Show 45 years before the pubu public c THE S jay dr 0 mc unes UNUS 8 liver PILLS are not recommended as a remedy for all the ils iia ils lla that cesh fesh Is heir beir to but in affections 0 i ho he liver and in all bilious dilious complaints dyspepsia aud sick adache headache Ile lle or disease ct of that character they stand without a rival ACUE AGUE AND FEVER ko be used preparatory to or after taking quinine A As a simple purgative they are unequalled unequal led BEWARE OF imitations the genuine are never sugar gugar coated each box has a red wax seaton sealon seat seal on the hd ld with wilb che tho Jm impression Mc Ic LANEIS LANES LIVER livni PILL PILI each wrapper bears the signatures sig big natures of ofa a mcdane lc r and flemino FLEMING mina BROS VU insist upon having the genuine DR 0 LIVER PILLS prepared by eleming FLEMING ING BROS pittsburg pa the ibe market being full of 0 imitations ot of the rame name I 1 ilc ile me vic lane spelled differently but same l daly d w ly lemp comp klon lion what a lvell druggist says about ariens aliens lung yung balsam az OAKLAND STATION KT ky gentlemen the demand for aliens allens mut lit iund I und ung n 9 lini ilni Is constantly the ladles ladies think there Is no medicine equal to it for tor croup and whooping Who opine ig cough 0 C CS MABliN druggists sold by an all medicine dealers wal 9 beautiful colored pio plo litt TULL IT liu ilu ture very ingenious 75 15 objects to fluid send stamp for e DP E C Q abder abdey buffalo bluff Buff alQ alos new york dw ly J INVALIDS I 1 N V A L I 1 D S AND OTHERS SEEKING HE H STRENGTH AND ENERGY WITHOUT THE TRE USE OF DRUGS ARE ABE REQUESTED TO SEND FOR TUB electric REVIEW AN illustrated JOURNAL WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE distribution I 1 TT T T TREATS UPON HEALTH HYGIENE JL and physical culture and is a complete ot of information for invalids and those time who suffer from nervous ner Ker exhaust exhausting n and painful diseases every subject ta thae thai 1 bears upon health and human re culves attention in its pages and the tho many questions asked by suffering anva invalids who have despaired of a cu cure re are answered and valuable information Is 1 volunteered to all al who are arc in need new of medical ail ati advice vice the tho subject of elec electric belts ver vet versus medicine and the hundred and one questions ot importance to suffering sut human humanity ityl are duly considered and explained the he ELECTRIC REVIEW exposes the unmitigated frauds practiced by quacks quack sand saud and who profess to practice medicine and points out the only safe sue simple uel mcl and effective road to health vigor and bodily uly energy sc pend send your address on postal card for tor a copy and information tion worth thousands will be sent you pou OL address the publishers www mm GO co montgomery st san fraucis francisco california EAGLE EM emm oft oan ona EM r an u m KI hum mum 0 S TT T U T M M M M E 0 I 1 TJ SILKS lif SATINS WE vve DEFY dear competition 1 I ELEGANT LINES OF OP SHIMER BRESS CAN BE FOUND THE PRETTIEST LAWNS ever brought in the tho territory A LARGE assortment OF idis LAOS idd and childs Child ms IN PRIVATE department AND ladles TO SERVE YOU GREAT assortment OP rans fans parasols gloves embroideries AND C 0 0 M 1 a mi arx T S HAVE THE FINEST LINES OF BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS CLOTHING etc IN THE CITY STAPLE AND FANCY rancy iii DRY wms NO mm hin SON AS CHEAP AS THE chemi CHEAPEST seln SELL THE CHOICEST TE 0 xi M 0 6 0 E M s nard un glio ware quenon eimm mann etc ete 9 etc CANNED MEATS GAME READY FOR USE FOR A HAVE THE TIIE nem BEST NUTS AND CANDIES KEEP TIIE THE BEST stoves 0 P MADE IN AMERICA I 1 im ills SONS 31 M 00 fsr it ST LOUIS vio MO manufacturers BE OF ilie llie FRINTRESS hn FENCE wille patented dee dec 14 IS 45 P W S 22 the most popular fence wire who wh e ever A four prong narb barb forme formo I 1 from one ono soil aleca of annealed steel which is firmly nir fir mis held beld between two oto tee tep and cannot be displaced tle the strongest aud and most crnec tise tive barn in use tw tar do not buy an any other othen until you ou have bava seen send for sample and circulars L b M RUMSEY CO manufacturers I 1 sio 1 10 lou ST louys LOUIS lol second luo iTo street 1 L 13 0 T S H 0 E IN GREAT VARIETY i f 1 i r 0 F M u R ral 1 0 as 6 1 au AMA aza U dyk dyl U DS T TEST sup SOP I jess r we carry the LARGEST and BEST idest selected stock of li r iti lil r ig U I 1 of any house in the west O AIL i arc amm AND A ND SEE ewe 10 calco toas tili amily cacari cacori 69 0 CALASS CLASS HARDWARE AND CUTLERY osa oma bm hijii xi s 0 7 f H S ELDREDGE E supt bupt caesar asa lam law jow jog TOW W FISH WAGONS BUGGIES P Mc mccormick Gormick Ma machines chilles new now yron iron front cut mower new iron reamo combined reaper ane and mower mew now iron combined Dr dropper opler and mower lZ arvester and automatic the and batsy daisy dalsy horse iray intakes the J 1 I case chilled plows steel benm beam plows and 11 harrows arrows avery gang sulley and plows Cultivator sEte KELLY STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE both painted and galvanized I 1 KEEP NONE BUT BOT mg CLASS GOOD GOODS AND GUARANTEE ALL I 1 SELL au ZO S send for nor price list I 1 to jaa eba a lohn JOHN mei met W LOWELL idin urn W loie LOVE L I 1 idun JOUN W BEL odre 1 SALT LAKE TERMINUS |