Show A great many people have read the dispatches from Pittsburg of late and have hav about concluded that hat a commission would be better through which to o govern the city than the old-fashioned old common council But the serious fact is that those gentlemen gentle gentle- men in Pitts Pittsburg burg who are in ito the council and who stole the city and as much of the state as as they could were nominated by direct vote of the people not by conventions Which is a significant fact because it shows that the people as a rule are governed more by their likes and dislikes than they I are arc by soun sound judgment and and it demonstrates too that bat the severe business man who if in the city government would insist upon everything being done lone on the square would be less liable to get a nomination than the jolly fellow who will treat treathe the he boys bors and after treating them will say to them that Lat he lie is a candidate for office and hopes they will vill not forget him him himon on election day |