for his money. An Inquest will be held this evening.'?! It would be some 'satisfaction, to. aiscover the assassins, but a thousand such lives would not atone for crime like this Very respectfully,' (Bpeclal to iho Deteni JtXentng iYcwt.l DESERET EVENING NEWS. , 1 t - B,$TAOE.v li no iiJ' tlie UnUu PArlCe Teroalan ttie front ' .1; T ' 3. 1. t UallromO. r I ikmt it HEW ; ADVERTISEMENTS . Bud rjOTICE. ! ii Fanram, Gates, 'U G hurtliff, Mrs MoAllister, ornstme o itexaneau, ix u Wakefield. W K Thomas, Jas Gray, P H Jeflorson, J P J lines. Mr Paul, W--J Johnson, A M allot, C M Madson, T S Webber. fc-- HAVJ3 NOW THE 1 I f f if The California Eleven were victori - .April In ous of International the game H. S. ASS1SS0RSABVERTISEME5T cricket, 1, jieday, HOST C05IPLETE STOCK the Kcoie standing, lor me Caliiornians lo7, for the Victorians lio. WAR rnosrKCT. The lellow Jacket mine was opened ArriuAL to the Aasessor of Intern T the Termlnnw mt Union Paetfle op ALIj venue, relative to erroneous or exit h. ij was fire the still burn j. again yesterday; assessments or enumerations aiveTaluatloni', Thr news. In dispatches, that ing, JUlorts were made to extinguish ,5,i,J made and taken Ij by Assistant Assessors in iiie 'J Dunn. Tbos M. A Moore. P Marley. Kentuck and Crown Point divisions or uian UiKtnct, mnsi ite made in ail the war vessels in the Portsmouth it. The Nicholas Stoltii 11 SDioer. PiBeroilo; . Frank wrltlnie at my office, In" Bait ike City, ou or are no indi is shafts there still closed; 1 SCO. C Diariorlo. A It "are S Sam before the 10th day of April, to'be cation of fire In either of the latter and Charlestoa'navy "yard Georob J. Tayixb. Bradley, LucilleKeys. W Western Jos Nathan,' J Kirby, . If for immediate service, true, mines. , ' prepared - r 'to jym Th. followlug, letter kXSSFf.KXr'XZ' Assessor UUtrlctof Utab. looks aomevrhnt ominous, and seems as New - York. -- A, Boston special says, dlU-- i 1SC9. 31, March President-Yooc1 M A from received to letters wre has been handed to ever oflered the Public yesterday all GUmac, Jos Stoltz, B Fillett, Sam Tbey have yet If basineth, of an active and stirring of the navy directing the Filletts, A A Currier. II M Taylor. J Seitrel. nature, may le soon anticipated. The warSecretary ana ut for publication. at "trie vessels l'ortsmoum Ilerne. H A Hanson. T S Liee. E St JA I.OST. A Miner,' Michael Moran. Charles exnrscd policy of General Grant la re- Cuarlston- - navy yards to be got ready 6D. I Lodger, 5, Hyde Pa., April Park, on the 5th insf a emsU flight N tbla City, ThOmas, Joe Kllobinson, Frank Gilbert, ?. gard to the Alabama claims, and the for active service immediately. B. Youno. Brown Mare MULE, with rope round lu r Prest. Itarlng added to tnelr Stock bj sister.? wire mother and neck. Any person returning the same to JOrumor that an extra session of Congress Dear Brother: After writlhc to you in SEPH BUNOT, 20tn Ward, WiU bo liberally rv- about ten daysyvU-Itln- g there will shortly assemble for the porjroseof tarried .... , d!21 3 I . , warded. Ohio, Com17. EAST Tho debate i in the Iiondon, PURCHASES EXTEHSIVE w to the and Bain Culia and of either peacea- monson the Irish Church bill was repreaching the annexation their rnenus.a gooaV rnenuiy reeimsr . " prebly or by force, are indications that a sumed last evening. Disraeli moved to vaueueeoerauy. one i neiirhborltood in Honey, X Money ! ! Money; ! !.! At a time when Goods where. foreign war Jn not at all improbable; omit the following clause from the bill: a school-hous- e CTairtoa 4 J. T. Came. waa locked, (where-aThe attempt to annex the island "of Cu "oq and after the first or January mil. appointment btd been' font jfdr I 8AL.E A nOU8E and UOT In the First T?OIt the said union, created by act of Parlia- me) by order of one of the school direeDoors opn at n o'clock. )rmano6 to ha, at the present time, would most X? Tne House contains five roouj. Ward. I iii of i "'s ment -;. Mwwn the churches England tors. vnen tne people came a friend ne Rurpassea. uxxt iruti. weii ' ' i esnnoi ut to a rapture with Spain, and Ireland.shall H be dissolved, and that the door, Ac Apply to J. C. L.ITTLR- - j hi near Invited Into hM them living by rewarn, or on vne premises, to D. a. while the policy of the President iu the said church in Ireland, here in re- boose, and I preached to them there. Thus enabling then to BncceA&fully d!22JU21 lw BUtA. to as the Established Church; Good attention was ,1 seemgard to th&Alabaui claims, if enforced, ferredcease all giventand COMEDY. bo to established by law." ed to be very well pleased with' the din- would te almost ai certain to lead to a shall PA-EDiaraeli jSupported his proposition 'at course, and deprecated the lockouts rupture with,. Great Britain; and, in considerable length, and contended that From Ohio i came to L either case, success to our arms, and the the above clause destroys thesupremacy Schuylkill Co., I Pa where IPottsvllle. found a WITH ANT HOUSE IN THE C1TYJ and places the church at a orancn oi aoous nicy memoers, organiz enlargement of the domain W the Unit- of theCrown '.tttr dl29:ly Jtobert CoIJyex and ed by Brothers Stuart and D.usenberry ed States mf gut be confidently antici- disadvantge, Koaudell Palmer Sir spoke in opposi a iew monuxs;ago; tney aretscavierea THE'STRENGTH OF "THE 'COMPANY. pated. But it li to be hoped that the tion to the amendment. Gladstone also over Jast Arrived, by Express, a large scope of country In" t lie I President will not be hurried Into5 a spoke against the amendment. He coalmines. l Z A very choice selection of They are mostly, miners rTTH some of hU traversed the statements made 'by DIi- - frnm WIm nml h&vn hen hpr frntr JUL Jt 11 foreign war, however imuch raeu. ue tnougumat, noiwunsiana-In- g one to fifteen years. Some of them JLi 2ST MONDAY.'iAPBU; 19, 18G9, supporters may desire ' it, and however REVERE HOUSE ' BASEMENT IN FULL this clause, the supremacy of the joined the cnurcn twenty-eieh- t vears anxious some may bo for the annexation Crown would new te th SmsUsoal Jrama continue to exist, but In I BLASfi! in tne oia country, out have never Will prenUd .. . in 4 Acts, entiUea an altered rorm.v ir tnts amenument ago of Cuba and the BiitLh provinces. V to able been love still the gather; they successful it would absolutely des- truth, and desire to TOOTH'H selected Fresh Oysters, packed In Mrs; COLEBROOK's, In regard to Cuba, if the people of the were the Home of gather. Oove Oysters, PJgs Feet, Baltimore Ice, J bill. iThe the churches union of troy ficsaea Tripe, and tne cnotcest oi Island desire annexation, they. will. In would continue, but that union them expect to get out this season, but LADY Twodoors south of Post OCkcr-- . the of will have re tb?m to dllO lm greater part all probability, soon, have the privilege must not be enforced by parliamentary HOME LUXURIES The contention 'between the on hand. of declaring their wishes, and of becom- bonds. "Disraeli replied that he admitt main. constantly masters and miners causes about wages was a blow at ed mortal. his intention the Private apartments for guests. Finest Cigars and delays in the workf-so,tb- at ing American citizens without .rkvn were accept strikes motion the but ifrthe bill, Americans striking a blow. Tho strug- ed, the Government could still continue the major potUqii of , the miners canbut ieen called on a Mission, to ITHE BEST OF LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT. make a living. It js getting j to'be Having! gle for independence in that Island, their disendowment policy. The House just Intend leavlpg this City in a tew as an as tue In baa mines here ml. M. 8I31HOK8, Proprietor SXIm Annl Lockbart dllSlm which has been raging: for several divided on the motion, for 221, against almost and as vre Intend roHklng some cLarn:rs days, old in this the Andley, JMy respect. country The result was received with:- tre --4 In our business. From Pottsvllle I came to this 'place months, Is more than likely to termin- 341. ' mendous cheers Liberals. the by e All persons kuowiusr themselves in. toautlfal is In conclude the where with PJTo a there branch of thirty-fivComedy, ate faborably for the Cubans, even if un- i ueriin. ULsmarck accepted the in to Id tile & & debted is a members. This tie, Ciar. district 'I Apt,eStlUedJr mining assisted by a foreign power, It is true terpretation of "the responsibility of t Is a re A lie are and branch this Co., also, by requested toel('t-theidnpllcate pf JX V 6 A Ii Merchant .Tailors, that Spain is making, strong efforts to ministers' bill," which has just been the Pottsville Branch, v While areonnts forthwith. here I by the North German Parlia received an Invitation from Brother subdue the brave Islanders, but owing paused ment. The design or the measure is to Miles to visit NewTork. vIt being but LITTLE, GARRETT & CO., their thanks to the Pablle of S.L. tendering to the very unsettled state of their home check opposition IN ! to to the actual manage a few hour's ride dlBtant.I in bes dl29 Citv and lta tf respectfalty vicinity, Per Lkvi Gabrktt. accepted and them that they Jbave removed from ihelr , form affairs and the all bat bankrupt condi- ment of business. a week with the saints in that former place oflJaslhfess to more commodious San Francisco. 18. The United States spent tion of their, 'national , nuances, their steamer ramH AMnl.IxeUliart iTreraisec, siui&iea on ,X attended four meetings and oc-- Ann Cnrew j city. from .Mazatlan cupied. all the speaking time at each chances of holding Cuba are' slender. via La IZcsaoa arrived SOUTH FIRST! ,i. STREET, i she brings: Mazatlan ' On the 2nd Inst, I spent the Paz, Te popQlar Corned, lenuo aod YocaUst. if. a Block East of Godbe't KzcJumge THKRK was LiOftt from the Farm of IX Youus, Party faction Is so strong In that advices to March 21st, and La Paz ad- meeting; ,11.: most JiuUding. of the with day Ito.id, abort t the beginning of Joseph a splendid assortment of April, a Stateold country that, to prevent the outbreak of vices to April 8th. The sloon of war A. and John W., in yoilf fonnd be will Where Hew!ion, MAKE, rsmall white By.a little Ybrkj they Jamesto'wn. had put into Mazatlan with were wen. on and forehead white on three of , civil war, it would seem that theunited CA88IHEBES, BEAVERS, DOESKIlfS, stripe for left that 'venlnr Tuey e--, foal whtn lost and probably Was . her lefts. in , one oc . j had small death the pox aboard; VSlUtlii, . efforts of her best and wUest citizens will curred. The ticsaca encountered a Philadelphia, sand- tho next "day Ij came has a colt. Had on a red halter with short rop and having erenter facilities for carrylnr on the attached. Will appear lonlorrow Eveiitug. heavy to will the sarnt this person place, will TA1LOIW. MERCHANT M take business be required; ami In n country like gale during the jiassagef shipped several ,;ivi dl23-1- 0 as above., :restoring be rewardedAny vtv,--( .. former Elders ail In The tnelr in upon waiting pleasure and smashed her bulwarks, which well when last heard from. Brothers as many new ones as desire the audFirst-claSpain, where party strifo and division seas of and Fashionable Xallor, service to caused vessel leak aft. the are chronic there Is small "grounds to s and with by strict ability, supported r to solicit that liberal doincr well. The two Brothers Croahv attention punctuality, still hope for such a consamation, , how bestowed. patronage already and Brother ttlggs: are lnUla. having ever devotetlly it may be wished for. RECEIVED, by Express, a prood aTHIRKILL, ,1,it of LADIES' and CIIILDKEN'N dl24 lm i'pj X M. EAUh y ;( t TOST good success. '1 ne elder lirotner v;foa ; Hence It seems tu if theMiltiniato and ATS. Alsoaeood article oi to starts If expects' HATS for aale Cheap; at small company for complete success of Cuba is but a quea-i Nbwtox , Cache Co., MRS..A. RUMELL'S, "to son Brother and continue the Biggs Uonoftime. Mi Oms East ov-- Tueatbe. v 14th, 1869, April neia. work in that Should our . government interfere in dl21 lm ; ..,,5;;: ,; Editor Dcaeret News'. Sir. We have Brothers Boyl: Coray. Stuart. Busen the affairs foflCuba, and, render aid and often been told that "the Lord helps berrv and Lewis.are In XorfU Carol fna AT tnR assistance to those who axe regarded as those who helps themselves," but I and Virgrala where a good srorrkv u go our incr oni f Brothers Stewart and Bosen rebels by the Spanish government, they wish to ask wedo we all do for ENTIRE or HALF an Interest in rpUR to do for berry will return to Pennsylvania Id ' a Lord selves the wish what ItANCHB. suitable for Farmtne or Dalir. would be following the precedent set by AeaJn I wish to ask have you short time. .Brothers Uoyl and Coray, situated In Eat Kan yon. Rusb. Valley; 10 sere under cultivation with good House an l Corral. England during the rebellion, of which ceased to publish the News? Has the I Apply to HENRY' EARLES, Stockton, or on DESERET AT SALE to Or forth? FOR THEJ all ceased U in also saints the HILLS, now that such bitter complaint go fifld gather up being Telegraph .Change the d!22w y; prexntfes. ' ' -- r anu re--i ior iub wuu mo uuitj n nuifason made, and for which tho covernment I 8ua, we uiame some posimasier - r . tarn home with them. Thty expect to t seems determined to have Britain make a have or one of has seventy-riv- e As been company announced, previously r i restitution. X we of this place, Weston ana uxrora hundred souls, Brother Lewis will re Flannels, colored and frlilte, mall to am main in that field. rEOPiars trading STORK. In any case, war Is not necessary to have started a colored nnd white, TJnscys, our mall and Dix"are1h Brothers Church but Ten Bear from lliver north, TOOELE CITY, our national greatness. "Bet us have returns from there with an nessee but do not appear et with W O O L L E N 4 carrier Main & Vine SUu. Corner of t. he nawish the of peace,"--tn, Agen expressed S, sack. A long time ago we got much success there. . They will proba-- . empty on a hand and hoice anh constantly DOUBLE SIKGLK large KEEPS tlonV Chief Magistrate, Is endorsed by No. 7 of the Deseret News, the week biy go to North Carolina and Va.. and or DRY GOODH and GROCE-R- t KS. . Also PROVISIONS or every description. since when we join Brother Lewis. " I have suggested the thinking portion of tho people at following we got No. C, at Travelers to WHITJB PINK and elsewhere not seen the paper all.' ' this to them ns there Is quite an open Also;Solff,HamBss UpperLeatlier. can be supplied on reasonable terms. large, and it is far more desirable, and have a aware has We are that period ' -just lng in that field. dM2Jfcw76m .more necessary for the nation's welfare, passed called "Conference T fi fs An 1 time;'1 but I am in communication wltu scattered Si' one saints throughout the know of. ita here is that some prosperity and development, than war. all we... . mission who are .1 WWW l ' A in J VI ,1 11 yr ' even If the latter should leal to the passed through here yeeteruay loauea expecting to emigraio uii cun. HOUSEHOLD f FURniTURE FOR SALE rSL Louis, Jn about OU LOrOS 01 VHTK ana$t be tQ in I expect unlimited extension of Uncle rsm a ffQm Conference, and said they had a two weeks. 'My health Is first class. I I Ji-j- i. cCnEAJPi - V W Ji quamilY territorial domain. 01 oeerana Kind love toiPreaidents Smith, and lauiniaes. account of departure for the East,; Apply gooa good time, and we heard of one man Wells and the brethren with you. (Your A OAKS, sooth We ot uJ?i,ihJ?.?r,ml8c8 being "called on a mission;" more man 1 HeoondSoUUi Temple a doorV Haw.next Street, in we We not. learn know this wiv.i.i uroiner in tne gospei.; Movements or I'bbt. iouso .: , Richardson..) :; !:;- -. dl21 round-aboare at our UROWK. JOHN that papers Partt. Pr Deseret Te1e4rapn lino we Iiogaii. vnoway Knows if it is truer Ana learn that President Young and partj held If 'At the Deseret M ills. Big Kanyan Creek, were sent to Logan? Thb Bsmsn !Missio?TiFrom a 1.letter FOBSALE,CnEAP! true, they why on Saturdat at aflsr gprlngviile meeting We feel elthe.r.negected or imposed up from Elder Albert Carrington to pircsldlent I Or litliltraru'.-.ieaj- l :'roideuci A AtOBIE H TJskCity noTJSE, 33 x13 feet, containing on by some one,. and hope that editors iMpnt which was addressed i a hlghljr Jtx.- - two Rooms, well nalshed, a quart-r'oa. manner by Elders W. AVootlrnfl, and postmasters and private correspond "On the the 7th Inst., I met with the Saliits lot planted, with young trees, imand other .THEIR XoKXv Ward. provements, sitnatod tn lh i J SL, EUlredgo . president Jojiejph dents will try and h In us whiletowe are in Conference in jfJlasgow, with the 'follow. toKIdZABETH RKCSE, on the pre mApp'y and are, hard namea . "little" neip mg r.iuers irom utan: Jonn V. trying ise, f 2n I'nA- - Jnol ClrtwtJnmoa Kharn If ' OnvBuodr moralnj? meetUiR aHembled ourselves. 1, r. yc Let our mall come to Bear lliver Egan, LTW; ShurtlhTand 1L C. Jacobs, all at H a.10. and was audresod by I'rmident North ', Tho health. in excellent slxod hall week. a Smti&ns:: we And fret twice shall froodly it sjLtmtisr D. It. Wells and Eider Uxighaut Young, was several havinfctooocnDe ' we ever closely packed, will as bound . in then duty Jun. Many strangers were pres- py a side hall. mtV, Iu the "afternoon President Yonnrad thankful. HAVE a large quantity of good Blabs, for were and all ent, strictly attentive, and- ap--; on their lack of filth in WlIECLSB., dressed the HalnU lael or other purposes, at my Mill, in Soum a of of large Consisting to much variety interested': Ithe Mill Creek: Cafion. apparently 12 miles from ibe Temple the capacity of their leaders, which he said f remarks of the different speakers, , The Bloclc,- which 1 will Bell cheap, was. one of the, reasons why tbey did not St Elders present, whom I have already nam dllBU Miixs, near Ogden Taylob's J.' JT. TIIAYAT. advance foster, lie then aicoursHi on tho A' n au spoke weiv and appeared, to enjoy 156V. ed, those to 17U1, who the of ' the Ixrd Jul m t April kept A promised an i of the spirit of their caUinp.and toJbo TWnr Rlf Wti muchzealous Fjllirtr- TXrarrrf. Word of Wisdom, spoke Tory pointedly or tho in L. every performance very V Y ;rCcniIcmcn,,8, against tho useof narcotics, which was the Lave prohably heardsere this of tlie as- - duty and vAt latcst'dntes requirement. fc froDc tho Continent, brother TJicscr your 'v."".::."i"T 1 no 13 as .'i son i There or rest and tne tne; noya were yet f ttMca their cldUren tha use of ton: coffee. this, place B6ys;jiiM'? fcelinsr well and troinri on' nicelr.l for cettaiu- clue to the perpetrators of the well, jicoer, v .vout W Business to 2i0i?s f closed Having am which In a ueeu. can. nllitho I Rhort; very, thankful, An tuai loft iaru President and respecting Spring It Young pari y if i Mercantile Institution, in . so iaras x Know; are dqinj i aiders, V v me valleybest is, that after breakfasting in company their iot x ayon ai tj paiu Girls9 fcsed manu-to to magnify their callings and; wbicb former businessI j with myself and several others atbro. ' ManoCactujer8 of BRfrat. Mcbdku niur Eia Spkutos Edward Stratton's.he went down to the Boots ttmouhtof fbctutQ' Shoes and alare " A S "f V yStatxox. The Denver, iJx?Jtj 3naitai "switch," as usual.to attend to business man ri facta nxr" at mV Tan- from. Leather CIiIItLrcn's & for whom Bleater for he 4 Uo., T1 uery4tt-th- o Watt, Jfcics, states, that on the 5th Inst, a brutal lStfaWad,tyQP was agent at this place. lie had money murder was perpetrated oh the Smoky with I o w- 'dFPR 'MY-dhim and had borrowed a pistol for CiLLat DauTord &Tjtip, inl examine tlMlr II111 road about tlxreo miles west of Bij ne self protection, which took with hi La, Sleek ofDooU.Shdea and Hats, which tbe arp The last that was seen of him in life to acil at "prices which will Lull Two brothers, naincd Louis C. and Ed- - was at the pestollloe at I5i verdale. determined : . v dV21S. ., j mond Crewcr, arrived at the station tho across , the river, west of here. The ecj3rbOilyrf-VVJJ I . I ...IV. stage postmaster slates that he 'purchased Fob Salk Yarmouth Herring, tlailbott,' dar previous, and sold a horse to thotherem. AJSkt a SLA ja "Also a large stock of - l(T.0 i w. m r l i.r.,- - r.. the cash wrent r T company for fJO, receivingseen out. and Two Codfl.ib, Haddock; Whiter Fish, Sslmon, Red atampa, f H H t ' Vlr br members men, one light complecuoneu.tue other Clover BmvI, Tlrdolhy Reed,; Hed Top for. Tho transaction wat tI f U. S. of a detachment of the 1ThLrty-ci-ht- h aort-tnent'wore a can, were Roond and, pval jDow; ntn Wtvol one whom of dark, an fact tho tho that r Infantry, (oiored) Ctndien, wb6leMde,' at Ceo. 06dJard'p. J5' Sole; j Messrs. Crevier hvl tho money was well seen to follow him rapidly up. to the 'ry? i sometirae": after h, known to them. . On Monday morning oSieo and co.in. and ejiiifcr Tit ron Bale, by J.T. Lyon, pIastererJl2th la tliey started early, traveling towards Den wards were efeu to return and get into . Ward.-out about threa .. bound caboose , Bast. miles when from ., and Harness trti' XT! d!2l train the ver, tu illtho station they met three of tho soldiers. Suspicion points to these men, but the firait. feeelvrd fron Jh tm I rliirpt4f.aort who stopped them and asked for chewing description is so indefinite that It would meat pf Clocka, by Cwl C. iluor neat 4! CalT Aamasen, I tobacco. E urevier was anrmg, and re be dltllcult to fasten the crime upon to the Port Office. fiml Lake , isww, A ILZ City Loui brother would ' his that glvo them. Bro. Iloberts was found about ' :;.'.' plied .i .i then seme, which ho did.. Two of them 4 p.m., on an old road'leadlng to Bait WumcD LiMBt)iATi,Tv Ooe audrod Qorda taken a chew stepped back's few Lake having ana OF WHICrf I H&VE A URGE STOCK, 1 :? Bagar lust at the foot of the bench. of Oood Fire Wood at the PnpeT Mill, paces, while, the thiru was tnking a There City, Ocmatv. Bait Like must was HoaseVartr, a wound which pistol chew he too stepped back a short dlstahre, All of the above Goods i when the other two lirtxl at tho Crevicrs. have been A red from the front, at close Having latly rtoclved exteaslve adllloha o EJiaond was hH In t&a tead, the 'ball-- a quarters, as his clothing was scorched oar already laxze and varied flock, in the ahace at Albany, V.) out tvear infrout by the blaze of the powder. of type, preeaes, Ac. terlnstrorn bt'hlid oar facilities for exeeh- UEIRE DEIEQIIIEDIO CLEAR OUT foundries his left cye. killiDg elm Instantly. Louis lUs pistol trai, found at some' distance Uns all klnda pf Job Work In the best and hiost ifi .,lim': v escaped with only a slight scratch on his from his person with all the chambers improved styles have been crently Increased. AT MV left shoulder. Tho horses took fright nt but onq'emptled. His pistol belt was (uvl outoer ftabjiAhricnu;ca.a be abovls thelatestlm proved T EPRESENTED lho roport airtl started to run away; Louis miislhg, tno-- ST3prUed with pEaln or tinted Order and Itecelpt lac door west of the Engle Emporli alao book his and pocket fctove for a thoroush andecoaomlcal comJX Crevier laid down in tho wagon and let of Bloclc, and every , lad !of bustion vt Western Coal. l. j o. : t n them run. Tho soldiers fullowed, bat wero Tho postmaster says lio Ecenied ratbir IlooSs,Ortlficatdi vf 41. I Ifarnesa Makers. Biol and Bhoo Mautuactn 1 froin th BridBthe clty Tho tho country to them. of overtake work, prdws Onir Stock1 embrace over n: Unndred unablo body oi iub w 11 rervi'r More, respectfully soUa; ted; f (.if ' and for Keanty; Darabllity deceased was interred th I ' evening. He low spirited:, but th? f.xct of the stamps" settlements uj if. im Vrltie. caU.r la unsnrpa-ssed- . voars old, and a rc!dnt and portmonnale being abisentromjiis We have received oas ot tha latest improved tid It ihei r tl vtu: ttze lo t i 7 and "c was twenty-seve- n Utility inferior are Lower tban Oar i'ricen would prove- that It ccali jwt ruling machine; an3 arejt thre:ef e, irepared f Tavpnwftrth. llaifyuu Ills brother iiona pcr&on can be for. Stoves Lk bought were case a C. W. They of suicide,- If such proof were to do all klnda of failing, ackrdIsgrto order, bn o appp resident of Montreal, Catalogaet and Price Liata furnished cauon. ;,4f;.;3.diiy-t- f necessary; but any one who knew him the shortest notice. . their way to Denver. dl092vr dt din tr I9. to-da- i v'fl v , , ; . 'TyS adSd . -- - f I - - ft m m .' - n ci-e- cer-taiu)y)l- U n ml 1 ! " , I 1 Lowest, JLt tlxciz? sad ft IT MM PRICES COM I r ! ; Oysters! Oysters! I - MI L i RRY 1 AODLETS , it-- 7 notice: 4mm i - - . A WOLF'S ; THIREILL SHEEP EARL, rtt Garf-eU,,'orX- r ! CLOTHING 33.00 BEWABi). 2 t; i to-da- it y; One-thi- rd ill-fat- ed , pii - i- ll '.utti.! ar . cus-ume- rs. . loffle ss TwIiLLIWERY. flrat-elas- - , 4-1,-j- . UOME-MAD- K i : Exx)CE-Axx-A-iiA-ur - WOOL WANTED DESERET MILLS. , of Business! ; ! . . i : , 1 T i semi-week- the ly j YARN to-tne- - p m slln?liT . SOii33 . I V- f I ao v -- " , J-- ' . 2- . . ut i' ln-Urc- f "il t . ' I - I 11 HOME ? " ITT IMMENSE STOM PMUFCmURE f . j -- i 4 I ti t - Indies, I I - ; , fBm--.fi- to-da- EEFOVAL. :: y. ' A ' f . 1 1 . Co-oporat- lvd . 1 -- . , 1 - f5 -- S i 'mm -- - s nm-..AiH4r- i :j'ai - ...r . T A , no a fw,- - .a. ' i I 1 ! ' lt, ii , -- - diw ii if- mtf-g FASHIONABLE ..::.u x ft : I of 1 4-Tt . 1 ; EH.M ; ; V - ... y 71 i ? aJKi-corui- -- nc i , -- ve - (. fc. -- duni?ord;&sons. 1 |