Show K' in regard to oar schools parents nets duties to perform which they to neglect They sh'eulc JrirulJ children that lbe£ have tbeschnol They sboiilc A Weekly Newspaper Published examine carefully the reports sent by Every Friday At Saline Utah" the teacher should see that their chile ren are iu school every da£ and punc - $150 Per Vear dial should assist and enrou'rage their Subscription Price children to do all their school duties falthfullv and writ should C N LUND JR Editor end Manage? with the teacher in curing the prompt reMjin of J heir children home after sohool is dismissed' should make UJVElITIflXi a TVS IN EITCT JnSll&K) friendly visit to th? school and talk —J'Isf lay 26 cents per inch per issue freely with the teueber and principal I’y lie month SO cents pe inch in regal d to same THE SAUNA CALL fthr ircnnUjt oeo ill afford show to their an interest in Headers lOceots per liue at insertior A good joke ou ay editor o cents per line subsequent insertion one eveping to yepppt a party UUit ubiUi- teids of Thanks Resolublessed f Ob a new recently 5 rente per line tions (t met his hostess at the door who went at a home baby He and after W null the usual saluations he asked aftei: the mnift If far mb it Mmsm— Wtt Hi aind'i baby's health TheTudy who was quite suffering with the grippe But for me and I care not a single fig: deaf and he was asking after her cold I I am or thought If they say am wrong right M answered that although she usually y heart will beat while it beats at all For the under dog in the fight had one evfery whiter this was the worst oue ehe ever bud it kept her Thu ifullowing from the Lone Cedar awskeat night a' good deal and at first bed Then noticing cf Kanab may be of interest to many was getting newspaperman and U directed at certain inexcusable “Under the law many leg nervous she said she could tell by his conditions: to have one al notices may be posted ia publio looks that be was going places in the country or pntlisbed in just like hers and asked him to go in the country paper a certain length of and sit down To rublieb the notice costa time A money to poet It costs nothing Some men belong to every society in publi shed notice goes into the homes the neighborhood but the society of of the people and is really made public their home a posted notice ie seen by a small frac tiou of the few who come that way A published notice is seen mostly by the If a man thinks a great deal of bis industrious a posted notice ia most wife he gets lots of nicethings for her familiar to loafers The publiahed not when she is sick which he eats himself ice adds strength to the home paper the posted notice adds eyesores to You don’t have to go to war to be public places The tax for the publi patriotic Improve yonr locality upshed notice suioot hs t he crputes of care hold your town enlarge its interests from the editor's brow and casts over and lend a hand to progress and you his home the halo of couteutiueut the area patriot— a lover of your country lacks iu the posted notice mar paiuted as truly as the soldier who shoulders a doors and walls and disfigure trees musket The posted with annoying wounds notice is fortowns that have no paper A woman went into a newspaper ofIn a town with a paper it indicates fice and wished tp advertise for her that the man wto posted it is not in husband who bad disappeared When harmony with the spirit of progiess— at told that thev charged two dollars an least in that one particular inch she went out saying it would break her up at that rate as her husband was over 6ix feet long According to the Cambridge Herald a number of grocery firms In an Eastern Ohio town have printed a lot of A Continual Christmas cards with their names on one side and Let no pleasure tempi thee no the following on the ott er: “Anyone profit allure thee no ambBlrr corrupt who diinks three glasses of whiskey a thee no example sway the no move thee to do anything thou day for one year and pays ten cents a thou aldrink for it can have in exohange at know’est to be evil so ways live jolllly for a good conscience auy of the firms whose name appears is a continual Christmas— Benjamin on this caid 3 barrels of fionr 2(1 Franklin cf potatoes 200 ponndsof granu lnted sugar 1 barrel of crackers one Opposed to School Fraternities ponnd of pepper 2 pounds of tea 50 Berkeley Cal has a pounds of butter CO pounds of shit 20 of schools who has no superintendent use for “kid 25 10 rice cheese of of pounds pounds frats" He has Informed the students pounds of oeffee 10 pounds candy 8doj that unless the charier of every fratans tomatoes 10 dozen bananas 2doz ternity and society In the schools is returned at once-tthe national headcans corn 18 boxes matches bushel bsani 100 cakes soap 12 paok quarters those who retain membership will be summarily expelled He deages rolled oats for the same money clares that the fraternities’ destroy and get $1530 premium for making the and harmony promote cliques unity chaBge ia bis expenditures” and Interfere with studies titirC “r ' luxury I" the- country of the barefoot fcoultl luxury be imputed to the first main who made himself a pair of shoos? Was be not ruthei a model’ o’f sense and industry? Sd’ of the jaian who contrived the first shirt to the man who had it wfnshed and iorned I set hiiu down s an absolute gcnfffc abundant in resources and qualified to' govern a state Naturally however' a society unused td clean shirts looked upon him as an effeminate goxcomb who was likely tp corrupt ilid simplicity of the nation— Voltaire! Gambia for Maids “Many queer reasons are advanced by servant girl3 fop losing a place" 6ald the managed of the employment bureau “but the Queerest ! have ever heard was given by a girl who blew In hers last weejc Her (lafce mistress was a bridge fiend One day for the want of money to bet she and her friends played’ with their maids for stakes At the end of tire game each woman considered herself in honor bound to stick to hdr agreement and an attempt was" really made to swap servants according td the ups and downs of the game Some of the girls thus' raffled1 off changed places willingly enough but that client of mine refused to bo swapped and hus- It tled around buhting £ new job"— New York Sun iM4y OVER it lO Hack Express and Freight Delivery and All Transfer Annn ismllng tketrh and description mar ecUtlu our opinion free wiielhor an Ooli'klr Comm mi Ira Invention Is prohnhlr pntentHlile lions strictly confidential on Cutouts out free Oiliest auenojr fur securingCopatent rnlents tilron throuuh Muim roculrs limit clmree lu (lie tptciitl notice Business' See Scientific JUnerlcan FRANK HERBERT hniulanntslr llliitml4 weakly Ienrnet of liny n'lonUdo journul Terms fi a fU Sold by all tiewedpulurs yfl'irjjour pinouti & Co?6J!oadwNew York liraovb Office $2S P St Wnahlmiton I) C 1 Leather Harness Harness Yaddhe Hme I'Mlci fullline of Mtn’p trd Eojs’ DioMi-Our getfls ale lle Hat m d pue- tl line and be convinced our ill Fi?nish Livery Rigs Goods- - £nd Sh’oj) Shoe Store Tr tin dWiprr CiMtr anti a iL irtif WeVtiHycur trade in aid Uik ovei e lev tit Tup Afu&aMuws I— Meats and - Groceries Gf SALINA MEAT & SUPPLY CO EDiSON PHONOGRAPHS EDISON RECORDS We have beetf trying for a year and a half to ' get the Lewis Drug Oo to handle our Phonographs and have atlast 'a succeeded hey will carry the different 6ized machined instock at all times also the two minute or standard records and the Ambrol or four minute records We bave sent the Lewi? Drug Co some of most records we have in both the two minute and the four minute kinds If you like fine musio go in and hearths EDISON play Yours lruly Furniture? Yes There is nothing better And so Edison Phon ograiph Co many i lines K J PETERSON if YSU Want Call It Everything 0 nils In fine MERCHANDISE it THE CO-O- P Tam i Choicest Danclrtg Girl Now Ruler’s Wife Taria is at present Interested In the who of Kapurthala Is maharajah there with his’ wife whom he first met n Madrid as a dancing Anita girl Delgado was graceful and beautiful and the' maharajah lost no time In winning her regard He took her to Parts to be trained' for the position ehe was to occupy sand she developed into a handsome woman of dignity and presence Later he carried her to his home In India and last winter married her with Oriental ceremony SeaiuR by wire is the next thing in A Paris cablegram to t he N? w order Yoik W'orld eeye: “Two Frenchmen have invented an apparatus for trans mitting by wire the reflected likeness of persons standing at either end en abling people talking over a telephone to see as well as hear each other The investors are both well known for re ' search When we read the pathetio stories ia the Saa telling of a woeful lack of support and when we know that stock holders whose veracity is unquestioned have told oe that the Reaper has beeu a loosing proposition fioancl ally ever siaco the present company took hold of it we naturally oonolude that the Salina Call is the only paying newspaper proposition in the county and it is not paying anything like a bonanza let as whisper to you I FOR Trade Marks DtaiON8 Copyright Ac - threatened to boyootb the Some if it stood for the county to bond for good roads Well bpndlng is pur hentiment and we eball stand for b&t Teople are every where turning their attention to good roade and paved streets and sidewalks Why not ws in is a settled fact that those 8evier? ooming after na will bave these good Why should we wallow in the things mud and mire all our days creating wealth with which those coming after r us can 6D joy tbs luxuries that we ourselves Our motto should be: If we see anything coming that would better oar lives end enable ns to enjoy more and better our lives let with open arms embrace YEARS’ EXPERIENCE STORE 'go To N |