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Show "BABY Page Three MINE" LIKELY TO BE HOWLING SUCCESS' 'GRADS MAKE AS PREACHERS. GOOD A of the cast of the' college survey reveals that every L. D. S. are hard working very missionary but cnej out from. St. George play, "Baby Mine, to make it the "howling, side splitting" stake is a former student of Dixie cdlqge. success that it can be It also roveals that the majority of as the jealous husband, Zion Park stake missionaries are' former Alpine Shirts, and is ranting roaring all over the Dixie students. A. K. Ilafen has place. Helen Miles, as Joio, his loving just completed the andout into. herself and lies has the lists, with the adsurvey little wife, dresses of those out in the field. Stuof a lot of trouble. to as has suffer dent interested in writing to any of Ross Esplin, Jimmie, and of his sins t'he for wife, the missionaries may get information others; Aggie, played by Verl Paxman, helps to from Mr. Hafen. The members- as miserable as make him possible. D.- members of the cast, of whom we shall hear more later, are: Policeman Finnegan, Jack Rencher; Rosa, an Italian mother, Mary Paxman; Michael OFlarity, Merrill Cox; Maggie, his daughter, Emily Brown; and Policeman Donncvan, Lai loin Other Lamb . .D. ACTIVITIES ALPHA THETA PLAITS economics club, Alpha Theta, home The held meetings Monday and Wednesday, ' ruary 10 and 12, This new club of the school seems really to be up and. coming. Feb- are planning a trip in the spring to visit some of the home economics departments in 'the schools in the northern part of the state. The next meeting of. the Alpha Theta will be held next Wednesday , February 19, at 5. p.m. , in the Science building. All members are urged to be there, They .D. VISITS CEDAR INSTITUTE Tuesday Mr. Welker made a trip to Cedar City, where he visited the Insti- WEIIIER FACULTY Glen 3, PATRIOTIC PROGRAM WOIIEU TO HAVE "Abraham Smith Lincoln," will reviev; the play, by John Drinkwater, at the meeting of the Faculty club next Thursday afternoon at the Science building. Women1 s A: 30 in Stanley Schmutz, director of music at the Woodward high, will have charge of the music for the patriotic theme. Miss Linna Snow and Mrs. Ann Robinson will be the hostesses. D. GIRLS 'TO PARTICIPATE III DAHCE MEET Representatives from Dixie college who will participate in the State College association dance reviev; Women's Athletic tomorrow, left this morning for Provo. Students to present the dance are Delna Janice Alice Thompson, Farnsworth, and Vivian Schnutz Prince. be accompanied by their inThey will, structor, Mrs. Wells, pianist. Tolnan, and Mary Lou . tute. Gustave. 0, ... who Larson, structor in' Institute Mr. accompanied fine building. basement, where work 'Welker It 'is ping-po- is the ; their a U.E.A. SPEAKER Raifner, representative Mr. the Department of Classroom Teachers on the N. S, A., and Mr; N. Howard JenE. A, U. sen, representative, spoke to of Washington county here teachers and similar Wednesday night. equipped with ng MEMBERS HEAR Wilbur W. of in- in Cedar, through F.T.A. the college F. T. A, club attended the a body. According to. Mr. Larson, there is a meeting in .D. growing interest, 'in the Lambda Delta games The. are played. - Sigma in that section. .D'. THE WAY TO A MANS HEART-- -- A CAMPAIGN ducted classes. by Mr. ON HONESTY is being con- Corbett in his seminary This is accomplished by a series of Joyce Wilkins, the only girl in col- the tests. Mr. Corbett states that 1 ;ivtaking second year algobrc about so have 69$, far classes averaged ing the boys a party, -and is that it interesting to note the carry on the tradition, that tho different conceptions of what is right way' to tho boy's heart is through his of the and wrong. servos tho boys .D. class suckers and. cookies every few PLEDGING SERVICES FOR ALL LAMBDA DELTA weeks. Being the only girl of the class, she need not worry about competition SIGMA CANDIDATES will be held Sunday at 7:30 in. the Institute building. from other smart girls of the school. stomach, Joyce |