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Show V October 17, 1969 v,rt r. 1 JH...J M ... r Page Three THE MT. PLEASANT (UTAH) PYRAMID s by MARTHA GLAUBER Mrs. Arminta Clement Is visiting in Salt Lake City with her children. She is also visiting at the hospital with her sister, Mrs. Lucille Madsen who is still confined to the hospital recovering from an illness. Fairview residents also wish her a speedy recovery. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Ila Jensen and Mrs. Sarah Rigby were Mr. and Mrs. Darwin (Arlene) Terry, Jerry, Larry and Ronnie all of Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Swasey and boys of West Jordan and Patricia Stewart of BYU were weekend visitors with Mrs. Alice Stewart. Floyd Young who was injured last week in a fall from a ladder at his drug store is reported to be improving this week. His Injuries included a broken colar bone, fractured ribs and internal injuries. Mrs. Young left Tuesday evening for Salt Lake where she will be able to spend a few days with him. Townspeople wish him a speedy recovery. Kim, Susan, Denese and Rus- ty Bench spent last weekend visiting in Price with their grandmother, Mrs. Rulon Orton and with an aunt, Miss Eva Orton. Both the North and South Ward Reilef Societies will hold night Reilef Society beginning next Monday evening. The lesson will be homemaking given and members will also be able to quilt, embroidery or work on crafts. All ladies are invited to attend the meetings which will be held each Monday night in their own wards. Mrs. Sceverina Anderson is still confined to a Provo hospital due to an illness. The North Ward Relief Society held their opening social in the ward cultural hall cn r, Monday evening. Duane noted author and musician was the guest speaker. More than a hundred members and guests attended the event which included a dinner and a program. The welcome was given by President Donna Cro-the- accredited fim, game and knowledge cenh SHAPP, Editor, Th Net program Capito( WelfitVfat Do Vou Know? U&OQtyOGOy tsainjMvsnigsiij midable obstacle the continuing the Bridge at Remagen. He writes, "In Remagen I invasion of the Reich would (briefs have to be by amphibious as- pondered the tremendous sigIn politics and war, the sault. a prospect not relished nificance of that first word if. God was surely smiling on Karl word "if looms large: "If we by allied commanders. Timmermann and his men that news When the had been there; "if" such and electrifying such had done that; "if" we was flashed to headquarters day." UTC, Being a history "buff", I had not told someone this; "If" that one of their units had capto some historiwanted make a and the crossed bridge only he had received the word; tured The Practical Nursing trainand so on. Rhine, Mr. Hechler rushed to cal comparisons for myself between to scene. what Hechler had He the the program at Utah Technical ing say recognized One of my friends in the House of Rep. Ken Hechler, a news as a major turning point and what others have said, so College at Provo haa been fully pulled General Einsenhowers accredited for another three Democrat from West Virginia. in the war. In his book he relates talking volume, "Crusade In Europe," years,, We differ politically on some according to word reoff the shelf. He said of the things, but we share in com- personally to many men at the event: "This was ceived at the school from Floy completely W. McGinn of mon the fact that we were bridge; he found that It was the Utah State both history and political sci- Lieutenant Karl Tlmmermann unforseen. We were across the Department of Registration. on a Rhine, permanent bridge; ence professors in "real life." who led the first Americans The Practical Nursing Prothe traditional defensive barrier But, differences aside, hes Just across the shaky bridge. which turns out licensed to the of gram, was heart Germany a nice guy. Ken immediately crossed the The final defeat of the practical nurses accredited to pierced. himself found and the He has authored a book en- bridge enemy, which we had long cal- perform the full duties of that titled The Bridge at Remag-en- , tall Nebraskan shaving In a culated would be accomplished vocation, Is now in its 19th house on the east in and has sold the movie bombed-ou- t the splrng and summer cam' year at Utah Tech. bank. The Lieutenant expressed rights to Hollywood. The picof 1945, was suddenly According to school officials, ture was recently shown In wonderment about all the ex- paign around the corner." licensed practical nurses are in Utah. Ken was stationed with citement. Meanwhile tanks and just Winston Churchill in the demand throughout Utah to the HI Army Corps during thousands of troops were pourthe extent that openings each World War H as one of four ing across into the Hinterland sixth volume of his account of The First year exceed the total of lion official army historians The Germans had attempted the war wrote: censed practical nurses gradcombat status and was a few to destroy It with dynamite, U. S. Army found the railway at Remagen partly des- uated annually from the four bridge miles from the spot when one then and artillery, finally troyed but still usable. They Utah colleges which carry the of the most fantastic "breaks" bombs threw their advance program. promptly of the war came for our side On the wall of the house across, other troops . . capture of the bridge where Hechler met Timmer-man- n guard at Remagen. was a plaque with the quickly followed, and soon over That is the story of his book words, "If God Is with us, four divisions were on the far victory won by the allied arand the movie. then who can be against us? bank and a bridgehead several mies under your command . . . miles deep established . . . and No one who studies war can was The river Rhine a major Later he discovered the same 49,000 Germans were taken fall to be Impressed with the geographical obstacle to the ad- Inscription was on the wall of prisoners. admirable speed and flexibility vancing allies and one which another building where five Mr. Churchill sent Ike the of the American armies. the Germans planned to use as German officers had been sen a point of stout defense. With- tenced to death for falling In following message: "Warmest A great victory . . . but what out a bridge across the for- - their responsibility to "blow congratulations on the great "if? at Book of Knowledge the dog days. They were Do you know what a Mobius Brunger; invocation, Ora Mills; atrip it t named for Sirius, the Dog a tribute by Mabel Erickson; Star, the brightest star in the The Mobius vocal solo by Ann Denice Robstrip was summer sky. Centuries ago named after the inson, accompanied by Alta andent astronomers noticed German mathematician AuOsborne. The theme was carthat this bright star rose just gust Mobius. It has a very rier out by past ward Relief ahead of the sun during the strange property. It seems to hot summer months from July Society presidencies. Rebecca have two sides but it actually to September. Sirius far outSanderson gave the benedichas only one. To make a shone all other heavenly tion. Mobius strip, take a strip of bodies, but only for a short Committees for the event inpaper, give one end a half time. Minutes later the sun cluded, dinner, Cora Johnson, turn, and glue the ends torose and Sirius, the Dog Star, and assisted chairman; by gether. You can see that it disappeared. Geniel Gordon, Ruby Hansen, has only one side by drawing In Greek mythology Sirius Shirley Johnson, LaRue Johna pencil line along the side of son and Rosalie Aime; invitawas the faithful dog of Orion, a great hunter. Orion was tions, Jeanette Terry and Shirley Johnson; table decorations, mistakenly and fatally wounded by the goddess DiKaren Bench; words for the ana. To atone for her deed, song were written by Anna she placed Orion and his dog Jensen; mimeographing, Alice among the stars. Stewart and Norman Brunger; and Frank Ora decorating, The early Romans believed Mills, Donna Brunger and Ma-bl- e the combination of the Dog Ericksen. Star and the hot sun so close Officers and teachers for the together caused drought and illness. In order to pacify coming year will include Maude their gods, the Romans often Hartley, spiritual living; Vida n sacrificed dogs during the hot Graham, visiting teaching; the strip. Draw the line, withsummer months. Peterson, homemaking; out from taking your pencil Phylis Jones, social relations; the paper, until the pencil Do Lucile Hansen, cultural refineyou know what makes the comes bade to the starting u ment; Anna Jensen, chorister; ghosts on your TV screen ? You made this line point. Alta Osborne, organist; Venna without lifting the pendl from Ghosts, or double images, Sanders, magazine and Nora the paper or crossing the on your TV screen appear Christensen, garments. edge of the strip. So the M5-biwhen the energy from the Homemaking committees inside. one has strip only transmitter to your receiver clude Winona Vance, quilting It also has only one edge. Run is divided. Part of the wave chairman and Selma Sanderyour linger along the edge deflected by an obstruction is son, Lillian Hansen, Alta Larwithout lifting it from the and arrives a few microsecsen, Florence Day, Marjorie When to strip. you return the onds late. This lateness creVance and Ruby Hansen; Golstarting point, you will have ates a second image slightly die Mower, machine sewing; Le touched all the points along to the right of the first. Ghosts Vem Jensen, rugs; LaPriel the edge. are less of a problem in open Larsen, embroidery work; Ger-- . country than they are in aldine Daley, textile painting (wA at ar the dog days f cities, where there are many Head teachers are Mary The hot, muggy days ol steel buildings, bridges, and Winona Vance, Elva Mower, summer are sometimes called other obstructions. Hamilton, Ruby Hansen, Ethel Rosenlund, Jeannette Mower (For a free booklet, The Magic Carpet, illustrated in color from The and Norma Bigler. Members of New Book of Knowledge, send name and address to Martha Glauber the flower committee are Louie Shapp, Box 47i Putnam Valley, New York 10579.) 9.3 Mills, Lorna Tucker, Bertha Sarah Christensen, Gardner, Elva Hamilton and Eva Bills. all of Bountiful; Russell Stans-fiel- d Ada Bench, Ann Jones and of Springville; Vivian Cleone Cox. Lois Mower is over the nursery. The ward presidency includes Pyne, LaNon Jensen and Carol Donna Brunger, Mabel Erick- and Mrs. Judy Pyne, Stephanie, Mr. and Mrs. Hilden Tuck' er enjoyed spending last sen, Ora Mills and Rebecca Jay and Gregg all of Orem. weekend visiting in Salt Lake Sanderson, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. John Daniels City with Mr. and Mrs. Earl David Rigby of Clearfield and family of Ogden were Stansfield. They also enjoyed was a visitor last week with weekend visitors with Lew spending some time at the Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cox. Stansfield cabin in the mounRigby. tains east of Kamas. Mrs. Beth Carlston enterRecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hilden Tucker were Mr. tained her sewing club WedChristian Follet Sanders of and Mrs. Jerry Vance, Jeff and nesday evening of last week. Kansas City spent Thursday Layne; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guests were Margaret Bench, and Friday in Fairview visiting Tucker, Maria, Shawn and Eric Erma Shepherd, Melba Cox, at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanders. Mr Sanders who was in Utah to attend LDS Conference in Salt Lake City is the president of the Kansas City Stake. Also joining the Sanders family during the weekend were Mrs, Ruth Brotherson a former res ident of Topeka, Kansas, and now a resident of Las Vegas; Nevada, and Mr. and Mrs. Vaun (Dorothy) Garlick of Las Vegas. Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Gar-lic- k and Mrs. Brotherton also attended sessions of conference during the weekend. and Visiting on Saturday Sunday at the Sanders home were Mr .and Mrs. Robert Sanders and children of Taylorsville and Mr. and Mrs. Max (Maureen) Beck and family of Alpine. 19th-centu- Ko-lee- Provo us How you can improve vour heating oil (to make it almost like ours). Starting this fall, Americans Brand Heating Oil customers will receive Perma-Fl- o , a new multi-purpo- se additive. Its a it helps to keep our oil flowing free when yours may be stopped cold. It also De-Icer.- .. helps to keep fuel filters free of clogging problems.Theres only one thing American Brand Furnace Oil doesnt do: cost more than yours. But even if you dont use our heating oil, for a you can get Perm o a-Fl- to your tank. No matter what brand of heating oil youre now using, and with no obligation on your part Perm a-Fl- o Were making this offer with the hope that youll get so used to problem-fre- e heat, you wont want to do without it And then, well get to spoil you with our Sta-Ful Deliveiy Service. Convenient Budget plans. Fast friendly service. And low prices. Call today. And change for the better. Your American Oil hotline Automatic service man is listed in the Yellow Pages under Oils Fuel. limited time. Call American Oil hotline service before November 30, 1969. Well come out You expect more from American and you get it. and add a can of concentrated Visiting during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Garlick were Mr. and Mrs. Vaun Garlick and family of Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Carlston spent several days visiting in Sacramento, California with Grant Winkleman and family. Mr. Winkleman, a former hit. Pleasant resident, is critically ill. Cougars travel Wyoming trail UBesit way to Ducat clieatgnass. mustard and shepherd spurse in your alfalfa is with a spray, this fall, of Prineep brand of simazine herbicide. With Prineep, you can turn a field of weedy alfalfa into a clean stand from again. You get more TDN value Reduce problems your hay. in milk and give that stand a longer, more vigorous life span. You can spray Prineep anytime after the first killing frost. Winter moisture carries Princcp down into the soil to pick olf weeds as they germinate... right through next spring and summer. Not only does Prineep get cheat- oil-flav- grass (June grass), mustard, and it gets most other annual broadleaf and grassy weeds as well. Weeds that can infest, take over and eventually ruin a good alfalfa stand. Your return on the investment in one spray of Prineep is clear cut. Better quality hay which will help you get, more pounds of milk if youre a dairyman. ..a higher daily rate gain if you're raising cattle . . . cleaner, higher quality hay if youre selling the crop. So make this the year you turn your weedy alfalfa into pure alfalfa again... with Prineep. Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, Division of Geigy Chemical Corp., Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, N.Y. 10502. by Geigy shep-herdspurs- e, Prineep after 41-1- 5 win The pattern is a familiar BYUs football team pack their bags, catch a plane, one for in Laramie. Once xip there, it's the same old story too much Wyoming football. This routine has been going on since the World War II era and the Cats will be favored to follow this pattern again come Saturday. Wyoming ranks among the top 20 clubs nation ally and sports a perfect 0 record. The Cougars, who won only one league game last year, notched their second WAC win last Saturday stinging the visiting New Mexico Lobos For the first time this season the Ys offensive game became a reality and coupled with the strong defensive display which has boon the life saver for the Y thus far, a respectable football performance was enjoyed by the partisan fans that braved a mighty cool evening. wind 4-- 41-1- 5. O 1969, Ttv Amerlcon Oil Compooy, hotline service IN MT. PLEASANT DIAL 462-204- 2 CMcogo, fit |