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Show MEMORIAL SERVICE PROPOSED IN S. L. SALT LAKE, Nov. 4. Public memorial mem-orial services are to be held In the tabernacle at 2 o'clock, November 12, 'the Sunday following Armistice day. at which solemn tribute will be. paid to the nation's soldier and sailor dead and devout thanks will bo offered for the allied victory In the world war. Governor Mabey. President Heber J. Grant. General U. G MacAlexander 'and Lieutenant Commissioner Glfford, In charge of Hie western territory of j the Salvation Army, will bo among the .speakers, It was announced yesterday after a meeting of the Armistice day memorial committee, held in the of- .flco of Mayor Neslen The services 'will bo In charge of Mayor Neslen. "The services will bo nonsectarlan, !and 11 Is hoped that the tabernacle will . be filled to capacity with citizens who have gathered for patriotic and mem- i orlal services after the parado and gay j festivities which will feature Armistice Armis-tice Jay, November 11," Mayor Neslen Nes-len said. ' Armistice day lfl an occasion for rejoicing, but it is an occasion also for solemn, religious thought. Let our thoughts turn at that tlmu to those who havo made the great sacrifice. ' In addition to the services In the tabernacle, tho committee has recommended rec-ommended that special programs bo carried out in all of the churches of the city on tho morning of November 12. |