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Show - ISSUED EVERT EVENING. (Jfceqrf Amity,) ty Tae Janation Priatine Association lisooarouTisj 0Bo iomt ol Main and fourth Street A Urut all oommmuoatiMU cm burinui to'Jhi tutKU Jmager; thott intended for publication ore precarious and the situation is by no means assured yet. Afghanistan is yolcanic greund for the British; the soil is undermined, and at any moment a fearful eruption may cause a tremendous catastrophe. THE IMMENSITT OF TOE WORLD. Astronomers say that this world of ours, which seems so large to our understanding, is, in fact, so small in Fridat Evbnikg, Serf. 17. 1S0. comparison with ttie sun ana autre its uresence or absence is, to THE BRITISH IN AFGHAN- taut the universe, a matter of inconceivISTAN. there is very little room for fluctuatably small importance; and that even ing or independent voters. Besides, The defeat which General Roberts in its own system (the solar), it would every election since 1876 has in inflicted on the Afghan pretender hardly be noticed by an eye capable creased the democratic plurality, and to Ayoob Khan, shortly after his arrival of taking in at one view the sun and because emigration from Indiana Nebrasas states western Kansas, ich at Candahar, will make an end to its attendant planels. Sir John ka, C'olorado,Miiinesota, Dakota, eto , Ayoob's aspirations for the throne of Herschel, the great English astrono- has been chiefly from the republi-- c .n ranks, and the farmers in Indiana Afghanistan, it the wily native does mer (bjrn 1790), gives the following receive assistance from some popular illustration of the size and vote juntas much as tby do in Ohio. Hancock is stronger in Indiana than other side, or the English faciltte distance cf these bodies: Tilden was, and Garfield is not as shorthis further resistance by new "Choose," he says, "any well level- stroni? as Haves, whose personal This discomfiture at led field. On it place a globe two record at that time was unstained sightedness. The Democrats Kutsyk-i-Nachu- d has been brilliantly feet in diameter, this will represent and unassailed. want for redeemed by the victory of Geneml the sun; Mercury will be represented have all the money they more much than purposes, campaign CanRoberts, but still the laurels of by a grain of mustard seed on the they had in 1876 while the repnblis dahar are unable to neutralize corns circumference of a circle 164 feet in cans have less, the greenoacn pletely the eril influence of the pre diamiter for its orbit; Venus, a pea leaders are notoriously neutral. In vious success of Afghan arms and in a circle of 284 feet in diameter; 1876 they were confessedly bought uo by the republicans at the last ruse. For this reason the demand the earth, also a pea on a circle of hour. Tais year quite the contrary was made in India, a few days ago, 430 feet; Mars, a rather large pin's is apt to occur. Mr. Landers will lose to have Ayoob Khan pursued as far head in a circle of 654 few democrats, but feet; Jupiter, a earn more Greenback vot3. Mr. as Herat and have him rendered per- a moderate-sizeorange in a circle is the best organizer in the fectly innocuous, to prevent further nearly half a mile across; Saturn, a English and a man of great intellectual state, surprise from his treachery. Durinjj smaller orange on a circle of four force and the coolest judgment, who the whole .ragkcomical campaign fifths of a mile; Uranus, a full sized attends to his business without bra bluster. Gen. Roberts has shown himself as a cherry upon the circumference of a will who commander circumspect circle more than a mile and a half,and know well, how to utilize his Ativans Once is a while we have the pleas Neptune, a good-sizeplum on a tage, although he has wisely prefer circle two and a half miles in diame- ure of coming across a paper which red to build "golden bridges for the ter." comes half way near towards sense towards justice, as fleeing enemy." The further sue If our earth were struck out of ex- and cess will principally depend on the istence, it would hardly be missed regards the "Mormon" question. action of the government in London, from such a vast system. But this is Au instance of such a relatively fair which has hitherto directed the far from the extreme measure of our voice we are pleased to meet in the campaign in Afghanistan, not to the littleness. The evening sky is stud- Chicago Newt which expresses itself advantage and success of the Britnh ded with stars, those "golden nails in its issue of the 11th, as follows: arms, certainly. on the crystal vault" of the ancients, As Mormons continue to come to Since the British government had or Bailey's "words of God, the scrip- this from the Old country made the recent agreement with tures of the skies." Between them World, some inquisitive people want to know what. Secretary Evarts pro Abdur Rahman Khan and installed and us is empty space, or rather poses to do about it. They think him as Ameer of the valleys of Afspace filled with terrestrial atmos- ins circular to our representatives ghanistan, it became apparent that phere for about 140 miles and then abroad should be backed by attempts it was the intention of the British to world-ether- , threats it contained. that subtle, intangible Ato enforce theconsideration will show moment's evacuate the dangerous mountains fluid which heav conveys the rays of action such must how impossible as and treacherous gorges as soon enly light of other worlds to us. As be. Immigrants cannot, be prosepossible, and to abandon the unprof- we look across this space, the dis cuted merely for their religious bes itable country to its own fate. The tance does not seem so against povery great lief. Thereis are statutes chief cause for this retreat was the and even astronomers were true; but the governlygamy, it long in ment would find it difficult to conenormous cost of the campaign learning how great it is and how ut- vict a Mormon emigrant, just ar which amounted to a sum manyjtimes terly isolated the sun, with its train rived, of polygamous practices. The larger than that estimated by Beas of planets, if from the nearest sider attempt would be made only the more farcical frem the fact that in consfield's government at the begin- eal of old system. Some laws territories where ning of the war. But since Glad- ylaced the moon only a few miles no effort worth men exist, already stone has assumed the direction of beyond the earth's surface and the tioning is made for their enforce" public affairs, the ends which his sun some hundreds. But, keeping ment. tor the government to at predecessors sought to obtain with the same sca'e as before, in which our tack ignorant immigrants because an Afghan campaign have lost much inconceivable distance from the sun of social evils which are quietly allowed to exist at points under federal of their force. Gladstone does not (in reality 92,333,333 miles) was re- domination would beas silly as it believe in secret duced to a dozen rods or so, and would be futile. purposes of the Russian advances in then setting out to visit ur neighCentral Asia and he, therefore, d es if bors, we are lucky enough to turn A new bock by Chas. H. Spurgeon not think it necessary to take expen- our steps to the nearest, we find be- always is a public event. Such this au sive measures agiinst such eventual-itie- s. fore us a journey of nearly nine This view of the present thousand miles. Had we directed thor's "John Polughmm's Pictures" will prove. It is after the style of British premier has undoubtedly our course to auy other of the stars, his ce ebrated "John Ploughman's contributed much to facilitate the our road would have been many which has had immense sales agreement with the reigning Ameer, thousand miles longer. There are Talk," in this country and iu England. It Abdur Rahman Khan, although the stars from which light (which trav is an exceedingly humorous and in latter had always ben a protege at els at ihe stupendous rate of 186.000 the Russian government and thus miles per second, or 6G9,600, 00 per structive fountain of homo wisdom, made doubly impressive by the abunwas likely to arouse grave suspicions hour) requires 6,000 years to reach dance of good old proverbs. Its as to his fidelity and loyalty to the our puny globe. simple, plain tone brings it within British lion. In how far this confi And all of these the mental grasp of the humblest, dence in the designing and ambit"In order twinkle In the skies, while its lofty moral sentiment ious Afghin sovereign was justified, And fall In silence and In silence rise." reaches h of the the highest, rest to be roven by the event, there thirty-ninshort is illuschapters are, indeed, grave indications that trated by a quaint, apt picture, givAbdur Rahman was somewhat mixed OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ing the book a decided "merry old up with the pretender Ayoob's insur col to reference our By Eegland" character, while the tenadvertising rection. In such a case, Gladstone's will find a notice dency of the text admits of universal readers our umns policy would have received another of the school trustees of Ogden City application. This excellent publicaleak. the public that the schools tion forms the fortieth number of I. informing inRussia, against whose growing district of this (Ogden) will not be K. Funk St Co.'s deservedly popular fluence in Central Asia the Afghan till the 27th of Sep Standard Series, which, in solid, inMonday, campaign had originally been under- opened This has been structive, refining reading, outweighs tetnber. arrangement taken, and of whose sympathy for made in to the excellent all the dime "Libraries" of the day, conformity the Afghans documentary evidence idea of having all the public schools without being any more expensive. was discovered at the capture of of the district commence and close Send for it direct to the publishers Cabul, seems to be particularly anat the same time, which would not in New York, or better still, through xious, just now, to confirm the unbe possible by next Monday, as the John G.Chambers. suspecting confidence of Gladstone. Central School House has not yet Such we conclude from some combeen quite finished, the railing for munications of the well informed A Good Thing. staircases not having been put St. Petersburg correspondent of the the German to contract. By the Syrup is the special preLondon Daily A'eie.t. He recently up according time above stated, however, theCen scription of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German reported "from authentic source," tral School House will be in and is perfect acknowledged to Physician, be" one of the that the Russian government nucli trim and order, and will be rt ady for most fortunate discoveries in Mediregretted the British defeat and noof which our population will be cine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds tified Abdur Rahmaa under no cir- use, and proud. We are confi and all Lung troubles of the severest cumstances to engage in any hostile duly glad affection and leaving the pans in u dent that this fall term will inauguand healthy condition. It is moyoment against the retreating in the public schools strong not an experimental medicine, but British troops, or to molest them in rate t new era of Ogden City, thanks to the public has stood the test of years, giving any other way. Any disregard of satisfaction in every case, which its this caution would cost him thesym spirit of the citizens, the enterprise rapidly increasing sale every season of the late board of trustees and the confirms. Two million bottles sold pathy and good opinion of Russia of the present officers. Ex- annually. Beware of medicines The Daily New is considered to be efficiency of have been secured similar names, lately introduced. teachers cellent in near relations with the British for all the schools and the parents Boschee's German Syrup was ingovernment, hence the news from and troduced in the United States in guardians of our youth will have Kussia may not be unfounded. Still 1868, and is now sold in every town for satisfaction that their and village in the civilized world. it shows that the influence of Russia just cause educational interests are in the oare Three doses will relieveany ordinary on the new Ameer is of such force, of faithful and competent servants of cough. Price 75 cents. Sample botthat every change of the Russian 10 cents. the public. The notice of the trustees tle, policy in Central Asia would become apr.6-t- f also of rates . the tuition for the of the gravest significance for Eng gives different departments, which are the So Deception Used. land. Ia connection with these lowest ever offered to this city, esIt is strange so many people will speculations it is an interesting fact in consideration of the vast continue to suffer day after day with that Russia has again recently dis pecially We feel to Dyspepsit Liver Complaint, Constiimprovements made. patched 25.000 men iato Central Stomach, General Debilthe citizens for the pation, Soor congratulate when they can procure at ity, Aia, professedly to Geok Tepe, the ttc, splendid opportunities offered them our sine SHILOH'S VITAL1ZER, focus of the Turcoman forces. and trust they will avail themselves free of ost, if it does not cure or reThe probable outcome of all these lieve their. Trice, 7; cts. Sold by thereof. Anglo-RussiJ. W. McNutt St Co., Wholesale and Afghan complications Retail Druggists, and O. C. Orrasby, will be the total abandonment of oct28-l- y Logan. northern Afghanistan by the British The Flea u res of Hope, ... . 1e and the organization of southern is bowed with Dr. Tanner When the body pain Afghanistan into a tributary state an intense longing for relief brings Could have eating for the under an elective chief, whose fealty hope. This may brighten the suf- forty days, a enjoyed well as fasting, if he would be secured by a garrison sta- fering bat it does not cure. At a had only used Brown's Extract ok tioned in Candabar. With the pro- time like this how welcome is such a Blackbbrrt and Ginger; the cele verbial treacherous character of the friend as Warner's Safe Kidney and brated western remedy for Diarrhiea, Liver Cure, bringing hope, health Dysentery, and Cholera Morbus. For Afghan race, however, any calcula- and happiness and the )oys of a re- sale by Driver &, Son and J. W. Mctions based on the Ameer 'a loyalty newed life. Nutt & Co. dau20tf dsepl6H to IH Julilor. GEXEIL1 L MEE CHAJfDISE. 45 Yearsbefore the Public. Joseph Fdlizeb, the able editor of the St. Louis Past Dispatch expresses himself in the following manner with reference to the October election in Indiana: In my opinion, Indiana will go for Landers, next month, chiefly and briefly for these) reasons: It is a physical and mental impossibility for the republicans to make an abler or more desperate fight than they made under Morton's personal leadership, four years ago, when the state went for Tilden. The democrats only need to hold their own. Though Tilden's plurality was small, It Is a good margin, a, in close and bitterly-contesteateslike Indiana, THE nENUINE DR. C.McIiANE'S STA F Iff R O H SB LITER PILLS Joljbb Y are not recommends! as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia, and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, thy stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better oathaetic can be used preparatory to, or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never x seal on the lid, Kach box has a with the Impression, McLANK'S U VLK PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa CO H sugar-coate- red-wa- tures XXMIMO liKOS. Ol U. MCLiAKE WCl p&- Insist upor .laving the genuine U Uh. (J. McLANE S t-- i 'i LisJ pre-tare- by-- FLEMING BROS.. Pittsburgh, fa.. the market beine full of imitations of me name neusc, speuea uiuernuuy, nt 13 out same pronnnci"tiop. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. A Speedy aud Effectual Cure. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLE- R fobtt tsars' trial. Has stood thetestof Direttiont uith each bottle. SOLD BY ALL DKUOOISTS. O hard-mone- UflUTrn lOClAITBrwati d three-fourth- star-gaze- tool. In. Ow I" rMW "t . teMlfln, ' Ut"i LOOK OUT FOR S03IK1HIKG NEW! -- THB- JOS. STANFOKD, n e i. - Proprietor. I (Daily and Semi-Weekl- Proposals for Beef Cattle. y.) s rs - THE LEADING PAPER In NORTHERN UTAH and joining Territories. IT rUKKISHES ad- BUPPLIIS OF BICH Telegraphic News! Fobt Hall Indian Aoenct, Roes Fork, Idi bo, Seit. 3, 1SS0. will FR0PO3AL3 be at tils office uutll 10 e'cloek a.m., September 23, 18S0, for the delivery under contract ol Six Hundred and Elphty Thousand (680,000) pounds of beef cattle on the hoof, five hundred thousand to be delivered at this Agency, and on hundred and eighty thousand at the Lemhi Agency, Lemhi Co., Idaho. Good, healthy merchantable steers and cowe, (no bulls ar stags not over seven years of age, at such times and in such quantities as may he re quired during the u'scal year ending June SEALED Well prepared Editorials on the 30, 1881. The average gross weight of each deliv prominent questions of the ery from May 1st to December 1st to lie not less than 850 lbs, and from December day; Spicy, Reliable and Ut to May 1st not lets than 800 Itu. A Prompt Locals; cattle to be lotted without food or water Carefully Selected Agrifor twelve hours preceeding each delivery cultural and Scientific InforA deduction of twenty (20) per centum to be made for cows. mation; Interesting and Amusing The is reserved to Increase or right -- Farm, Freight Miscellanies for Family Reading! THE JUNCTION 18 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER, And as such in full accord with the spirit thereof, an EXPCfOT OF ITS WANTS AND A diminish the above quantity twentv-flv- e (25) per ceii turn eud to reject any or all oius. " " DAII.',er " Nix per annum $4.00 Six $2.60 Month, HAY liJLSIES renter Draft .r::y.l, Ullin PLOWS Cultivators, Harrows, G mj, tin!ky aJ Walking Piowa 1 51 6tock. I kecpnoui but SALT LAKE Pirt-Cla- Uoo'l; and guarantee all I ijll. w JOPIls W: LOWELL, CITY. -v 3 WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY. WILL will lie out-lieat the hour above !ef ignated in the prts-encof interested pintle. turttier inioriiiatlou wlil be furnished upon application to this olllce. The lids for the Fort Hull and I.'emM Ageney may tie made tinratt-lor ioint- ly; the advertiBeim nt tor iircu isals t.i he on the n Itilh Biunt is hereby reopened JOHN A WRIRnT. U. S. Indian AeenL Solic'tel Oorrespondenca WITH annum, $9.00 YOUJiG HEN AXI) W03IEX defire a firht-c- l 'rtucatlon in Classics, Science, Art, or in six .tutu-- . Auurrs Rev. DAViD rT.MonftP'. n n it is a President University of Denv-r- Denver, $5.o Month!, Who , aaugii rx.w lit CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT l)eloines and (the capital oi Iowa), Stuart. Allan-ti- c, Avocu; with branches from Bureau Junction to Pcuria; Wilton Junction to Muscatine, Washinnton, Fairfield, Eldon, Centrpvllle. Princeton. Trenton, Gallatin,Belknap, Came, Atch-sonron, Leavenworth, and Kansas City; Washington to hlgourney, Oskaloosa. and Knox-yille; Keokuk to KarmlnKton, Bonaparte, Independent, Eldon, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa. I'ella, Monroe, and Des Moines; es Moines to Indianola and M.".',lr"": i JSIf rfeti.At,"",t";-t- o Lew' aDd Audubon; and H"lan. KlSi!.? which owns, andis positively a the only operates through line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. Pnssenifer Trains, with wiilS'V"1 t?Pr"s8 ( ars attached, are run each way daily nd Peokia, Arc unexcelled in this section of country, and we are prepared to print Posters, Streamers, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Circulars, Legal Blanks, As Cheap as any, and with the Greatest Dispatch. Kansas City, Leavenworth, and AtchUen, nections beinir made in Union Depots. THE PRINCIPAL R. R. CONNECTIONS Of TUI8 4JKKAT THROUGH LINK AKE AS FOLLOWS : At Chicago, with all diverging lines for tM East and South. At Enolf.wood, with the L. S. 4 M. BH and Ft. W. AC. R. Rds. At Washington Heights, with P., C. & su L. R R, At La 8 ALLTt. with 1)1- - Cent. R. R. At PKOBIA, with P. . A J.; P. D. It E.i LB. A W. Rds. . W.; 111. Mid.; and T. Ho At Rock island . tth "Milwaukea Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd A tfeo. Kds. At with the Davenport Division 8t. P. R. K. CM. Davenport, KkTsfanrrt'L'T."' " ""-UAt West Libert v, with the B.. C. R. A N. B. it At Grinnei.Ii. with Central Iowa R. R. mwiflcently At Pes Moines, with I. M. A K. D. R. R. R. R. Council Bluffs, with Union Palflc At hat will please you most will be the At Omaha, with B. & Mo. R. R. R. in Neb.) pleasure K.AN.R.H. AtCOLL'MBUSjrNCTION,WithB.,C. At Ottumwa, with Central lowaR.R.i W St. L. A Pac., and V. li. A Q. K. Rds. At Keokuk, with Tol., Peo. A War.: Wb.,lt R. Kd JUmis A Pe, and St. L., Keo. Al.-vyivae8?rtrsveu in ao At Camekon, with H. St. J. R. R. At Atchison, with Atch., Topeks A Santa Fe; Atch. A Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. R. Rdi. At Leavenworth, with Kan. Pac, andKaa. Cent. R. Rds. At Kansas City, with all lines for the Wtst ana souiawesu CO! XClif Vf runthro8h t PEORIA, E8 MOTHES, MDnedGTlLlan1" W14 "skM2E Slaven's Harmless Yosemite Face Powder J. ! The Only Harmless Beautijier. W. McXo.lt & Co., Aleuts, Ogden. appointed To which we have aHi1itl recently made rK!inrr lie to execute AD PAMPHLET WORK With increased RAPIDITY NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS, an Main, St., Block, s - IOgden i? SULKY PLOWS vs. GANG PLOWS. Gentlemen's Own Wear! OX HAND, And made up in A Ai-- Dooly-Steten- i ate inqmry frora 1 Hv WnTn E" Vou CALL AND SEE. Taylor & Son. (Oliver th&l Chilled) Sulky Plow. E i ? " TniUMPH CRAIN DRILL get full crops, aa the grain ,taBda the winter and iroulh well. The Improfed llarb Steel Fence Wire "as the Barbs fast on both .. !,.. We keen , memai , . """"" 'urn or a ip. u is ...v... iicorner Mai "S"u"uri lmpiementg at our Uepot in ,ni Fifth StretU kinds or OLOTns, 0f the advantage3 of Sulky Plows and then examine" ther P'W bM Y0Q et ,b M0UlJ Bard sou, can plow deep and pnlierite your soil so that by using style on Plain and Fancy, Cheap and Costly, way on hand in Great Quantity. tt9 Hie Cassaday SUit Short Notice. mm nam mm, Art, WMtTanEjAGONJ8nownjyjBgtbot-ge8sale cfany wagon in th hem ,TW h!r "e Hoot. Reliable and Very Durable. Call aid w FOURTH St., OGDEN. And thereby insurine satisfac tion to all of our patrons. Address all orders to K Bain Wagons! &'S0N, Fashionable Tailors ;COSTAXTLT AND t Gen'lbapunaL TAYLOR BOOK DEPARTMENT, VFa5 bv !. Aniiiwi, and LEAvEXWOBlit. Ticket, via ihf. i iT. T Inlted Statea and Canada. For Inrorm.Vi... bume ticket office, addrea. A mMI AL.L obttaM Wt call especial attention to our well your "Havana LOON where you can - Etc., Etc., Etc., In the Neatest Manner! A enjoy at all nours or the day. MacniHcent Iron BrWeos SDnn the Mississippi and Missouri rivers at all points crosssd by this Hue, and transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, con- u.iS.'f Dodgers, Hand Bills, Letter Heads, CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! Oneother to council Dininq Cart for eating purposesonly. SMOKINt roat feature of our Palace Cars Is a iiuo runs irom unicago Bluffs, passing throueh JoHet, Ottawa. La Salle, 'neeo. Mollne, Rock Inland, Davenport, West Iowa Liberty. City. Marpm., uV.u.irivn JOB WORK In pecial(y. always ia Si tool X3x"fc Fonco oily Wire( DRESSED AND PAIN1ED UAGON ThBER. I Our FACILITIES for eiecntii g every kind of BOOK "Cha- oalsforH.ef CattJe."aiid With its great circulation Territories and two States very efficient medium for advertisements. It reaches the great business men and the small farmer, the prominent Statesman and the humble artisan. lifer Wagon. reapers and mowers. Mccormick . li. U Proposals for any portion of the above TtKMIMS l.'X amount ot beef cattle fruui fifty thousand (50,000) pounds upwards, to be dtlivi-reat times speciuea m the bids will also be received and opened at the time and place above mentioned. All bids uiudt bo nccnrnnatiled with a certified chick upon rome United States ilepontory, payable to the order of the Indian Agent for at Icatt live (51 ixr eiii- tum of the aruonnt cf Li e iruiHa. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED erdoronl TroiK). Envelopes should ITS RIGHTS. Its excellency is only equalled scinded. by its cheapness, as seen by the Uul7 td following: DEFENDER CF ausa'fj;-:- : J. I. Case, Apron, Eclipse and Agitator THRESHERS. llenge" and "Daisy" 11 ' on 1 . bvra, ,"" :ntvcr Chilled I'low, Har.hroou, n jon Material, Ac. vat rw , |