Show 00 I BIDS OPE OPENED ED ON ONI PAVING PAVING- Bids were opened by the tho city commissioners Wednesday edn on par par- Ing pavIng paring district and nd referred to the city engineers engineer's office tor for comple comple- completion completion tion Uon The Tho Union Construction com corn company company pany bid as a s Sheet asphalt 60 10 on ona ona a 0 concrete base baso 90 30 rein rein- reinforced reinforced reinforced forced concrete SO 60 and Ion on a blacic base with LAO days day for forthe forthe forthe the The Th e Maguiro bid as fol- fol follows follows fol follows lows Sheet asphalt 85 05 on concrete bail base on a black base 25 75 days day required for completion corl Two bids bid were war also received on curb and gutter fUtter district The Tho Union construction company bid and 60 fO das dabs for Cor comple comple- completion completion tion of o the work Tho The Wheel Wheels right Construction company bid 50 60 50 with 00 da days for completion I |