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Show How tlie LunM Wltli Air- r'y n b re:. tiling unl holding of the breath r.W IVraons ..f of importance. fad an uninterrupted succession and rapid respiration so distressing rt"T p ar hey are discouraged from persevering exercise. Let such persons take into 'ihjV la g p air as they can at a 1 -- ability to hold the breath and the tt. . any rgjf Louisiana, No. 6G3 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Not a Hospital, but a pleasant Kcmctlial Home, organized with A FULL STAFF OF EIGHTEEN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, who visit Buffalo front This imposing EstHblihirrut was deigned and erected t' a(coninHMlate tho largo nuir.hcr of invalids of the profesrionAl service o they may aail ihemsehes evrrv Statf and Territory, u well as lrom many foreign tndN tliut the w institution. this fekUiod ol that uiediciue ia and Faculty specialists surgery of compote the taking and holding the long Awake Americans and leave all meaner fh and tfaen ,orc',M3 lnore air down the things To low ambition and the pri le of king; t! . by ewailows of air. The operation mouth of a fishs Dont sigh with pains or burns or acci. e by that ident. learned ... never who have those To , But use Salvation Oil the greatest nul 1 surprising to what extent the tiehr, 'C",e. p, f- ed a faih ana business lire offer to invauos. The American Itison. Twenty years ago the chief feature of the abdominal cavities will re- - plains beyond the Missouri was the countless herds of buffalo everywhere to be seen. fe immediate benefit, and continuance lU teinperanco in eating, good air and Now all liaVe disappeared. Tlieodore show t exercise, will bring welcome improve-Iffi- Roosevelt saystliereare not 1,000 buffalos in America. It is said one may travel Herald of Health. 1,000 miles on tlie plains and never be out ffW not of an into sink sight of a dead buffalo nor within bight by grave early fan? t to a slight or a live one. But Harpers Bazar lias the e immediate attention which could have been stopped in curious statement that a new species of bottle of Ur. Bull's Cough buffalo is H r l by a developing in the woody precipata".up itous regions or the mountain ranges; it ; Tlie Japanese Village. bhuns the open plains, lives in small herds, t fho shihition of the domestic arts ol is endowed with great activity, and is a SOM,!. ui so vividly portrayed in the beautiful clear case of tlie survival of tlie fittest. H'M j village ol Nanilm at horticultural hall ie ' 'lie One hundred thousand bushels ol pea- at60 in full operation. Creat crowds nuts are stored at Norfolk, Va. tmislr. ay and evening bear testimony to The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are interest which centers in thecoinmuuity ' ,u frk skinned Orientals who have dropped discovered in its proverbs. Lord Bacon. ,im 0:f? n in our midst to afford their western For Cats, Galls, Old Sores, Scratchicn ft short season of pleasure and es, Thrash, etc., use Stewart's Healfin con combined. The broken potters ing Powder, 15 and 50 cents a box. rfP y which necessarily deferred the open-- r Queen Victorias personal household e pottery, has been repaired, and g f 000 a year. .n ct interesting feature of the village cobts nearly $ 2, 000, operation. No public entertain-t-- t person should try Carter's Every found so much favor with the Little NERVE Pills, They are made speTlie dazzling beauty cially for nervous and dyspeptic men and jil ,r a as tliis one. M and aie just the medicine needed ; the novelty of the women, and decorations iheu. all persons who, from any cause, do by and the little folks, not sleep well, or who fail to get proper iaec ref.',rly enrapture jnn, with the interest they find in the in a strength from their food. Cases of weak !'1P8 and the souvenirs they take stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous oimte and sick headache, Ac., readily yield to the v I iv every day the youthful spectators if ounce the village just the jolliest thing use of the Little Nerve Pills, particularly ra. combined with Carters Little Liver Pills. U AVe oarnostly invito jon to comp, eoc and examine fnr inurr!f, our institution, applianeo. advantages and snoci se in curing . Have a liuiul of vour Do not listen to or heed the counsel of skeptical iruuds or jealous hsieians. who chronic ducHst-snever lose an opportunity to misrepresent and endeavor kuow 1101 lung' of us, our sjstem of' treatment, or means of cure, yet who aud if you come and visit us, ami find that us. We are to prejudice people against responsible to you for what we represent, will promptly refund to yon we have misrepresented, in any particular, our institutions, advantages or success, no of your trip. We court honest, sincere invest .gallon, hate bcerets, aud are ouiy too tfUul to show ftil all expenses w candid we are for people hat suffering humanity. interested aud doing on. t. it: je use irncic and not always necessary to see patients. v fr th-- i 23-ce- ir-- e (1 - i10;-- & . ?t h electro-magnet- COIMON SSNSE AO APPLIED TO MEDICINE. well-know- .... l, )f his more a man denies himself, tlie more a'l obtain from Cod. Horace. g Eli I UR F'lEllai? cents. I V reri-f-- Chronic Nasal galley-slave- s red ot U' ira i , f to vim:! f ; I rat e Cliff1,' oke r osef k tn 1 i for ; m' F iui" t itWcfc Bolden Medical Discovery will, upon the liver and purifying the cure all these diseases. V !, 00, cents Druggists mail. Cole A Co., Black liiter Fails, Vi la. s , by Eu.iors, Intermittent and Remittent to which people who live near Fevers, Ft hawk, and blow, and spit, but use fresh water, during the warm and dry seae's Catarrh Remedy. his ; unbl,r tributing in their functions to the process of digestion, are very obscure, and are not infroqently mistaken by both lavmin and phjsiciiuw tor other maladies, and treatment is employed directed to the removal of a disease which does not exist. Oar Completo Treatise on dise.ts.-- of tho Digestive Organs will be sent to any address oa receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. imiGUITS DISEASE, DIABETES, and kindred maladies, have been very largely treated, and cures effected in thousands of oases which had Ivon pronounced beyond hope, Tho study ami practice of chemical analysis and microscopical of tho urine in our consideration ot east-s- , with reference to correct diagnosis, in which our institution long ago became lamous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice in diseases of the urinary organs. Our specialists have acquired, through a vast and varied experience, great evpertncss in determining tho exact nature of each case, and, hence, have boon successful in nicely adapting their remedies for tlie cure of each individual case. The treatment of diseases of the urinary organs baring constituted a prominent branch, or specialty, of our practice at the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, and, being in constant receipt of numerous inquiries fora coin pit to but concise work on the nature and curability of these maladies, we have published a large illustrated treatise on these diseases, whiek will be sent to any address on receipt of ten cents ia postage stamps. When two dogs meat, then conies the bone of contention, as you might say. neat designs in carpets, bhov the taste. llsij, u. cessful treatment of winch our specialists have attained unparalleled success. Many of tho diseases affecting tho liver and other organs con- e. N f sons, are particularly subject, are largely caused by a torpor of the digestive organs can from only proceed e to and a cloggling up of the liver. To correct OK. these vital organs, restore energy, and prei T. ' silicate dandruff, and keep the scalp vent these diseases, use Da. W ai.kkks IT. i and dean, use Halls Hair Renewer. n Vinegar Bitters. GH r lives of many children have been i by the timely use of Ayers Cherry Mr. Cleveland wrote 150 veto messages ol. while governor of New York. If afflicted with 8ore Eyes, use Dr. Isaao p, the Essen pun manufacturer, Thompsons Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 2oc t -. 17 iron ore mines in Germany. iojv f , I friendship t friendship. A pea$e Is so - great pleasure In trlling wTtafc Iloods has done f.r ray llitle boy. Six months '' began to come on his eye, caused by r f .ua humor in the blood.right After a time he c.'1 7i it open his eje at all ; the humor grew worse d h face became sore. Then his left eye began ceil'd, and I thought ho would be entirely ai I bought a bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla Just r- - - : v ' well-know- STRICTURES tue I ekyill, Moreland, Cook Co., 111. causes, and every variety of nervous tion, nro treated by our specialists for these dissuccess heretofore regarded as imnossibl--- . measure of eases with a See numerous raw s reported in our different illustrated pamphlets on nervous diseases, any one of which will le sent for ten cents in postage pumps, whtn request for them is accompanied with a statement of a ease for consultation, so that we may know which one of oi;r Treatises to send. r prevalent are those chronic di- to females, and so famous have our institutions become lor their cure that were iomr ago i to create a special ri part- -j mi nt, thoroughly oiganizr-d- . and to the treatment of these cases. The in this Department pbisieinns ami surgeons diseases their -- ole study. have made these Hundreds an' brought to our institution-- from far distant States on beds, and they go homo well and strong. Kvery cure consult1 s. whether by letter or in person, is given the ing our special--and considerate attention, most careful impoit.ant ease (and we get few which have not already baffled the skili of all the So alarm-ngleasc8 pecuiiar Bolls and pimples, and other affections caused by Impure blood, are read. ly cured by Hood's Sarsapa-r.ltWhile it purifies, thisn ed cine also vitalizes and enriches the blood, and builds up every function of the budy. Scrofula, humors of all kind, swellings Inthe neck, hives, ringworm. totter, absce'ses, ulcer, sores, sat rheum, scnldboad, etc., are aluo cured by this excellent blood-punfieWallace Buck, of North Bloomfield, N. Y., suffered eye Just a llitio b!, ro uethlng he had not He on!nuei to take 1L, and! ytogr.ytau n w Me as well as ever. He has i tl a shade vK h he wore oer his eyes go t feel that if It hid n t been for Hoods Sar-- a my child wou d have been briud. I cannot v? rds to praise it enough. My boy Is now six eleven years with a terrible vaMose ulcer oa his leg, so bad tt at he had t give up business. He was Mrs. A. W. Leoxabd, MIddleboro, Mass. entirely cured of the ulcer, and a.so of catarrh, by id a I btgan takng Hoods Sarsapad1la I was Hoods Sarsaparilla. v, tv hen I gut up In th morning, had abeadatho I was troubled with boils, having several of them d n d no appetite; but now I can haidiy get at a time. After aufferlng about all I could bear, I o ugh cooked to eat. Emma Shepard, l Coral took Hoods Sarsaparilla, which entirely cured me. f , Worcester, Mas. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Farsiprila to all c all like Hoods Sarsaparilla, It is so strength- - alike afflicted, being sure they will fli d permanent Lizzie Balfoum, Auburn, P. Q. relief. E. N. Nightingale Quincy Mas. I in fllfl LULL All & 5 Hoods Sarsaparilla l! ,lx for5- - Pre?3rcd on,y yy s oW by Ml drogjfisi. ,1; !x for ,3. Apothccarlc- II .m. c. I. Hood & CO.. Apo:he,arie. ,lv, uO V Doses One Dollar. C I I FTS-T- U or Fits, PaEpileptic or CanvalsiOHS, Ataxia, ralysis, Palsy, st. Vitus' Dance, Insomnia, or inability to sleep, and threatened insanity. Nervous and Debility, arising from overstudv, excesses,affecofiu-- Purifies the Blood r four months. AND URINARY li.E. Hundreds of cases of tlie worst form of strictures, many of them greatly aggravated careless use of instruments in tlie hands the by of inexpcrieneedphysicians and surgeons, causaud other complications, annuing false passages, urinary hstulnp. ally consult u i ior relief and cure. That no case of this class is too difficult for tho skill of our specialists is proved by cures retreatise on these maladies, to which we ported in our illustrated refer with pride. To intrust this class of cases to physicians of small experience, is a dangerous proceeding. Many a man has been ruined for life bv so doing, while thousands annually losa their lives through unskillful treatment. Send particulars or your case and ten cents in postage stamps, for a large, illustrated treatise containing many testimonials. -' ' among may cure of which our specialists have achieved marvelous success. These are fully treated of ia our illustrated pamphlet on Urinary Diseases. n It includes numerous testimonials from people. Scut by mail for ten cents in stamps. Send for it at once. in tho Remember, we do not claim that Iloods Sarsaparilla will do Impossibilities. tell you plainly what It has d me, and submit proofs from sources of unquestioned reliability, and aslc you fraukly If you are suffering from any dlcae or affection caused or promoted by Impure blood or low state of the system, to try Hoods asaparilla. Our experience warrants as In assuring you that you will not be dls- appointed In the result. My wife had very poor heal hfor a long tme, suffering from Ind'ges'ion, poor ap: elite, and constant headache. She tried everything we could hear of, but found no relief till she tried Hoods Sarsaparilla. She is now taklrg the thlid bottle, and nerer felt better In her life. We feel It our duty to rcc mmemi It to every one we know. Geo. Som- - g: kindred TIIE OT Enlarged Pro, and of Iletention bo included Irine, those affections Gravel, ,ate b LADDER Hoods Sarsaparilla generally distributed among oar asScrofnla. U la liable at any time, on utest provocation, to develop Itself interne ed form. ' Consumption aud many other outgrowths of this Impurity. No reme-m been so successful at Hoods Sarsaparilla In rily cleansing the blood and eradicating every c ' Scrofula from the human system. Head the ft ' INPIiAMWATION n. e-- " Ob- Tape-worm- s, ( ' jrr t 0 liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarstinate Constipation, and kindred affections rhea, are among those chronic diseases in the suc- - . J' PjTI?r! Catarrh, Larjng. we hae Itis, llroneliilis. Asthma, and Consumption, made tun bra.icn ol our institution one of tlie lending Departments. Wo have every kind of useful instrument tor examining the organs involved, such as rhun scones, laryngoscopes, stetno-si-ope- s, spirometers, etc., etc., as welt as ull ot tlie most approved kinds of apparatus tor the application of sprays, fumigations, atomizations, pulverizations, inualutions, and oli other lorms of rnedtomal applications. approved We publish three separate books on Nasal, Throat and Lung diseases, via.: A Treat iso on Consumption, Laryngitis and Bronchitis; price, postpaid, ton cents; A treat ise on Asthma, or Phthisic, giving new and successful treatment; price, postpaid, ten cents; A treatise on Chronic Nasal Catarrh, price, postpaid, two cents. e a.(j his IjJffJ -d Luvvcll. loo Doses One Dollar Orer 3,000,000 v.-- e of Him (min used. rtahve most rplmblp and nakpr fortlifm ISuchauun, Mich. ... a trial. ForiSolicit . k o'r hamckj(OLL.lil JAD CO. fr,-e- , only by Mia. BUY SALZER'S(trn,n- Military rule ing to rank. a cure. gnaranteo i ortuiiau ly for suffering humanity, a method of treatment has been pcriocted and thoroughly tested in our institutions, by which in from six to tit teen dajs radical and peridot cures ot the worst forms of piles are effected without causing any severe suffering, bend ten cents in stamps for our largo illustrated Treatise on Files. of Hernia (Breach), or Rupture,or no matter how long standing, of wlmt what tho ag size, )f t,1( patient may be (if not under four years), is 1 n. speed! y and radically cured in every ease undertaken our specialists, without the knile, without bydependence upon trusses, without pain, aud without 'danger. Thera is no need 1 nuooCo. great injury and induce inlltuumulion tion, from which thousands annually die. There is no safety in depending upon any kind of truss, Ppy l.d I though, no doubt, every man who litis suffered the agonies of a strangulutod hernia, and died, thought himself safe. uarL. Both the rupture and the truss keep up a mental strain and induce nervous debility and various organic weaknesses of the kidneys, bladder, and associate organs. CURES GUARANTEED in every cae undertaken. Can any sufferer ask tor greater inducements than these? Notwithstanding the great number of ruptures treated in the three years piibt, many of them of immense size and of such a character that 110 other plan of treatment could possibly have succeeded, every case to which fbis peril eled system of treatment lias been thoroughly applied, has Lin perfectly cured. Only a few days residence at tho Im alula Hotel aud Burgicai institute i ueeessary. Abundant references, by permission of those whom we have cured, will be furuiolied to any one wishing to call ujain or writ them. An illustrated treatise on Rupture sent to any address upon receipt af ten cents. Organic weakness, nervous debility, premature decline of tho manly powers, involuntary vital losses, and kindred uffoetions, are speedily, thor- and permanently cured. iHMaaaan oughly To those acquainted with our institutions it is hardly necessary to say that the I in alids Hotel and burgieal institute, with the tiranch estalilishment located at No. 3 New Ox lord Street, London, England, have, lor many years, enjoyed the distinction of being the most largely patronized and widely celebrated institutions in tlie world for tho treatment and euro of those affections whieh arise from youthful indiscretions and pernicious, solitary practices. We, many years ago, established a Seeial Department for th treatment of those diseases, under tlie management of some of the most skilliul physicians and surgeons on our Staff, in order that all who apply to us might receive ull the advantages of a full Council of tho most experienced medical men. We offer no apology for devoting so muoh atten-UrTI,'- - Orr-r- n tion to this neglected class of diseases, lielieving no condition of humanity is too wretched to merit finni ErUlUdl. tlie svmpufhy and best services ot tbe noble profession to which wo Belong. Many who suffer from these terriblo diseas s contract them innocently. Why any medical man intent on doing good, and alienating suffering, should shun such cases, we cannot imagine. Why any 0110 should consider it otherwise than most honorable to cure the worst eiees of these diseases, we cannot understand ; and yet of all Hie otln r maladies whieh afflict mankind there are probably none about which physicians in general pro et ice know so little. We fully agree with the celebrated Dr, Bartliolow, who says, I think it a reproach to our profession that this subject lias been to pass into the permitted, in a measure by our own indifference, bands of unscrupulous pretenders. Becausetx- -the subject is disato with it. loath concerned aro greeable, competent pin sieians The same unnecessary iastidiousness causes tho treatment of this tnalady to b avoided 111 private practice. We shall, therefore, continue, as heretofore, to treat with our best consideration, svinnatliv, and skill, all applicants who are sufdiseases. fering from miv of tig e d iicnfc Treat iso on these subjects is Bent Our Complete and illustrated to any address on receipt of ten cents in stum is. ALL CIIflONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Although we have, in the preceding paragraphs, made mention of some of the special ailments to which particular attention is given by tho yet the speeuilists at I In Invalids Hotel ami Surgical Institute, for the institution abounds in skill, facilities, and apparatus successful treatment of every form of chronic ailment, whether means. medical or surgical for its cure requiring All letteis of inquiry or of consultation should be addressed ta Prr la lJ -- WORLDS D13FEHSAF.Y MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 633 Main Street, BUFFALO, - SEEDS, cmm.. Salute all officers accord- curr. No Nofe'n. 6panA tFor anla. Fair. 51 Jl.i: Shan town, Iowa. U f, C fc. -- rei Dr. JOHN irari St. A.Lmlj, A. I . H. WOODBURY. Ijc. ivrDvok. or injurv Buunti ard par Auyu., J'J aishiiigfon, W. N. U- - !.' I). C. OuAUk T fr nn oi: no ldov, pv Chll-ntr- i. Any oirvC m.ivc, I N C i'AKlA. OLliALB k CO.. 30616. IT. Y. Now Oliromo, Scrap A Oold-Edgfr.ssEX Caki Works, Ivoryton, Coon 20f FACK, ilA.N US, FELT, their imprit.oo, mctuhrue 'nieiit, Sui erfli Hl. Firttt trm, '! aru, MuUt, FriiW, Hfd No, Aug, JJIa k JlrbL Nrar, U'i i nn.l tr- - r tr v uiit. J at best, givo often inflict and strangula- 11 all I C of wearing clumsy. longer any AJfiy non Mnfll awkward, chafing, old trusses, whieh, only jiartial relief, whieh net er cure, but Tmicero I M;ot A Chicago clmrcb put up in tlio estilmiu; 1ms Lie pews ure not. Salvation is s 15 M Ba) u or Jt.T ts NoPi.ipcr ble PA I for Hope horses or mules. neck wear VvVathrr ha no effect on ihoir curative Our mw proprMirs. loops w.ih strap make them m!f adju- ting We home phvsieians) has the benefit of a full Council, composed of skilled specialists. Our Department and rooms for ladies in the Invalids iloUl and Purguiil Institute are so arranged as to be cry private, and live lrom Uie annoyances so common mother ten rents in institutions, stamps lor our larga Treatise on Diseases of onion, illustrated with HumoCompleto wood-curous and colored plates. IN ANO, and other diaPILES FISTULA eases affecting the region of the low er bowel, are ry., with and marvelous success, by treated, liLE largely time to the study specialists, who pivo clu--T ;n h ot of this and treiitiiicnt aQections. IVe never I U.MJud. fail to cure pile tumors, however large. When tho miwiBMl patient cun comts hero lor treatment, lve will A Th dura- SUCCESS. OF1 Recognizing the fact that no great institution dedicated exclusively to the treatment of chronic diseases, would meet the needs of tho afflicted of our land, without tho most - perfect, complete and extensive provision for 8 tho most improved treatment of diseases and lungs, such as 0f )ie One leads a liorse by the lnidle, an elephant by his rope, a woman by her heart. i ndilf ffi at 25 Tennyson's .Tlay Qneen. We commenced selling Atlilophoros knows hut if tlie beautiful girl who about a ago. We have had the best year blessed Dr. been had with young success with it of iheumatic medicine Favorite Prescription rIir might we ever handled, any w rites druggist O. W. . on May-pud many another bright Halstead, of Mason, Michigan, and Ins exue Favorite Prescription is a ccr-is a common one. for all those disorders to which perience are liable. Dakota has 29,415 more men th a n rs are tlie to the women. progress. More than at.e other Lu.no Remeis what E. W. Fairman, a druggist dies, diould be Generally Known at Dayton, hid., writes about tlipsaleof scroful-arof of multitude diseases a Allens Lung Balsam, lie has sold it for generally proceed from a torpid eight years, and it gives satisfaction. Hold n of the liver. The blood becomes by all druggists at at 25c., 50c., and $1.00 because the liverdoes not act. prop-- . a bottle. work olf the poison from the sysA wiso man will not gopher the proud J the certain results are blotches, minx. tumors, erupt ions, swellings, nd kindred affections, or settling FARMERS AND STOCKMEN. The only remedy that cures galls, cuts and a lungs and poisoning their de'icate on horres and rattle, and always crows wounds until ulceration, breaking down, the hair In its original color, is eteriuary or onsumption is established. I)r. 50 at and SI. jiecfc'. I S!2- - i ereslv Iu vials ' v- (!v- - saw. d, n fact, and one that appeals to the Judgment of every thinking person, that tho physician who devote It is a his whole time to the study and investigation of a certain class of diseases, must become la tter qualified to treat such diseases than he who attempts to treat every ill to which flesh is heir, without giving special attention to any class of disease, Men. in all ages of the world, who have become famous, have devoted their lives to some special branch of science, art, or medicine and --surgery in this institution, every invalid is treated the and subdividing thorough organization, - j - practice of ease Th sieian ean, humanity. : 'of a y rotlr V ic t .11 i diseases without a examining our patients. tlieIts recognizing of personal examination We patient, we claim to possess no obtain our knowledge of tbe patient' miraculous powers. disease by the practical application, to tlie practice of mediprinciples of modern silence. And it cine, of is to the accuracy with which tins system has endowed us that world-wide of skillfully treating we owe our almost reputation This system of practice, and lingering or chronic affections. the mart clous success w inch lias been attained througn it. demonstrate the fact that disease display certain phenomena, which, being subfurnish abundant jected to scientific analysis, and un.'.isiakable data, to guide the judgment of the skillful pnictiti.mer aright in determining the nature of diseased conditions. The most ample resource for treating lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest skill, are thus placed within the easy reach of every invalid, howctei distant he or she may reside from the physicians making the treatment of such affections a specialty. Full paruculHrs of our original, scientific system of examining and treating patients at a distance are contained in Tlie l'coples Common Sen. ITledical Adviser. By it. V. Fierce, M. D. loud pages and lor $1.50. over 300 colored and other illustrations. Sent, post-paiOr write and dcBcntie your symptoms, inclosing ten cents ia stamps, and a complete treatise, on your particular disease, wiA be 6cnt you, with our terms for treatment and all particulars. By our original svstein of diagnosis, we can treat many chronic diseases ju.sr as successfully without as with a personal conare always glad to see our patients, and sultation. While we become acquainted with them, show them our institutions, and famihari.e tneiu with our si stem of treatment, yet we have not in live hundred whom we have cured. The perseen one which scientists are enabled to deduce the fect aiunfii most minute particulars in their several departments, appears we mow it in the light of the early ages. if almost miraculous,, telegraph, the greuti&t Take, for exd iqT-- theis it not a marvelous degree of accuracy invention of the age. a fracture in a subto locate exactly which enables an operator marine cable nenrlv tnree thousand miles long? Our venerable clerk of the we! her has become so thoroughly familiar with the most wayward elementsHoof nature that be can accurately can sit in 'Washington and foretell movements. predict their as well as if what tlie weather will bn in Florida or New York him and tho miles did not intervene between several hundred An-so in of nil modern science, departments places named. what is required is tlie knowledge of certain in ii mf From these scientists deduce accurate con- signs. S ISiiS CF elusions regardless of distance. So, also, in niedi- cal science, diseases hate certain unmistakable or symptoms, and by reason of this fact, we D! r. r j r r oihfiuL. signs, lieen enabled to originate and perfect a sys-- ii have rainil in teui of determining, with the greatest accuracy, the naturo of chronic diseases, without seeing aud personally t- . treatment of all Chronic Diseases. And exclusively devoted to the 3G. fcy E;.-on- U :t y c! the lungs. After a time the art pe learned of packing the lungs. This m, 'Ull e niui! hold it as long as they can, and a grateful sense of relief in the fmd w;u r v rJi.lominal region. Practice will ' .. E(J 118 itii ian VI The number or eggs a hen will lay depends much on the care and food g veil. If yu do not believe it glame over tin; foilow ing condensed by the Cincinnati Commercial from reliable statistii s showing the average number of eggs a lien will lay yearly: Maine, 8'j eggs to each hen; Massachusetts, S(I; Connecticut, KT; New Hampshire, 81; Bliode Island, 7C; Vermont, C9; Pennsylvania, C2; Indiana, CO; Ohio, 57; Tennessee, 55; Kentucky, 52; Iowa, 51; Illinois, 42; North Carolina, 42; South Carolina, 37; P ftf! confalnlnprl aampleaof Now''arl OArA C DUUIvf for CKNTtSR 0ct. to pay Cemerorouk.0ia FiiiiiC ! BliOUlx CAliU CO. jutazo. CIlfDICT A FREE SAHPLE. Tolniroduce tho grat, houch hi rcuuMjr. KINCrOKPAlN Info ever y family. I will send a ample free to anyone sending ad!rg. Mention uos paper and adurcs K. ia. ilicil AiiDa, Toledo, U OOR-f)O- N Cadies and (ientletnen to lake liirlit work at tbeix 8 1 to day easily inatie. Work aent by mail. No oniivassing. We have good demand for our work, and furnish steady employment. Address, with stamp, Cko wn Afg,Co.&4 Vine Kt..Ciu.Q w A8rjfg?i ii'n iF ow u Tom i . ' |