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Show THURSDAY, THE LEHI FREE PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 2u, ly37 THE LEHI TREE PRESS Published by The Lehi Free Phone Every Thursday Pri and baby Mrs. Ernest Peterson sun were liken to their hme Sunday evening- from the local hospital. and Mrs. E. J. Dansie and MrGeorge P- - Price, Manager Mrs. Leslie Dansie, of Riverton, were( Office. 32 W. Main S:.. rw,idnce, 2nd visiting with Mr. and MrsW. II. West and Slate St, Lehi. L'Uh j Dansie, Friday evening. Office Phone residence 117-Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hebertson Entered at the pogtoffice at Lehi, Utah, and famiiy, were visiting with Mr. as seoond clasa matter- and Mrs. Th nt Heberson of Orem, ' 8-- V- " J5 C. CWcs and daughter, Mr, . Colt T ul fitv. were visiting " Lela. . nua r as: Thursday and I' I - - - SUBSCRIPTION' Dne year MAH SttfE $1.00 . & - City Earl Smith, who was visiting out of with his family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Christensen were visiting with friends at American Fork, Friday. NEW vA USED CARS FOR SALE STATE WILSON STREET, LEHI n and Mrs Byron Crookston of dinner ,r ::car. Fork, . were Sunday .11 I ... ot .Mrs. v i V Meta Mrs- r; t--. eek. r . Mi. r r a. r ir'oiir.. r f4fT Members of the Christ fTerson family met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christofferson, Saturday evening for a family social and to At a perfect a family rganization. business session the following officers were elected: Andrew Christofferson, President. Mrs. Lea Bushman, secretary. Mrs. Lima Christofferson, assist- 1-41 f 5f L" ; i ALL GRADES 0. LOWEST PRICES When y ou to order from coal be s us del iver the best. - and,, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Duff in ofAbert A- i ol fc ...m. ileen, luano, aim .'nDutTin were visiting with Mr. Mrs. E. B. Garrett, and family, t T- and We have a wagon 1 scales i: your service. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Anderson, enterained members of their family at a birthday dinner, Saturday given in honor of their daughters, Lucille and Vera Anderson. ' -- 1 COAL Ti-- i Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Salt Lake, and Bishop and Mrs. S- - I. Goodwin were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roberts and son, Paul, of Cedar City, called at the home of Mr. Roberts, mother, Mrs. John Roberts. Sunday evening' They were en route to a convention to be held at Salt Uke City. :c: reeriess - and Miss i ,.nU Christensen Christensen, were visitors of Jameson of Provo, Melton Sunday- i it - Teninl. BONE COAL 4th North 1st West GO, ph0M-- ir''"i ant secretary. AND KELLY . . Ira is employed SEE V - . Mr. and Mrs. Alma Peerson of Richfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Weston Iratt and children of American Fork, were dinner guests nf Mr. and were Mrs. David Peterson, Sunday. James Sherwood has been receiving treatment at the local unaj - M- V M rs. Morris Curi the Salt Li Matilda Thurman ad Misses and Alice Holmstead, were i . at toe numc if.t ..ii. Rhnrh Fvans. Saturday ami Mrs. Henry Hansen, daughter Ireen,, and son, Keith, nfj Fort Falls, Idaho, were visiting with relatives and friends of I.ehi, last w medcal own A -- - j ColoMrs. 0. B. Garth of rado, who is visiting local relatives, spent three days this week at Magna. Grant Littleford and family anl Mrs. visiting with MrDeveraux, Sunday. 4 Tj. wt-v- e i. ol Mr LOCAL ITEMS Ronald Price was a Heber visitor, Friday afternoon f of Selina, Mrs. Smith Petersen, culled at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson, Wednesday evening. PutS ASSOCIATION " f Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Littleford and children were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Richins, of Pleasant; Grove, .Sunday afternoon ine Mr. and Mrs. Jungly were Su: Mr. and Mrs. I verett American and F rk. ana Mrs. L. C. Coates vsitmir witn relatives r. . ADVERTISING RATES Furnished Upon Request T and Mrs. Sherman Neslin ot un- Salt Lake were Lehi visitors, W nHuv - Sunday. Colossus at New York Fair Lehi. L'Uh 8-- v.r. ar..l Mrwere visiting LUUAL.ICi.id JAXUAPv A. D. Christofferson, E. J. Christofferson, treasurer. chairman of the executive board. Ward Christofferson, chairman of the research board. Following the meeting a family soi'iil and luncheon wea-enjoyed. Family members from present were: Mrs Judith Garth of Loma, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Jiy Harris of Magna, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adamson of American Fork. out-of-to- THEATRE LEIII'S AMUSEMENT CENTER NEW YORK The largest portrait statue executed in modern times wil honor George Washington at the New York World's Fair. It will be 65 fee; tall and will depict Washington as he arrived for his inauguration exactly 150 years previous to the opening day of the Fair, April 30, 1939. Its mas-wil- l be 500 times that of a man. an1 thrilling will produce more startling results thnn the latest technique in illumination. This statement was issued by Grover Wrialen. President of the Fair Corporation, at the inauguration of experiments by the Fair's stalT of engine; and illumination experts v their consultants These men are already at work with scalf models of the Fair, quar'er-inc- h types of lighting equipment never before usee' in comprehensive manner, and utteily new principles never developed practically. They arj dealing with everything from fluorescent dies and colored bubbles to concentrating lamps and floodlight systems. The plan is not to create spectacular effects in the usual sense of the term, says Mr Whalen. but rather to create designs in lifiht that will make their appeal through their magnitude and their sheer beauty. United Fruit Auction, Cincinnati, Adding to Its Display Building CINCINNATI, 0MITOtW OS O. Steadily increasing business of the United Fruit Auction Company, this city, has necessitated the building of an extension to the display and unloading floor space of the concern's Auction building, it was announced today by C. M. Lucas, general manager. The new structure will be added to the end of the present Auction building, and will be 100 feet long by 90 feet wide. The project will be completed within sixty days. With the new facilities, the auction company will be in a position o handle and accommodate 16 addiMrs. Edward Larsen was a tional trucks for loading, to elimivisitor to Salt Lake City. nate traffic congestion and delay to the buyers. It will provide display Mrs. John Whimpey entertained space for 25 or more cars, and upon its completion, it will be possible to the members of the Club, handle sales of 75 cars in an effi- at her home, Thursday. cient manner, Mr. Lucas stated. Just-a-me- Many Subtle Signals Used by the Buyers in Fruit Auction Sales Will uou Ita lilted? WEEKLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY', JANUARY 2 FEATURES PROGRAM 21 and 22 2 Feaure No. 1 LEWIS STONE, BARBARA READ and TOM BROWN "The Man Who Cried Wolf The story that made new crime history in the country's Feature No. 2 The Ace of Western Stars "The Boss of Lonely in police and BUCK JONES Valley Cowboy and Team up to Beat 1'araire .Menace! Two Big Feature Pictures for the Price of One Only luc and SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, iLL JMffex fW, . "h.-x-fvAHff!f Mrs. Elmer Willmott, of Eureka, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coates of Mt. Pleasant, were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs- - B. W. Brown. t,f- - -- 1 - -- 1" -- Hal1 1937's lcve" ' liest musical ro"' tantlv produced -t&f. - I '4- - M j thP creators hv of "Maytirfie "Naughty T OT: L, 24 and! 'inyo. i C4r4iS t re 20c. , Mari-- j cast cf thcusandsj ""i;i $3fero Mr. and Mrs. Odell Brown and son, Howard, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, BALTIMORE, MD. Bidding by were is used the visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. signal commonly buyby ers at auction sales of the ten mem W.. Brown, Sunday. They returned ber companies of home Monday morning. the American Fruit and ProdMr. and Mrs. George P. Price atuce Auction Asso- tended the Uah Press Association ciation, according at the New House Hotel in meetings to N. W. Kalten-bacSalt Lake City, Saturday and vice president of the Baltimore Fruit ExMiss Nora Brown, and Miss Louise change. h, A telephone keeps you in touch, saves time and trips for a few cents a day. In "The buyers emergencies, one call may be priceless. If you have service and plan to move or if you want your present listing changed, please tell us now. For advertising, additional listings (other members of your household or office) just call our business office. 1 N. W. Kallenbnch eer knows," Mr. Kaltenbach stated. "Among these subtle signs are a glance at the auctioneer, a wink of an eye, a stern look, a tap on the chest, a wave of the hand, a roll of a pencil and, occasionally, a puff of emoke in a certain direction. "These bidding signals are so cleverly given that in some auctions where brothers, father and son, or cousins, may be buying fruit in the same auction sales room for different firms, they are unaware their kin is bidding against them. "This points to the high plane of ethical bidding used by the Association's members, which automatically forces prices of the products to their true values." AYir Schow of Magna, Mr., and Mrs. and daughter Sonja, of Draper, and Miss June Steel, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs B auction sale that Sunday W. Brown. only the auction- use many unique signals in bidding for fruit at an Nichols Hear Rudolf Friml Love Song j I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Comer and baby son, of Logan, and Mr and Mrs. Barrett Chadwick of Ogden were visiting with Mr. and Mrs' James Comer and Mr. and Mrs. j' . .nadwiek, of AmenVon Fork, Sunday. "( Ador today--N- o. 13 ."Gionnini Mia" Iff- It Also the "Jl (it Lighting, Even PHONES-Off- ice Bubbles in Color 117-Residence To Beautify fair Nijht or Day If have news ywi NEW YORK, (Special) -- None of the scientific discoveries or H"vr!'ipTicnts being hurried (rom the laboratcr;ei to make the New York World's Fair unusual Ki" "Sympathy" latest "NEWS OF THE Evening Only 10c and 20c WEDNESDAY The laugh-a-minut- e g 27 and THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 and romance! Frank Morgan, Florence in Rice and "Beg Borrow or Steal" i. any any adTwtirnj, nj Jb pritiag cr want MythinK la Vse. . th Strnct wkh tmiU tert, DAY" and a Good Cartoon MATINEE SUNDAY 4 R M., lOc and 15 8-- W Call us You" "A Woman'i l& & The most lovable, laughable story of a penniless American in Admission-Wednesda- y-All Seat 20c Thursday-O- nly 1 |