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Show THE PROVO HERAIJLtHURSDAY. OCTOBER II, 1923. clubwoman convention aides !j ' .:: .... i I' - X 0 10-0- , fr J s ft i were placed if heed be in a few short one loss, many knew not where they Of course, as I said, we had about book a write 83-could and going. I seen a few bodies in. the canals bnt now. kmt to r'bicago .Both games It' but I haven't the time ibis was only a drop in the bucket were hard played snd fast to a cerI boarded the train at 1 o'clock, to the terrifying sights we met ' . tain de Tee. For miles by morning I felt the train had with at the Siuaida river. see t'lark star Aggie guard will not but In any was forced to sit 90 far as we were, able to as I boarded me, of be in the game due to a fracture aH night in a space hardly hirge direction, the ground had been up shifted the shoulder but McCaU is to stand up in. All seats wept clean ot its buildings' and int flU his place while Pitcher takes enoughfull were and people stood up in habitants. - Here the people were so team McCall's place at center. The the aisles, so anxious were they to thickly populuau Huii $&.; was Is in shape and. will be In good get to their relatives and friends itf almost impossible. uenv nijihg ordr when the take the " the ereat citr "at 'ruins.": From 7 ingly all rushed for the rlw-t- jif. ftul.t juraliwt tha R Y Ml the 13. steel across the rive oth 2The MneSu wStln arbrobaffilffeit nassed throuch 75 tunnels wntcn ides ionly" - to -- flnd rthr-- "!tra vni-i be the same as started against ek varied in length from 6 to SB. mi I burned wit Thqr game ir cagoJaat weeX Some chaflgeafiiShl! iitpa each! so Ton caSTo some ex riotslia wt, motoicyclt-s- . a iitomobiie be made however as U. Bmita is tent imaeine the smoke we would and- every conceivubUj way a'nd back for a place at half and WTWfMhajre to go through. About 50 miles jammed there. They say the poeple others are showing up to' good tawl-Toklo a tunnei had caved in rained into the water uad huareds ard This week will be spent in so we had to change to another were overcome and Jrrere carried kickrunning signals, punting and train, walking of, course between Into the ocean a short d.'stance ' ing, paslug and heavy work for the trains, and from here I did not get away. line. . a ' seat and had to stand up clear , Near the river bank in small The Aggie Fros will be used In into Tokio with scarcely room to park the. people gathered by the ' the a scrimmage every" eftning and ' thousands. They had taken with put my feet' twuii will have both offensive and lutrTved there at 12j3Q pift and iliem as many of their belongings other' defensive work. the church, as they could conveniently carry, or W immediately went- occur the team will be in the which is only Jftve minntes' walk pull on small carts and by so doing make best of shape and ought to from the, station: Our church was had mad? Another meal for tii fire a good showing against our visitors only slightly damaged, the tile on tp consume. Here they say there at called the roof were shaken off and the were .35,000 men, women and chil from .Utah. The game is 2 walls were cracked,, plaster off in dren who met death. No words can oiH3olorado Field. e like reads some placs but outside of this trou- paint this scene I would not at The ble I found all safet there bejng tempt io mate you see it as I saw this: four missionaries and two servants It. and the norm whlih T -n . Brown, r. e. i there1 at the lime of lue earthquake. never forget. It was impossible for Capt Wlgle, r. k I feel the blessingi of the Lord have me to Judge the number who were .Bain, r. g. ' tfs even been with all, surely' Pitcher,' c. tborigh the house was not destroyed MeCall,, I g. thousands. as were the shake by Wagner, t. also fire Thp ylcln'ty rorrey, 1. e. which ravaged so many districts. Treffeisen, q. b. Afterjcteanlng up a little fromthe Reld, r. h. b. ride, 1 together with the president b. ItlddleTX went down to the heart .of jthe city Houser, f.'b. which I found cut out I rode the only street car line which was still In service, for about 45 minutes through a slightly-daaged district in comparison towhat I later encountered. According to the old Spanish proverb, "Who has . no ill luck grows fired of good,' these iwple . ha ve no need of - get-tinp tired, yet to, epiiomttftfthg tired, weary faces tt.seemd the ill ries have one victory and luey Won from Wyoming . s , 77- Vr' . frn - -. ' - tir r - -- 'If :t liae-upat- '. JROGE' !4 - x.1 i - V i lire,IwwmiI'J iif JU. sZS In . ..' MRtCMBlSTtliJtiiSEjiJ 11 .r ' r . t . 1 i-a- For- ItCSllJ J 7 1 1 II Chairman o n t f-- f t mmjl.iiiI rm ... i Football HighSchooL n Inckatr-brough- t k EIa.yfid4leri and -- I r:.mA i jilnds how he would bv steamship or by train, .but as both experienced the jam of the train we chose the ship which proved to be rich with new expert--snee- hSio heart-renderin- ft"J M(W.WT.MATLER cowmunit UaHClialri service, det. MRS. 'OS JE-SS- t tst4ict Ky0 Heiirinted WVOHnSON cmoistli by cotirte sy of "Tile I tah Payroll Bullderr" and girls, of course, but if we are Uthlnhose fir- I 8 CHILDREN had not been shaken down by the This Season. ot-th- : e 0 2 . j y it 1 . Ben-sha- J I 6? Kl' nriiigitlifipasfcaXoaim ms men uurumoimnas oeen bones. ' Small vm M.un rati -- Quality Millinery 57 THE more the true music lover who knows and appreciates ail the delicate shadings cf music interpretation, to he heard only on thif superior r't tf f Dress Wool Socks for cold weather to wear with oxfords. a nr 7D JCL0TH HATS The store with the snappy styles. Gome in and see them. THE MEN'S SHOP 24 Pictures! "miif North University V "ft Reframe that OldPicturii? An artistic - frame gives new gives it beauty to any picturer-an- d the added distinction it deserves. This shop It equipped to handle every kind of picture la a careful and expert manner. There it only on standard of workman ship THE HIGHEST!. "Beautify With Pictures" - i i wt, 1 ; "The Iloose,, 1 The ; highest class talkiiv IntehiM lif the' worUT .- . Icy- - . ' AU -- . Weather Tread. That tread ' is famous the world over for slipless, gripping traction eco- - and for long, nomical wear. At C.yr sWvfa 'a&beassWleV . Stmthn ssesj vVetsf taVeeaf FsTOSSJQet m.nef tht ne CoaWy.ar . CwWt mtth thm oeW All- - ; '" Wtmthf Tr:4 and mp mith ontrf Cii;i'liii Flae Tr - One-Prf-re snowy or and when you buy . a tire now, get the Goodyear Cord with . -- - 'streets and roads, tktm Provo Paint ,& Glass Co. ahead to fOOK Li Winter, with iU the instrument. A l Fine Silk Knit. Fashion dictates At 50c WHA T? . production. Sonora steadily increases in value to the ; I'-jll- 65c King Tut Bows " plays his instrument the more he ap'--' predates its superior tde" quality and fidelity ot re- CHICAGO LINE 1 LATEST That old picture you like so wellwhy not have it reframed? Sonora Qrows on You PLAY COUGARS It North University Ave. .. $mm . I i small knot, also ' n , Mr n'l ' u It h The Slim 7im Ties - n e just received We are pleased to show you; .....,..... has-hec- tiura BROADWAY'S the. only sign of n home In the uniung er than ever liefore. In rain or neililH)rhood. The canals which furnish much ji shine the boys have lieen at Timp through the city ! park every afternoon drilling new transportation were- floating with old timbers. nnd polishing plays and formations clothes, iKmts hulfrbumed. as ' up some of those learned earlier in as dead bodies of M hose who wellj had the year. tried to into jumping the scape by. on The game Friday afternoon water. after leaving the University field should be most in- street carShortly we saw about bodies teresting to the spectators. Tintie which had been fished from .the' has some husky players who under- canal nearby, piled on the banks stand the game pretty welL Since ready to be burned. They were playing their first game Friday gathering these bodies from the! ' with the Springville eleven the canals as fust ns possible because Miners are more ulert and have they were stink.' a This' creating polished off some of the rougher leing the first sight of the bodies siots. They should put up a pret- it remuiyed with me, imf-thscelie ty fough game against the White became so common that not defenders. mucn to attention pay tliem, and ' fpringville nnd Payson should al- was continually attracted by jiew ' so put up a splendid exhibition ns sights. Uith of these teams have some good players. ing, us fast as iKssibIe, the falling buildings to ascertain as near as of dead and lo dispose of the bodies. They were also going through .the remains of Ttielrtuiildiiigs to recover, if possiFuneral services were held in the ble, any valuables orwhich might have which might be damage fjiikevicw ward chaiel Wednesday escaied .Safes were being re- son of saleable. for, Odin Cecil Jeppeson, Chris Jeppeson, who died in Provo itHcn- nna tipcneoTTor contents or valuables their resiiective by Sunday night. owners. bishop W. W. Taylor presided. Thus fur we had not struck the Invocation w;as offered by Peter real horrorfor .practically all we Zobell and the .benediction b$ had seen could in some way be re- Bishop John Johnson of Provo. The speakers were Eleroy K. West of the faculty of the Lincoln high school, where the young man was a student; Professor L. John Nuttall of the Young university, Golden Taylor of Lnkeview, and A. H. Hansen of Provp. Three selections were sung by the Lakeriew ward choir, and solos were rendered by. Mrs. Nellie Nut-taand Lamond Bunnell. An unusually large floral offering bespoke the high esteem in which the young man was held by his associates and friends. Interment was in the Provo City cemetery where the grave was dedicated by Spencer Madsen. - :J" V shades we have ll J '' to rest their weary shacks had been and a place SERVICES HELD FOR YOUNG MAN v Our saints at Tokio and YokohaBafe, for which we are ir.'- rejoicing. ma-are' Wear gutted by that terrible monster fire, l.jiimW Ifhewmirk to the 1. The, st'tiiml- - ami Inst htelr sehnol president, if un army had been given tenpue loot ban unine to lie jmi.veu all I he power ttud' bullets obtainill Provo this soasoh will lie played able .thoy could not 'have accomFriday afteroon between the local plished & more complete ilcstruc-tiono matter bow they iuigljt hij:U sihiKil eleven and. the Tintie hare tried. S4t)ad, :was hnuam!; liuiKiing. aircr Sprliiiiville lila.vs at Pnyaon'nTflie same tune. notuiiig.but a heap of debris and The games Friday should give thj rsmouklering conlis. street caw were the tracks where they strength of the two contending Imruetl on aluuidtined. The trolley teams of this division, Provo and had been hast Friday Provo ljues, electric light and telephone SpiingvUle. played PaySon defeating that teamr wires were matted together like so much thread off the sool. Here by u score of 10 to Srwhile Spring-villtdefeated the Tintie squad 02 and there was an unlmrned streetcar Which liiidleen turned into un. Inll aiMl-Ore- I . we-ha- d and at the lowest possible price. 1 SEE HERE! I You are invited to inspect our line that earthquake had been ravaged and (Continued from Page One) In which he is Interested." Mrs. Sweeley pleaded for it?" Dr. George II. Brimhall, president-and understanding between emeritus e l'oung univerthe woman of the west and pointed said that the work of woman Railroad Train Crashes Into out what the women of this section sity, and their ultimate aim Is the same School. Bus in ' could accomplish through such ac- ns that of the Savior jfiuftttkli4il,-"Peaction. She urged the women to be- Ohio. on earth '.good will to men." come nwiuaiuted-witthe problems "The world has occasion to reof their own state and then those of joice," said Itr. Brimhall. "Not on Other western state so that they account of its marvelous mothercould more fully work for the com hood alone but because of the atti- - International News Service 11. Eight plete interest of ilie western xtaU's. itmle and effort of this motherhood. j ltAVENNA, Ohio, Oct. "What is the matter with. us in ' I have marveled many times al the children ranging In ages from 3 to this twentieth century that we seem patience of women and I have al- years, were killed today when a unnme 10 mrm.su drains lor any most complained of the destiny of Pennsylvania train, known as the particiihir thing which we become this seem i UK unfairness with which Vlevclnmlcr" struck a school, bus responsible for and have to have she has been treated and yet I drawn by horses at Atwater's put over to n a Htiiervisor, whose could Hot" lay thedefectto man or crossing Jn Jtpotslo.:u, near hereJ The uneuual condition to fate. " I Ihe driver of the wujiou jind four dutyjt sivmsJojHiJiUuUfrfere-wit- h v u v v cv a iv voi vu iu J everything we want to do," queried could not place this misfortune 'to " i Irs. Sweeley i man because of hjured nnd is expected the driver "It is time we woke up to thcfat woman. iSne has nail an equal part; wilt die The dead : that education, which means much. in producing the manhood wilhall 13"; Ella Stanche, is after all a very different thing of Its defectiveness. J Julia Wansok, and Verua thnn the knowledge gained irain "She has the man to mold, to fash-- H; Mildred, Harold schools alone. You certainly need ion, to dignify, to polish. She has Shaw. ged 14, 10 and 3 respectiveall you can gain from schools then the making of the character of that ly; Thelum Beusbuff, 0; Hichard you need one thing else that in- individual to a greater .extent than Silvarl, 8 and Margaret Kuntx, 12. ijiwreuce . Shaw 8, may .die; finitely higher thing, the real knowl- has man, For me to entertain the. alone can thought that man could accomplish Stephen Wansok 11, Stanley edge- which Txprienee 0, Lolus Cliue, 42, . driver of give you before you are competent this in less time would le to charge to supervise anything even your- her with inequality. History shows the wagon, condition critical Joe Kralss, a coal dealer of Roots-town- , self. Take our schools. In Idaho that one side of the house has been was the first to reach the we are siiiwrvlsed to death : we hire organized, while the other side has scene of the wreck. He said every a superintendent, a principal, one been, heterogenous. or many teachers and then we' estab"Woman has taken the J second child in the wagon was either killed lish one or more supervisors over great step toward . earth conquest. or hurt. Bodies of the living and every one and every think. What Is Not against man, but as an ally. dead were scattered along the track the matter with us all? .Are we Not as a supplement but as a com with derbls of the bus which bad growing less competent or are we plement of man. The cause of this been 'tossed aside as the flyer "outgrowing every thing of the past? organisation la improvement and ploughed through the wreckage. Cliue has been driving the bus for "No college on God's earth can one of the first steps to Improvegive the essence of fatherhood and ment is emancipation, freedom. One about a year. The driver had not motherhood In its training. That of the elements .of a righteous cause gathered up all the children and the does not come through college drilL is its naturalness. There is found bus was not filled. The bones had Good common sense must come by In this cause the naturalness which escaped without injury, Kralss said the crossing was open and he could experience and the ability - to put baa made individuality. "What are your implements of not explain how the wagon driver 'yourself In the other fellow's place. That alone should teach na that In conquest? I see here tonight the avoided seeing the approaching STANDING - OF THE CILBS. ' . , Won. Lost Pet every valk of life we need all we word,' club. It reminds me of a train. The bodies of the victims, terribly Giants : 1 aa learn from books and all we stick. Tour stick Is to stick to1 .500 1 mangled, were taken to a morgue Yankees an leant from experience." 1 .500 gether. Your main Implement is here and the injured to a hospital. She spoke of the many, wonderful winsomeness. RECEIPTS, FIRST GAME. As soon aa the train could be stop- . Attendance, paid, 55,307. inventions during the past 50 years, "Your big fight Is not for war, but the automobile, the airship, the ra- against war, and for peace-- . It is ped, members of the crew and pasReceipts, $181,812. for you to bring about the time when sengers returning to the crossing to Advisory council's share, $27,. dio, the Wireless. v . . The greatest marvel of all" said the dove can perch on the eagle's pick up the children and lay them 2SH.H0. Each club's share. $30.025.05. Sirs. Sweelcy In commenting on wing in safety when the lamb and out in rows beside the track uutll ' , -- these Inventions In the scientific the lion can He- - down" together. rTt thejreoMd lie taken away. Others Players' share, $02,775.12. world, "Is the fact that the natural Is by you that Satan has been bound, rushed to the nearest farhihouse and conditions have always been ready bound not to open saloons in our phencd for doctors but before outWRITES for all these things. ' Nothing new country. It is to you that we owe side assistance could arrive the vic tims of the collision were placed on v has been put by man into the air to "the great achievement. make radio such a power. "You. have given a new meaning the train and hurried to UnveniM. (Continued from Page One.) Two of them died on the train. The "The air,, which Is space, has al- to the Declaration of IudcixMidcnce. iskiiid. were others almost The trains arrived at this killed. to' do lieen men are It all its instantly created that ways iNillticully ready part. The was bne of the fastest station regularly 'every two hours, has liecu the lack of knowledge of equal. The word men Include the full even to standing room with man which at fault. It 1ms word woman. Yon shall not expect on the Pennsylvania .line. lluise who had been forced to abitn-dobeen man who has hsil lo study; ex- special privileges Ixvaiiso you are tlurtr 1h.mucs and mk a place periment and burn how to harness n woman, neltlier should you . be of refuge. The slsrhts which grvet-e- d wou are h sound - Take' wireless 'telegraphy, denied privileges my iyca here I shall always . the natural forces were erfe-t- . we. ..w.ouian. ' r the longest day I ever live. hundred of years could hive had ' It was here I' learned to, some exWOMAN IS HANGED. ago as fur aiMluit Is concernd. It tent the meaning of the words of has been man nlone Hiut has had to Chiist ( his di.vlptes as recorded Ihtprftiftlbnsl Newt 8rvlc be trained." In !attbew, chapter 24 j the must GLOKCAW Oct. lt. Mrs. John W'e have just as good minds In notlceailwnM the nineteenth verse, XewelL convicted of the murder of , ottr west as elsewhere, the future I saw old and young, crip''llere will find us doing our part, In every 1.1 year oiid John Johnstone, was (Special Ut (he Herald.) y ples. Women- - with young babies, here FT. hanged so do to much "vt today. to We COLMXS. jHt. M Aggies have way. ninny who were going to have, some feel fine after hls Chicago our hoys and girls ready to take up trip and who were unable to walk were carIX SPAIN. are EARTHQUAKE will which of life, the great burden ready for good hard work thl ried on the backs of others. It wns Week b.'.'olw fha ivimliL so fmn re- -f 'nfstn their. shnnlcliT (!.. k (Continued from Pag On) uiiiiiig but one thing to their favor. I Yonne . The wetuiU lie theirs to take care game. This tame is looker! IH TS winter. 111 rn slsmt live-theni '"'ward lo as one' of getting IVfilX. HiniIii, t. It. A bard scene one can not course' this .we en In finest was second the biggest, way reiiortedi games f the eason- It looks as If read the hearts of those rthipinke ready poor, can plan. (from the Puebla canal lone ttslav. the two teams were prettily evenly souls who were entirely at We have a duty to. our own boys' There was nu mention of casualties. matched Is scores are to Judge. Ag- - weary 'he mercy of .their neighbors, for DIE IN WRECK W come, - l.EaII-andWi- nter . ever to be the big west we can be, we must educate and care for every western boy and girl. This is a great work, perhaps the greatest "Can we not as a united west do I ja:' v-- no place1 tu gu fui sumethi n j l of desirable shapes PROVO FRIDAY tfs ' know the particulars and details, of many sufferings g and of made 'anguish, scenes, those poor souls inust have gone through before they died Of course those sufferings can not be pictured or een be described. I spent the day, also the. next day, visiting' different parts of the city which I had partly covered before and witnessing some of the things which all will no doubt be called to go" through if they still insist on not turning rrom their wickedness. My heart was touched each night as the sun began to sink and those who had been working hard aH day had practically hf"ver No one will ever . Millinery TINTIC MEETS J erected, ot old pieces of tin- - and boards and I am sure I don't know what they ' ate. This la another scene where the, misery can. not be mink it would, be expiamea; oat worse for' many of ns tbaV for' as we have always lived la them, plenty, hut we may not always be' so lucky if we dont , show our colors. The last two days I was in Tokio it rained nearly all the time, which I am sure didn't make it any too plelasont for many of them. Two days after I arrived Toklo, Brother Jensen came up, so xe came some xogetner nut we had - free-4ro- m i. I here waiting to be burned and already trarned. It seems they were only burned enough by the fire of out their the earthquake life's lights as some still had' part Of their kimono on while others of coarse were much more burned. They had gathered them in piles and as fast as possible that day were burning them. If yon ever emailed burned flesh you can partly imagine the odor of the air that day. Here little children could' be seen still tied .to their mothers' backs and ne place. It ipparedra nag inrown piled, SorrtM Statloa Ave, ttl & Unlvaraitr Aat Ce. Sbtlrl K. North BL -- rirt MMtnrnmrvrntutr 141 Wt Center St . . 'I-- T GO0DEAU "tlWn Mmam iW Ti.l- - |