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Show Ualbraitlj -. i- T ' f';'V r ' .o I Y A Vj U 0 hit. H, J ail ij L ; ,1 -- j s - L I .7 ll Xt , t J Jl lJs Uj Li V LJ L i I lU fcJ ?f ; s rfl 1 " Hy ' Miss Fanny t - L- -l MAXTL Vol.ll. SAX PE CITY, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, COUNTY, EH No. 1. 1SSG. ) WILLIAM f 5 )ff , ad - rrr-;;v;.i-.n-Li- !!; 3- 3- y,tn llo!'1 All Notnrv wotk cirefdlv jr2a-- l.u ;r- - !ift ou-- e t if it t i i ;r, to ! - .j: ) I, I YD :u ihe La id O ice Build-lin- e iag,Seit. Lake (Ary. Utah. Tii 'Alice J me thh-- f (Ji- -i K, LAS. Laml uf L .(.' n i a ' ,i" Cull in.o; 1 o 1'iotmt ', vanxwi-re.1- given on III! Inn-- mail 01.. . ykrf to If. S. La A ! Sec. o. Said Supervisor shall, by diligent search an enquiry, made ai such times as he may elect between the flr-- t d iy of January and the thirtieth d tv of November in each year, as ertain and li- the names of all persons within the eorporite lim.ts of s..id City, who are liable to pay poll tax, as provided in cotton one of this ordinatn e. He shall enter said names in :i suitable regis.er whii h shrill Le furnished him for that purpose by tlie City Recorder, at the expen-- e of the Citv. The names in e.h h municip d wind shall be vv.th entered on the regi-tesuitable columns opposite each name to enter d ,te of notice, toe time in which the person named is required to perform the labor, tup kind of p iy received, and date of payment. Sic. 1. It shall he the duty of said su ervisor. at s mie time between the fir-- t day of January and ihe tmrtie.h day of November in each year, to deli' er to each person liable to pay pod tax, or leave at his rts. deuce or place of business a wiitten or printed notu e. c.ting him to appear at such time and place as m iv he designated in said n tice. w.tli suita de tools for the kind of work to he performed, giv.ug each peison not less Hi in two d lys notice or such requirement. Whenever necessary, the su .ervisor is autho.ixd to employ team labor upon such terms as he m iv dec n proper, and for his service- - the supervisor shall receive such coinpens.ition as may he di termined by the City Council. Sec. 5. If any person shall fail to pay the tax required by this ordinance within ten days after the time mentioned in the notice provided for in the preceding section, said t ix shall be delinquent an the pi rson so liable shall the oafterbe required to pay such tax in money ; and the fctreet Supervisor, as such, must proceed io coiled the same as an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction ; and no propel ty of su h delinquent shall be exempt from ixeeuiion on a judgment so recovered. Seo. 6. The Supeivisur is hereby authorize to receive, at his otlice, cash in payment of his poll tax, from tiny per-o- n tend r ing the same, and he shall pay over all money as collected to the City 'Treasurer quarterly or oftnerif required by th CityCoun-cil. He shall keep stub receipt all nueipts theie-fronbooks, to e. c'n person deliver an of making payment tax a receipt therefor. The receipts and stubs shall etch show whether the tax was paid in money or labor, and if pud in bath, what portion ofeach. The stubs shall also con1 Salt Like City. o'i,it ion ID), Biec Office. -t ;ia!t? Jrs- I.ow e - in, I nes L on CO IKE l . x, N -- O C w to United K litter (1 CHy,U tali.'yotary P'lbtlc ia Ofvc.: - e: Slojioi. Stavnsr -- ( ( j 4 I ii- h Pit hi , Foiili sr Fillf'litsapplieii Frooi-- M IrIi ( i e I i'sos. Alses the - AVarAx FinP.I & Kntrie, -- Appeuls lor, C )IQ i !ic(ntoie.til. l"rc- SjiL", liail'lin j, :7 Main Strut, Salt Like Oil;, U. 7. tines p I Simims. in & Aitemlto nil elnsSHs of Laml , r, J. F. Simmons lif.imirj; 't he oiliest tirm f L n Halt' C. w. 1 -- ':ird Ss Lowe T and If gents ttorneys AX .... n (Lit F F I E - F. O, t: is. oS7. Sosfou! M Qv. II., ,M Fhvsician II A & , M. bl oii it I)., Accouchar. lllscases of Ijulies uml Clili lreu . ri-l.- T A'- r' t frams iirouiptly resjionde Utah l - ah I T. stre: eA n. t-- j RRUNEL, JenTisT MANTI CITY, UTAH. m: Tei'th f : .f extracted without pain livMnos Vano r Process. ) New Teetli, - $2d to per set Wm. had II. OLSTEN, M. I)., JJ!uf$ictan and burgeon. EPHRAIM (MTV, 'Lice at Drug .Store. arise S3E TAIL Surgeon of the .Van Ret-- Valley Railway. Consulhiti ns at Railroad Oilu-oMoroni, every Monday, from 12 m. to 4 p. m. ; itf , aidSrf PEOPLES DRUG STORE. , itlllt i" D ah PAUL VON NOKDECK, PltOI'RIETOV Dealer in Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Prescriptions accurately com .1- J EPHRAIM, Sau Pete Co., UTAlt l"ler by mail solicited, and ni tended to promptly. ZEE jrness SJaddles and all kinds of cr and Harne-ma- ' - or- - i i W' ioe F Supplifg. g call tbs attention of tbs Public of inanti and aan Pete county generally, to the keep constantly on band a fall C ue of leather, harness, and fiddles tvtftji to Give Me a Call. L. C. KJAR. Manti Utah. coke ted by of the delinquent-:- . The amount of an ollei Fifth poll tax, the l ume of each in delinquent, and the rea-o- n each c.me why such tax remains uncollected. Sixth. The amount and kind of poll tax labor ex1 ended within the City limits, 'and the places where uch labor was perfo-medSeventh. A general rep .rt of the condition of the public highways within his jurisdiction. 8 The City Council may at any time require spec-- d reports from the Street Supervisor. A failuie to make any r port as provided in this Orlinance shall ubjec: the Supervisor to a penalty m any sum not exceeding ninetv-nin- e dollars, tube recovered in an action ou his bond. Sec 9 This ovdinam-- to be inforee from and after its pub- 1 is--u- i, 1 o 3 r 4 o Cl U2 9P 3Cl S)' o -- Sj-:c- . i -- KMitaar J. W. Sanders & Co. lication. William Luke, Attest A.E. Mkrriam, Mayor. )Tf City Recorder. Territory of UtaiiJi Mvti City, The above and foregoing is a f ill tru and euncct copy of An ordinance in relation to Poll Tax p.is-.-- d bv the City Council of said City April 20th, 188(1 as appears of re ord in mv office. In test mopy whereof I have heron n'o et my hand and affixed , the corporate seal , of s lid city this I ( IV h day of April Dealers in Wool, Hides, Pelts, Furs, Etc. 17 IKICie ZESiSest Fouth it 19 tV. Merkiam, reop ties et i lii-- s wi w 8i(ti-i- tna owl 8 vier eou-- i e of sei a i tor a i.C II .Jro ni ell or-- , sola-- , , im-unit j miy.liing in I hf t B ei.-k'- t l vVlmle.-ai- the Cash A'o.a aceirii 'I i'll- -- And Don't - Oit3, AlffifCOLTOML IPLEtfflTS if DEALER IX LZCTZO rid are jar Larijnng I' ' 1 I irn.'tnre nr a In re D Hlers. It Lake. Iil.uk. latent Folding S8HUTTLEE W4G0HS, here o es t lie order. to op. -- A. oil lie Mini One Door WVit oil Our w e School l)osh Is the Rest For terms see our Agent, Jas. T. Jakem-m- ,ist of Specialties for Spring Trade: Bissell Bradley Garden Citv Clipper Walking and Sulky Plows Latest The and Improved Improved Chilled Plow; Best Chilled Plow ; Planet Jr. Cultivators and Little, Roundy db c o.,l b Crockery, Silver S Rlat-- and Lamp Goods Cutlery, Ware and ret? agekts i 1 Rocnester The Voruur VI, T LIKE (ITY. S 1C Atorn-- v 'Dt.-keat-L- - Lamp 1TATI Fuller W JgoUrj Public , a Co. Darke Land an Insurance & Agents Our 1 fice Agents. Mr. Darke practice Land O; fire acuta of Jpuntnj. Eaat Tamila Lik city, i trest, Harrows; Also Bubkey Mowers and Cord Bindeis ; Schutiler Wagons Wagons; Buggies, and Road Curts. Spring ; . ZB3T ZEZESZZEZESZIISZroiaZD W. T. Jack, Manti; J. P. Meilstrup, Ephraim. ax:: xg-r jsn 3MJ. rci pus enoteica Jo;pus ODMd '13159313 SSS '03 UeSjQ J3S33J0, i t a K. Is-J- snavnaM 7- , wr 'grirrf i'.;';vT;gk as ajyruovjrmw aiavuna ' v A A OIACIAJJV . in th , SupremeCourt, DLtrictCourti, Probate Court and the Not door Of- Acme Gardm Tools; . GLi-- s Salt Lake City GEORGE A. LOWE, TJtcXll.. i31SZEXl3LO FURNITURE. fnceS JyliieMt - Temple (Street, p. o. nox c. E3C. . t 11 CAS paid in ranch House at PJsphi. corns, mi?, Citv Roc ird r. Purl her TO tuLSt a -- A. F SUCCESSORS - Approved ApiVl 20; li, 18S8. 1 - A ho o of tax and the names -- Sjifi-ialty- S3 1 d Cny. Office, i j EL ta x p iid in money. Fourth The po I It. L. HOWARD, -- . First. Ihe public highways desicn oed b. the County Court of Sail Pete County, within and running thiough said Cii.v ; t.nd, Second Any other stieets or alleys in said C.ty. A.l labor performed shall be done under the dire 'on of the supervisor of streets for Manti i:M CD -- i : imp-ovin- D 3 CD i two ity o e ,.nd of ag . who U r vc-- Cr 1 Sr.c. 2. Thai s iid pool lax s ska he coll e'ed im ler the hereinai'U'r provided, and shaL he us d by sail City for UL. J. II. IIOLGA. l ttS it work. NV ,:r.iiEEN lel,T. G. Bailey, ACE XT 5tr v ltgu-lation- ! ru efei-l- 0-ir- S.-C.- 7 1 pf ; ,A Vyii hniiiU s rai d!i,: not physically ineopae't.i ty i i. neSs fu Alanti Ci y, . r.aju L'i the cord mcc with an act of the G verno.' and Legislative Asm1 n hly i,f tin Terr t ny of M .rch Ufa!!, approved 11th, lc i'h an annu p .11 tax of two mi ler atten- - office, Manti. Sentinel at M r -- rec.-ip- nt 1 1. iffi-e- ,' t"t; rl lin'd LN each, ur m lieu, tlie'.e .f, three dollars lawful iiimii-y- , shall he in upon every man, ; JaI i o divswok Iirt il.Kis HARRINGTON. DANIEL ; Re it 1. . IX T tain any other lads shown in (lie n ccipts. The'stubs of said t bonks Imd b to the City Tna-ut-- r with all not p'eviou-l- v paid over moiit-yon or before tfie tif emth day of December in ouch ye.t-- . bv lore the sec 'lid J Tuesday in apiary of ea h ear, the Suj.ervisot of St eet shall return to the City A'out.eil the n gister nrovide fojc in section three of this OrdinaM e, with a w itten r port eoid .inii g a sumof the fut- - shn-.vtherein, mary wh.c-Slid rip nt shall how. Fir-t- . '1'he Ld'd u ni er of per-- s m- - asse-se- d tax during the past veir, in Manti City. Third Toe total amount of poll tax paid in mono--Seoul The t. t d amount of 1 O.ffi e .it . j ''--- a. 's t.Mwr, r' That in ID. TIE Vm. K. jns T PoLI. MANTI CITY. tty ! ORDINANCE R'. LATiON ' UTAH - .MANH, IN Ait. .rum- - Pr.:?tc Laul and AN REjI, L. V'W y . .v:.-- ' f-- 'V e- X - IJWVV - " AfV V - n irv lObSU Li F . . . S.w - . Jr r |