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Show . following T , Excursion. daily journal ORINNE aoknts. . persons are authorized to reelve and subscriptions at our very 1 money for the tame, and to t0i : JJrtipt in our ftead. ertienU to S Y Ur, - Pitch, the gentle!ECticr2aco manly and confidential Clerk ot Ur. Fox Diefendorf, informs us that on Friday Mountain Female Academy, Bn. B. ILXsa next, June 30th, the Salt Lake Steam fioefcy lim. Principal. Navigation Company will give acorn Insym. plimentary excursin to those of our citi Tiemaa A Williamson, Salt Lake City. Attorney. vho contributed to the subsidy E. P. Johnson. Corinne. donated to the proprietors of the steam- Ik J. Toohy, Corinne. A Mann. Salt Lake City. er City of Corinne. The bout will Fitch A. Iiuggan, Salt Lake City. leave at the usual hour, and proceed over Books and Btatientiy. 0. H. Elliott, Montana street. .. Salt Lake, passing the islands and other Q. L. Ilolt, Poit Office Building. Banker. points of interest on the way. At Lake Hussey, Dahler A Co., Corinne. Point the vessel will remain until Satur- Bank of Corinne, Tnble. day morning at 8 oclock, thus afford- Jacob Strahle ABilliard Co. San Francisco. .. .Brewer. ing all an, opportunity of bathing and City Brewery, Campbell A StowelL Colorado street. sightseeing. There is at the landing a Montana Erewcry, E. P. VI InecbeU, Fourth treat. Diroctc?7 -- COBURN Sl CO,, r)oKt 8T Dearborn Street, Chicago. COL POWELL P. rFO. 40 Park Row, New York. i P. FISHER, California St., San Francisco. ELLSWORTH, p ji, Kelton, Y, SIMPSON, P. M., j . Brigham City. t ' X. BElDIt W.J. A Co.s Messenger. WHITE, F. 0. Malad City, Idaho. A GRAY, YEARIAN Little Kails, Snake River. hotel for the accommodation B. VAN AIKKIN, of j guests, where all the comforts can be Ophlr, East Canyon, Utah. 4?" - ' J i ' Vi.m i V v--' . 1 V. 44 ( afws- - Ls ftW'ww Vdflanraarwa firot-clas- Balk House. 11. W. s obtained. Saint Louis Bath House, tana treat. Boots and VE UNDSatSIONBl TAKES FLSASS53 annouacing that he hae just received, m In store, the ' V . Coaix.vx, Largest and Finest Stock of Sboe. otO - Tlaca of Observation. The Minstrels. M. , WINES, WINES, I 29.64 SX 29 29.68 X 17 30.04 X 01 56 76 77 Davenport . 30.00 X12 05 30.14 and all went home well pleased. We KW'feh fair learn it is the intention ot the company SW.b'sk fair to go to Idaho. They carry with them the well wishes of inanv of our citizens. 7 54 I ?' ,, 'f WINES, WINES, WINES, lutiadst titatos Civsm to Cn txssit sf far stem qf yaw at ndnosdntn. VsvoJ rua pwegjn-sandmvsie'ta- most rsepeotiklly invite the lag immvsaos to this Cons Ceryary, tboes whoM inearanee is abootto exyha, Lxnsrtrv that we can giva rates that wrtil be tatJ foctory. r. T7. H. G X AS COTT, Hena aytdtf tlWORST Tho Ilcchy Ccuhfcin LIQUORS, Corinne, Utdh, ( . NWi i . Omaha WINES, Groceries, , Liquora, Tobaccoa, ' Last evening the Great Western Minstrel Troupe received e Clotlitnr 9 a benefit, tendered the citizens ot Co- Sisson, Wallace A Co., Montana street. by sil a I rinne, aud were highly honored, having J. W. McNutt A Co.,Druggist. Montana street. a large and appreciative audience. The Ilurlhut Bros. Montana street. F, fsh Cldy Doctors. NE gtle cl r performance passed off very happily, J. W. Gralmm M. D. Montana street t j I Cheyenne Corinne San. I ran. STAPLE AND FANCY s X.ZZ73. XTiXA - aw iiililfi 51 i t f C.Ci U np?.rr L. TI2DAL3. a attcenst n p. joniworr: mcimxrj Crockery and Glassware. Rarrett, Montana street. D. Conway, Montana street. Simon, Wallace A Co., Montana street. Ransolioff A Co., Moutana street. I. . ED. C01H7AY, ' ' ne, besides the graud excursionists. June 26, 9.15 r.M. H; Director, a P. Spencer, Mon- ,. , . 4 - D.aDAC::7; DEALERS IN ALL KINDS - War Department Meteorological, Bui Benefit of Commerce. letlu, lor the Capital. C3.CCS.CCO m .CS.COCyCCP ' -v- . -- -- Capital CUirtT. - -- : 1 . 1 B - t Czi-- T 4'? i chiggo, MERCHANTS. Complimentary tickets can L. Demers. Kirkendslls block. secbe obtained at the office of the fg- - Correspondence solicited from every company II. A. Ouun, Manufactory, Montana treat. tion of the Territory, as well ai from adjoining in the Bank on Thursday, J. Strauss A Co, Montana Street. States and Territories. The writer's name, in all from 10 a. m, till 3 P. m. Batelier Shop. Any citizen, , to tttft, must accompany the manuscript guarant- other than those entitled to the invita- C.- P. Market, D.-- J. Heyfron, Klrkendall's block. North Front street. ee good faith. Make short and newsy. tion, may accompany the excursion all R. Martin k Son, Montana street. for which the fare for the The proprietors of this paper will not are invited Material. Builder Sotic west of depot. round trip will lie only $4. The occa- D. W. Parkhurst, t responsible for the acts of any person not fully f Commission. authorized, or who has not an order from us in sion will be a joyous one, and many will 1. D. Hun toon, San Francisco. ' 1 avail themselves of the chance offered, Ellsworth A Soutbam. Kelton. person. of-Corin- commission 4 C0PETrnc:! DEFY Mi 4:1 r tuo.. , -- i"' , s A "1 a MY itnn't ; fall fair -- 1 Barometer corrected for temperature, elevation ami instrumental error. The above reports are synchronous. Mrs. H. K. R. R. Roberts, M. D., Salt Painter, R. R. Depot Lake City U 11 Strwrrt, Ophir City. co Goods. Dry Ad. Kuhn A Bro., Montana street P. J. Forwell, Montana street Sisson, Wallace A CoM Montana street L. Demers, Kirkendalls block L Cohen A Co., Montana Btreet M Meyers, Montana St. S Craner A Co., Montana street. Owing to the sudden illness of two r WitUAW SIcElrot, Observor. compositor of this office, on Saturday Farming near depot.Implement. Geo. A. Lowe, evening, the advertisement of the Salt Gerrish A Miles, Montana street. A New Bask Ball Club. On Satur- Lake Steam Navigation Good. Fnralshtug Company did Sisson, Wallace A Co., Moutana street. day evening a meeting was held for the not appear on Sunday morning, as it House furnishing D. Conway. Brown and Prior, Chicago. purpose of forming, another B. B. Club. was intended. Philip Wadsworth A Co., Chicago. 0. P. Richmond, Montana street. the AlThe new.organization We inet a gentleman just in from J. 8trauss A Co., Montaua street. with the following as kali Blinders, - Hotels. Minnesota who informs US' many are A Urcenewald, Greene-walMalsh d A. officers: Proprietors, President principal that State for the Territories of Metropolitan Montana street. leaving M. W. Vice Col. House Montana street, between Fifth and President, Johns; Washington, Montana and Utah, as well Uintah Mrs. j Cordelia, Proprietress. Sixth, Treasurer, 0. J. Hollister; Secretary, as for Kansas and Oregon. Dull times Bear River House, E. A. Stalin, Proprietor, opposite the Depot. Frank Kenyon ; Field Marshal, David causes the emigration. Masonic onse, George Chaplow, Proprietor, North Front street. It. Short ; Club Surgeon, Ah. Kuhn; Silver Star Hotel, Lewis Silvers, Proprietor, MonOver the we track Improvement. tana street. Prize Bearer, E. P. Johnson ; Chaplin, see that Dave 1Toy fro ii. of the C. P. Salt Lake House, Tildcn A Lawrence, Salt Lake S. D. Johns; Seminoy, John Kupfer; City. Market, has been erecting a beautiful Ogden House, John Mahon, Ogden, Utah. P. F. W. A. Caterer, Ellis; Irrigator. ( heer House, F. W. Schultz, Proprietor as well as safes for bis meat. WhatFront street. Winschell : Topographer, M. T. Bur- awning, Of the many popular places on that side Bakeries III charge of Signals, Jacob tbe C. P. Market stands an even chance. City Bakery, F. W. gess Schultz, Proprietor, Front ... street. S. E. Master J. of Pavillion, Strauss; Unton Bakery, George Ilunf, Proprietor, Montana Heavy Purchase I). W. Parkhurst. stret. Hassell ; Coroner, pro tern, John CloR quin'li House, II S Foote, Tooele City. the the lumber of Utah king market, ITnir.Wny House, Like Point. ser ; Hospital Stewart, Jacob Engler ; Pioneer Hotel, Ophir City. two thousand panel Uintah Medical Purveyor, J. M. Langsdorf; yesterday purchased House, Mrs. Cordelia, Montana street. Califormanufactured at doors, Chico, the of Dennis. J. Groceries. Toohy, Umpire, 1. M. Parratt, Montana street. ami here firm a nia, shipped by heavy Chief Scorer, W. II. Gins Club Sissou, Wallace & Co., Montana street. of that Rtanh-place. Bros., Montana street. Ascott of the Grasshoppers; First Ruusohol A Co., Montana street. Montana street. Meats at the Liberty Market are kept G. Goldberg, sistant Scorer, Geo. L. Ilolt; Second Henry Lei wes, Fourth street. The constantly on ice, and purchasers will L, Demers, North Front street. Assistant, L. M. Painter, muffs. O. D. Richmond, Montana street. following are the selected nine for the always find everything neat and clean Day, Allen A Co., Chicago. on at this establishment. Hardware. first game, to take place jc27tf Gerrish A Miles, Montana street. town A Co., Sacramento. ; the beautiful grass plot west of ! A large and fine stock Huntington, Hopkins Attention W Insurance. . W. Hull, Capt5 E. C mi way, 3d base; t, of fancy, dry, and millinery goods can Corinne Branch of the Great Western, VT. H. 1 st base ; Agent. right field; J. J. Ilcfiernan, be found at the New York Store ; also, Fast Freight. J. H. Gerrish, 2d base ; N. S. llanslioff, Diamond R T.ine. and at clothing, goods gents furnishing Kirkcndall. left field ; J. Malsh, pitcher ; A. reasonable rates. Strangers will do well Hugh Frnlt, short stop; Fox Diefendorf, to call at their place, next doorlo Hus- L. lielienhamn A Co., Montana street. O. II. Elliott, Montana street. catcher, Tim Henderson, centre field. sey, Daliler & Cos Bank, Montaua street, Ilenry Denhalter, Montana street. 37 tf. Ice. Our evening contemporary says that Corinne. M. House, John Ilcil. hands of music will enliven the day, Iut. Rev. Collector. 0. J. Hollister, Office, Bank of Corinne. and banners wave from every staff and Lumber. housetop while the game is progressing. D. W. Parkhurst, west of depot. In the evening a banquet jvill bo given Liquors. Pam. L. Tibhals, cor. Fifth and Montana street to jboth clubs, (or whatever remains of Ransolioff A Co., rYW4'" 1. M. Barratt, them) due notice of which will appear LIQUORS, o14. o is-call-ed j Co-rin- o o HH . f Studies Thorough and ; ; Glas-cot- liberal LUmturs, Pmglisli OFFER i Dotany, to GREAT CO INDUCEMENTS Etc., --TOTHB- Ever brought to this market. My goods are eel ected from tbe leading houses of the Pacific Coast and Atlantic States, siid my assortment of both Honday, Oept 4th, 1071. R3 Persons deelroue of obtaining information reference to terms, etc., will pleats apply at oneis ! REV. EDWARD E. BAYLISS, COmiXPIS, UTAH my!9-6- m -0- -0- union canuot be surpassed. CALIFORNIA WINES, Merchants and Freighters V aro Invited to Call And Wood ttnd In Bottle, . ARrlSNGXtlSM JlIjES and POJt<fi vr A full line of Specialities. ; v 7s oaxar now DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, Forming in connection with the- - . WHISKIES. GINS, L.TJEBENBAUM. BRANDIES, L. LEBENBAU , Platte mValley Bonto auinmro CENTRAL Examine their Stock and Prices. my2dtf ' PACIFIC RAILROAD ms --AND- J ; XEt. ICtOn Fall term will commence TRAD FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC y , nCjipLSSIP, (Formeriy Principal of the Young Ladieo Athens urn, Jacksonville, Illinois.) ne . Z3AXIY Q. 231 1 ? CupciirtczdczS. i - 11 R 0AVUC3, BBV. BST7A&D ' nAiLimin PACIFIC All Hull Route to Csllfomla tss ana PA CThrough COAOT IFIO to Francisco ' San IN LESS THAN FOUR DAYSt J. GOLDBERG. & CO. Avoiding ths dangers of tbs . w . To-ponc- e, PORT, O I& Jl. H . water, confectionery, ice cream J. Strauss & Co. keep the best and SODA in the papers.-- ". Fort Hall. Lieut. Wilson, rived here on who ar- Saturday in quest of a largest stock of Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc., that can de- serter, gives us the news from that- sec- be found in the West. Store on Montion. The new fort buildings are nearly tana street, between Fourth and Fifth alone the m3 remaining completed, hospital Inof utfinished. one company Only - fantry are stationed nam in command. The Railroad Clothing House of garrison is good. party of U. S: Surveyors, who left Ogden some time ago, arrived at Fort Hall on Call and see. jel3ml. GROCERIES, CalifornlaW ixxeu AlessmdForter, ;; 'f ... ; .. ; Ilardenbrook Bros., Front street J. R. Tagert, Montana street C Dnchineau, corner Montana And Third Sts. J N Purcell, Montana street Snodgrass A Mycock, corner Colorado kmi Fourth Sts. -- Owen A Lyon, Sixth and North Front Sts. Dow Newman, North Front street. cider, KEGS, KEGS, KEGS KEGS, KEGS, Mechanics. W. W. Hull, Bricklayer and Plasterer. II. II. Shepherd, House and Sign Painter. - and Domestic Imported - Cl gara v 1 Pullmau n. raoT7E:ou, 9. Q. 8IOXXLC3. General Superintendent, Oamha. C, TF, SPECIALITY XSBACa, Assistant General Cnpsrtatmnt. , , CHICAGO Ttll Geo. fianf. propr 8 Tibhals, corner Fifth and The City of Corinne will leave her wharf, at Montana St. J M Mathews, corner Front and the foot of Front street, every Monday, WednesFourth Sts. A Sneyder. Montana Street M acI On Presbyterian Festival. day and Friday at 7 A. X. Returning, leavea Lake Buchmiller, Main street, Ogden. count of their not being any celebration Point every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at Scourer, 8 a. m. ; connect at Lake Point with Kimball A in this l, Montana street. Bond, city on the 4th proximo, the George Wines stages to 8alt Lake City, Ophlr, Stockton, which was to have been held on Tintic, and all points south ; arrives at Corinne at Stage Line. Gilmer A Salisbury, to Montana. the evening of that Gasrantfe' suy P making close connection vith Central Paday, has been post--i 6 r. Sewing Machine. R- - R. cific A Ts Ortos Frame Ai Wilcox Gibbs, Chicago. poned. It.is the intention of the friends Sr f the Corinne Lodge I. O. O. T meets every Tuesday L. Lebenbaum A Co.,Tobacco. Presbyterian Church to get up a Montana stewt. mem All in the Presbyterian church. 174 R ater street. New York. i splendid repast ere long, announcement evening hers in go&d standing are cordially invited to at- Bansoboff A Co., Montana street. which will be made in due time. W. C. T. tend. Py order Wagon. Geo. A. Lowe, near depot. A WORD with the Traveler, Sportsmen, the Extra Train. It is the intention of Man of Furatturs. exam! of Goods Business, the Miner, the Immigrant and W. invited. the Montana street. J. Leeher, C. P. Company to pectfolly the i on Tourist, will find il to their advantage to remain D. Con way, Montana street. -plice line on the first of the over at Ogden, aY tbe Ogden House, so as to be ex an month, Directory. r tra freight train to arrive from Ogden fresh to take trains for tbe Kaat or Salt Lake City. See third page of this paper. accommodations as We offer as good any house in Li 3 j oclock p. it., rendered necessary Utah Territory. Free hacks to and from the A Majors A gone. Steam Kith, north of trash D the JOHN MAHON, hj immense amount of freight depot. W Parkhurst A Co, Lake FoiaA my20-3Proprietor. going Wst. W A Hodgnaa, Mbataaa ' DR. R. R. ROBERTS, M..D., Physician and SurCars loaded with doors ; cars loaded Oedloey, geon. Dr. Roberts treats successfully all Curable Fey A Bo PhotegrupSa Fifth street. hh sash and blinds, and cars loaded Chronic 'v Diseases, by MagmeUtm aad the Blnefcaahfttn sndWi '. .', wth various AlCaaQer. Oam giving medlcibee only w baa J C Orem, North Float Zr JCtlrr CtaH as, styles of lumber can be seen Aorduh JfeeiMt rpd Sixth street. wm& XZjmrap nteumry. Dr. Robert ha eetahliaSnd Gar. CC any hour at tbe depot, en route to abolSUly on XhneeCalL " Second f outh street, o; f oeite the R C i r? hie office IZaKTxam Chap, Lake Point, and to remain Sneyder, Montana street here, ere House, Salt lake City, pemeaeafly, until . to D. W. Parkhurst. . farther notice. cr.r. Knight A Smith, lion tana, Iowa. RUNNING THROUGH BETWEEN NEW YORE T7ithoat FRUIT, m co asfety of pessessia, sack S f . Hoe Cntti Dettci 6 Jhmaati Lhtocl Ztekao ibVeatihtiso, t biTi d d EmidwfttlEhf m cootiaed wfch DAY ADD IIIGIIT Make this the meet peoator C01CX3, . ml r htwMttouoicir THRO UGiTtICKETJ tJ . . nyhCZm.Eo.nC ye ft iafl give t m m A . wjUAwS Ixncr Espc?icaoo. Mi- 0ALL ; .. , : a' ? fo. rncea rra A CSSSSA FECFTLT ATTIUTIJ Ta FRUIT DUlPraD dibect fhou iha oncsXAma f "kiJ ... M "j" -? - t. H- - ?r &lMSLr . - xdln - . Jeksi Chanjo. ts nillonta Pabrat i SAIX L. TE3BALD, lasen this aU These s m Clovelamd, CnCMo, . I - QIC AGO, OI1ADD RAPIDO, O AND fes-itiva- Qls BUFFALO. & All the prlneipal Railways of the North-we- st and Southwest corn st Cbicegewtth tea LAKE SHORE LINE at the ame time furnish tho USED BY THE TRADE, SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. ' " - con-81gn- ed ccnsnsrst ' n BETWEEN UNDERSELL ANYBODY, " " ; ICIIIGAn SOUTIIERn R. m . FRANCIS COLTOn, Gensml Ticket Agent, Omahm xa.k& onOEioiaii: are therefore Enabled to propri-prieto- r. Fort Hall.' tKSL11 General Freight Agvnt, Omaha. Shipping by tho Car Load, Wo Row jCTFOK THROUGH KATES ON FRSI3ST to Montana, Sweetwater Ifinee and other potato, Advantage to BVYOJF ITS, a enm of our Firm Is, during the Sa on, SELECTING FRUIT F'JtOU THIS' ORCHAMD8 and emst Palaee, Slseptag and CnewAe. Daowlmg San Francisco Prices, CHOICEST ! IIOUZJ TJITSI And Dealers will find it to their C I Q A R Cigar; ( Cigar, HOTELS ABO EATKTO SADDLERY. MAKE FRUIT A 'YY' Machinery. near the depot Agricultural Geo. A. Lowe, Steam Engines Haw kins A Cartrell, San Fr&ncisoo Cigars w 2bstem and ' Jobbers in all kinds of ciper, ; Bitters of all Kinds, -- the 22d, and left on to the Yellowstone. CALIFORNIA Railroads, nd trom all principal Southern Citiee. At convenient points on the lias. o--o Agent. For Sale or Rent. The Keg Saloon See thld pargeNewspaper of this paper. (Cigar, Domestic aad the 24lh, en route Cigars Wm. Raffertv, on Montana street be- Powder.' of A. W. Taylor, Montana street. The party were all and every variety of Corinne. and Fourth tween Fifth, in good health and excellent spirits and Plano. Cnee Goods, J. Bancr A Co., Chicago. jel&f. ' look forward to a Lieut. on hand and for sale Pickets. pleasant trip. D. near W. sale Wilson left for home yesterday morning depot. Cattle for Parkhurst, by J.A. Creighton, Montana streets. Printing. with & deserter in charge. The man corner Sixth and Dally Journal Office, .tilth street. je8-t- f . Restaurant. charged with desertion, Sergt. Johnson, IFUA Freight JLddod. Mrs. Dwiggins, Fifth strert was off on a furlough, the same having Horses and Mules for sale at J. A. Rubber Boot. expired two Weeks since, but he was not Creightons, corner Sixth and Montana Breeden A South wick, New York. Soda Fountain. je8-t- f over his spree, consequently did not reThe Arctic, Montana street. return to his : quarters. Saloon. Major Berry Notices. Front North street, Ned Lewis, Alhambra, Special i&d entered EVERYTHING upon his duties as Indian Osceola, Montana street, Kanady A Thomas, prietors. Casino, Montana street, Hel A Agent at the agency, 150 miles from Steamer Time Table. : Fishlack, prop's. Union Bakery, Montana St, J 5 --AND- CIDER, CIDER, CIDER, : CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY .. 4 : GROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, CHALIPAGIIE, Livery Stable. 'v M. there, Captain Puthas the largest stock of men and The health of the Meyer clothing, boots and shoes, hats, Prof. Hayden and boys trunks, and blankets in the mountains. SHERRY, Lindsly A Co., Sacramento, Sweet, Leonard & Co., Chicago. Sisson, V allace A Co., Montaua street. Stanley Bros., Direct communication ; DEALERS IN L t , ' , y . r , - i ,r vr 1 3 - .' . L 1 ri V' - |