Show Senator Charges Marshall King With Poor Use of Man Power V WASHINGTON ASHINGTON Feb 8 UP jp Sen Brooks R. R Ill contended Thursday that Gen George C C. Marshall and Adm Ernest J. J King had bad failed tp use military man power to the best advantage He also charged them with responsibility for vast tion of billions of dollars' dollars worth of surplus goods Brooks took the senate floor to criticize house approved work or jail legislation after these swiftly paced developments 1 Senators 1 Tydings D. D Md rd and Reed R. R Kan called for a reaffirmation of farm draft deferments deferments de de- de- de ferments and a congressional inquiry inquiry inquiry in in- to determine responsibility for the wholesale Inductions of essential farm workers for whom they said no replacements are available 2 Selective 2 service director Lewis B. B Hershey told the senate military committee he supports an amendment permitting war var mobil- mobil Izer James F F. F Byrn Byrnes s to direct actual placement of workers under the measure 3 3 J. J A A. A Krug war production board chairman testified that more and more war production will be lost each week without enactment enactment en en- of the bill Brooks reading from a prepared manuscript termed Marshall and King King both both of whom have supported supported sup sup- up- up ported the measure profess professional onal military men untrained in the theart theart theart art of labor and management cooperation cooperation cooperation co co- co- co operation so necessary to maximum maximum maximum maxi maxi- mum production In fact Brooks declared they are in a measure to blame for the overconfidence on the part par of ot our civilian population Under the guise g of military and naval s secrecy crecy and security they have helped play down pur our real r verses reverses and losses and under the guise of morale have played up the successes successes suc sue of our forces As the heads of ot the army anny and navy they are responsible in part for the failure to fully utilize the vast man power already in the armed forces They are responsible ble for vast overproduction of the billions of dollars dollars- worth of surplus goods now being sold the public at a loss Brooks a frequent critic of administration administration administration ad ad- ministration policies said I have never felt Celt that intimidated forced or slave labor ever could or would I equal the production of our free I 1 American people j |