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Show &0QBOa YHOS 1033eGBa& NEYS J TELS HOTEL FLAN DO ME, v I i.te-a j- $v n il - -- ' NS. ' .v7 ' -n ,V i , . " - 1 - A'.kT .4 ' ' . . .I TO UNCLE SAM, it proprietor, Yellow- stone National Park is acres of woodland. But to last year's 499,242 Visitors the park is also remembered for its 1,500 "savages," mostly college students who so-ma- ny -- tov ?) t v ,'T'v ! ' v v;) U, i v V i spend their vacations serving park guests. Marjy come from prominent families. Savages are notorious for their colorful vocabulary. To them visitors arriving in busses are "dudes," (driven by Dishwhile campers are washers become "pearldivers." Laundresses are "bubble queens" and a howling baby is a "lap organ." Most versatile of stone's savages is the. "pack rat" who does everything from wheeling grips in a "mollie" (baggage cart) to lighting cabin fires with , s f tsTlN itav-rV- ' ,'tT i "gear-jammers- ") "sage-brushe- rs ViA Vi ? s. f. ffv'tlVV' aV- '" - ( a' ' "dope." 3S CLAY PRODUCTS FACE BRICK ROonGTnT Bawar Pipa Flu. .,nlnf all CLAY PRODl tTS UTAH FIRE CLAY CO. . SALT J l, ISO PHOTO Roll Dea. with Print. No ttamna. ppf mJ SERVICE, P.O, BaxM I. s.uY;wrrgj t brantifS""! films DEVELOPED Panai, Bawlad Print In Deltua Albil t aularrin rotrpona. Sir coia tL p Portland Photoa, Bo S91-EMBOSSO PHOTOS Film. aaparh, wkta border, ambo-we- j p1Mj and S enlarflnc coupons. 25r col. 1 Photoa. Bo Zll-Portland, Otr y, J. X Bab to taacbara. S.ianer mernal anhiccU. I Month. 35 lr haakkaapiag. abartkaad, .tr. ark far raaM and 'bordW ti ALT LAKE BUSINESS V Atlas Bid, Salt SMITHSONIAN BU8MW cbujJ Oadra, It.h six-gu- B :: ho t77" .'A BpccUl V s V fy Nevada the wilson VEEK President Ge tulle NEW of Brazil was a tar western frontiersman in his youth, still wearing 'bombachos," or '? gaucho trousers, for Informal dress,' and quite In char acter pumping a n at the pal a Graustark down and ace, putting lan revolt " A swarthy, stocky little man, quick cm the draw he has never been f and Impromptu shooting gun-sh''J has beed an occasional obligato In his rise to supreme power. When he established his totalitarian state en November II of last year, there were those whe aid he was dealing In the dark f the mesa with the green shirts that here was where Germany d on and fascism got a continent. this The green shirt revolt and Its vigorous suppression by Sr. Vargas seems to be an- answer to that, even If he had not previously made It clear that his authoritarian state was not of the European model. Brazil has a complex racial make up which provides no proscribed group or racial myth, the first requirement in fascist technique, end furthermore, when It comes to strong-argovernment, worked Self as lake' of all South American countries have City Midgley Agnes "heaver" (waitress) last summer. She. was one of 'plenty of home talent and indige1,500 savages chosen from among thousands of nous skilL Sr. Vargas recruited his political applications. Workers arrive by June 15 each as a liberal. He denounced following year, promptly forgetting that last week they were monopoly and promised the overfootball captains or campus queens. Overnight throw of the coffee plantation hotejs and cabins. But kings. they awaken winter-wear- y the park has been open for several weeks. .He seised power la 1931 by the overthrew ef President Washington Luis, with the aid of his lifetime friend, old General j nEso i. HOTEL COLDEN R.n', U"V t papalar tiM.i YORK. N u wt By LEMUEL F. PARTON 1 Kitn lsalt 8tai d,fc Ea. THIS M IN J Ttsniar, Jm. . THE WEEKLY REFLEX PAGE S POULTRY FARM 14 Mila aaath af Salt Lake. madam S rasas haaa with (arnut. INI chicks. Madam ceopi with watar. tl7.SM.a. Terms. MILLER 4k VIFLE 14 r.rhawre Place Salt l.k. th toe-hol- ALCOHOL TREATMENT - Car aeeorapU.h.4 without drum, or Narcotic andcr aupmruicn of kw w, ciaa if deal red. IaUrmaanUm 114 th South - . S.lt tjfr Et FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRS Makto ' Pen. and Pencil. Podww L ehanred All Part Held. Ah.cftt, hi W.term. a Pane Paactla.It Hour In - . 8.H Uki BFLP PEN SHOP . AO . BUILDING MATERIAL INTERSTATE BRICK CO. Fire Or Building and Fir Brick Hollow Building Tile Vttnfcd ki Roof and Km Drain Til Pip SIM S. llth E.. SALT LAKE II m j p. U P OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND CSED Saak and tkalra. tTMwrlt.r. addiag mch'a, .air., S. S(W S. State. S.N DESK bk-- (, EX., ATHLETIC GOODS GREAT WESTERN ATHLETIC COON L'alfarma, Bata, Glarr. Bamh.lh, StliH Hi V.llihalla, Athlrtir almra, tt. IDAHO SCHOOL ArPPLY CO.-- SU L FEMALE HELP Opening far Lad? t Demoratrati CHARM COSMETICS m4 r Writ 14 Eu.t Bdy, Bah Lake Cltr. Fi Aurelia MontelrL Lnls had won the election against him, but Vargaa raised cry of fraud. From.the first he ruled partially by decree, now entirely, since the adoption of the ICE CREAM FREEZERS SODA. FOUNTAINS constitution of No10. His reof organization the country fol- vember ICE CREAM CK TER FREEZERS and Ice Cnum cUkm Bar Fixture., Stool., Carbonaton, L Tablet Ala recanditioned eou.pmrat CO. M.nifacttm IS Paat OtTire PUee - - Salt Ufa MOSER-HARTMA- N I SENSIBLY REDUCE 8EXSIBLT I Chart ami b Hn lowed established dictatorial prac- REDUCE Horn free Writ Dr. Wendt, Uu tice in the formation of. labor South DiiVotm. the fixing of maxisyndicates, MOTORCYCLES mum and minimum wages, and N X the denial of all rights of free press HARLEY U d Motorryele. Write for mttia and free assemblage. HOUSE OP HOPPER. 14 E. Bdr, Sail U He Is a famous orator, speaking FURNITURE a fluent and flowery Portuguese, usnaNew t s 11 carpet rug SI4.9S: Um4 S ing the radio a great deal in coal ran S3S 94 ; Uaed mohair tional appeals. He Is credited with et 439.60! Uaed upright pian Bargain Baaem.nt Waatarn Farnmn,( Just about the shrewdest political 136 South State Salt lak nr intelligence in South America. In his prairie town, he attended a priFENCES vate college, later enrolled in a FENCE military college, but was diverted to Wonderful new aontrolkra deaigned fw4 the law. effeeUveneaa and improved ufetr. h His rise through minor offices to ar anit aleetrlftaa ten mik of fene ri po.tp.id- - Batter the national congress parallels the from SIS np to 124,66 aperated. Saleame Wanted. standard career chart of our con- power INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC rEN'CS Portland. Oregan gressional record biographies disSALT trict attorney, state legislature and WNU Waak N. SS 21 an the rest of It. Ml 3c A Senator's daughter, Marjorie Nye of Cooperstown, N. D was a "pillow puncher." So was Marjorie Thacker (right) o They lived In the girls' dormitory, "Sleepy Minneapolis. Hollow, and maintained cabins at one of Yellowstone's sis camping centers. The government fee for visitors Is $3 par car. Additional costs, regulated by the government, depend on accommodations. ... ELECTRIC I a '. i ' , A ' iv - Paint Metsl Before applying paint to cop; or brass, the surface should b erly treated to eliminate all f This may be done by scrubbing surface with gasoline, or etching with blue vitriol in Mock War How to Paint Blackboard To re finish a blackboard, P1 first with one coat of ordinary bl Follow this with a coat of bi paint mixed with turpentine of oil. The resulting finish viD b dead black. j make-believ- unified command. Major General Frank M. Andrews, running the show, is one of the few flying generals. He gathered up the strands of the unified service when the GHQ air force, which he commands, moved Into the huge air base at Langley field. March L 1935. Called the handsomest man tn the service, he is quietly effective and the last man tn the - world to be called a swivel-cha- ir officer. Ho warns the country against a shortage of filers and urges civilian training. He was not aa A. E. F. flier. In 1934 bo mado the unusual jump from lieutenant-colone- l to brigadier-generand waa made a in 1935. He was graduated from West Point In 190d and waa with the cavalry on the Mexican border, before he found his wings. illustrated Yellowstone offers romance for savages in "rotten logging"-a- s Dakota of Dean North by a university of Montana collegian and Miss Carol activities. university. Savages also enjoy mountain climbing and group Hw t e 'HE war In which A the eastern aeaboard was defended against black expeditionary forces from overseas was the first large-scal- e . Air forces work-ou- t of our Defend U. S. flying fortresses I al major-gener- b, the tyg NEW GRAND M. H. THOMPSON al Manager , SJt Isls Ctys Popelar MediJ ant Hofei, Located et 4A Soatb News Features, I CoMolWstrt WNU Service. How to Store Kitchen Km If kitchen knives are to be New Yerk, Empire State must be stored prop New York appropriated the title sharp they Fit them into a groved box. Empire state" when It surpassed become dull& j by rubbing eU othentatet Tapopulatloo,' comarticles. merce and wealth. New York. N. Y. is sometimes known as the Em- M 4 .. I . pire city." On December 2, la Teply to saaddress of the 1784, com- mon coundil of New York, General Washington wrote as follows to Mayor James Duane: I pray that Heaven bestow its choicest blessings on your city; that a and beneficial commerce may enrich your citizens, and that your state (at present the seat of empire) may set such examples of wisdom and liberality as shall have a tendency to strengthen and give a permanen. cy to the union at home, and credit and respectability abroad." THE BELVEDERE Salt Largest i j vit: ' College tdenci lnttructort,like NeiLMiner (left) show tourists the park and wonders." Af right is William Kearns, assistant park are called "90-da- y naturalist. A small staff of rangers and naturalists is maintained all year. V 1 Hot1 Apt 144 well-regulat- A typical smiling "pack rat" who live in the "rat's nest" (men's dormitory) was Dale Farringer of North Dakota university. But the most authentic type of savaae is Archie Martin, Yellowstone's head wrangler In charge of saddle trips. Some "dude" riders ad for saddles without the horn (Western type) because they "dont expect much traffic." Lsk aad Dr Wh Art B4 ILI J11 and a The BELVEDERE APARTMENT HOTEL S Em Etota SL. TrL Waa. 17 Salt Lak Calvin O. J- - zL r 6 |