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Show at fcriiS, 8HORTESI LOOk WELL Most Direct Route ... EAST THE IS TO THE VIA a L'ttn ttput at C&nuects in A PUEBLO Denver & Rio (iraude Rail'v THI3 NEW Horse's Feet. I lie ubove Fimtiin II i ELEGANT DAY COACHES, Tiiis urjwinjr - waa r.inil. iron, Die tinhoof ami cuMll latin THE lienr&l Agent. irDvet, Colo. V. CJeu. A II !.. In r i V K K . T'k't Ag't, Putnam Nail Co., HOSTON MASS. P.O.Address Neponset, Mass. MOST O. For sale by 525. u. iiicli h "in i1w. PERFECT H It JOl? VFFKMtl lUJ SILK WORMS. iMisi. .ears thene valuable Printing Establishment. SALE AT I,. 1 Kor more than Forty 1'ifls Iiave been known and tfed. Tliey a:t mildly hutTt.orouirliiy. Bilious Disorder-- . l.iv,er aud luluev Com p bouts, Heitiic l.i hi c Constipation and Mntatinl liiaei uicii ty Udiag tlieee fills. CATIIOLIC'OX. AND A (ireat Remedy tot ail Female Coin plaints. This Medii ine cured female Wja!" iiedfl Hud Nervous Inaorders. Pl.yaL: use tliis Catliulicou iu then practice. PLAIN AND FANCY AN!) A. YotJNU'S LUMBER YARD GltAKKXIlUlM DKSCmlPTlOa OF I. . I') i.e j:t.W per variety ol Silk Worm egi.-ounce. Tliia specie of worm dot-r- i ex ej in tln country. For particular:! en quire Jt 1IU .Main Mic ct. , PLANING MILIh HALF-A-8L00- EAST OF DEPOT. K ;itAi:ii:iii:ucj ' Pauuceii. Children's PRINTING OUURS, gale and pleanunt leinedy for all ( lold reu s Uiseases. Acting as a tonic it 19 positively bentdcial to every .hlld Ih- -t uLm PROMPTLY cJc. NIHXil Eft (Cll.InU, it. 1AKE CITY. UTAH 3AI-- n AMD 1A aaj J Si iLl, 0 S1' rb 0 5 (1 P4 H AND -- 0 w 0 M PAPER RULING H M M Ms P. O. Trl f3 "E3 31&uutacturen. IBiHHEl IBMSTIB1B. & ato Latimr.r, Taylor A Hoi C. CUtk. fV TORPID BOWELS and seret Sews Book binders -- s r ' I. SI0T1 1 UST UIIPU v: J s- - S 0 " - C " r J. LIVER. DISORDERED ilf c MJtil t ill (jiii -- I ::i 3 Ullce-tourlli- the ilUftiscs td "tin: iuimiut liicc. These : Loss sy uiptmim iiul k uLc i in': i' t MlcL. 01 0 t'-- of Appetite, llinvtll tosliif , vcr--lltailiiclir.l nil ness niter rutiitft,n lirl , Iu i(.i liuu oi hmly or ml or Tood, of tiuilaliuu Ter ((utliav-lii- g I.o lv pi i x , a IrrltaljIlUy trittirr, , sume ilulj DSxiIiims, neglectedt tlio Iots before FlutleriuK Ilturc, Urine. the eyesi. highly colored A CI U: SIl 1 1 1 1 COS-STIP4T- IU tbn use of on the Liver. "T'f'H Ylf.1.8 V, ttml .IciiiHiiil tliut lien i!i:. iftnily Liver no .li i .. As a Uitvo no t inl. kin '1 In .11 'I C ir net ioion Hie KUI-ney- s also prompt ; removing all impurities tliroujjli these three'scav-e- n s s o f t h y t e m ," p ro'lneip g appe-tttfjers eon nd tl Itf .it ion, yescular Btools, a elearskin and n vigorousorbody. TITT'S PI IXI cause no nausea ifi area iplii g nor with ilailv work, find perfect uml e, is U Washing-ton)-, WiSui.VciTO.N, 28. The for certain posuuasters haveattorneys complained to Postmaster Oeaeral Vilas ttiat, ttte couMtruction placed by Postmaster tleui-ra- l (iiesham upon tbe act of March 3d, JUKI, vrovidiug lor the readjustment ol the Halaries ot postmaster!' of the iliird and fourth classes was arbitrary and extremely unjust to tuepostmas-ter- s in whose betail the act was passed. Assistant Attorney Oeneral Bryant, ol the Postoflieel .Department has carefully examined the complicated statutes bear i u upon this subject, and as result of nis report the Postmaster General has decided that while the matter of constructlou Is not free from doubt, and he is uot sure that the construction ofabsolutely Postmaster General Greshatu was rifrtit in the been folyet the rule premises, lowed lor two years, having and something over too, 000 having been appropriated by Congress for the payment of salaries on that basis, he noes not deem It proper, pa the strength of his own Individual opinion, even If U were adverse, to change that ruling. The remedy of the claimants Is through the courts or by additional Congressional euactuseut. re- Postmaster General Vilas luested toe resignation of J. 1. Meade, who was recently appointed postmaster at Hszelhurst, Mississippi. The explauation as t the action of the Postmaster General is that since the appointment of Mea.le it has come to the knowledge of the Department that Meade presided over a meeting which was held in llazelhurst just after tho November election in iss;i, and .subsequently to the kilting of Matthews, republican postmaster, by a man named Wheeler, on election day, at which the persons participating toot sides by resolution with Wheeler, and served notice on trie friends of Matthews that Wheeler in they intended to stand case they sousht revenueby for the kill-l- ii of Matthews. It is understood that this Is in conformity with the determination of the Administration not to n .n..., j ur UNACQUAINTED WITH TH6 i;tuoKt-SEC BY EXAMININQ THIS MAC, IHAI s- " ' Wit. "lie rAl.UTDV - ay children and two other children; the thir.l occupied by Joseph llavelic, wife and three childien. When the flood struck the wagous Havelic was first to arouse, lie Jumped up, grasped his wagon tongue and attempted to pull the wagon out of the water. A fresh wave struck it, wresting the tongue from his grasp and carrying the waon out into the railing rioodr Osiner Had Already jumped from his waou and tiuceeeded in getting four children to the shore, lut before he could return t the wairon it was carried down the seething caflou. The Urst Macek knew of the situation he was sailiu down stream. Seeing a tree just ahead, be bid his wife and sou cling to him, and he would try to catch the tree. He Mucceeded, but the sudden step shook off his wife aud son and they went down in the flood. Macek climbed the tree, from which he was rescued in the lnorning. JIavelic and Osmer finally lound the residence of Simon Jennings, Jialf a mile off, and made known what Jiad happened. Word was sent to Indianola, and by noon UkF people w ere for the bodies. Up to tosearching but two of the bodies missing night had been found. 1 Dkxvkk, ins ANTIDOTE to MALARIA, HAIR DYE. TUTTS Gkat Hm changed in- PR WHUKE Black bv a single stantly to aofGu8isr this Dye. riolrl by Drugapplication gists, or sent by oxpieKS on recoiutof OfiiceM-- Saldaveiywhere. t Murray St., N. Y. KENNEDY'S y, A Uloorfy Tratl- 2H. The News Silver City, JI. M., special says : The Apaches arc making bloody trails through this section. It is now thought three or four different bauds are depredating and as many sections of the murdering inThe hosttles are thought Territory. are to number about :':). Four chiefs "Witts, them Geronimo, iN.uii, Natcha and Chihuahua. This morning live dead bodies of a Mexican family consisting of a man, wife aud three children, killed live miles irom here, were One buried. in and brought other is known to have been killed In the same vicinity, and one badly wounded. The party which left, "here last niirht returned for a supply of fresh horses. They report numerous ranches on Bear Creek sacked, horses stolen aud cuttle killed. The iudiau trail was followed from there to the Finos Alios foothills, where last night's killing was doue. The Indians approached within four ofmiles of Fort are Bayard. Three cavalrythat now in pursuit, troops it is reported the Indians are doubling back, on the old trail iu the direction of Bear ( 'reck. This band numbers T' to Another baud on the (iila river drove oft head of horses. Two conrieis ure missiug. Three additional prospectors were killed at the south- fork of the Whitewater, and one named Joe Bunting.on Mogollon Creek. The latter made a brave fight, killing two Indians, one a chief. The tight was witnessed by Bunting's pariuer jusl coining into camp. He succeeded in killing two beforo getting away. News is just received of additional in the Black ltange. Tne famikillings lies from all the surrounding country are iu town. Intense excitement prevails. 7'i The Fort Stanton, New .Mexico, special says: Two of Geroninio'.i squaws, capturedby the Indian police, have arrived here. One of them wore rive i,rold rings, evidently taken from victims of the present raid. The sipiaws tore their hair aud wildly lameuted their fate. Major Vail Horn Is here and has received an offer from San Juan, chief of the Mescaleros, of warriors, incase the hostiles come ea.t of the Hto to-d- e. to-da- rn i j 1I rf , il El I I II jSiS'fc IE Kg OOKPCURCCO MINERAL WATER. ICAOO, ROCK ISLAND AJSU PACIFIC It'Y ... Grt by CenfraJ IJne, affords to , JraveUr, th ... - .1. t.. bsltion, the suorteat ana oeit route ueinecu uic t.a.?i, - of ... 1, unrivalled geographin .anI Ca..tkdii;l . .k j""'.. . 1 is fsiniliarly called, offers to travelers ail the advantages and comforts incident to a safe bridges, Union Uepot at ail connecting points, Fast Kxpress Trains, In track loUd ot COMMOUIOU3, WELL VENTILATED. WE IX HEATED-- . FINELY UP a line or tu iius i Siu.M icj-- 1 f TERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES; ION BECLUTIXG CHAIR CAH3 "tever bnilt; PULLMAN'S latest designed and Comest PAlJkCE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING CAKS, that are acknowledged by and people to' be the FINEST BUN UPON ANY IM)AD IN THE counthx. ana 1a SEVENTY FIVE CEXT3 superior meals are served to traveler at the low ite of UBgg TRAINS each way between CHICAGO aud Ue MISSOURI EIVEH, VrfO TKaIN9 each way between Chicago and Minneapolis ana br. famous kBERT nnATT 1882. a tW line will be opened, via IN 'THE WORLD! REMEDY . Rheumatlsr-- . tOft Dyspansla, Sedentary Diseases, Constipatiort, Kidney Complaint, Biliousnese, , Lung Diseases, Impure Bleo II.ER Propbictors and $c CO. Sosat MAUI"ACTUHSS. OMAHA.JIED. ISLAND ROUTE' GREAT ROCK- CCTBEST - and SoutLwest. Fet, Northwest Is Userally and strictly true, that lis connections are all or tue principal nirjoi roan les the Atlantic and the Pacific, Tits main hue and branches it reaches Chicgo, Joliet, feona, WOttawa, a sane. ashiuglou, fceo Uoline and Rock Island, in Illinois; Uavenpoit, Muscatine, KnoyrUle, OskAloosa, Fairfield, Des Moines, Weit Ijberty. Iowa City, Atlantic Avoea.bonjHarlan, Ciushrie Center and Council Hlultu, in lowa: uauatin, lrenion, caraeVid Kamss CitT, in Missouri, and Iyeavenwortb and Atchison in Kansas, ana the nun- of Cities, villages and towns intermediate. The OTH SOLD BY DRUGGIST i GROCERS Sneca and Kankakee, between Newport B. CABLE, yict.pra't and General E. ST. JOHX, (Jen I Ticket ond Manager. CHICAGO. Fats' r SALT LAKE TRAINS LEAVE 6otm HsMrsnu DAILY. A3 FOLLOWS CISjUjr HOBtSS. MiiforJ Express at s Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake, dail7 as follows: I Hrtls. jrrsm BSMtip.. 7 51 p.m. J MUford Ixpress at Express at Express at..... a.m. 8.00 rra con. Iascis Wenerai . . ' miuaii jraswifor xt : .7.20 a.m. 6.40 p.m J0HN8HAlt,. QenertU Saperinicndant. , itlli,iVJllTlh.j !''' r E$ 3? 0 X5L T ! Spring and Slimmer 1885: o r IS 1M K dr. I M. d i ! i : iili: IiV Cl.OTIl AM) TK!MM!N(1S - 2-- s VAHl), i , . STALLIOITS- . viro-pnsiilcii- cy O to-da- 7 X X3 - to-d- G 5- , 11 I h-- ALMA 1JHATT, r ay EVERY DESCRIPTION - JOB PRINTING - TE1 PR 0MPTL Y iuu-uii- e--f At TMs Office o, to Lord Kimbcrly's'ab.-tencfrom London. As the negotiations are entirely n his hands the fact that he is able to leave London, it says, is evidence d e i!BI0!l!l R THE EAIiLY STOE BRFJSFiST serenity. SUeletont A 4. It is unpleasant to have a skeleton in the family, although it in said such things are very common. Hut it is still more unpleasant to be a skeleton Ai d it is even worse to be "a skeleton full of neuralgic pains." This is just what Mr. f. il. ( arson, ol Mantatee, Florida, says he was. Hut in writing about it. he gavs. "Brown's Iron Bitters restored my health." Take the hint from his improvement. To put flesh on jour Danes, drive out neuralgia, and Invig orate your system, take Hrown's lion Bitters. Slur Di THAI' (Ol'tiH. Frazifr's Throat ar.o Lur.s Balsam lhe onl sure cure for Co'ichs Colds, Hoarseness and Soie Throat, and all diseases of the throat !.nd lungs Do not neglect a cough It may prove fatal St ores and hun dreds of grateful people owe their lives to Dr Frazier's Tl.ioat and Lung Balsam, mil no fiiuilv will ever bewithout it after oui.e usm it, and disst its marvelous power It ts lit up iu family bottles and sold or the small prie ot 7 .'curs per bot I C By using Mil TtTsT If atsa e ss' iS&if j 1 ir 7 ? " ." " r tr. t J il I'JS . , Kf " 'rCi-V- .... 131 . SOLD GrTJJTZ A 7 TIUUjTD 33.V First South St, 51 and 53 E.t Sal Lake JLHTJD P. W. MADSEN & CO., City. cov-rio- ". For sale bv'Z. tle M Drug Dept Dr. Urn ley's Celerv. Reef and Iron. cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion. to in k ir Bi.it'. .onri: urtirtt: flnufti'niir in l.ijrr.i- If 1 MSS5l( II lT( niture Line or any repairing or jsibiiig done, can at my old place ot business and oblige, yours, JOHN l S.VNMtERO, 10c W. . South Tetunle Strt. mm ORDER VOI R Tr.X ISSMsK.S C. Sandberg's Furniture "Fartury 108W. South Temple Street. At ivr' feW kt? Valley House. J. tt I)k. Hknlkt's Celery, Beet and Iron, enriches the blood ajid quietens the -- .. ri7 U m )Ij Ia 11 a H SclBllll.ia'l.113ailQ JillH M M 3. '2 - -1 - 2. wif- e- lilil&if II I I - 1 -- iiiMiea. Plita, fliers, I ij si is c a m - ; I(F I mm I rJC T .IS TV S . IP r II it iLI I iI iIIi - L DAVID JAMES & CO.. Katera Site myuUttu from unksuwu causes, at all sstsooi. SkatUrs tka Nerves, Iiapalra Uvtlesv, sad saiMbittus RRQWWS- - I. V n i gr nerves. ht to restrain the Attorm y injunction uenerai ana secretary oi vy ar and en gineers lnr charge from further prose cution of the work to secure an in creased water supply in Washington, on the ground mat tne pros ecu D. tion of the wook is seriously injurious to complainant's property. Ueatroyed by Fire. Milwaukee, 28fIndeflnite particu lars are received here oi a disastrous Ure at Medford. in this State, it is be lieved the business portion of the place, together with a large quantity of lum, ber. has been destroyed. Among the buildings destroyed was the telegraph ofllce, so that the details are not to be had. No figures are given as to the probable loss or insurance. it is learned from Med Late fir are ford that the losses by $2uu,uuu, wttn ltgnt insurance iuuy are There nany sufferers, Tlie Insurgent RetM. Lima., 28.- -4 telegram from Gen. Ma announces tne comoiete aeieat o; Caceres at riuanoago by Igleslas'forces Ul UWI, UllUfLIIUIIllUAMtl creat number of rarisonera were taken Caceres himself is wounded and has returned to Fucara. Gen. Maa is in victory is ex pursuit.to This decisive further ret olu pec ted prevent any tlonary attempts and effect the com plete paQlflQatJqo ol the Bepoblic. declarations of horror cries, shrill deck of the steamer from the a hoarse the and sounding of steamer's fog horn, and then the bark floated few went out sf Bight. 4 pr be seen on the sea and four men could Life buoys in water. the strugglingwere thrown to them, and as soon as possible the steamer was stopped and backed to where the bark had been, and two boats were lowered.. Uj this time one of the four fishermen had sunk, two were clinging to a buoy, and a alongside the steamer. supporting himself by a spar. Fourth. ofllcer Arthur J. Turner rigged a rope around his body, and taking another rope had himself lowered to the man. Turner succeeded in getting a rope around1 the Frenchman's ana ana neck, and strong arms pulled him half way up the side of the boat, when the loop slipped over bis bead and be fell back into the rter and sank out of sight. This man was the.captain of the George Jeanne, R. Joseph Jndin, fycahtjtne, Marie were Albert picked up bv .boats. Steerage passengers wno landed from the Cty of Horn, at Castle Qardens declare, with one acwas at cord, that the steamer knots an hour whenmaking the Ieast 14occurred. JCverytene on the George Jeanne, except Marie, were below Marie sat near the sterfr keeping a lookout. lie heard the whistle oi the JiovM for eight minutes before she appeared. He rang the bell ef the George Jeanne and the kept It up, and was ringing it whenfishlUUEF TELEGRAMS. Horn crashed Into her. The. lost ermen were all married. Charles Mor- ' Lord Roseberry has left the Hague gan, steerage passenger, declared lor London. that the officer oa the bridge were Charles G. Kness has been appointed watching the passengers leaping and , Jumping, and were not keeping a pro-te- r- postmaster at Jwisvon, iumio. ;: lookout." The official loe of the The Illinois' Senate has passed the on Monday the steamer states that follV giving 110,000 steamer made 43- miles. A paper was toward suppressing contagiy, Pluiiibliiff, Gas Fitting: am! Steam lion ting. u Tinning, llooliiij, Guttering, Kto., IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ON NOTICE. THE BEST TONIC Quickly sndoorapIotolyonroK Ialnria..uvd Chills and Vat Intermittent Fevera, le, it hos no eg uni. It of Ktseray, s irnobaa and uttantilate ths Mood, the tbm mnsclaa aod dottm. sad strans-tosa- a It. doM not iniur tha teeth, canee headaali, or al other Iron mux-- itt. Srodae oonstiimtioib-T J. K.KILI.T. the patriotlo d cnalsHj CXaoltc JPivine. of Arkansafi. srs: I ha smd Brown's Iron HirftMvm mUh tha and as a f t smtastaetioB for Malaria, ana wm alwarprenUvn waiiis ana keep it on hand as a readyuinssm, friend. 5 Omuinabaasbom trfulemu-- nd omroied rod ffiu jp wrior Tnke na other. M1 only by iSKOWN rnEMlCAL CO- - BA1.TIMOKk.Mlt. UDIM' Hand Book useful and aUractiv. bat of tancea lor reolpna, iHforraation about Sioa. eo., gtnn way by all dealer in madioina, ta" Jnulad to any addreaa on receipt of Ho. '."rr'K L6k K - rJHOKT ' ' I.aw-aitas- City Water Pipes and Fixtures put in on Reasonable Terms Call and Examine our Stock of Plumbing Supplies, Gas Fixtures, Hater Filters, Etc. t um. SOT TKIXPHONB COMMUKICAT1UN AT Off tOJt AUD RKSlLtjINOfS. ? B -- sd EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO., c . JW TIME CARD, MAR. S2, 18SS. TH 1 an to-da- y's tah Central Railroad. V83KNGEB ht to-nig- ht Agent. M 33 3NT 2VC - third-floate- . Richmond, Ciniinnau, lnai&napoiis auu lm jrayeiie, and 1. ouncu viuiit, jtui, intermediate and points. spolis . , t !k Through Pautngers tarrUJ oh fut Kxprtir-TraiHior more detailed information see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as L VcketS, at ail principal Ticket offices in the United States and Canada, or f tr fifty-eig- - ROUTE. X Fhiladelphia ".. l'mladelphia i, St I1'1' '"' Louis 0. ii.evitl ilix'.iinil lo Ho1 I. M. .; V 'N, den: f n.ihi n Boston, 2S. r.ostou !, Chicago ''.''r'r.i'i lloii. -l'rovitleiii-e l)i Providence, troit 5. -- Soninier.-', Cleveland. catcher ot the Cleveland asehall club, was otivicted iu the olice court of pla.v iui baseball on Sn iday. The case wis! be to-taken hi.i r court Iu Nfrilcc at my liirm, tje fnmotis il ntuMr I ouIku Col. 1). C. Dodge, of Deliver, the widely knomi railroad manager, has and gen accepted tbe eral inanagerHhtp of the Mexican National Hallway Company hikI Mexican Aud lb noil kt .ot vu I National Construction Company, lie for the City of Mexico to left y assume the duties ot the position. The third oitleial trio of the new dis was hoat made this Mho llione 'Jhtlphiu patch want lo sluml t ..( fall (,. f.tn Stallions, Bugjry or Sau.lle The contract with- the an. cxiiiuiue lor Uiemst iys or vTite (o me what thev ti.ni. afternoon. Government provides that she must show an average speed of !." kuois an hourlor six consecutive hours. Iu Two tuilta south of Tttin!j k. Went ttAl.T l.A KK CHI V t..M2in Kw two other trials she failed lo fulfill she these conditions, ranued but from 15 to 10 ' knots ami averasred l.V. tor the entire trip. In consequence of reports received from prefects of various provinces of the Republic, the Government has decided to introduce into the Chamber's a bill prohibiting the display ant where u France of alt emlilfliis except the OL National tricolor and recovni.ed Hai:-- . of foreign nations. At Saratoga, this was the second dav of the American Baptist Home .Mission .society convention. In the evening a large audience throir'e.l the church to hear addresses by Dr. 11. G. DeWltt, of Salt Lake Citv, on "Mormonism :" Dr. O. C. Fope, of Texas, on ".Mexico," and Dr. K. S. Mac Arthur, of NewCI York, on "Christian Benelieence.'' At Havana, La L'niuii (Jmilil the 21st inst. says: A telegram from Mayor Guamutas reports an encounter on the 18th inst. at the estate of It between a for e ol cavalry tud the negro Artcagas' baud, in which several cavalrymen were killed and a number ol the bandits wounded. The London Daily AVv, thii morn J V.. M E. a'JI.llSl'.S, 1NHKK. .11: IV W. iliUSKN, ing, says negotiations with Russia are proceeding with great slowness owiuv -- paul 6.. BUCK Lett -- ed catch-as-catch-c- I WJ.3 for vmps&i v. Itu re-t- i y, - fi8'ST 3sSo-,fJ- . -- To-nig- rH-o- n ay d, ill-fat- L F 1 allow itself to become involved in any political quarrels which have occurred in the South. From correspondence transmitted by the War Department to the Indian Bureau it appears that the Apache Indian outbreak was caused by wniskjr. The Indians manufactured large quantities of "liswin". and became intoxicated. Knowing that punishment would follow this infraction of the rules, they abandoned the reservation and went on the warpath. There was a full attendance at the Seccabinet meeting including recovwho lias partially Lamar, retary ered lrora his recent attack of sickness. The question of authorizing the coai-- ti nuance of the World's Exposition, at New Orleans was aalu considered. The result Is shown In a telegram sent by tli President to Senator Gibson later in the dav, of which the followintr is a copy : "The question of reopening the Kx)osUlon has been considered by the cabinet, and they are unanimously of the opinion that there is no warrant of law for it, ami that it would be Inexpedient on other grounds." . isThe Secretary of the Treasury ias (jrande river. Kan Francisco, 2. - lieu. Crook has sued a circular to all customs ntl'icers that the appropriation for delrayius telegraphed from Arizona to the Milithe expenses ot collecting the revenue tary Department: for customs will be exhausted by the needed at present. "No more Bowie are stationed iu for May, and di- Troops from troops necessary payments rects them that no expenses' for Jurfe Stein l'ass: those from Huacbuca at collections can be made until Con- Mount iiuadalupe Canon, to intercept gress shall make appropriations there- the hostiles jf they should double back to go into Mexico by the usual ' for, The Secretary of the Treasury has trails. Major Van Vliet with 18 offIssued a circuhfT directing customs of- icers and 210 men of the Tenth Cavalry, ficers to collect the alien immigrant Capt. Smith'with 1U0 men of the Fourth tax of 4fl cents each from foreigners Cavalry, and Capt. Pierce and the Incoming to this country as tourists or dian scouts from San Carlos, are at travelers In transit to other countries, Fort Bayard, with the as well as from those coming to this troops of Itew Mexico. Lieut. Davis ) to with is from reside. Indian scouts country Four additional erypts, making nine still on itheir trail, iu pursuit Apache into the iu all, have recently been tilled up bemountains. What has made it so difneath the rotunda of the Capitol and ficult to get any delnite information iu assienad Librarian Spofford for the regard to '.he Indians is the rapidity of use of the Congressional library. The their march, they having made about crowded condition of the library has 130 miles iu two days uvcr an exceed-- , not, however, been materially bene-tlt?ingly rough country. for the increase in the amount ot The WefcCloro itulel. material requiring shelf room or 28. has much more than kept pace Indian Agent storage Washington, with the additional space provided. It Llewellyn of the Mescalero agency. New Mexico, has telegraphed the In is probable some subterranean apart ments to be created by the substitution dian bureau as follows: "lhe Apaches of architectural for earth terraces, will under Geronimo are now depredating be utilized for the storage of books. west of the Hio Grande. Two women Devices of the kind, while affordiug of Geronimo's camp came in here toI have confined them In the temporary relief, are the merest make- day. shifts. The library has wice outgrown guard-housMajor Vanborn, comits original accommodations. It con- manding at Fort fStanton, is here totains nearly 500,000 bound volumes, day. The Mescaleios have tendered 300,000 pieces of music, nearly 200,000 him 150 men to accompany bis troops, and between 100,000 and should the hosttles conie within strikpamphlets loONX) specimens of graphic art. ing distance. There are 2."i bucks of Victoria's band who have lived here Fatal CoIIUIom. with the Mescaleros three years. If I will arrest and hold them NjkwYork, 28. The Tribune says: necessary the steamer City of Home, of the until the trouble is over. The Mescaleros can be depended upon, and will havAnchor line, reached here Join the hostiles." The agent has ing on board, besides her 1.821 regular not instructed not to arrest the Vicpassengers, two French fishermen, the been so long as they are peaceonly survivors of the crew of the toria Indians but te keep them under surveilFrench flshlug bark George Jeanne, able, which was sunk by the City of Home in lance. Dolliblon on the Banks of New Found-lan- d H rout Hug- Mate Is. May 2fth. The names of the resJas. Faulk cued men are Herbert Albert and Chicago, 2s. ner and Audre Chrlstoi tossed for the Fi auk Alps jnse Marie. The vessel was struck and sank in less than first fall of tne wrestling match, the a minute, carrying down with her sequel to the unfinished oue of ten twenty-fou- r men, only two of whom days ago. It was agreed that two out were saved. Captain R. D. Munro, of of three falls should decide the ques the C'lfy of Home, wa too much brok- tion. Faulkner won the toss and chose en up by the remembrance of the scene for the nrst fall to give more than a brief statement. The Frenchmen's burly form con The steamer left Liverpool May 20th. trasted strongly with the slender build The weather was fine until Monday, of the Scotchmen, but the catlike grace when, after a bright morning, a dense and strength of the latter led to con fotrcame on. It was so thick that from siderable betting in his favor at the the bow of the boat it was dirllcult to start. Twice Faulkner bad the French- see 100 feet ahead. A great many ) man down, barring his hip, which the icebergs were passed. Between 10 latter saved eacn time ay a sudden turn ot his muscular neck. At the expira a. m. and 4 p. m. were Counted, large and small. tion twenty minutes, Christol got The Captain asserts (hat the vessel's tne anvantage and literally lorced ids pace was slackened to half speed, and, opponent to the floor, winning the first fall. Shortly after 11 o'clock, Faulkner fully realizing the danger, every precaution was taken. Bells were rung won a fall in which Christol's shoulder and whistles sounded continuously. At was so badly injured that he was un 4.10 a. m., the inx was thickest, the able to come to time, and at 11 lift the men forward saw the spars and masts match was awarded to the Scotchman of a bark appear In tue mist, barely Mnlt Aatsluisl the) Uovernsaestt. twenty feet away. The bark lay at Balximokr, 28. The case of the and, according to the Captain's anchor,was not ringing its bell or keep- Great Falls Manufacturing Co. of Virstory, ing a lookout. Hlgnals to reverse the ginia against A. II. Garland, U. S. Atengines were given, but she struck: the torney General, Wm. C. Endicott, U. bark, and bcr iron bow Cut through the S. Secretary of War. Garrett J. Lydes bark JPanne with as little resistance as tock. G. B. Cuittenden and S. II . Chit if she had been a piece of cheese, l'eo- - tenden was called np for bearing to on the City of Rome saw a few day, tion. George fli. KObeson, lien B. F. Butler and O I). Barrett, renreblue fishermen-arefooted Frenchmen-Iblouses sented the complainant, and Solicitor forrushing frantically ward on the bark. The murky air General John Good, ana jonn s. jjiair, was tilled with their affrighted the Government. The suit is for an to-da- I.L.m tie. TOTTS sj 41 TUB IFICE-H- t'.TK X3 L--m ftniS oittriclorj TIMS. 3 lH'!i IL1.3 1'ltOMeTLY lflLLSI BOT r H ' All. ITS BRANCHES IIR, (!) 00K-BTiTXDXs- ra '4 t rots PERI. I v ihiinf-JiJiihiicn- ffl 4 he Best Style of the Art EH AT . The tasab let propertv ot New York e and a quarCity has lucrea- - l ter millions d ring "the war. The largest increas is iu the First Ward, con limn;' W a: street. The Uuited s .ties steamer T!inin. Coricin reachei Sau Frauciseo yester-'li- c. She reports the day from the crushed in the whaling bark Ice. She sunk i fifteen minutes :crew saved . Isabella Brsu tretli and six other lady owners of the Manhattan Hotel have conveyed in "se property l.irk,Hotel ( ompauv t to the Mailt' .ttan for f.!!Hi,0iTo. 'i - hotel was for many House. years known a- Lhe Brand All departmei ts of the Chicago ruling mills at li a lew, Wis., iucluJiii'' the rail work?. "will shtit down next big between l,.! i'J aud Saturday, thro l.soo out ot . ipioyment. it is not lo: ; the mills will be idle. known how W Voit,'-'S.- r Base Ball .l'W Voik , Buffalo ii. titty-riv- - R fllBDWAKt, illU WUilNOt, I. UKl'U NTOKE, AUEMS, Hi. sAtri. UTH, Send stamp for book to Gi aeleDLeg Co., Sew York. EXECUTED BV I'OLI.I.HIU.X' children of Brooklyn occurred Wed nesday. It Is is said .Vi.iHHi children were in line. There is au intense feeliug of dissat isfaction toward the Dominion government in .British :olumbia over the land and timber res;! ations. 1 A OB Til r. THAU. OF to-d- - BVEBT MADE Puret Riid strongest Xaturttl Fruit Flavors, Vanilla, Lemon, Oranjre, Almoml, Rose, etc., flavor as delicately and naturally a the fruit. Price Raking Powder Company, Chicago, Illinois, and Ht. Louis, Missouri. ALL7 GOOD FOR DESERET HEWS X. '" TSL. HV A 1876. The Mav March of Smtdav school to" Captafri Munroe, signed presented by the cabin passengers, praising his efforts to safe the survivors. Fatal Flood. 28. A special to the Xeb., Lincoln', tilate Journal from Indianola gives the following particulars ot the bursting of the waterspout Tuesday evening: A en route to party of 17 Bohemians, In lilchmau Dundy Creek, camped Canoii, half a mile from Republican Kiver, niue miles east ot this place. At dark a heavy rain set iu, aud about 10 o'clock a waterspout burst a short distance above, floodiua: the heretofore canon to a of 15 feet. This dry came down the depth carton, the waves each rising a foot or two higher than their were asleep piedecessors. Thetheparty one nearest the iu their wagons, bed of the stream beint' occupied by John Macek, wife and son; the center one by Johu Osiuer, wife and four te SM BY ALL IE.UERS II HORSE RAILS. Samples sent free by mail, ly it.Mrj-h'j-- ' liv AJ-T- D seci4l I EiEKtll l HMKE iTfiMTI.M .1 at- - miner I'tjiiil Tli.'Olily (lot Korjftnl mi'l li'.: S.ii! ni Uie Uni hi ilml s no! ill Nor. rut, i'iHMl. nr Hliditrc.l nmi lli oint nnl Mill not tplit in driving, W Llt. 111 LUiC A X . MCA FOB lopeKa, jvan. HAS. T. PARSONS, Traveling Pass. Ak'I, COLORADO. DKNVkK, BOOK n A 1 i. l lin I THE itKowveu iihvr.ii la.il with ipt'Oinl if gard to health. No imninnU, Lime or Alum. .t li t LI.G It APACHEM. i W. F. WHITK, lIAMBl.Itt, B R I II I M199OU show li QUIOKKST TIMK O l'rriiai THE PUTNAM NAIL. blind with thU n. ti' See th it yonr hre Utlll on! all isk. COMFORT! LUXURY! ! itS Wired . Ealing B(in tlRailroad I'ouiUry, I iinurlii t.H WKSTtRN I.MOS T Sl'DDEX FLOOD. S BTEEL RAILS, Holism T K I j KG It A 111. WWEHT INTO MOST PERFECT MADE us )j; u Pullman Sleeping Car, SAFETY BY WW inr1e from a n i drawiujf was laiiiinulluu of Iruu iu Uie Co. u tth i SpUndtdty Equipped EEC! 4 AM it'jlltit ui.u ?hea,;ng X.ir-- Mmr U9. 1SS5. Frtdaiy. I III). H I M 'II ' ATCHISON, fopeka & Santa Fo M'Aii EVENING NEWS. i -- TO TOXTTl A5D -t- r- - . pleuro-pneamon- ia - O raaw ;,al H BDHsl iLj ; H (fi ten- - It dak iu . . PS sy. Till PLATE, 5HEETII10U, STAMPED N. Main Street', St: Louis, Mo. 012-1- 8 For Saio - ?: ( WAB E & TIH H ERS TO 0 LS; t, S, if r tr ' f- i ., " " E3- - O.; , "t lMLm f ; ; t Soie Agents In Sait Eako City. r , J - I. .i |