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Show "WEATHER. Mostly Wednesday and Thursdsy, wirww) northwt Wsdnesdsy. Local Ssttltment Prtoss. 17 Silver . ,., , II 4ft Copper (cathode ...fli.l"a Zino .04t fir Ld Tribune Wants are the" direct course of communi-- 5 cation between employer .- 115, NO. 48.- yOL. and employee. S ALT LAKE CITY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, - JUNE 1, 1927. 21 PAGES . FIVE CENTS m , King George Awards CARBON Pilot Flying Cross; Takes Warship Home LAND IIIS Lindbergh; New Honor and Fame Attend Finds Ruler Human; Back to France Thursday; Bids Faithful Plane Good-by- . conr I fill Acquisition of Title Viola tion of Principles, U. o. Lindbergh's Own Story (Copyright. 1921, in tha United States, Canada. Mexico, Cuba, South America, Times company.) Japan, Burop ud tha British Empire, by the New York (All rights reserved. Special cable to the New York. Times.) . COIIY iribunal Molds. Case Involving Independ ent and Other ' Firms Due de Guise Takes Second Place to Pilot DABIS, (AP). If May 31 tain Lindbergh wen the do Guise 1 LIMIT 2-M- ILE HER Cap- Due SIX BALLOONS TO I; STAY IN claimant to (bourbon tho French throne), "he could bo a king of Franco tomorrow, ' ' said e Marshal Liautey, French resident general of . Morocco, In discussing tho aviator's popularity in France. ' 'And If tho doc had don. what Lindbergh has done, ho also could be king tomorrow," the marshal LIQUOR PATROL Losing Grip ";, l TSD-LIN- 'S FLEES BEFORE V NINE REPOR T SOUTH S PUSH one-tim- Guard concluded. Silent SPAIN TAKES 'Jv Rules Van Orman, 1926 Win i Seize; . her, Holds Distance S Court Supreme ' May on Kum Pact at Land's Far; M i : , r- - i Northern China Become Danger Ground af the Manehurian Los' End Honan Province Clearedf President May Change Of Bags Still Aloft, Data Federal Sentences; on Four Are Lacking Colorado Law rails. Good Chances Ahead , of Troops; U. S. LegaBy CAPTAIN CHARLES A. LINDBEEQIL T ONDON, May 31. Today I had the honor of being received Returns Here for Trial. tion at Peking in Peril. E by th King of England. He showed me great favor, talking to me alone for some time about my flight. to Th Tribune Th WASHINGTON, May 31 (AP)- .WASHINGTON. May 31 (AIM -- The May SI (AP) AKRON, O I was flattered to find his questions show he had read a Bpcll With anxiety over the safety of Atntri WASHINGTON, D. C. May 31. In supreme court today upheld the Coast following Is the log at midnight to of And, inter- a six to three opinion the United lean citizens and dlplnmatlo officials) Guard In seizure as great deal about it and understood it perfectly. night of the fifteen balloons which In northern China revived by news of what I obaerre was ablo the States supreme court today affirmed Premier De Rivera An two vessels beyond the to interested that took off yesterday In the national estingly enough, the decision of the circuit court of the collapse of the northern Chinese limit, but refused to pass upon the elimination balloon .race here. The king about flying oyer the Atlantic was just about what inters appeals from the eighth circuit In of the British rum balloons are listed In the order of nounces Assembly to constitutionality ested everyone else. the now famous Carbon county coal oonslde Washington administration treaty, which had been attacked on their The conception of a king as a personage of great aloofness land case, and held that the acquisi the ground that It was working to the erlng removal of the American lega No. I. down United States Army Revamp Constitution. detriment of American shipping. tlon from Peking to a more easlljf and coldness certainly is belied by King George, who treated me tion of title to the disputed 500 acrea near Cranberry Lake, N. T,t distance defended point, possibly Tientsin. The seizure cases were Instituted by approximately 100 miles.. in straightforward, democratic style. I felt perfectly comfort- of valuable coal land by the Carbon Arthur Maul of Connecticut and James County Land company was "In violaDispatch of American marine front United States Navy No. I, down able from the time I entered Buckingham palace until I left. tion of equitable principles and In vio MADRID, May 31 (AP), A po M. Lee of Massachusetts and involved, at Mottville, N. Y.; distance, Shanghai, and possibly the Philip !5 There was no formality about my reception, and that re lation of the decree rendered against' litical bombshell, the consequences of respectively, the vessel Underwriter, miles. under eon pines, to Tientsin also S .x.v. r miles off the coast slderatlon and there developed Ilttlsl in 1914," and that the United which will be far reaching, was ex- taken lieved me. St. BrockAccompanied by Mr. Sterling, charge d'affaires of them Louis MARSHAL CHANG club, down, Rotary and a small captured twentyStates was not barred by the statute General Prlnio de four miles off boat Indication today that the reported plan, ville. Ont., 425 miles. Boston IJtiht. the embassy, I went to Buckingham palace at 10:4o. of limitations from now bringing; suit ploded today "by to send marine under command of Detroit Flying club No. 1. down Rivera, the Spanish to compel the Carbon county com GIVEN AUTHORITY. " Parksvllle Station, N. Y., S40 miles. Besides the official announcement General Butler at Shanghai CONGRATULATED BY QUEEN. Brigadier pany and the Independent Coal and for the In seizure and Goodyear Tire and Rubber, down coke company to surrender their tl that the long awaited opening of the feituresustaining to Tientsin to form an all'ed brlgada of the Underwriter, the court 705 near Bar GUARD Hancock, Ma., Barbor, to the United States I was quickly presented to the king and spent about fifteen tie back of for au defense that point would b national assembly will take place on declared that the Coast Guard had , majority opinion was delivered to take any vessel "liable to nines. objected to here. thorlty minutes with him. Then her majesty entered and1 kindly gave byThe of the Detroit No. no 13, re club 2, Flying anniversary September Justice Stone, Justices McRey seizure by virtue of any law respect NORTH ARMY IN FVIOHT. Sutherland and Butler an coup d'etat which put the military ing the revenue, me her congratulations. and asserted that port. It was the king who bestowed on me noias, With the northern Ch iee armr United States Navy No. down a dissent without filing out nouncing exercised could this came In there In l;e 1923, authority power directory the Flying Force Cross, handing it to me in its case. Keating Summit. Pa., 175 miles. reported In flight from lonan and opinion. The case now side aa well as within respective absenting I lilted states Army No. 1. no re- Anhwel provinces to the north bank back to the United States dls a statement of major Import to the I also met a little girl, who, I learned, was Princess Eliza goes of the Yellow river befor th onrnen) of triet court for Utah for trial on Its effect that the assembly, composed It based Its decision In the Iee porr. of the southern nationalist, It Is felt i 'eiroit lying club Ko. 3. no re merits, in the light of today's de men appointed by the government, case upon Its findings In the Underbeth, granddaughter of ths king and queen. by President Coolldge that the Peking clslon. with the consent of the governwriter and held that evidence obtained port. United States Army No. I. renorted .When we left I noticed we had spent just about half an hour The district court had originally will, legation, because of its general constitution through seizure of the small boat could ment, draft a brand-neshould be moved to over 650 accessibility, in. m., to and miles. all tne ones, .x.isnua, s dismissed bill In be as be court. supersede previous government used in the royal palace. Tientsin and that remaining Ameri 4 down united States Armv No The British rum treaty was attacked ing barred by the statute of liml a new electoral law, the gist of which cans In north China should be con to re Scene ., iv. Vio be House went and absolute Is Florida of to i York universal From Buckingham palace I miles. tatlons, and Vai reversed by the cir suffrage City by the Neptune Association of Mates mniHiisuurK, centrated there according to priar- renorted over Win court or appeals. Had the eu freedom of the ballot, This accom- and Mates and others, who contended ceived by the Prince of Wales. I found him as charming as his cuit 600 ranged plans. miles. preme court held with the district plished, elections will be held for that It violated the prohibition amend- ooskl, Vt., ro official confirmation wa rb lence Near Jail; Seek talnabla That body ment by permitting British vessels tp members of parliament. (CantiatKKl Tws.) In Washington today of tha T,t, reputation has had him be. (Continued on Part FlftMn.) then will be asked to ratify the new bring Intoxicating liquor Into American (Celnma 7sor) to have been conclusion (Column less itself in fix) the reported He seerfed than interested constitution, which will embody the ports in sealed stores for use on king my flight Out Confessed Killer. reached that by allied commanders at creed of the Prlmo de Rivera govvoyages or for transshipment In ot was, but he displayed great interest in me personally. He asked Shanghai troops foreign counernment. bond through the United States, it tries would be assembled at Tientsin waa contended that this operated to DYNAMITE me a lot of questions about myself and; gave me. to understand MYSTERY APPROVE ORDERS. FOUND or possibly Peking, but It has been PLANE vessels The council of ministers today rat- the detriment of American that Admiral Williams, That seemed to that I had showed considerable nerve. from having TAMPA, Fla., June 1 (AP). One reiterated ified Premier Prlmo de Rivera's pro- which were prohibited commanding American naval force on board. Intoxicating liquor man Is to have been and known more than a description of my ship. When he displayed killed, In of a Chinese waters, and General But posal for the. convocation ALONG AQUEDUCT STATE'S RIGHT UPHELD. SIGHTED FLYING national assembly; rejecting empowered to use their own., Ighteen wounded In fighting between curiosity about what I was going to do in the future, he was inIn the movement of troop a proposal that the former type parThe court consented to pass on the state troopers and members of a mob discretion The suggested augformed that I would keep on flying. at their liament be recalled. The king Is ex- fight of New York state troopers to the Hillsborough county mentationdisposal. surrounding seise and search an automobile for Into the by 2000 mixed t'jops ot th approve plan. pected IN OWENS VALLEY This morning before going to the royal palace, I went, in 1 o'clock this morning. Peking legation guard t as looked CLOSE TO AZORES Among the many questions which toxicating liquors without a search jail up until the assembly will be asked to pass warrant, as raised by Rosarlo Gatnbino The militiamen, had been on duty upon here as a logical de slopment. response to his invitation, to visit the prime minister at No. 10 Dh Lima of Utlca, N. Y., but The state department Is without upon, always with the consent ot the and J since early today, when they quelled autherrtio official dlspatche concernrovsruiiwiitr ttf. ws fiscal, adminis- refuse i grant ppeals to Robert C. Downing street, that little house from which so big a slice, of this riot of several hours duration the In the military, situation alng th and at ing and Fred the trative who, Ostrander, Whitney legislative matters, State Senator world is be;ng run. Mr. Baldwin congratulated me on my suc- Head of Nungesser Search most Important, Calls Swing Jail, growing out of the attempt of a Yellow river. Some apprehensloi) wa perhaps, Is an ex- two other cases, eought to raise the commob of several hundred persons to felt that General Chang Ti tensive Inquiry Into the work and acts same- - Issue. cess and asked me to tell him the story of how I flew from New Inof search the structure for C. F. Levins, manding the northern ar nlea, might for for the last Spanish governments and Arbitration, Thinks to Paris. York . Ship Catapulted twenty years. It will be the duty of WASHINGTON, May 31 ( AP). The confessed slayer of five persons. It soon find himself hemrae lq by th POLITICALS . twelve-mil- e . take-of- I f. 1 in -.i thirty-fou- TSO-IXN- premier-dictato- " r. STATE In- - bcrlpps-Howar- - . eut-war- inter-est-hi- d m cort-sulti- . -- trooos and for aa tne tnira night in succession that advancing southern the assembly to fix the responsibili- president, without the consent of the I told him the reception r.hich London had given me, especially at sists Only the sake of protecting himself might to mob had appeared. ties and, if warranted, the evidence conflct, caii change a death sentence Some Croydon, certainly showed the British were far from being a phlegmatic hi abandon MOB ATTACKS. will be brought to the attention of Into life Imprisonment, the supreme position and retreat t cout held today In a case from Alaska Manchuria, hi own prov nc. the courts of law. people. The rest of their reception, after Croydon, had been quieter than Late a crowd Feud. tonight congre large Vessel. NEUTRAL ARMY 8MFTY. Being guaranteed absolute liberty In which Vuco Perovlch was convicted that hectic wjek I spent in Paris, but I am. sure it was none the less sincere. gated Just outsdde an nrea two blocks at th elections,, the government will of murder. in each direction, which had been As pictured at the state department. Mr. Baldwin took me cut on the balcony of his house, from which he se In Perovlch a 190B, Convicted by pexl off to prevent any approach to General undergo its nrst popular test of ap leader ot This Is a magnificent sight, execution V LOS ANGELES, May .31 (AP), watched aTehearsing of trooping the colors. proval or disapproval, which would ries of appeals postponed Inhis1909 the Jail. While mounted troopa were the moderate faction of th southern NEW TORK, May 31 (AP). A mys be com tantamount to a return to former until President Taft In of a midst the to sortie set and no one who has ever had the privilege of seeing it can ever forget it, his own scatter who the of has ud of case In a militarists, dynamite He was taken Discovery tery airplane was Righted by the political practices prevailing before muted his sentence. a portion of the crowd dashed government at racing tha It seemed to me to epitomise the dignity and power of the British empire. Cunard from an Alaska Sail, whepe he had Owens valley resulting In an emergency groups, for a sqund of sixteen national guard liberal portion of the Cantonese army liner Transylvania yesterday the military directory governed. call for more nrmed guards from Los troopers marching on patrol outside te Peking with the objective of wrestRUSS IDEAS TABOO. (Continued on Fas Three.) of about 450 miles northwest QUEST OF THE ASTORS. the (Celuma lix) substantiated State the ropes. The mob was ordered back, ing that capital from both the north Angeles today Prlmo de Rivera uttered a warn This afternoon I went to hive tea at the invitation of Lord and Lady Azores, headed eastward, said radio and when It faJled to the mU ern and liberal southern armies. AnE. of Senator whom that, ing regardless Ralph Swing's report to dlers emptied their pistolshalt they to the line today from Cap Into the al- - other complicating factor Is th presAator at. the house of commons. My host and hostess were very kind to advices C. C. Young that Immediate elect, tne people must avoid "RusGovernor Six In men ranks. ths fore ence In ShansI province of General anulng sian Ideas" such as are being "rewe took a tain David Bone of the liner. me. Ladv Astor asked me all about myself and my plans. with an army which steps toward arbitration are necessary run t of the attacking party fell and Yen tailed'' and radio received The mid throughout parat Europe, message, a hllM K..TI hll neiltral. ere rushed to hospitals, but the ex harBtnfn turn through the house of conjmona and I listened to the debate for to avert further violence In the warIn Spain. ticularly was said: of not tent their Imme whim of General th night, injuries which, at The general considers the new con while, although I did not follow it closely. fare between Owens valley ranchers diately determined.. as"Our position, latitude 45.47 north, stitution to turn suddenly Yen, might of utmost importance. He Now it has been all arranged that I will be back in New York on June longitude 32 29 west. Observed airand the city of Los Angeles over water Orders were given the militiamen to sist either the southern or th north: compares it with a, virtual regenera31 (AP). LOS Joe steerIf about mllea south to ANGELES, kill May hoot to which return further threatenshall I twenty 14. em any been factions. have plane ; , completed today by tion of the political system. He lays Hardeman, to years- old, Arrangement Rawtelle right a eastward." g movement, wera made. America on a destroyer, which the government of my country has done me ingNotoplanes much stress upon the women's vote. soldiers' home war veteran,, .who has Following two dynamltlngs of the are known to be In that for waa The Jail being proj TOKIO, May II (AP). Looting and the. statement concludes with a been hunted for the killing with a Los Angeles water supply system In ected on each Bide the honor t placo. at my disposal. v machine gun other disturbances are a Klclnlty. The onlv transatlantic filer, plea to the mothers of Spain to think club of Mrs. Vlck Woods at Venice Owens valley last week. Senator Swing batteries, while In by addition tu the consequence Plnedo, is still at the of of the Ie of ' ocestipatlcn As proftifced when in Paris, I will leave Europe from the country Commander the coming generations, rather than last Saturday and for slashing 'Mrs. at the request of the governor started mounted and A sores, where his machine Is under In the for southern Chines patrols Pengpu - by the tne present in caatlng their votes. where I landed. The British air force haa promised to giveme an air- going repairs. ,' Emma O'Bell wrth a razor, walked an Investigation, the outcome of which bidden area, riflemen were stationed armles.whlch waa announced by th into central police station today, po- the governor hones will solve the pro at vnt,age points inside the Jail and In Japanese foreign office The plane when signten was direct plane on Thursday and I will fly back to the French capital, leaving LonGray between warfare the ranchers HardeBen said lice established longed eastbound over the Taylor Captain the I Oh is also looked Tci at Peking ly shall cemetery adjacent. 5:30. don around 3 o'clock and arriving in Paris about danger Friday man admitted the deeds, blaming Jeal and the city. paseene-ethe situation transatlantic reason after for th. steamship and and Shfirtly appeared Tientsin, straighten out my affairs and pack up, and on Saturday morning fly down track and about in mirtorean. ousy for his murderous attacks upon on About 200 men are standing guard to have been quieted definitely by Japanese Intend to takf jvery the aqueduct and work is being the volley from the troops, several the women. to Cherbougr, from which port 1 will sail on the Breck, commanded by The Transylvania, left here Mav Z5 lieved that It Is generally Mrs. Woods waa clubbed to death at rurfhed to repah- - the eyphon,whlch was for and bound is and Antwerp 'l) northern. Marshal Chang Tso-Li- n Mc(l ruder. Captain (Continued oa' f rs Tws.) I war her home. Mrs. O'Bell, who entered blasted last week. Is to certain lord. ttii, y (Column rive) 'Neither criminal action nor civil was I am certainly glad Wnshington has given me a destroyer, for I had Frank Tichenor, punusner ot Aero the house soon afterwards, WILL COOPER. E. f slashed with a razor, and is in a se litigation will solve or clarify the sit The danger of seasick- Digest, and trustee of the fund raised much rather go back on such a ship than a liner. Senator Two thousand Japanese troop orSwing stated In his uation," rious condition. to send nn American plane to .New ness means nothing to me, and I am sure T will have a much better time foundland dered- from Manchuria tir Peking and Hardeman had preeeed his suit upon report. He Intimated that further vioIn search of Nungesser and on a little ship than on a big one. Woods for more Jhan a year. She lence might be expected unless an of Tientsin, It waa pointed out, probColt, said he believed the mystery C. C. Conditions for Mrs. had been estranged from her husband ficial arbitration move Is made Imme ably will soon be cooperating with Then the ten days' rest will do me no harm either. plane had not flown from land, but , into the troops of other power protectshot the air diately. several years. was a military plane My ship Is going back on tho Oeorge Washington, sailing on Thursday. from the catapult of a warship for Only on Japanese ing foreigner. Meet it. to back with maneuvers. I kat lik everything not to be able go destroyer Aa at Tientsin at th prespractice in night other ent time: may be sent from a he "but said, to "That's guess." near just Gosport, This morning I lew the Spirit of fit. Ixitiis down Port Arthur and Shanghai. no plane is known to have left either Soon. a Portsmouth, where the royal air force is going to dismantle and box it shore of the Atlantic for such TOKIO, May II (AP). Th Instrnc for me. Because of my many engagements it had seemed difficult for flight. I believe it will be found that Minister issued to Japan the plane, was shot off a warship, Hopes tlons Capt. E. L. me t6 fly Itiown there, but I wished to make sure it got boxed riht. at Peking to remain at hi or foreign." Yoshisawa Amerlcsn 31 ST. either Minn., PAUL, (AP). May 31 ana new ( tne out to Bo I got np at 4 o'clock, motored WASHINGTON, May Lro.vo.on (AP- IAP). Pope Plus, snip Tichenor said that such a plane The Oregon Trunk railway has filed ROME. May post instead of making a scheduled to Fly From Word that Iresklent Calles of Mex who celebrated his seventieth birthtrio to Japan ar felt her to re i nere i gave run ai- would easily have such a flying radown to Gosport, which took about fifty minutes. the In ico haa ordered a boycott on purchase entire with commerce Interstate todav. the com spent day visible to be the day flect the serlousnes of th situation It dius might tsjat re ti on for taking down the plane and urged especially taking care of the In of to the. United the desiring supplies government spend predict th Transylvania when Its mother ship mission Its acceptance of the eommls spiritual retreat, London in One Hop. in China. cfNiohl-Nlcan wsf was over the horison or out of sight in Ion s conditions for extending It Hntlme In prayer and meditation on the States was received at the state wings, which will need a box nearly fifty feet long. possibility o Klamath Falls, Ore., It was learned in China and suggests that- In such) Then I flew hack to Croydon in a little ingl seater Woodcock, an En- the darkness. No the official at Vatican were ad activities lnde followan mal pletjs mystification. will event nere tocay. an Japan vices concerning the president's acglish plane, whieh 4id the run from Gosport to Croydon In forty-fivUnder these conditions, actual con- suspended. pendent policy. . OTTAWA. Ontario. My, 31 ( AP). motor and Thousands of messages from all tion hsd been received. Like the Spirit of St. I.ot;is, this plane has an struction must start by July 10 on the CaThe department records fajled to re- Captain E.' L. Janney, extension of trackage from Bend to parts of the woHd. many from the In many respect resembles the American fighter. Although I hid mcver civil snd ecclesiastical leaders, veal any embargo placed by this govnadian flying ace, announced tonight Klamath Falls, which Is In the heart highest Into Vatican-alernment seen it befora I found nd trouble In handling it. the while general upon purchases by day, of an Important lumbering district. poured There Is an embargo, that he would fly from Ottawa on the The Oregon Trunk Is owned Jointly a large number of diplomatic repre-In the Mexicans. It haa certainly filled me with no little regret to consign my ship to which forbids exportation morning of June 51 In an attempt to a special register however, sentatives signed Northern the and Great Norththe to ort by of do, sort a ueh. a tame voyage back home. seems wrong thing It 1 antechamber. r from the United States to Mexico of make a nonstop flight to London En-l- f ( AP). WASHINGTON. May ern Pacific Recently the theThepontifical Swiss guards wore their holiday war materials. including goods susof unfair to my ship. For the Spirit of St. Louia Is quit capable of going Plans for the stay In hls country of latter decided railways. Is ml. against participation In uniforms the were and. flagWASHINGTON. PhilWood papal May tl (AP) ceptible of conversion to war munitif (he Governor General the proposed new constructions under f aptaln Janney explained that-- he anywhere itself. biit from this understands' aside was tions. there en now west hoisted, to route the terms.. then the would make the flight as a pext of President of Coolldg prevailing ippines, HB'D LIKE TT. Is nf NO? however. of no observance This nrt both house of congress embargo, the ayspecial Whether the Northern Pacific now coast, are understood by Insular 'afJubilee celebration, hoping to recent prigln, and was understood here Canada's which deal with river Improvement-fairs bureau officials to be undeter- will participate.-oIn London the following evearrive permit the Great It could have flown back either by going west or on a long voyage east, mined. of more an aid than to have been session In al Northern to take over the, project But IVjmlnton day. He Raid h would hav prepared to calltlm and I felt in for th conotherwise to the established govern- ning, way that it deserved to be taken back that way. Wood Is due to arrive at alnne, probably will be determined toGeneral In the person, of a vane of th regular a have companion In order to ahap ment of Mexico. thai seem Impracticable at thi time, and both my ship and myself are Seattle, June 20. and Is expected to morrow at a meeting of the Northern radio operator, who would tak no part vening of congree to futur eliminate legislation designed 8ome other time It may be visit President Cooildge at his sumPacific directors In New .York. In the operation of the plan. fitting; into th exigencies of the situation. mer White House before coming to The distance which CaptaJn Janney fluod disasters along th kwr Mis all different. Washington. Philippine questions will proposes to cover Is approximately elsstppl river. Yon e I bar made thla flight across the Atlantie largely to show be discussed by-- th 3'MO general with war mile, or about too mile 'leas Mav JI (AP.i Mont., HELENA, was ocean the declined they than the distance covered by Captain entirely department officials, but nature. that it wis practicable that in air routs aerosa An. excessive jimount of soft snow In GenIndicate to their today Lindbergh in his New York-Par. the "high mountain, rargee haa cre practicable. eral Wood has not had a leave of ; flight. flood a ated to for dangerous room potentially b to seem people It em' several I Is for a and leaving Canada's Jubilee celebration absence years will ship Now,l wtr, WASHINGTON.1 Mar situation In western Montana In cm (AP). In I would this be sixtieth believed th may wa mark "freak if country asanniversary of the stag it really practicable stunt, that aay that It was only a NEW TORk". May 31 (AP). A giant of ho wesfher or a Chinook, according Companies which construcflrrtgstton signing of th compact of confederasome time. for. of the the United under act to officials gearid States Carey upon system of 21 (oo square milea of go back by i.lr as I eama by air. tophotograph which the rrovince brought work-iaReports are to the public lands are entitled to the first tion, Newfoundland Is to be taken from the ological nirv-Well, I lo not regard ra v task a completed and 'I shall keep oa rhat (mm two to 'three feet of Hen upon the bonds Issued to se- gether under th Ixir.lnlon slr and pleted tnrether In the mot effect to help make air travel better, safer and quicker. on snow week In who last the fell for divides default them, paying ttler, thorough erch yst to be undertaken This wo'ild melt rapidly under a June the supreme court decided today In mind that the time will eome, in the not idh for the mlaping French arlatora. Nun- Then is so doubt in sun. taking with tt much of the old k cM from bannock county. Idaho, on. make to ana not will AtlantU geeer the across taat futnr, when riving h ValOn Thuradsy a Fnkker winter anew which still remains, and brought by the Port momlnir a noise about If I ean contribute ia a amaU way to that resolt will create an unprecedented rise In ley Canal company. mrmoplane with a Wright motor, a would In and alt was mountain strem rivers The controversy regarded aa ot be disappointed. OAKLAND, Cal., Kay II. (AP) plane atmEax to the one In which of great Importance in all states In B. Coralt, 100. oH-e- Lindbergh f!w to Parte, will take the havlnc their headwaters In the In addition to the aviation development wntcn has resulted from my Colonel Abraham semlarid region.on tb from the 'orth ir G. rtver commander A. of R. Staten the paat flight, I have noticed on all iid on tha part of officials and other the Halted Btstee, died today at inland and head away for the northern XOOALTTS, .Arts, May tl (AP) KIA.LY SINTENCED. This In PLANE TAKES DIVE. influence. Th Herald stte tha t report hav his home here after he had taken wafer. people, mention thst it has had a political be r win LOS Ms The wrr-ris- . la Decoration ANGFLlvS, May B'.dney TORK. II (AP) Cotton, (AP).-il a reached NTW A' of it today cf menace from plli yeeterdacsm day as part something was not foreseen by me, and, therefore, XewfouDdinnd airmail pliot and aeal Psul Kelly, motion picture Juvenile. C'kirsky hvlrr1rp,ne vU e. bv h Rio Yaqol country to th effe-- t piloted in Wstenn-IMe- . involved s factor H wlil b of f.f In W. waa last waa a ft. He U. man.auhte-awek the A'l , brri psychological roi'ier Luis Ch'ef there by tribal Mstus. accompanied that that navy tpnter. It pearler howerer, . 1?I a result of bj fatal f:t fignt l;h "Spt: Covajt moved weet C'y Caldwell as relief piiot ajid obSfl nrrr.na; ! Si of th The df.rnr. Ivr. Tsqul Indians. Is dead thst New Tork fo Pari flight whfch has caused the sited States to be March etill to be fay Rarwimd. wusfc-a- l In 1MH a wort he ewod server and a mechanic comei a then your t .g korsky th paper atafed. mads a mesaaae lded, . of sort wsy. was see'enced mentioned so often, and thst li and dsnce man, is pleasant (fti into breakinas a th trih resi'lt lsand n" sound Ixtng up. ! Frrwi Harbor Grace, the actnal to a terra of from ne t ten years near Oilege Pent this efterfn I bar been sked oft'r. today. ow thst my return has been arranged vted for I.tncsn arid tfce .a hi! :?! Mi'ui died last week of wounds re! a will rr war in ths rtvll rrh eerved He rJ riar.a in br'.n.'the I In ticket. fsl'ed a 0nl m.tnr .t. midair month ceived exact The irlng ba'tl i f'er with Is that tixtriK "hat ao my plan after reach ln Nw Tork. It entity wa f d and K..y was re;urnJ ' thj-- It,men wr uninjured, , polic Meiica a, federals,agolb message with the Eighteenth iillnola Tolun- - 'beck and frth and ph t tig raining tut , o Jail Without tond, actire terrain. Uera , a TkrJ From Way War End . Chlang-Kal-She- Nan-king,-- Soldiers Home Vet Gives Up HI-Sha- ! . I f"t r th' OREGON TRUNK ; ACCEPTS PACT . CANADIAN FLIER . Building Line Approval; Work Calles Orders General Boycott Birthday Pope Celebrates ' 70th 1 WILL TRY WINGS Janney Ottawa to fl- Angio-Rusai- an min-ote- e . Plans for Wood Undetermined d Committees Plan Flood Hearings - tom-mltte- es M Camera in Use to Find Aces nr Heavy Snowfall May Bring Flood High Court Acts in Gem State Case 1 g nr Dies at 100 Neuf-Mars- sr imi, t t tur ned. Pl (0atM4 t GRAZING lands sessed for taxation Civil War Vet I is r-- in 1926 purposes Indian Yaqui Chief Is Dead amounted' to 4, 419,440 acres. The value placed orr these lands tor the tht lew of taxes was $1,418,042. |