Show washington NEWS alth what a i odin 1 I G 14 I 1 coln 1 ll 11 C A air t I 1 lr from r I 1 th 1 11 v b li II 11 u nl I 1 1 clr 1 I 1 i t G abe tavy navy department tins decided to irvlen it I 1 illery of mhd bollier at 1 in no n tin the commandant of the I 1 alno ago anco tat loii noldi N hlll III I 1 ince lave him id lit aliarte ali arle if f the administrative affairs n nf of ill lit kamondi torr it the I 1 hilti d hint hintt a the ile 1 b n tary of state tnt has halt informed iho tile lint that lie ito dealan a I 1 nn nil I 1 full ihrl tt gallon af if the lip kuaile by mr lut and a that if mr nir ani fill ruin rum u inell V cro mill ich illk ills it ill ro port tin the mutter matter IM in ilu ito violation of tile no nil I 1 ill 11 I 1 line title of tin anniar on gervit t tit tin it has x fur for 1 ahe noil III for the i pi int input of a to I 1 atud I 1 till the li ut r caal conditions of dilim mil all jol jihu lu in alint lar to so already a lot acil by the act 1 ie C comin witt iril lons of LU rope V tit nuell 1111 limbed by 1 1 of o katimi I 1 1 m a nhon lie that 1 made by lly 1 otier a 1 it r nn tin lions IKUO hale bettl ury itry lintle factory the ilour 1 t of it ninth IN in lit I 1 il lilied in 1 itil julu joke of kUH knock LIi log 1 out the al allon for ilio the civil hera 1 lea C l in in ill 1110 t nf of the 1 n ho e Hn ami anti putting it back again 1 ben len the ba bill N an reported 1 to t the lie aliouse but there mas MI thirty fi tit e ite who themselves alvn vs on oil record ni as against the intent enrit matern and lift art one democrat democrats toted voted lu ju it favor A favorable luin tins 14 wn en mailo made liy he ilia house hou committee commit on oil whits anil and lulu ing oc on oil Mom lella bill 10 0 o apply it of tho proem in of tales sales of I 1 bublic lands to the lie went abid lit out BU port of aaning clisol cli ool lu to the 9 mant 4 and the report ii ort sal a a that the magnitude of bining interests in the nation arinders rtin lern the class of schools proper for federal al nil I 1 and aai ilone done lit congress mona u tin dnn a to 1 I 1 lanned nud and carritt out for tile possible le effice it tuny have nion upon the I 1 clention clec tion lehoul Utho ulli the lie ili V till 1 nos confidence in th the e election re of mallu lea ie aud and lie the unit that muth a rv rt au alt it ie Is in tirel nevertha atwi no tio legis latiuri ti Is trained au an I 1 no tie vote 1 Is nkru taken uncut the upon the caul bui 11 laign there Is I 1 slight of tile cx x pul slon tilon of senator alark lark of montana taua in the first place thu credence ivl cri delice dence offered of feri by lie his p has not impressed be the coin coui cittee an annl I 1 secondly condly ur no man mas wa ever expelled from the senate of the he unite slates it taken takes a avio tote vote nud mad even in the case of I 1 cold ell of some twenty live five year tears ago when the evi evidence dince wa wag very I 1 clear it uns found to get a majora it Is reported that the in C aress lave have decided to cast a solid vote against dutle duties ou on o 0 ingerto itlean product products they will accept the lw prel dent dt recent dt ion while the ito aubi publican can will reject thein v with till three or four exceptions in the house and a it dozen or more in the ilia beutte if it seven or eight of the tile republicans in the inoue o tote vote for free trade with puerto ivo rico it can be carried but in the senate it will require at least fifteen lie ile publican votes to overturn the coin committee allt Go governor director of the census hr appointed charles K F martin of denver und and secretary of the national live stock association as a special agent in charle of the taking of a census of lire block stock for if U e eleventh census headquarter headquarters for this division of the aich cm braces all the be range country will be established in ili denver anti active work will wil I 1 be coll commenced at once thie will be the he first t time mt in lit lit ilia to rv of the country that a census of lint I 1 11 took tock will have been taken the aasc clatton the aRlt t atton atlon of the mat ter a year aco ago and through the assist I 1 once of lion lien ij G 0 Iloie rs senator U olcott governor merriam Merr laiu and oth ere ers Co neriss made the necessary appropriation to carry out ont the work realizing that it will be a lonz long tini time before any bill to organize a perara nent cent form of government in ln puerto ico can become a law the delegate delegates from the chamber of ot comfit ace at san juan hare have asked the committee in charee charge of the puerto rican bill in congress to hurry through a joint res alution fiane the commercial and in du status of the inhabitants of that island end the amount of duty if any that ie Is to be impo imposed upon lm tin pott ports from and to the untied states lii Is now entirely paralyzed and no chance change for the better can ae I 1 expected until this question ie Is act tied lied there li Is no immediate haste no ito far ae an organization of the roverne Ro vernn nt la Is concerned the me present military government Is I 1 entirely satisfactory but the com commerce merc ait and 1 industrial n clu paralysis will continue until i the upon bilth ith the united state states la Is removed governor richards of wyoming reached here t to I 1 evening to attend thu the ine eting of pov emor called for february by president mcanley McM nley to nr or ranee range for the centennial celebration of the estaba of the united states congress other western governors who will attend are governor thomas of colorado who w will I 1 11 arrive i tomorrow to morrow wells of utah paynter of nebraska murphy of arizona otero of 0 new ew mexico of laho and smith of montana lille here the western states governors will bold hold a meeting to discuss the amix oa 01 of the western countr country and arrange arrance plans by aich desire d beneficial to the wet wt may be cured the proposed plan of having the rocky mountain states unite in ending a tire western exhibit to the arts exposition 11 will also be considered and steps taken to a arry the proposition into effect fact secretary hoot root lia has turned over to gene general n I 1 ludlow his ills plan to secure the creata creation of a reserve list of persona persons la ia civil life who are fully equipped for instant stant military general ludlow lias has beer to worl work out the detain of the plan la in order that the war department may be enabled to submit a tangible operative scheme for the approval of ot cougran Con Cou grees gra which body must supply certain legislation aha T 4 I 1 kl 1 a P purpose Is to litre have the will tary schools all mil I 1 college of the couo try I 1 fought into lomi lose touch with th the r regular g il A r i n n giitl 1 k t kept t 0 ot t t th h s g pm 1 1 lunic t aa ali ti 11 il they 1 ary trac KC I 1 into n iv 1 I 1 it e 1 if it tile lie join the national guard M lin he hr lir ot at thin uni kirill vi wiL rill rall 0 california was an at the IN gr t M v an nal 4 t talked it ik ell a over bev the ke of the project with hoot the remit I 1 to expect rd 41 to bo b hint that in lime little of war or emer einer gelley iker ig ii the sudden inin ilse of tin till nimy there will be i a rbell of tit Ile in 11 a fur lor empl tho seliag o 0 sub for the file house bill hill u 11 by tile he senate thursday ajo 1 tin 1111 11 majority of ai to 1 I 1 bior t th flub passage of or tin the bill were ere considered aundel fill it hi 11 o 0 rule only july two of jhb were a adopted copt oil viz one our liar y the tile nuance com ing alit 11 door open aix oix n to inter later nall fillAt alini halll iii aul aud one by mr allon of i ro roT lillne viding for national lonal banks nith 2500 capital lu in tim owns as of not more thau than 4 wo in lugabi haill balits the llie tall taken ou on tho the various offer offered 41 were ere practically a aling in part sir mr handler its pub lean lenti sew em voted for tile anti adim lit but against the file I 1 till ill mr ir afat r Weino crat louls batia lii iiii nuil and sir democrat I 1 toted the commit teo i nt but hoit fur r 01 fix ill hr mr lyl 04 puli tak 11 tn was he asif Z sea antor who mho lid did not tote vote and was not paired the trio silver substitute of dered by sir jonen jones tho the lender leader of gr the Demo crittle clr wins defon ll by a majoria v of 10 19 tho the rote tic aluir 47 to Z 21 people the ilia to the tile national 11 americas Amerl cal ionian Suf frog Atmo clation whick bai has just closi 41 its 11 nun list session herel 11 tl in the lafayette opera bouse lay to do foulage to it anthony tile vateran worker in be halt of or the tile enfranchisement of women milo today to day tiny the tile eightieth elg lilleth of her birth grouped on the platform bere ahr national officers cerv of he the naj and all the plonie in the cihal rights rip liti movement who are alive today to day tho the stage decorations of the four flae flat of hie tile guffra calmi and cut ilide a a program ie is throughout milli stirring tributes tri bulen to miss 1 Atit hons grent career while learn and at oa 01 I 1 lause as a the th volcan of the tile 11 ro rung through the theater recounting the hardship it and and nt at lait last the crown luff ing ament of ill veteran worker I 1 lighty chit iren boy boys and gift in file ilia across the taice stag 4 ach ati omitting a rose in ill an lap ne as tho pinned her one foi fot ach cach year of hir life Clial nunn of the house committee on inters ate and lorelei commerce tine tins submitted d lr LP report oi 01 the committee in fator favor of lui ill ll albun bun bill for constructing the W N sr bax laal the report eay says in part it lf the tb eloiie oil of the bill iau inu be carded out the ali states will ill wibb n a fel fe from aft ix to eight be in tul full ownership and control of a waterway connecting the oceans that it can defend and that it ran can use in the inte reste of ito lt navy and anti its it marine marino ai as may dictate there seems tc t la but little doubt that the states ot of nicaragua Mcara gua and costa 1 illen will give their consent for the construction 01 03 thie this creat great work it will traverse elthea the bonier border or the interior of hn carru for a distance of about lelles it if will rive give to that state a waterway from ltd itis capital and its most productive region to the eca sea it will pined that country on one of the leading water mays of the world bringing it into im mediate contact with m ith a larre large foreign commerce and those who conduct IL it in very many we waa a the state will have advantages not now po ok blied and that ill be for a lone long time lost if an otter route by which the oceana oceans are connected should be adopted all of three these induce the belief that these two enlightened states will be clad glad to aid our it cordially and efficiently it in 1 carrying carry out this great it Is true that the estl esti mates of cost are variable ranging at as bey they do from leea less ban than to a loos 11 1430 MOW it Is I 1 however ro I 1 lt r to any afis t the size alze and cli charac arac er of the lie canal estimated for Is 1 as a var able as an the cort cost the earliest esti inarea mere for a canal suited to ta tb the ships of the time the haiir lai estimates ti matel arc are for ships 1 of this time 1 ifton feet feel depth d atu and lifty teet feet width wj the abe size of the earliest earl leet project thirty feet depth and feet width are the dl meng loir of the later proposed canal the plan of government for puerta wen which will probably be adopted by the lioun ale als provides for a civil governor Ro vernor to be appointed by the preel pirelli dent for to coir ir yeam yeans and to be confirmed conn nned ly by the senate buch suell a governor la Is to have all die tile pow powe usually by the governors a of ies and to I 1 to be assisted by nn an executive council consisting of a an attorney general a treasurer an auditor it corn com mix eloner of the interior a commission er bt of education and five live other person persons of good who ball shall b native in habitants of merto luco rim appointed by the president and anti confirmed conn nned by the enate these shall perform anch it u ties as an are usually assigned ta to jollar officials in the united states the commissioner of the inte into lor lavan charge of public icv v arks there Is to to be it legislative as as emby of thirty five members elected elec teil biennially to b caged a house of delegates to be toted voted 1 for by such persons as the th qualifications of buters arler tte the laws aw nod military orden orders in force on fani fe bru nry cry let lot last 7 a person however ahall b iw eligible bals he lie can read and writ write the spanish aul nod the english lan biages and Is possessed of taxable property I 1 situated in puerto rim 1 the tover gorer nor baa has a veto which may bo be overine by I 1 vote of two thirds of the house of delegates Dele 11 rates and suit the council but congress r tm power if it deemed advisable to gevok a and a nil annul 11 lawn and its to passed by the legislative assembly Ar the island tt of puerto ditico la Is 1 t ado ada a jolce cl die brict and attached to the second baill judicial circuit of the 1711 urtel ted states ta pres xit local courts are to lemalu of they an are but the president leipow lem pow 4 red cred c to appoint a district judge a MS y brict ut torney a viar A el clerk ark and d 1 I such commissioners as mv be 0 o f sary jost just aa as in the united not aw 11 all alt proceedings dings in tb the t V conducted in the english I 1 A the right of appeal Is to to iima hlf cia na fill in the Jerrit orits of or 4 statts zat I 1 4 1 I 1 40 Z cr le |