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Show MOMENTOUS DAY IN HISTORY Julius Caesar Ssid to Have Landed in Britain on Twenty-seventh Day of August. According to calculations carefully made and Chat, at the least, establish estab-lish a probable case, August 27 is the anniversary of the landing of Julius Caesar in the island of Britain. In his wars that resulted in the conquest con-quest of Gaul, or modern France, Julius Ju-lius Caesar kept a journal, in which he recorded all his operations. lie called it, "Commentaries," and it has been pronounced to be perhaps the best record of "campaigns ever written writ-ten by a general in the field. In the midst of these operations he found time to cross the channel and pay a military visit to the land known now as England, but not so known then, for the ancient Britons then inhabited in-habited the island. He states the year of that visit, which, according to our calendar, was 55 B. C. He also states other facts which enabled the calculation calcu-lation as to month and day to be made. Caesar In his journal, or "Commentaries," "Commen-taries," relates that he set out on the expedition when little of summer remained, re-mained, when the people of the south of Britain are engaged In their harvest, har-vest, and that after a stay of three weeks, he returned to Gaul before the equinox. It is, therefore, concluded that the day of landing must have been in August. |