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Show M OBITUARY. noon's enjoyment, if I am a judge of chil' dren's happy faces. I take pleasure in saying we are" progressing well; we were kindly assisted in our preparations by Bro. J, C. Stickney, Bro. Marion Ewell and Bro, Nishonger, the whole being presided over by President Fanny Ewcll, with her Counselors, Mrs. Annio Swicson and Mrs. E. Carter, with Superintendent Mrs. E. J. Stickney. Wishing you success in your very valuable paper, wo beg to remain yours in the New and Everlasting Covenant. : J SOMETHING " ; NEW-HOME-M- ADE.' . iViED at Providence, VCache pounfj, Utah, congestion of tho brain wife of fWm. W, beloved Heen Budge, the. ItOWi born April 2, 1831, in Xianarbsbiro, Scotland. Embraced ; the gospel in 1849, she came to this Territory in ISOfpshe was an exemplary member of the Church, she was the treasurer of the Relief Society, and leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her lost. lSHpf; fjooa-4tfa- At Providence, Cache County, Utah, June " , S, 1SJ9, of chiJdbed fever, Freelovo Miller, the beloved wife of Milton' J). Hammond, born July '21, 1845, h Hancwlc, County Ilia., came to this Territory, with her parents in 1852. fehe had - tho privilege to receive the holy ordinances of -- the hcure cf tbo Lord in the Sr. George teuqpte She wasajiind and loving wife and mother.' She accepted tbp principle of celettial marriage -- and honored it by her ixemplary li'e. aud waa respected by all that hnow her. She leaves eight children, the youngest only eight days old. ; Died, in Parit, Bear Lake County, Idaho, June 2d, 1879, Eliza A. Graves Rich, wife of Apostle C. C. Rich, born June 3d, 1811, in Concord, Easex County, Vermont. She wa9 Saint aud a firm betruly a faithful Latttr-daliever in all the principles of the Church of Jesua Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. She emito Utah with her husband and his grated lix the flrst Mmpany that landed in f hi valley. She endure J, many hardships, but was never heard to murmur or complain. She was the mother of three daughter, and had seven grandchildren. The writer can sky. when Sister Eliz departed thi3life truly he lost a true and faithful friend; May she rest in peace until called forth with thoea that await tho First Resurrection, to be crowned with the glory that she truly U worthy or, is the memoir by her slater in t be New and Everlaslinc Cove. nant. S. X Kicir. y t Syrena Halladay, t. E. h i AVoman's Medical College. y Holy, of St. Louis, has written "a, very fine article" for tho Illinois "Social- - Science Mouthy," entitled "The Mystic Element" in George Eliot's writings." Mrs. Holy is an earnest and successful worker in the cause of suffrage for women, PRIMARY PARTi - Ass' ' to etro privato m ISasri'sh branches, atriUfnp Itno a or at tho home her P li'.m-or tho sft.den8 Further parti, ulars to be had a the oSufj of iho,irmiHV Exponent or adires KACURl I). CAKLOCK, i.oxjI. It si eotti ier. Mr. Lontrttt;opiOiito Cllft o vv. le-che- ' Fr Til r. Etc. ajmuasnsis. JOHN C. CUTLER, ' IRSi East Temple Street iVb. 17 C. E. DYE Desires tb ladies of Salt Lake nod those Tisiting' Con fercncH to call a1 her show rooms and eeo her new stock' of MILLTNBRY Thp latest and mm stylish modert of Hats and Bonnets" in Straw, Felt aDd Velvet. Also-in F lowers. Feathers, F:ushes. Velvet and iu the latent shades and sttiprs Country dealers. Lad.'es' Hair work in all its branches. Geo? p a5ecall bleu-f!ectoKib-bo- Machine is Z. O. JSL. Wbolesale and Retail Dealing in all kinds of I, DR Y GOODS, NOTIONS, OBOCEEIES, HEAVY AND SHELF UAEDWAIIE, GLASS AND Q UEENSWAHE, AGRICULTURAL 1MPLEMNETS, mm ' &c. ARRIVING DAILY, inE.LAIISI KOVELXIES Ladies' Bows in. Bilk and Lace. Ties a large variety. Collars, Cufland Rilb0ns, an ex- vaHety- - New Style. Dress Goods, And in fact everything you want in general merchandise. Conference. visitors, call at mat Mil. P.'SHWABTZ in appearance and admirable in opera-tio- n, iun?vrry easily and wthontnny noito atdconfu- - ettiner aud fcflf.th reading- huitle, and absence orspriDRs li both timple and durable. Be apd o tor reedors ti fcte i:.a general it, advantayea wm make you its friend. - sre 'Victor .Sewing Machine Co., Chicago, U. II. Itiaa V Agenl, -- all JLJte City. III. 13i1n?V-3nrMbf- r hJot it ,Ct;k8, Has removed, with his entire New Stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY COODS, Opposite the Salt Lake House, and will Fell as Cheap or Cheaper than ever. hemismkihii CIas? at her residence in tho of the Post Office aul al,a!fast ghea to Obstetric and diaeasaa of c g LdieJ arere5uestc?dto call and examine the most SfficVSSSent f CUFl BraW84 Pitches, Be. ork P i the mest Artistic tviU -Human iM1?1, & AOE.Tf rOB pic-ni- Steam' Fitter RSJBSETS CFLBRfiTED LIFT IKD FORCE Hair and cmbinon JOSEPHINK GREGORr 87 Kimball Block. Salt Lak City. HOHAHIA B. PRATT PHirsiciiLri aijd suaoisoiif, OFFICE-- Up Successor to Mitchell A JavotiJ Tinner, Gas, Water all, FRENCH HAIR STORE. MKS. ELLIS R. SHIPP PHYSICIAN AND HTJJiaiHO stiara, In Old Constitution streef IIenCe 8il block8 cat Bullc'nff slda of t Office, iouth WomS1SndtUdy haS been ,Ten 10 0b8tetrJc8 &a8es of DISEASES of tho EYE AND EAR. ?U? : .n ? Orders fnnj the country promptly respond iDinsrwppiDEir-- to.- - TfTjpLESALI AUERBACH & BROTHER, 55 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City Feather Wall Paper and baby South Salt 75, 77 b 79 Firstcarriages. ------ rtc, Etc? Ucji CloUiinf and ruruhing- DZA1XR SPRIKQ BEDS, WIRE MATTRESSES. . Goods, JLXD B.SIATL FURNITURE HEYI SPRING STOCK - ns wors guaranteed. NOTICE TO ALL! TF not ye n should do so at nce, acd examine the New L iwai in ewiuj? Machine Construction The New lvu i . Special attcQiian 1879-accordin- Cassimeres $1.00 to $1.25 per Yard, IN S30TfC. women. A pic-niparty was given to the Prima ry Association, of Santaquln, May 10th, to tho arrangement of tho committee; the, children all assembled at the schoolhouso .at 12. o'clock m., where they c partook of a dinner, provided by the parents of the children: Bishop Halladay .asked the blessing dri the food. Teh boys and girls replied tho Ten Cobrnand-- j . merits, in concert, in a manner which re-- : fleeted great credit on the Association, as as on themselves. Bishop' Halladay, Bro. Penshaw, Wilsonholm and l SisterjMascham treated the children to refreshments, lemonade, candy and nuts, and a card or merit was given to each child be. fore they were dismissed. I believe that the children will long remember that after ALSO Palace of Fashion, ton's letter from the Juno number of tho N. C. &B& B. It contains many good articles li nely written, aud gives i ts readers a correct idea of what women are doing to elevate the sex in all parts of the world. is - OF YARNS, JEAKS, Secretary. suffrage. We publish in this number Mrs. Stan- frxper-coe- - - 3 Bars for 20 Cents. - 35 Cents each 35 Cents each Agent, Old Constitution Building. Tun June uumber of tho National Citizen" and ballot box, contains a condensed yet perfect report of the Convention at t. Louis May the 7th, 8th and 9th. Copies can bo obtained, fivo cents each by sending to Mrs. Matilda Joslyn Gage, Editor, Syracuse, New York. This paper is the organ of the Woman's Suffrage Association, and advocates the cause of all women of whatever color or creed. Each number is freighted over with good words and good news for women who are working for tho A . Washboards, (Zinc) Brooms, Secretary. HAVE. YOU SEEN THE NEW -- Mrs.-Fann- Carter, - Harris' Soap, Fanny Swell, President. WOMAN'S RECORD. Mrs. Julia T. Landor, Widow of tho pot Walter Savago Landor, died ut tho Villa Landor in Florence recently in her ' eighty-sixtyear. Ex, The first woman who has been admitted as a member of tho Now Haven Medical Society is Amea Jackson Ferris, M. D. Tho lady graduated at the Pennsylvania SnelTs Soap, warranted First Class, -- -- St., Lab ICity |