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Show DEATH OF I. X. GOODALE. Biographical bfceteh of an Aged and Respect ed Man. OtiDEM City, May 5lb, 1SOT. Correspondence of the Deseuct News. I have been requested by some of his very numerous friends to furnish you for publication In the News a few Items in relation to tlie late Isaac Xewton Goodalc, who was one of the earliest and most prominent citizens of Ogden and Weber County, and whoso death will bo regretted by hundreds of warm friends throughout Utah for he was widely known, and highly esteemed by all who had thc privilege privi-lege of his acquaintance. For several years past Brother Goodale'B health had been declining, declin-ing, but be was ono of those men who never succumb upUl they are compelled to do so. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of his death, and he was confined to his bed but for a short time lfore his demise, which took place at G o'clock on thc morning of April SGth. The funeral services Were held April 7tb,ln the Fourth Ward meeting meet-ing house. Many of the speakers on tlie occasion had been acquainted with Brother Goodaleforathlrdofa century, and some for a longer period, and all testified to his upright up-right conduct, bis constant fidelity and his firm adherence to truth and Justice. Isaac X. Guodale, as we learn from notes In his Journal, was born Febuary C, 1S15, iu Bsrkshlre, Tiogo County, X. Y. When fifteen years of age he removed re-moved with his parents to lapeer, in the State of Michigan. It was here that, on July IT, 1839, he cm braced the Gospel and cast his lot with the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. In the month of January, 1S1I, he went to Canada, where he spent a few months labor-Ing labor-Ing in the missionary field, and on theoth cf Slay following he left there for Xauvoo, arriving on tlie 3rd of July, having tm 2led 53J miles. After a short sojourn there he returned re-turned to bis native State, w here be lobored among his relatives, preaeh ing the Word and bearing testimony testi-mony of thc things that God has wrought in restoring the fulness of the (jospel for the salvation of mankind. man-kind. He continued thereuntil the beginning of April, IS it, when be returned to "auvoo, near which city he lived at the time of the murder of Joseph and Hyrum Snath. He shired with the taints in the sufferings and persecutions that ensued after the death of the Prophet and Patriarch, and In May, 1s4j, he bade a final adieu to thc beloved be-loved city to seek a homo in tlie wilds of the wct He reached Salt I-akcCityin September, 1EI7. 'In January, 1S19, he was married to Maria L.. Brigham. The following year he was sent on a mission to Iron county, where bo labored for one year. On UielZthof February, 1852, he came to Ogden, where he ever afterwards resided until bis demise. He first took up his residence at Bingham Fort, now Catted Byunc. In 1S50 ho was appointed superintendent super-intendent of construction of the road through Ogden Canyon, which shortened the travel from tills city to Bear Iake Valley. He also superintended the construction of the Ogden Bench Canal. He labored faithfully on these two enterprises until their completion, receiving but scant remuneration for his services from the commencement commence-ment until the finale. Elder Goodale was engaged in all early enterprises tending to redeem the wiMcmess and turn it Into fruitful fields mid gardens. He erected one of the first log cabins on the Bench In tills city, where since have been built hundreds hun-dreds of comfortable, and many elegant, residences. tor many years he served as n faithful member of the city council of Ogden, and for twenty years he served thc city as school trustee. Elder Goodale was for some time Counselor to Bishop Erastus Bingham, Bing-ham, Sen. He was one of the oldest members of thc High Councllcf the Weber Stake of Zlon, in which his valuable counsels and hearty cooperation co-operation were highly appreciated, aud his fidelity endeared bim to every member of that body. Since his arrival here his history has been identified with that or the growth of Ogden, to which he has contributed contrib-uted much. He has lefthls impress on many a landmark, net only In this city but also in many parts of this county. His works praico him, and bis name is embalmed in tiie memories of thousands who will ever "call him blessed." Elder I. X. Goodale was twice married, both unions haviug been fruitful, peaceful and happy. He has had eight sons, eleven daughters, daugh-ters, eighteen grandsons, eleven granddaughters aud one great grandson fif:ynine in all and they are still increasing. Tlie deceased de-ceased was a peacemaker, always. He was at peace with himself and all mankind, and hence he made hundreds of friends and lett no en emies behind him. He rests in peace, and his works will be continued. contin-ued. Respectfully, Josci'ii Ham.. |